Sunday, June 8, 2008

Productive Article Marketing - Discover 3 Huge Secrets to Energize Your Article Marketing

Is your click through rate not impressive at all? Are you struggling to increase your conversation rate but can't seem to drive quality traffic to your website? Then, you need to energize your article marketing campaign. Here are the 3 huge secrets to help you do just that:

1. Improve your titles. If your articles are not being clicked on, there is a huge possibility that your titles are not that impressive because they are unable to stir attention from online users. To help you out, here are the elements of a great title: It must be keyword-rich, direct to the point, intriguing, and most importantly, it must communicate the benefits that it can offer to online users because people would like to know upfront what's in it for them.

2. Improve your content. If your click through rate is impressive but can't seem to convert readers to potential clients, I would say improve your content. They don't click on your resource box because they probably don't think that you are an expert on your field and have valuable information to share. Make your articles highly informative and targeted to the needs and demands of your online users. Make sure that your articles are well-written and your ideas must flow well so your readers can easily understand the points you are trying to get across.

3. Improve your resource box. To increase your conversation rate, make sure that your resource box is compelling, powerful, and extremely enticing. Make use of persuasive words that can easily move your readers to check on your website. Don't forget to include your name, your areas of interest, the problems you solve, and the link to your website. I also suggest using anchor texts instead of absolute URLs because they are far more effective.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How to Make Your Article Viral With Directories

If you're an online business owner or manager, you have probably heard a bit about article marketing and directories. However, many people aren't aware of the different benefits that come with directories. It is quite possible to make your article viral with directories, and this article will outline how to do that as well as the benefits of article marketing.

When you are thinking of submitting your articles to directories, you should know that there are millions of people who read articles in directories every month. For this reason, it is very important for the article to meet specific guidelines and standards. The first and most important requirement for a great article to become viral is originality. The article should also be quality and keyword-rich. Search engine optimization is very important for your article marketing campaign to be effective. The proper keyword density is around 3 to 5%, or around five to six times within a 550-word article. Adding more keywords than this will simply be considered 'spam' by the search engines and you can likely be penalized as far as your search engine ranking.

Another thing you want to consider is how the article prepares the readers to visit your page and purchase a product or service. This is very important, as the reader should be left wanting more and ready to purchase. A great freelance writer or ghostwriter can help immensely with this. Because they are experienced in writing for the customers, the good ones know how to pull this off successfully. You can easily get a great writer to handle your articles for you if you don't have a lot of time. Many of them are very familiar with article marketing campaigns. Should you decide that you want to write your own article, the tips below can help you with the different directories.

There are several directories that you can use in order to drive traffic to your site and make your article viral. One of them, and perhaps the most popular, is When you submit your article to Ezine Articles, you will be considered for publishing, and then when you do get published, you will have a byline that accompanies your article. This byline can include a link to your website, allowing readers to click right through to your website. The trick is to sell them subtly, without presenting sales articles or hype to the readers.

Another directory is This one works much like Ezine Articles, but with Associated Content, you earn money either upfront for your article, or through the page views on your article. Of course, it's not enough money to make a living, so don't count on that, but it can be a valuable directory providing that you have great SEO within your articles. There are many other things you can do to make your articles viral with directories, but these are the most important and common tricks. Utilize them to be successful today!

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Profitable Article Marketing - 3 Brand New Steps to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best website promotion tools that you can use to get free traffic to your website. This is done by writing and submitting quality articles that are related to your target niche to various publishing sites. Other webmasters can then use these articles for free and they can distribute them as long as they keep the author's box. The wider the distribution, the better for your website traffic. Because aside from traffic you can gather from free searches and clickthroughs, you will also obtain quality one way links to your website that will pull up your page ranking.

Here are the brand new steps to supercharge your article marketing:

1. There are many elements that contribute to the success of article marketing, but the most crucial one lies on the quality of your content. If you want others to distribute your articles, you must make sure that they are well-written, useful, informative, timely, and targeted to your chosen niche. If your articles are focus on the needs and wants of your potential clients, you will attract targeted traffic and you will increase your resource box clickthrough rates because these people are most likely the ones who are either looking for more information or wanting to buy your products.

