Sunday, May 18, 2008

Why Network Marketing Has a Bad Name

So why does Network Marketing have a bad name?

Here's why;

I've been involved in network marketing for sometime now, but haven't had success until a few years ago. I first saw this industry as a way to become financially free and develop that unique Residual income that 99% of the people don't have. It took me about 9 months to realize the things I was being taught and what I was doing was making me FAIL miserably.

Network Marketing companies have been teaching the wrong techniques and strategies for someone to become successful. Since Network Marketing companies are leading people to failure, this industry is receiving that bad name out there and the minute someone hears about it they just run away.

These are the Tips and Strategies they are teaching:(The Do Not Work)

1. Recruiting your friends and family ( This is the worse way to go, most of your friends and families have already been recruited or have figured out you are trying to recruit them)

2. The 3-way techniques and conference calls are just BORING and its all about the product.

3. ITS NOT all about the product. ITS ALL about the MARKETING tips, strategies, and ideas one puts together

4. None of these companies give you REAL MENTORSHIP, everyone is your "suppose mentor", well how does that work?..It doesn't! It is just a catch line to make you feel secure.

5. Not one of these companies teaches MARKETING tips-strategies, how to generate endless leads through the INTERNET.

6. Many of us are told "its just a numbers game", well that's just a lie. I have called through leads everyday for over 9 months and had NO SUCCESS, but wait " its just a numbers game".

These are just some of the main reasons why the NETWORK MARKETING industry receives a bad name because people are not making any money, 95% are failing within the first 3 months, People can not be duplicated only SYSTEMS can.

Many people that join this industry are looking for the FREEDOM, but sooner or later they don't see it and just walk away.

Also many of the COMPENSATION plans out there or not setup for someone to make a living right away maybe after 5 years of hard solid work, but RIGHT NOW TODAY most compensation plans are useless to survive and live on.

Thank You.

Real Coaching with Real Mentorship and less pain!

Matias Leiva (Author)


Strategies For Thawing Out A Frozen Market

Since it seems that any potential remedies offered by the federal government to address the frozen market for home sales and mortgages could take months to have a large impact, both builders and existing homeowners stuck with unwanted inventory have, by necessity, become much more creative. From housing swaps, auctions and providing insurance against pricing declines to leveraging unused home equity with reverse mortgages or offering hard money property loans, some sellers and buyers are finding that a little ingenuity can sometimes trump a market in paralysis. For some sellers not willing to wait for the market to rebound, swapping one home for another can break the logjam starting with the most efficient of mediums, the Internet. Starting as low as $19.95, potential swappers can list their homes on one of several websites which, according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, collectively offer 16,000 such postings. Over at classified advertising behemoth, home swap listings soared to nearly 7,400 by the end of 2007. Builders are also getting jumping in - albeit gently - by offering to buy older trade-ins much like car dealers have done for years. Although that can simply mean substituting older inventory for new, by spreading out these unsold homes builders can more effectively control potential pricing declines and defend already fragile images. To protect everyone's interests, experts strongly recommend using the same escrow company which won't close the deals until all parties are in agreement, especially in those instances in which money exchanges hands.

After a hiatus during the boom years, real estate auctions have also made a comeback, but now are increasingly used by individuals just as much as developers. Now approaching a $60 billion industry, both sellers and buyers agree that auctions are an efficient and objective way to determine a property's true market price. In addition, buyers at auctions are more serious than model home 'be-backs': to even participate they usually have to arrive with cash or casher's checks of $10,000 to $20,000 and close within 30 to 45 days. Although accepting discounts of up to 40 percent or more may be hard to accept for most builders, the associated carrying costs for finished inventory over weeks or months in pursuit of a full-price sale could very well be a wash. And of course to a builder saddled with empty streets, an obviously lived-in house lit up at night pays even larger marketing dividends well after the sale.

Since many buyers continue to stubbornly await some mysterious green light to tell them it's again time to buy, some builders are offering a form of pricing insurance that protects customers during the time period between a signed contract and a closed escrow. While Ryland Homes will reportedly offer price protection to anyone who asks, KBHome is taking a more aggressive stance and planning to launch its program to 35 markets in early 2008. A high-rise condo-hotel project in Seattle is even getting into the act -- reportedly the first development of its kind to do so in that region. Still, such an idea is still in its test phase - something Lennar found out in Florida before ending its own program. But with cancellation rates remaining at record-high rates, even denting them by 10 percentage points could make a big different to the bottom line.

