Monday, May 19, 2008

What Is Authentic SEO Work For A Website?

Search engine optimization is a key issue in a web site development process. If there is proper SEO work done for a site then good results can be seen in organic search results. What do we understand by proper SEO WORK? By proper SEO work we mean-

  • Checking site's hierarchy, links and navigation
  • Creating site map for site users.
  • Analyzing pages for content that clearly and accurately supports basic theme of the site.
  • Researching words that users would type to find site, and make sure that site's content actually includes those words within it.
  • Incorporating text instead of images to display important names, content, or links.
  • Make suitable changes in your TITLE tags and ALT attributes to show site's theme.
  • Check broken links and correct HTML.
  • Url rewriting for dynamic pages
  • Keeping the link count on a given page to a reasonable number.
  • Submit site to a quality directory for back links
  • Check status of a site before attempting link exchange
  • Monitor back link growth over a period of time, it should be slow and steady

When proper search engine optimization work is done for the site, then search engine would not have any problem in giving you site a good ranking. The site's rank in organic search is totally dependent on the authentic optimization work done for the site. If site is penalized for any reason by the search engine then SEO has to find and resolve such issue. A authentic search engine optimization effort lasts a long time and gives site a respectable position in the eyes of search engine.

Article written by Anuj Arora, SEO Edynamic Softech Solutions visit for more information on web site optimization services


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