2. Keep SEO in mind when writing your articles. Keywords and relevant key phrases should be dotted on your articles so they can easily be indexed by major search engines. Keep the keyword density at 1-3% so you will not be tagged as a keyword spammer.

3. Continuously write and submit articles to leading publishing sites. If you consistently provide online users with quality content, you will reap the rewards of effective article marketing in no time and these are; increased in traffic and sales, improved page ranking, and recognition that you are an expert on your field.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

What You Should Know About Affiliate Article Marketing

Everyone is talking about affiliate article marketing. It's all the rage and will never go out of style, unless search engines decide they hate unique content. But there are some things you should take notice of when marketing to the customer with article.

If you're not familiar with this method of deriving income from the internet, you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity. You have a strong desire to make money and you really want drive laser focused traffic to your web pages, then there is no better method than affiliate article marketing.

But, you cannot just write drab and boring content. You need to stake your readers attention to every word and sentence your write. Here are some things to consider.

  • Subject heading - You subject heading needs to be compelling. You have a 1-10 chance to capture a internet searchers attention. Your subject heading needs to stand out in from the crowd. It needs to scream read me!
  • The body - Your body needs captivate the reader from one line to the next. The best method to use when writing is short words, short sentences and short paragraphs. Always use the rule of shorts. Keep it simple and write to a 8th grader.
  • Resource box - A poorly written resource box will never impel your reader to your web page. It's need to make them take the last step. You compelled them to read your entire article and you must keep in mind you are marketing to the customer article.

This probably comes as no big surprise, but you need to fire the English teacher inside you. Yes, grammar is important, but please throw proper sentence structure out the window. What do I mean? Write like you talk, every time you decide to place content on the internet, pretend you're have a conversation with one person. Using the tips in this article will only help you hone your craft.

A goldine of information can be found at Affiliate Article Marketing. Decide for yourself if you really want generate profits online and become a better marketer.

Articles as a Viral Marketing Tool

'The Money is in the List' is a common saying in the internet marketing field. Profit is almost always guaranteed to anyone, irrespective of what is up for sales, if he/she has a responsive list of subscribers. However, what most people has missed out is that you can actually build such a responsive list, ready to buy whatever you have for sales, just by writing and submitting content rich articles.

By writing articles on any chosen topic, you are actually proving your worth and demonstrating your expertise in the field. You will be seen by people who read your articles as an expert and reliable person in your chosen field. Thus, leveraging your viral marketing effort on such articles, if done right, is bound to be rewarding.

In simple language, all you have to do is right content rich, entertaining and informative articles on your area of expertise or chosen niche, then go ahead and submit your articles to a couple of article repositories i.e. sites that allow free submission of articles.

The catch here is that, with every article you submit you are allowed to append what is called the 'author bio box or resource box' which normally should include a brief description of yourself, your business and a link to your business site.

If you intend to build your list using article submission, all you have to do is make sure that your resource box URL links to your mailing list's landing page where you can get your visitor's name and email address. To make this more effective, you could promise people landing on the page a free report or any other related freebie for submitting their names and email address. Since people landing on the page would have read one or more of your articles, you would be seen as an expert, thus the level of trust is expected to be high.

Write as much articles as you can, if your articles are found worth sharing, ezine publishers will republish your articles together with your resource box for their readers and subscribers. The wonderful result: viral marketing without effort on your part!

You can begin your viral marketing effort today by writing and submitting your articles to trusted article submission sites such as, The more sites you submit your articles to, the better your chances. You might want to consider getting your hands on one of the low cost, but effective auto article submitters like the one at

Make your Articles do more for you. Drive Insane Traffic to Your Web Site Using the Magic of My Auto Article Submitter

Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist Discusses What Is Search Engine Optimisation Part 25

How many people have bought a software program that promised to do everything for them? Promises like 'we will drive motivated traffic to your website', 'you do not have to do a single thing, we will do it all for you', 'just pay the $300 and you will get instantaneous traffic to your website'. How many people have fallen for all that rubbish? The answer is many. How many people have fallen for the line 'we will get you one million motivated visitors to your website for $29.95'? Any person or company that makes exaggerated claims like that need to be severely punished because these types of people are nothing but 'hype'.