Builders which cater to an active adult buyer - such as Del Webb, Meritage Active Adult Communities or Shea Homes' Trilogy product line - could also conceivably benefit from a recent boom in reverse mortgages. With private lenders such as Countrywide, Wells Fargo and IndyMac's Financial Freedom now rolling out jumbo reverse mortgages that don't cap loan amounts like the FHA variety, borrowers can use the cash proceeds for any use they want - including the purchase of second homes that are used less than 50 percent of the time. Once derided as loans of last resort for poor seniors, reverse mortgages are increasingly seen as unique and useful financial planning tools that can leverage untapped home equity and can provide long-term security as well as maintain comfortable lifestyles. Best of all, the proceeds from reverse mortgages - whether in the form of a lump sum, monthly payments or credit lines - don't count as income against Social Security or Medicare benefits.

Finally, for those buyers who simply can't wait to move and with sufficient equity of their own, 'hard money' mortgages - which require collateral as high as 30% to 40% to minimize risk but charge an interest rate premium and high fees -- can lend borrowers some time until some much-needed liquidity returns to the market. Although used mostly by the wealthy, some experts believe that the disappearance of the sub-prime market could prove a boon to investors looking for a higher rate of return than can be found on Wall Street but without the risk of today's mortgage securities. After all, the markets can't thaw out until even the most creative of players are willing to act.

Patrick S. Duffy
MetroIntelligence Real Estate Advisors

Author, the Housing Chronicles blog

Linking Strategies - What's In Your Linking Arsenal?

Link building can be a long, slow process. Sure, it's worth having good one-way links flowing into your site, but what can you do to speed up the process? Some of the methods suggested in the past are now no longer considered by search engines to be valid for link building. For example, the link farms that would promise you tens (if not hundreds) of links back to your site for a flat fee or the reciprocal linking with other sites. It's not that the search engines punish you for this. It's difficult to justify penalizing a web master when anyone can make a link to the web master's site, not just the web master. If search engines have no way of knowing who put the link in place, their most reasonable action is simply to ignore the link if they don't like it.

So apart from reciprocal links which have fallen out of favor, and three way linking which appears to work under certain circumstances but not all, you as a website owner are still stuck with the problem. What we are really looking for here is a technique that is "honest" with the search engines, interesting for your human readers and visitors and doesn't take months or thousands of dollars to put into place.

Here is a suggestion. Create content which is controversial and which incites the market to read what you have to say and to respond to a call to action. Then give this content exposure via an article, a viral marketing piece or a teaser text/link. You will need to exercise your judgment a bit about the nature of the content that you create. If your site is all about fresh water fishing, perhaps you can write articles about the use of exotic fluorescent flies, lights under water or the necessity of catching fish to restore natural balance. Just make sure that your article hits a nerve and remains credible at the same time.

Your content can also be graphic in the form of a cartoon or picture that you can invite people to send on to other people that they know. Videos have recently become hot items as you can simply and effectively make a short video with hot content that people send around the web for you. Whatever it is, make sure that your link back to your site stays attached.

For the aspect of controversy, remember to catch your reader's attention with your opening statement (for example, "If fresh water fishing did not exist, rivers would turn into disease-ridden, clogged up arteries in an ecological wasteland."). The make sure you keep their attention so that they follow through the rest of the article. Search engines are also on the lookout to see if readers hit the "back" button or not. If they do, your web page may suffer in terms of search engine ranking as search engines consider that it does not correspond to users' interests.

So to really boost your one-way links, make sure that you add value and that your link is evident to both visitors and search engines. Avoid simply reprinting other people's content for circulation if you want good links back. For one reason, people typically only authorize this if you maintain their link intact at the bottom of the article, and it's not their link you want to publicize - it's yours. For another reason, search engines may consider that this is duplicate content in which case your article won't get good representation in their listings. And finally, if people have already written articles like this, another similar one coming from you is not going to fire their attention. So make sure that you add value. It can be with a new spin on a hot topic, exploring an aspect to see what the consequences are for people or taking a "contrarian view". This last tactic means putting forward reasons why the exact opposite viewpoint should be considered (for example, "There are strong reasons to believe that fresh water fishing should be banned").

Whatever you do keep it upbeat and lively to enhance the value to the one-way link that you are attaching. Practice on a few articles now, maybe trying some of the directions indicated above, and you will see how you can make it work for you.

