Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

In the past few years WordPress has become the standard blog publishing platform because of its ease of use, rich feature set, available plugins, and standards compliance. Of course, the fact that its free and open source hasnt hurt either.

While developers have flocked to using WordPress as their blogging platform of choice, its often overlooked as a content management platform for non-blog sites. WordPress allows you to create pages that are automatically are added to the sites navigation bar and can be customized by a PHP programmer to handle just about any task youd want to accomplish with a site. Free themes and plugins can help reduce programming and design costs immensely, and with a little work WordPress can be customized to automate many of the most arduous SEO tasks. The result is a powerful and easy to use search engine friendly publishing platform that eliminates the majority of both upfront and ongoing SEO work.

Since WordPress is already very standards compliant, you and your programmer dont need to worry about proper HTML formatting thats all taken care of for you. There are, however, a few simple steps that should be taken to turn your WordPress site into the ultimate search-optimized site.

You can download all of the themes and plugins mentioned below from the WordPress site or by doing a quick Google search.

Create Unique Title Tags

Search Engine Optimization firm SEOmoz recently polled 37 of the best SEOs about what factors influence Googles algorithm. The NUMBER ONE factor influencing a high ranking was Keyword Use in Title Tag. For that reason alone you want your Title Tag to include the most relevant keywords related to your post. Unfortunately WordPress defaults to having your site title as the first thing in your Title Tag. Ideally youd have a customizable page title show up first.

For example, if your company named Cool Designs is located in New York and has a Web Design page, the Title Tag New York City Web Design Cool Designs is more likely to rank high for NYC-related web design queries than a page that has Cool Designs Web Design as the Title Tag. Fortunately WordPress has a SEO Title Tag plugin that allows you to customize each Title Tag.

Turn on Permalinks

The default WordPress post or page has a permanent link that looks like http://www.yoursite.com/?p=123. This is whats called a dynamic URL - a URL that uses variables in the URL to determine the page content. In this case the p variable determines what is shown when the page is loaded. And while dynamic URLs are efficient for programming, they arent exactly search engine or user friendly.

Years ago search engines had trouble indexing dynamic URLs. Thats not necessarily the case anymore (although you might as well remove all doubt), but static URLs like http://www.yoursite.com/keyword-filled-post-title/ still offer several advantages. The primary advantage is the cleanliness of the URL, which really has nothing at all to do with search rankings. A URL with real words in it (as opposed to numbers and question marks) is much more enticing for people to click on when search results are returned, and consequently is much easier for them to remember when re-visiting your site. Having relevant keywords from your post in your URL can also have a slight impact in boosting your rankings for those key words.

This change can be done with URL rewriting. Normally doing this requires quite a bit of programming effort. Not with WordPress. Just go to Options -> Permalinks and change your default structure to the date and name based structure.

Create Sitemaps

Both HTML sitemaps (a page that lists links to every other page on your site) and XML sitemaps (a file that lists all of the pages on your site for search engine spiders) can aid immensely in getting every page on your site indexed by all of the search engines. Automating each type of sitemap usually requires a few hours of programming for most sites. Of course, WordPress has a HTML sitemap plugin and a XML sitemap plugin that does all of the work for you. After creating the XML sitemap, be sure to submit it to Google and Yahoo to access extensive crawling information about your site.

Install Analytics

All of the traffic in the world isnt worth very much if you arent converting any of it to sales, leads, newsletter signups, or whatever the goal of your site may be. Google Analytics has become the premiere analytics software because of its simple and customizable interface, breadth of features, and price (free). In addition to the normal important analytics metrics visitors, unique visitors, page views, new/returning visitors, traffic sources, most viewed content, etc Google Analytics has goal tracking and e-commerce revenue tracking so you can see exactly where each conversion is coming from. After signing up for an account, the Google Analytics plugin for WordPress will have you up and running in minutes.

