Viral marketing is a methods of list building
The world of internet marketing is changing so quickly that you may find your head spinning. Do you find yourself saying things like:
If we had only known that niche marketing was going to be so wildly popular we would have focused on that instead of MLM.
If we had only known that Google was going to change its algorithm and the rules of AdWords were going to change we would have...
Do yourself a favor and stop beating yourself up! You are not alone. It is a safe bet that the only constant in internet marketing will be change! The plethora of new product offers that are constantly dropping into your email inbox are proof of that. You know Google will keep changing its algorithm and new search engines may even challenge Google someday.
Here are a few tips to avoid getting overwhelmed by this constant sea of change.
Know that to have long-term success in internet marketing, you cant just rely on luck. This is a serious profession which requires serious study. There are techniques which work and some that wont. In this respect, internet marketing is like any other profession.
Due to this rapid rate of change, you cant allow yourself to become complacent. There are always new materials, new techniques and ideas to evaluate.
Most of us learn either from recognized experts in our field or from peers or from our own experience. One great way to pick up information is by participating in internet marketing forums. These are like online classrooms where you can ask questions and participate in healthy exchanges between marketers of all experience levels. While participating in the forums, youll probably pick up some traffic to your website as a nice by-product!
During a presidential campaign in the not too distant past, one candidate was accusing the other of being a waffler. This term could be applied to countless people who cant seem to decide what to market next. They get excited and start with a product or system, investing lots of time and money in getting it up and running. It could be anything from e-books sold on mini-sites to selling on eBay to AdWords.
Then, one day they hear of another new system (probably one created by someone who claims "the gurus are angry with me for giving away all their secrets..."). Easily discouraged by their lack of results with the first opportunity, they put that to the side and try the new one. This can quickly turn into a cycle where they try something for a short time, get discouraged, throw it away and try the next thing.
This is a very costly way of doing business. The nature of the internet business is that it takes time to build momentum. So, you must give your investment time to bear fruit.
If you are guilty of chasing too many ideas at once, take time to regroup. Make a list of all of the products or ideas you have. From this list, determine which of these it will be feasible for you to pursue. This is going to depend, at least in part, on your level of knowledge with the product and what your interests are. Work with your strengths. It is more time-efficient for you to focus on a product or idea which you know inside-out, rather than investing yet more time on a new idea that you just became familiar with.
Next, devise an achievable plan. Focus on this ONE thing youve chosen and set a realistic timeline to achieve results. Don't be in a hurry. If you have a day job, realize that the time you have to devote to your internet venture is limited. The important thing is for you to work at a steady pace until your idea takes hold and the money starts flowing in. That will give you the energy to continue.
Navigating through the changing seas of the internet marketing game requires discipline. Make sure you are a continual learner, but at the same time, dont try to apply too many of those ideas at once!
Dave Keegans Push Button Income web site at offers resources to help you build a successful internet business. While visiting, dont forget to sign up for his *free* 5-part newsletter entitled Online Advertising for the Completely Clueless.
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