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Instant Article Wizard 2.0 Review

If you are a niche marketer and web publisher, you understand that the best way to achieve high search engine ranking for your keywords on Google, Yahoo, and MSN is to continually post relevant, unique and original articles on your website or blog.

Well researched and relevant content is crucial to your online success. It is what gets you indexed by the major search engines and so your ongoing task is to provide quality content that is peppered with the right keywords and includes contextual links in order to profit from articles whether you are targeting adsense income or related affiliate programs.

Instant Article Wizard 2.0 is a very user friendly article writing software interface that makes article research and creation much more streamlined.

Since niche marketing is extremely profitable today, most web publishers are must often write about topics they know little about; many frustrated website owners are now purchasing PLR articles or outsourcing the writing tasks to professionals who generally charge from $5 - $10 per 500 word article. This can become a major expense which can take some time to recoup from earnings.

Instant Article Wizard 2.0 can reduce the time spent on writing and researching by over 75%.

It will take an individual roughly an hour to research and locate suitable information and write a complete article about a niche topic, and you can imagine if the topic is brand new to the researcher this time will be greatly extended.

Instant Article Wizard 2.0 makes it possible for anyone to research AND write quality articles in less than 15 minutes.

Simply input your chosen keywords and the software quickly researches your topic and creates an outline that includes an introduction, article body, and conclusion, and gives you a multitude of relevant sentences and phrases which can be easily woven into a professional and original, keyword rich article in minutes.

I have purchased other article software packages in the past and have not consistently used them because they were difficult to manage and non intuitive. Instant Article Wizard 2.0 is the opposite and you can be creating articles within minutes of downloading the package and really watching one video tutorial is all you need to master this tool.

I'd recommend this piece of software to niche marketers who need to constantly feed sites with fresh content and to article marketers who submit to article directories on a regular basis. This is also ideal for bloggers who manage several commercial blogs which need updating consistently.

Some marketers I know are already using it to supply articles to a client base and so you could actually start an article supply business with Instant Article Wizard 2.0 as your main software component.

It's easily the best article research and creation software I have used and surpasses in the ease of use and professional results, software priced much higher. For the listed price of $67 it's really a bargain and a must have for serious article marketers.

Jim is a webmaster with a wide array of websites and blogs and you can find out more about his views on Instant Article Wizard 2.0 at:

Instant Article Wizard 2.0 Review

Internet Article Marketing - 4 Simple Free Ways To Flood Traffic To Your Website

Article Marketing can be very profitable if done effectively. I see a lot of people asking how they can make money with article marketing. Many people just need to change a few things that would make a big difference in their results. I have recently come across some great resources of information that has helped many entrepreneurs go from failing to being extremely successful with article marketing. I want to pass some of these tips along to you.

Implement these 4 simple ways to flood traffic to your website.

1st. Keyword research. This is greatly overlooked by most people. It is extremely important to search for keywords that are highly searched but not too much competition. If you pick highly competive keywords you may never get shown. Don't just shoot a target market blindfolded. Make sure that the key word is very relevant to the topic. Http:// is a good free place to search keywords.

2nd. Unique Content. This is so important. You don't want to use premade articles and blast it in all the article directories. If you do choose to use premade articles, change then some so that they are uniquely yours. The search engines are looking for unique, fresh content and they will reward you for having quality articles. Your articles should be informative, not salesy.

If Your article generates interest, people will pass it on to their discussion groups, newsletters and websites. Your article can spread like W-I-L-D F-I-R-E.

3rd. What is so important about the title? Well one thing is the Keyword. The keyword should be in the first 4 words of the title. This is very important for the search engines to pick up your article and give you better chances of making your article seen

Also you only have a few seconds to grab your readers attention. You title needs to reach out and grab your readers. Make it interesting and attention getting. Fill it with benefits.

4th. Many people neglect what they put in the signature box. The signature box is most important in connecting your visitors to you. You can have the best article in the world but if your signature box is boring you will lose them.

Make sure your link includes http:// in it. In many cases it won't be linkable. This happens more then you think.

IMPORTANT...People DON'T put a period at the end of your url. This will go to a bad link. Bad idea. Also Make sure you link is relevant to your article. You don't want to have an article about dresses and lead them to a swim ware website.

Well there you have it. By focusing on these few things, (Keyword research, the title,content and signature box), you will make a huge difference with your results in article marketing. I have just barely scratched the surface but this is a start. Article marketing is very valuable internet strategy. Stay consistent, keep writing and enjoy your success.