If you also use WordPress for its blogging capabilities, youll want to install the Sociable plugin and sign up for a Feedburner account to make sure you get the most out of your blog. Sociable allows people to submit your posts to social bookmarking sites like Digg, del.icio.us, Furl, Technorati, reddit, and StumbleUpon, which can be VERY effective for promoting extremely viral sites and articles. Feedburner (www.Feedburner.com) offers a plethora of advancements to your RSS feed for your posts, but from a SEO standpoint the most important thing is to configure it to automatically ping search engines and blog directories. This ensures that your posts always get indexed, and usually gets them indexed fast.

There you have it a perfectly optimized site using WordPress and other free tools in about a hundredth of the time it would take you if you built it from scratch!

Adam McFarland is the co-founder of Faceup-Sites and the author of the Faceup Web Marketing Book: The Perfect Combination of SEO, SEM, and other tactics to maximize results without breaking the bank. Faceup-Sites uses WordPress to create professional, highly customizable, and easily maintainable sites at a fraction of the cost of what most developers charge.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

With information technology on the rise and gaining relevance in the world today, article marketing has become a significant tool to promote businesses on the Internet. While it is well-known that articles make consumers understand a product better, a well-written article can be one of the main reasons why any product sells. These days, article marketing is so advanced that it has become the foremost advertising strategy for many online businesses.

Central to the effectiveness of article marketing is the implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The primary function of this form of article writing is to achieve prominent rankings on the search engines by utilizing keywords which are popular among Internet users. When a user enters a search term which is identical to your keyword, the web page of your article will be displayed as a search result. With effective SEO strategies, you can rank among the top search results and benefit from a steady flow of incoming traffic, which will ultimately lead to increased sales.

Due to the fact that SEO article writing involves a great deal of research and expertise, most website owners prefer to employ SEO experts to manage their web content. These specialized professionals will provide you keyword-rich articles that will dramatically improve the visibility of your website and win customers over with their convincing content. SEO article marketing is such a proven success in the world of online business that many website owners are willing to hire the services of top SEO experts to help them launch their businesses into greater heights of profitability.

Other than its overall contribution to the betterment of sales, article marketing also brings professionalism and prestige to your website. With comprehensive articles that offer expert information about your products, your website will be widely regarded as an authoritative entity. It will assume a position as the favored destination for consumers seeking specialized knowledge pertaining to your products. As your reputation grows, your brand will be established as a trusted name in the business and this will in turn translate to a long-term influx of web traffic.

Compared to other forms of online advertisements which incur quite a substantial amount of financial investment, article marketing is basically free advertising. Since your articles are included in the information base of search engines, they will automatically show up whenever a search term coincides with one or few of their keywords. In a way, an article is a living advertisement implemented on the Internet and it grows in recognition from time to time, without you having to pay extra for each and every appearance. Web owners who understand the full potential of article marketing will also post their articles in directories and ezines to boost their chances of drawing more visitors to their websites.

As the Internet continues to extend its influence into our livelihoods, article marketing will prevail as the most important means to distribute information, whether for a product or a mere matter of general interest. There is no website that can communicate effectively without web content, and articles are indeed the most significant bridge between webmasters and users. By adopting an elaborate article marketing strategy, you can be sure that your business will achieve new heights of success.

Need quality articles? Contact Allen Taylor at http://www.articlecontentprovider.com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

A recent discussion on the blog at EzineArticles concerned whether you could write an article of quality in under 500 words.

One of the ideas being tossed around was that it takes more 500 words to deliver a great quality article.

There are a couple of points with which I agree, though overall I disagree.

Points of agreement

=> Many writers are not able to write a useful, helpful and great article in 300 - 500 words. It is too difficult.

=> I too have seen many less than quality articles of less than 400 or 500 words. Many of them, some by prolific writers, tell you about the what and the why and nothing about the how. Nothing useful there.

Points of disagreement

=> I agree with Joan Stewart that when you are laser-focused in on a specific topic, 300 to 500 words can be the best approach.