While we are on the topic of 'hype' you need to be aware about the 'hype' around the keyword term or phrase "Search Engine Optimisation". Do you realise that there are so many so called search engine optimisation companies and individuals on the internet and off line that are charging good people incredible amounts of money and providing absolutely no service. As an example, there has been a person who paid a company $18000 to market two websites for him on the internet.

This company promised him that they would get a massive amount of people coming to his business as a result of them marketing his website online. This company did not provide a detailed step by step procedure of how they were going to achieve that goal. The company stated that they were 'just going to do it'. You need to know what questions to ask an individual or company claiming to be search engine optimisation specialists.

Companies and people claiming to be SEO specialists and who are in fact only scam artists whose sole aim is to rob people of their money make the legitimacy of genuine sincere and honest search engine optimisation specialists' efforts very difficult. People get a bad taste about the entire internet because they got 'ripped off' and so they approach everybody with scepticism, including the honest internet marketers and SEO specialists. There are also many credible and legitimate SEO companies and individuals on the internet.

Clyde Thorburn
Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist
Johannesburg South Africa
Landline: 2711 432 2225
Skype ID: clydethorburn
Yahoo IM: crthorburn

Keyword Bidding Explained

Keyword bidding is closely related to pay-per-click advertising. The major ppc advertisers out there are Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, and Microsoft AdCenter. Here are some interesting facts about keyword bidding.

Keyword Bidding Fact # 1

One of the undeniable facts when it comes to the most popular ppc engine would be the undefeated Google Adwords. Advertise in Google Adwords properly, and you will see your online business skyrocket. This is simply because the majority of search engine users use google and the traffic that it pulls in are targeted.

Keyword Bidding Fact # 2

If you plan to use google Adwords you must know the three types of matches in your keywords. Knowing the differences in the match type will help you manage your keyword bidding more efficiently. The three match types are the [exact matches], phrase matches and broad matches. For example, if you bid for an exact match keyword [keyword bidding] your advertisement will only be shown when someone types in the search "keyword bidding" and not "bids methods for keywords". If you bid for an phrase match "keyword bidding" and matches "keyword bidding tools", but not "tools for keyword", and, finally, a broad match for keyword bidding will match the search of any keywords in any order.

Keyword Bidding Fact # 3

To achieve success with keyword bidding, you will need to know about click through rate which is also known as CTR. Google tracks the number of click through compared to the number of impression for your ad. Basically, if your ad or keyword has a high click through rate, you will be rewarded with a higher ad position and also reduces the cost of your clicks. It is crucial for you to consistently improve your click through rate if you are thinking of starting your own keyword bidding campaign.

Keyword Bidding Fact # 4

One of the ways to improve your CTR is to write a good ad for your keyword bidding campaign. One of the key notes of writing a good ad is that your ad must be able to attract the attention of searchers. Grab their attention with a good headline and tell them the benefits they will get if they click your ad. There is also other Adwords tactic.

Keyword Bidding Fact # 5

To become successful with keyword bidding, you will first need to learn how to analyze keywords and build a good keywords list. This process can proof to be a very tedious task. Some would call it a nightmare even. However, there are plenty of tools out there that can help you achieve success with your keyword bidding and one of them is Keyword Elite. You can use this tool to quickly generate a list of keyword and then analyze the keyword list that you built. Over thousands of marketers online have converted and are using this tool to grow their online business.

To find out more about my personal experience on keyword elite from a skeptic to a convert, please check out You'll also find out how you too can counter the flaws of keyword elite here. Say goodbye to your keyword bidding problems forever.

James has been successfully marketing online for over a year. Click here to get Keyword Elite today and get rid of all your keyword nightmares forever.