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Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 3 Simple Tips for Creating Your Ideal Income this Year

Most of us start off the New Year with the best of intentions. And we all have a deep longing in our hearts for this year to be the best year yet. We even make resolutions.

Sadly, however, most resolutions are forgotten by Jan30. Before we know it we are caught up in the same reactive cycle as we were before. This article shows you how to create a new paradigm for success.

1. Use the Power of Your Imagination

Einstein once said, Imagination is more important than knowledge. Have you imagined how your want your professional life to look in 12 months from today?

If you havent already, try this: close your eyes and create your Ideal Professional Life.

a. See your self doing work you love and see how many hours a week you are doing it.

b. Ask yourself what kind of people your want to be working with. Who are your ideal clients and colleagues?

c. What are your ideal physical surroundings for your work environment?

d. What is your ideal income in 12 months?

So far, so good. Now put yourself into this visualization and feel what it feels like to be in the picture of your Ideal Professional Life. What positive feelings are you experiencing? Most people report such feelings as peaceful, calm , excited , confident, satisfied, etc. What are your unique feelings? Can you allow yourself to experience them now?

The more you can feel these feelings and practice them every day, more you will magnetize the events leading up to the feelings to land in your lap. You get what your focus on. Focus on your Ideal Professional Life and thats what youll get.

2. Become aware of your obstacles, challenges, self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging strategies.

Now that youre clear on where you want to be professionally In 12 months from now, and your know exactly what you want your income to be, please yourself this question: What would I have to overcome to reach this goal. What would need to be Dissolved? What blocks would you need to remove?

After 30 years of coaching people to be more fully empowered, I can honestly say that most people realize that they are the ones holding themselves back.

To become aware of how you may be holding yourself back, Look at your self-limiting beliefs, your self-sabotaging strategies and the tone of your self talk/

a. When your are able to identify the self-limiting beliefs, like, I dont have what it takes to succeed, and more, then practice reprogramming those beliefs to Empowered Beliefs like I have all I need to succeed.

b. Youll be able to recognize your self sabotaging strategies because they will show up as avoidance or procrastination. Usually with the help of a good coach or mentor you can learn to reverse those self-sabotaging strategies into ones that will serve you.

c. What is the tone of your self talk? If you judge yourself or Berate yourself, then your Inner Critic (also known as the Gremlin) is in charge. Your Inner Critic thinks its trying to Help you to be successful, but actually its destroying your Confidence. Ihighly recommend learning how to tame your Gremlin if youre committed to your own success.

3. Have a plan to reach your goals.

So far weve explored how you need clarity about your goals, next you need to clear away negative beliefs and anything that would get in the way. Now we need to explore where the rubber meets the road.

a. Ask yourself if you have a crystal clear action plan?

b. Do you have a time management system to implement your plan?

c. Do you have a plan for accountability? This is where coaching comes in handy. You have a witness for your accountability. Do you have any idea how much more accountable to yourself you become when someone is meeting with you week after week and saying , How did that action step go.

d. Do you know your unique selling point?

e. Do you know your niche and your target market?

f. Do you have a tangible plan to reach your target market, identify their problem and provide a solution?

In summary, to create your Ideal Income, you must know where you want to be, clear away the obstacles getting in your way and know how to get there.


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Is Bum Marketing and Article Marketing One in the Same?

To begin, Bum Marketing is a new phrase used to explain an old technique. The reason this phrase has become so popular is because Travis Sago put together a nice, free training course outlining this old, effective technique and named it Bum Marketing.

Since the use of Article Marketing is the main promotion technique of Bum Marketing, many people get the two confused and believe that they are one in the same.

So what is Bum Marketing? To sum it all up into one sentence, it is the technique of using all of the known promotion methods i.e. Article Marketing, Classified Ads etc., to promote affiliate links from ClickBank, CommissionJunction and any other affiliate program you are a member of.

What is Article Marketing? This is the absolute best form of free, effective promotion. You write informational articles and submit them to article directories. The article directories now get your free content so in turn, they allow you to add a signature block that contains a little information about you and your product/service along with a few links to your site or blog.

Why is Article Marketing so effective? This could be thoroughly explained in about 30 pages but I will give you a quick explanation.

The number one reason why article marketing is so effective is because every article you write is a never-ending promotion for your site. Every article will continue to be on the Internet for life with your links active within.