=> I do think it takes more work and skill to give useful information in less than 500 words. You have to think through your message, discard what is not necessary, and only use what is necessary.

There is nothing inherently wrong with longer articles. I write longer articles when necessary. It's just that many times I find it not necessary.

I can even use a story to illustrate different points, which some people believe that you must go over 500 words to include a story.

Here are my top three tips for writing great quality articles of under 500 words -

1 - Laser in on one specific topic within your niche - When you find yourself adding content that is not on the specific topic, save that content for other articles.

2 - Use a 7 tips template - An article with 7 tips and suggestions lends itself very well to a great informational article of less than 500 words, with a story included.

3 - Discard what is not needed - Once you have written your article, and you have delivered great quality useable information, simply edit out what is not needed.

When written well, an article of 500 words or less can deliver great quality information, and it can be easily read.

In the words of Enrique Jardiel Poncela - "When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing."

By the time I finish this last paragraph this article will come in at just under 400 words. Is it too short or a quality article that delivers useable information? You be the judge.

And with your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two more of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and GreatArticleMarketing.com

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Most people assume that they cannot possibly write an article that would sufficiently represent their intentions concerning their websites. It is not true! As a matter of fact, it really is far away from the truth. Most people are fairly smart. They see a lot and they have a lot to say. Are you one of those who have a lot to say? Let's keep this simple: If you have a lot to say, then you can write successful articles for submission on the Internet.

Here's what you don't have to have:

You don't have to have a lot of talent for writing. Everyone has something to say. Everyone has expertise in one area or another. All you have to do is pretend that you are speaking to someone in person - where there is no stress - and then write that down.

Write naturally, like you would speak - literally word for word. If you practice enough, you will be able to type your thoughts out almost as fast as you can live them out in your mind.

Put yourself in the position of a teacher. You don't want to scare your pupils away; you want to make them understand and grow in their knowledge. Be gentle, but don't be afraid to instruct. People are reading your articles because they want to learn things that they do not presently know. Instruct your pupils!

Do not try to write about that which you do not know without a lot of research. Every article that you put your name on becomes a part of Internet history. These are permanent records that we speak of. You are going to want to establish and maintain a GREAT internet reputation. If you are going to write about a subject and then publish that work, please do the world a favor and give it your all. Writers are well-disciplined. They do not put out trash with intention.

Write with the intent to educate. Some of the greatest knowledge comes from those with no "formal" education. Have confidence in what you know to be true and share it with the world. Know this: The internet will always provide a new audience that craves just the kind of information that you alone can provide. It's true!

You don't have to have a lot of time:

Here's a fact: This article has taken only thirteen minutes to create to this point. You see, when you write about something that you know well, then it will come easily for you. Can you see that it will take less than an hour to produce an effective article and even to submit it to a great submission site like ezine?

If you can write one article about a given topic, then you can write a million articles about the same topic. There are unlimited ways to describe the same concept. Each of these ways will be more impactful to certain individuals than to others. Express your expertise in various ways to maximize your global net exposure on the same topic. Become a leader in your field. Write articles and publish them on the internet for public review/criticism/praise.

Stop being afraid. Believe in yourself. Express your expertise to a knowledge-starved world! Article writing and submission is one powerful technique to generate loads of HOT, targeted traffic to your website. Your visitors will show up ready to part with their CASH because your articles pre-sold them sufficiently. Do it today! Do it now! Write an article and grow RICH!

Alan M Roberts is a full time freelance writer and web developer. He is always available for consultation through his web site at http://www.10-4Life.com Visit him there often and find reasons to live!

Check out my perfectly-rated Guru profile here: http://profile.guru.com/892849

Check out my perfectly-rated Elance profile here:


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Search engine optimization is made up of relevant content, fresh content, and link population. I say this many times every day. However, an argument still exist out in the Internet Nation of whether you should spend more time on your content and on getting links to your web site.

