Making Money with Your Blog!
A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!
Anyone can write an article but as an affiliate marketer, you need to write articles that get read and generate an action.
With so many articles written and available free online, your article needs to be interesting, refreshing and easy to read.
Here are some tips on how to get and hold your reader's attention
Article Structure
- White space: How often have you gone to a webpage and clicked on to another page just because the page is so busy. It just looks like too much hard work to read. In writing your articles, you need to make use of white space. Give the reader's eyes some relaxation time. White space creates the illusion that your article is not so long and will be quick and easy to read.
- Ability to Scan: Your articles must be structured in a manner that your readers can scan the article and still get the point of your article. If you consider your online browsing, you click onto a web page and scan the page. You usually do not read the page first off. It is only if on scanning, the page seems to have something to offer that we then settle down to read the page in detail. Your internet marketing articles should be written using the following to improve scan-ability
- Sub-headers: In a 700 word article, the content is certainly not all centred on just one point. You usually are making several points about the same topic. So each idea you are trying to get across to your audience should be written under a new sub-heading. The sub-heading should clearly indicate what the next paragraph or paragraphs are all about. Also try to bold your sub-header so that they stand out on scanning.
- Bullets points. These are a good alternative to sub-headers. They again help to break down your article into small manageable bites. You can also use bullet points with sub-headers but do not overdo it.
- Short paragraphs and sentences: We are all innately lazy when it comes to reading articles. If your article has long winded, hard to understand, must read this twice to get the point paragraphs, your readers will lose interest. Keep your sentences short, crisp and very much to the point.
Article Content
- Write your own articles: There is a lot to say for writing your own content. It just makes so much sense. No-one in the world writes exactly as you do so by writing your own content you instantly create original articles. Also you want your articles to reflect you and your business. By writing your own articles your voice, style and personality are reflected in that article.
- Accurate content: Spend a few minutes researching your subject before writing and publishing your article. You need to ensure that your articles are factual and accurate.
- Keep their interest: Ensure that your article has at least one piece of useful information for your readers. Make sure that when they have read your article, they are left with a feeling of having gained some useful information.. This is why 'How to' articles are still the most popular articles in the internet marketing genre.
Don't forget, for article marketing to work, you need to be prepared to write an article a day.
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