Also, when you publish your articles to article directories, you agree to allow others to publish that article to their Website, Blog or Ezine. Ezines provide the opportunity to get your article seen by thousands of people in literally seconds. If a big Ezine owner is interested enough in your article to publish it to his or her Ezine, that could result in thousands of site views, which means a bunch of money for you.

The problem with the Bum Marketing Method is that although it is a great guide on an effective technique, it does not go into detail how to effectively run an article marketing campaign. There are several things you must know about article marketing in order to achieve top results. Find these techniques and you will find loads of money online.

Joshua Spaulding is the Creator of the #1 Ebook on Article Marketing, "Article Marketing Domination". This Ebook has received raving reviews from some of the top Internet Marketers. Joshua invites you to his site at where you can learn the techniques that one must know in order to carry out an effective Article Marketing campaign.

Article Marketing - 4 Steps to Advance in Article Marketing

Article marketing is getting more attention these days. Why? It gives you the chance to supply articles you have written to other web sites, blogs and others without fees.

The more often you contribute articles, the more people get to your website. Article marketing makes you known since your bio and links appear at the resource box found at the end of your article.

Article marketing serves several purposes. It has its benefits as well as setting up yourself as an authority in your field. It also shows the way for traffic generation and enhanced search engine rank.

Article marketings popularity paved the way for software packages and websites to organize your articles without difficulty to hundreds of visitors and other sites. RSS feeds are one way to syndicate your articles through different channels.

The four steps to advance in article marketing is using the right keywords, well-written and originality of content. The fresher and relevant the content, the more chances of getting read.

Your article must have an effective title, a hook, and must be very interesting. The ideas must simple and well outlined. If statistics are used, these must be recent, presented clearly and must be reliable.

Article marketing is a boost to websites. So freshen up your website regularly. The search engine will be seeing something new each time, and hence boost your rankings.

It paves the way for new prospects and brings in a deluge of intended visitors straight to your website. Having great content is first and foremost a very effective internet marketing tactic. Your content must have the integrity to gain your visitors trust. This should never be compromised

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? Secrets of Article Marketing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

Article Marketing - Should You Submit To Multiple Article Directories? If So, How Many?

There was one question that I had, that I wasn't sure who I could trust for the most accurate answer. I read article after article and I even read a few training manuals, and I still felt conflicted about the answer. What is the question you ask? The question was simple, should you submit articles to multiple directories, and if so, how many?

Let me start by saying, that if you want to learn about article writing, start with one directory that has live people who proof, edit and approve all articles that get published on their directory. The feedback you get will be invaluable.

Second, I think you should be willing to read 20 or 30 articles, and then buy and complete the training materials of one of the authors that you feel best suits you based on the articles you were able to read for free.

And Finally, I think that you have to have written at least 25 articles, maybe more, for some people a lot more, until you really start to have a handle on article writing.

Notice I did not say that you should not write any articles until you have done any of these things. I did not even say that you should not write any articles on article writing until you have done any of these things.

As matter of fact, if you really want to learn about and become a master article writer, then write 10 to 25 articles on article writing. I cannot think of a better way to learn anything than to try and teach it to someone else.

As a matter of fact, I don't think you can consider yourself a real master at anything until you have taught someone else to be a master. Again, I am not saying you can't be an expert, but to really master something, you have to have successfully taught others to do the thing.

Ok, what was my question again? Oh yeah, multiple directories yes or no, and if so, how many? Let me explain one more thing quickly so you know why this question is not obvious. The reason is the search engines and what some describe as a penalty for duplicate content.

The search engines would not be doing their job if you did a search and got two full pages of results from one article that had been submitted and published to a thousand different places on the Internet. Not to mention that spammers use tactics like this to try and beat the system and the search engines are adding value by not letting such things work or go unchecked.

Let me just finish by saying that the goal is article syndication. You submit your articles to directories not only so the search engines will give your articles appropriate search engine rankings for their key word content, but you submit them so others can use your articles on their blogs, websites and in their ezines because they are looking for content to help them keep fresh and interesting information.

The bottom line is that the search engines have hundreds of other variables that they use to determine ranking, with the goal to be human friendly. The value you get through exposure and back links to your site through your articles being widely syndicated has an intrinsic value that supplies viewers to your website independently of the search engines: for a sense of security, you should know that you are not completely dependent on the search engines for all your traffic and your livelihood.