Content is King saith the link opposition. It is truecontent is important. If you are not providing new content to the internet that is useful, enlightening, and down right interesting, you have a problem. Search engines download your entire web site (textually speaking) to determine what your web site is relevant to. The process is far more complicated but you get the general idea.

If a web site pertaining to cars has an encyclopedia of one million pages of car repair, car classifieds, car information, car related products, and car articles, it is very easy to see that this site is highly relevant to the term cars.

But what if our million page mammoth doesnt have any web sites linking to it? Realistically, that is not going to happenbut lets pretend.

Links to a web site are a symbol of good quality. After all, would a thousand people relate their web site to a web site that was not relevant nor useful? No usually. This is why Google particularly puts so much emphasis on link population. Your local car shop may have five hundred relevant links to it and only ten pages within the web site.

However, it is likely that your local car shop will rank higher than the car web site with over one million pages of content. Why? Because content is like weight. Ten pounds of gold may weigh the same as ten pounds of cotton but the value is still greater.

So one million pages of relevant useless content can be lost in the search engines because nobody is linking to it. Of course, with that much content, someone in a blog, web site, or forum is bound to make reference and link to the sitebut not if the content is useless.

What to do. Content comes first. Create a lot of good content. You are in business because you have something that others dont. Be it a product, ability to make a product, ability to perform a service, or a license to do a service, you have something that others do not. With that, you naturally have knowledge that others do not. Share that knowledge. Knowledge is equal to the aforementioned ten pounds of gold.

Once you have your knowledge on your web site, you can begin doing link exchanges and also receiving unrequested links to your web siteall because you now have useful, relevant, and interesting content. In the case of Content vs. Links, the verdict is simple. Both are important but content needs to come first and be useful. Links come after useful content and they need to be from relevant web sites.

Jason Bland is with Adviatech Corp., a search engine optimization company. Adviatech offers a variety of SEO related services and recently launched the Total E-Marketing Package which is an all in one search engine optimization service. For more information, visit http://www.adviatech.com.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Search engine optimization is the art of upholding the search engine ranking of your web page. And this art is crafted by artisans called SEOs, who can feel the pulse of web and move with a bang followed by cutting-edge optimization techniques. There are innumerable tools and techniques of a successful optimization. A few are outlined below:

  • Link Building: Link building is an effective tool of search engine optimization. For a sound optimization, you need to exchange links from those who share interest similar to you. It is good to stare at those links which are worth important and share with those who are having a good page rank. Search engine usually do not consider those sites, which have no link/s pointing to its web page/s. Apart from giving links, you should check twice if someone is requesting you for a link exchange. Check out his site, its subject, page rank, value. If nothing is worrying you, add his link.
  • Web Site Design: For those, who want to get indexed, web site design is of great importance. It's good to go for a design that appeals but it shouldn't be over emphasized. Opt for a design that speaks for you more than itself. If possible stay away from flash websites. Give due importance to text content than HTML. Use all the latest and graphic designing tools to make it relevant and appropriate. However, shed those who sound too much.
  • Title tag and Alt Tag: Title tag has its necessary importance in a successful search engine optimization. Put title tag in every single web page. Put exact keyword for a web page in the title-tag. Alt tag is equally important. While optimizing, you should put the main keyword/s in Alt tag. But restrain from over doing the same.
  • Page size: Size matters! To let the robots spider your web page faster, you need to mull over the size of your web page. It is suggested to keep your website page between 5k and 15k in size. Anything more or less might create troubles to open-up your web page.
  • Content: Content is king. And this king is not backed by soldiers but by keywords. Search out the right keywords, add matters according to the context and get it uploaded. Optimize the site regularly and you are sure to garner innumerable clicks a day.

Above are a few of many important tools of a successful search engine optimization. The main purpose of it is upgrading the essential value and dignity of any website. And in course of doing the same, they decide, discover and develop. If every technique could be adapted and implemented thoroughly, your website will feature at the top of search engine rankings.

He is the founder of a resourceful SEO India company that offers complete SEO Services to carry out optimization activities successfully.

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