Monday, April 28, 2008

The Secret to Article Success

I am frequently asked what's the one secret to achieving success in marketing articles for income. In a word... Write. In another word... Submit. That's pretty much it. Of course there are some details that you need along the way: a proper Resource Box, a great title, and a few other details. But, for the mot part, you need to write and submit.

On days when I'm very busy, I'll write just one or two articles and I'll submit them to my entire list of article submission sites, about 150. On days when I have more time, I write four to five articles and submit to a list of about forty sites. On my best days, I'll crank out ten or more articles and submit them to my top 10 sites. I'd like to submit them to more sites, but I just don't have the time.

It takes two or three hours to submit an article to my large 150 site list. I can make a submission to my 50 site list in about an hour. And I can submit an article to the short 10 site list in about ten or twelve minutes.

By submitting an article to 50 sites, you can expect to get between 100 and 200 links over a six-month period. I'm quite happy with that. That's one of the reasons that I continue to write articles. The other reason is that I'm rather fond of money. That part's not too bad either.

Most of the time, the people that ask me about the secret of success are what I call casual writers. They've written five or ten articles and submitted each one to one or two sites. They can't believe it but, they didn't make any money and they've seen no increased traffic. In their mind, article marketing doesn't work.

To be really successful writing articles, I'm talking about 6 figure successful, you need to write about 1000 articles per year. That's three a day, every day!

For those of you who are into proverbs, I run my article business according to an old saying: "Work for a while like nobody will, live the rest of your life like nobody can!" So get to work, write a few articles!

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Mass Article Submission is Killing All Article Marketers

Article Marketing has long been one of the most powerful forms of online marketing. But, in the past year or two its effectiveness has taken a huge hit. The reason for this hit is mass distribution of articles to hundreds of article directories.

So few article marketers realize the importance of unique content to Search Engines. This is why they are turning to mass article distribution. They think the more sites that contain their articles the better.

This was true in the past but extensive testing and tracking clearly shows that submitting your articles to only a few of the top article directories will provide much better results.

What are the effects of Mass Article Submission?

The negative effects that mass article distribution creates can be seen from two angles:

Author - The actual article is no longer unique in any way, as it appears on hundreds of URLs across the Internet. This is looked at as a light form of spam by the search engines. Their robots will crawl these pages and in most cases put them into their index. But, although these article pages are in the index, they will not receive the traffic they would have gotten if they had been submitted to only a few authority sites. Now the author will not get the exposure he or she intended.

Article Directory With more and more authors submitting their articles to so many other Websites, the article directories do not have content that is unique to their site. This means the article directories are not nearly as effective for the authors as they once were, in turn hurting the author once again.

If you think about it, submitting your articles to the masses is actually shooting yourself in the foot along with all other article marketers.

Imagine how much more effective article marketing would be if everyone submitted their articles to only five or ten article directories. Each of these article directories would skyrocket in the search engines higher then ever creating MUCH more exposure to all article marketers.

To see exactly how I use articles to conquer just about every niche I touch, take a look at my new Article Marketing Ebook "Article Marketing Domination" at where I reveal all of the secrets on how to run a successful article marketing campaign!

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Discover 5 Popular Secrets to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

As more and more ebusiness owners are taking advantage of article marketing as a free traffic-generating technique, it is becoming apparent that there is overall reduction in quality of articles. Mainly because webmasters pay more attention to the quantity of their articles to get more inbound links. They sometimes forget that the success of article marketing campaign largely depend on the quality of the articles. If you want to succeed on this method, do not commit the same mistake and discover these 5 popular secrets to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Focus on the needs of your target audience. This is the best way to please your readers. By giving them what they want and what they need, they will feel that you truly done your research and that you really mean to help.

2. Use attractive titles. This is the defining element of your clickthrough rate. If your titles are catchy, keyword-rich, concise, and communicate the benefits they can provide your readers, your articles will be most likely to be read.

3. Learn from the experts. Identify the methods and techniques that are being utilized by popular authors and apply them on your writing. Just make sure that you don't lose your personality along the way or you'll be branded as a copycat.

4. Strive for excellence. This is the fastest way so you can make a name online. When you deliver only the best, online users will learn to trust your and support not only your articles, but also your products as well.

5. Be an expert on your chosen field. As an expert, you must be a great source of information to your potential readers. You can do this by keeping yourself abreast with the latest information that is related to your field.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Secret Of Writing As Many Articles As You Want - See Everything As An Article

The secret to writing as many articles as you want is really quite simple. You just need to see everything as an article. Allow me to explain further.

Think about your topic. Then, as you go through your day, look at everything around you in terms of your topic. For example, if your topic happens to be bicycle racing, think about your day and how it relates to bicycle racing. If it is cold when you get up in the morning, write an article about how to keep warm and dry during a bicycle race. If you go to work and the boss stresses you out, write an article about how to relieve stress by riding or racing your bike. When you stop at the ATM machine to get some money from the bank on the way to lunch, write about how much it costs to buy certain types of bicycles. When you are on your way home and fill up your car with gasoline, write about how to save money and energy by riding a bike to work. You get the idea.

You will find that there are article ideas all around you. Keep a notebook and pen handy and write down your ideas as they come to you. Talking to other people, reading, and even watching television can also be sources for new ideas.

When you have written ten or more articles on a specific topic, you can combine them in a logical order and turn it into an ebook. Yes, someone could get all of your articles and read them for free, but it is much faster and more convenient for them to get it all packaged together nicely for them in ebook form.

Learn to write articles by visiting and find out how to get your ebook written now by visiting Connie Ragen Green at where you will receive free tips and a Special Report on writing and marketing your articles and ebooks.