So publish your articles to good and widely accepted article directories on the Internet and let them do their part for you through syndicating your articles and supplying traffic back to your site.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Article Marketing - How to Improve Your Targeted Lead Generation Using Article Writing Techniques

Like most internet marketers, network marketers and online business owners you are always searching to find responsive sources of targeted lead generation and increased web site traffic, at least thats what I am constantly being asked about.

You have heard it all before, all the things you must do:

  • Target your market
  • Increase web site traffic
  • Entice responses to your opt in forms
  • Collect your leads contact information
  • Improve conversion rates
  • Build your lists
  • Monetize your lists

Your question is still - How do you do that effectively?

Start by learning how to deploy an article writing strategy to target your lead generation efforts by:

  1. Researching the categories in popular article directories, and select topics that are relevant to your target market for your article writing campaign
  2. Researching keyword phrases related to those topics, for example, if you Google "targeted lead generation" or "lead generation you will find the competition is 11, 300 for the former compared to 1,900,000 for the latter, hence you would use the phrase "targeted lead generation" to attract visitors interested in that segment of the broader lead generation market.
  3. Targeting your keyword phrases in your article writing, to improve your conversion rate of article readers to visit the "targeted lead generation" anchor text in the link of your articles "bio" or "resource box" leading them to your web site.
  4. Providing valuable content to help your readers answer their questions, or solve the problem is your primary purpose in article writing. By doing so you will establish yourself as a "go-to" resource in your target market, that your targeted leads will want to hear from, so they will be willing to give you their contact information, if you ask them in an appropriate manner.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new e-book, a guide to creating profits online successfully - "How to Breathe Life into Your On-Line Business"

- Download it here - Free: - Learn How Targeted Lead Generation Starts the Art of Creating Profits Online

Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your sagging profits online again? Discover How to Help Your Online Business with Targeted Lead Generation Here Now

Leo Hanes is full time internet marketer, writing and publishing over 100 articles and four books primarily focused on the core principles of creating profits online.

8 Link Popularity Methods Ranked For SEO

The name of the game in the new year is White Hat SEO. Search engines are too smart for quick-fix, questionable methods any longer. Building a quality link network for your web site is one of the most important aspects to web site promotion, whether it's for search engine optimization, affiliate programs, lead generation, or otherwise. Surprisingly, some people are still involved in methods that have been proven useless and even harmful for several years. One method that seems to stand the test of time is a link exchange: a simple, yet effective, way to increase your web site's link popularity. This is by far the most common method of acquiring incoming links.

The effectiveness of link exchanges has been discussed ad nauseam by the SEO community over the past few years. The major Google update dubbed "Florida" showed clearly that many link exchanges were starting to carry less weight than they had previously carried. Doing hundreds of link exchanges with casino, pharmaceutical, and loan consolidation sites, no longer produced top rankings on Google. Yahoo! has followed suit to some degree; however, MSN is still where Google and Yahoo! were several years ago.

Search engine comparisons aside, many people wonder if link exchanges are worth doing anymore. Are there more effective methods of obtaining quality incoming links? The truth is that it totally depends on your competition.

If the norm for obtaining backlinks in one market is to participate in forum discussion with linked signatures, and to swap links with unrelated sites, then simply doing a higher quantity of such basic tasks would put your site at the top of the rankings. If your site is in the field of search engine optimization, then more advanced methods of link development should be done. Such methods might include writing articles; getting paid directory listings at Yahoo!, bCentral, and; or investing in professional press release distribution.

It all depends on what your competitors are doing. Ignoring the quantity of SEO methods and focusing on the quality, a good ranking system for backlink acquisition methods is as follows, with #8 being the poorest and #1 being the best:

8. "Sign-up And Get 1000+ Links in 5 Minutes!"

Link opportunities of this nature are pure sp@m. In most cases, you will see a small form at the bottom of a links page, with a text field for your web site URL and one for your email address. Giving your email out to legit businesses is risky enough, but can you imagine how much junk mail you will receive if you start signing up to these kinds "opportunities"? This method is a complete waste of time.

7. Three-Way Linking:

If "Site A" refers to your web site, you may get link emails out of the blue offering a partnership whereby your site (Site A) links to the emailer's site "B", while his other site "C" links back to your Site A. This is one of the most abused linking schemes around today simply because Site C, the second of the mysterious stranger's sites, is usually nothing more than a farm of outbound links. Sure, some link popularity work has been done to obtain a decent PageRank value, but the value this site carries as an outbound link to yours is minimal at best.

