Sunday, May 25, 2008

Is Article Marketing Overrated?

OK. Here is what I mean. If you're not new to website promotion, you must have heard that one of the best ways to drive targeted, ready to buy traffic to one's website is by marketing with articles. It's free and the traffic is of high quality we are told.

In reality, a lot of new Internet marketers have used the technique without much success. They have written a few articles and submitted to loads of article directories and all they get in return is a trickle of traffic so they quit in frustration.

Article marketing still works. There is no question about that. The problem a lot of people have is their strategy. They get it wrong before they even begin. They make a lot of mistakes.

Let's discuss some of the mistakes most people make.

Mistake One: Lack of Patience

Many people hope to get a surge of traffic hours after they submit their articles. That won't happen. Article marketing is not a quick fire method of generating website traffic. It's usually a slow process that lasts years.

People can still visit your website through articles you've written years ago. That is the beauty of it. You get traffic forever.

Mistake Two: Writing for The Search Engines

When people learn about article marketing, the learn that one should write for the search engines. They learn one should write articles in such a way that the search engines will index quickly.

I do not believe in this. I strongly advise you write with your readers in mind. Teach them what you know in your article as simply as possible. This way, you will stand a better chance of generating long lasting traffic through your articles. Write for humans, not for the search engines.

Mistake Three: Not Writing Enough Articles

I've seen people write a couple of articles and sit back to watch the traffic gush in. If you think you will get traffic with the two articles you've got, then perish the thought. Article marketing is a continuous exercise.

You need to consistently churn out good contents so your readers will get "addicted" to you. When this happens, you can rest assured they will buy from you over and over again.

Article marketing remains as powerful as ever. It will remain powerful as long as contents still drive the Internet so use it.

See you at the bank.

Alan Stone

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