Lucrative Article Marketing - 5 Turbo Steps to Grow Your Article Marketing

Undoubtedly, article marketing is still the best way to make money online. With its proven traffic-generating power and its ability to effectively promote your products and services over the World Wide Web, you can easily augment your sales potential without spending a single cent.

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Remember, you main objective in writing your articles is to inform or empower your readers, not to impress them. Avoid discussing ideas that do not interest your readers and focus your content on imparting your knowledge or offering solutions to the pressing needs of your target market.

2. Communicate readers' benefits on your headlines. Why? This is your most effective tool in persuading online users to take a look at your articles. Let them know what is in store for them and what you have to offer upfront to make your articles look more enticing and interesting.

3. Write an attention-grabbing article summary. Aside from your titles, you can also give your potential readers an idea on what your article is all about through your summary. Give them the gist of your content but strive to make it short and striking. Avoid spilling all the beans otherwise; your readers won't have the reason to check on your articles.

4. Organize your information and your ideas before you write. Avoid writing your articles without a clear idea on what information you will present or what angle of the story you are going to touch on.

5. Choose topics that are related to your products, chosen niche, or interesting to your target market. Simply put, writing about cars when you are selling mobile phones will not give you the kind of traffic you need to boost your online sales.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - 3 Top Ways to Excel At Article Marketing

Article marketing is the newest way to get targeted traffic (read sales) without having to spend a penny. Writing and submitting compelling articles that have relevant content and are keyword-rich establish you as an authority on the subject and drives more people to your site, who are familiar with your pitch and your products and want to see more of what you can offer.

Profitable article marketing secrets are so simple that you can just start right away:

1. Content is king. There is nothing to deny the fact that you have to and I repeat, have to have great content. This content does not only have to be good in terms of what you are saying but also how you are saying it. Format your articles, spell check it and dont have any broken links. Write as many articles as possible and submit them to multiple resources.

2. Your resource boxes are the place where you can choose to have a bio and a clickable link to your site so make sure that if you are allowed more than one bio, you have different bios in each box, well-formatted again, to save you time and energy. The bios must have keywords and you can link to a squeeze page where you are sure to get the email ids of interested readers.

3. Lastly make sure that you club quality and quantity. Submit multiple articles which will save you the time and effort. You will notice that a bunch of articles together are approved sooner than with a time lag.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Article Marketing Is The Bridge Between You and Your Customers

With information technology on the rise and gaining relevance in the world today, article marketing has become a significant tool to promote businesses on the Internet. While it is well-known that articles make consumers understand a product better, a well-written article can be one of the main reasons why any product sells. These days, article marketing is so advanced that it has become the foremost advertising strategy for many online businesses.

Central to the effectiveness of article marketing is the implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The primary function of this form of article writing is to achieve prominent rankings on the search engines by utilizing keywords which are popular among Internet users. When a user enters a search term which is identical to your keyword, the web page of your article will be displayed as a search result. With effective SEO strategies, you can rank among the top search results and benefit from a steady flow of incoming traffic, which will ultimately lead to increased sales.

Due to the fact that SEO article writing involves a great deal of research and expertise, most website owners prefer to employ SEO experts to manage their web content. These specialized professionals will provide you keyword-rich articles that will dramatically improve the visibility of your website and win customers over with their convincing content. SEO article marketing is such a proven success in the world of online business that many website owners are willing to hire the services of top SEO experts to help them launch their businesses into greater heights of profitability.

Other than its overall contribution to the betterment of sales, article marketing also brings professionalism and prestige to your website. With comprehensive articles that offer expert information about your products, your website will be widely regarded as an authoritative entity. It will assume a position as the favored destination for consumers seeking specialized knowledge pertaining to your products. As your reputation grows, your brand will be established as a trusted name in the business and this will in turn translate to a long-term influx of web traffic.

Compared to other forms of online advertisements which incur quite a substantial amount of financial investment, article marketing is basically free advertising. Since your articles are included in the information base of search engines, they will automatically show up whenever a search term coincides with one or few of their keywords. In a way, an article is a living advertisement implemented on the Internet and it grows in recognition from time to time, without you having to pay extra for each and every appearance. Web owners who understand the full potential of article marketing will also post their articles in directories and ezines to boost their chances of drawing more visitors to their websites.

As the Internet continues to extend its influence into our livelihoods, article marketing will prevail as the most important means to distribute information, whether for a product or a mere matter of general interest. There is no website that can communicate effectively without web content, and articles are indeed the most significant bridge between webmasters and users. By adopting an elaborate article marketing strategy, you can be sure that your business will achieve new heights of success.

Need quality articles? Contact Allen Taylor at

How To Get 900 Or More Views For Your Article At Article Directories

One of the hardest things about article marketing is trying to get your articles seen by people. Often, you'll find your work not receiving the leverage they deserve. You might spend an hour writing a good article, only to have it receiving less than 10 views.

Personally, I've written articles which have received 700-900 views or more. I know article marketers who have written articles which have received more than 10,000 views. There are certain tricks and techniques to getting such high traffic to your content.

The most important thing, arguably, is your keyword density and also keyword positioning. It's argued that you should have your main keyword in the first 3-4 words of your title. It's also best to include your main keyword 2 times in your title.

Your description should also include your main keyword phrases and your body copy should have a keyword density of 3-5% for maximum results. By making your article keyword rich (but not too rich that it is deemed unacceptable by article directories), your article stands a higher chance of ranking well on the search engines, and hence getting boatloads of free residual traffic.

Another trick that some article marketers use is to cross-link their articles to each other. In the resource box of one article, they might link to another article (as well as to their website) and vice-versa. This increases the leverage of your work just by adding a few more simple lines.

So if you want to receive a ton of traffic, start implementing these tricks and tactics today!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!