The other downside to this is that search engines flag link networks once they see repetitive linking patterns between the same sites. If you allow your site to be linked up with these networks, it is not uncommon to see your site suffer a link popularity penalty and ranking drop.

6. Links from Forum Signatures:

These do not carry as much weight in terms of SEO as one might think. Yes, they are one-way links, and yes, they can be from pages that have content relevant to your site. But that doesn't mean much unless your links appear in a forum's thread that is popular enough to be linked to from static web pages, or the thread's URL doesn't contain many random characters (historically they have been harder for search engines to index). Most pages at a forum are only linked to from one other page: the main category of the topic. Getting links on pages with little to no link popularity themselves won't help your site much.

Some forums even use a 'nofollow' tag on outbound links as a means to curb link spammers. By all means, if you are a regular participant at forums, mention your site in your signature for the purpose of creating awareness and click-through's from forum readers, but not solely for link popularity purposes.

5. Links at the Bottom of Your Clients' Sites:

If your customers have websites, you might be able to ask them to link back to your site as part of a contract, or simply out of the goodness of their hearts. Most times these links appear next to the copyright line at the bottom of the home page. A one-way link is good, but unless your customers run the same kind of business as you do, their site content won't be relevant enough to make this a high quality link.

A word of caution to search engine optimizers: As I mentioned in my previous article, Google Webmaster Guidelines You May Be Overlooking, Google specifically mentions how they don't like SEO companies forcing their clients to link to them. Realistically this may be tough for Google to enforce, but going against any of their official guidelines is never recommended.

4. Buying Text Links:

Be very careful when buying links. It can be an effective way of obtaining one-way incoming links if you can avoid getting into trouble. The major search engines don't allow anyone to pay for organic listings (paid inclusion programs such as Google AdWords and Yahoo! Search Marketing are separate). One could argue that due to the reliance on links for good rankings (acting as "votes" from one site to another), buying links essentially amounts to buying rankings.

Some web sites have been penalized and even banned entirely from the search index of major engines for using "black hat" link acquisition methods, including buying thousands of site-wide links in a short amount of time. If you plan on buying links, then keep a few points in mind:

i. Don't always use the same anchor text. If you buy a thousand links on the same domain, all using the exact same anchor text, it will appear unnatural to search engines.
ii. Your links should appear on pages with content relevant to your site's own content. This applies to all kinds of link acquisition methods.
iii. Buying thousands of links at once may send up red flags to search engines. At the very least, you will probably see a delay in those new links affecting your rankings, which can get expensive in the short-term.

3. Link Exchanges:

The Internet itself is nothing more than a network of links, and mutual linking is a big part of that. Outbound links on your site can hurt your link popularity if they are of low quality and/or unrelated to your site's content. Incoming links from low quality or unrelated sites are a waste of time unless you are just trying to get your site crawled by search engine spiders for the first time. When exchanging links, look at the PageRank value of the partner's home page, as well as the page your link will appear on; Make sure the page is indexed by the major search engines; Don't exchange with a page that has 100 or more outbound links on it; Make sure your link uses important keywords in its anchor text and is surrounded by relevant plain text. Link exchanges have the possibility to be a big part of your link campaign if potential partners meet a strict criteria for SEO.

2. Directory Submissions:

Directories can provide you with a one-way link on pages with highly relevant text. Some directories, like the Yahoo! Directory are weighted very heavily by other search engines. A link from these directories can be the most valuable link your site can receive. While there are thousands of free directories on the web today, paying for the more prestigious listings will go extremely far in not only increasing your link popularity, but also establishing a level of legitimacy with the major search engines. Junk and spammy web sites are a search engine's nightmare, but a search engine knows that basically all of these fly-by-night sites will never spend the $299 per year on a Yahoo! Directory listing.

1. Article Publication/Distribution:

Write a unique article on topic with your web site and create an author biography (or "resource box") that mentions your site and links back to it with relevant anchor text. Once you have finished writing your article, find a resource that reprints or publishes articles in your field and features them on their own pages that receive high PageRank values. Once the page your article appears on ages, your rankings will benefit. Hundreds of poor quality article reprint sites do nothing but harm the linking power of your unique content as well as waste your own time. Try to get your article featured on authoritative sites in your field instead.

Provided you write a well-formed and informative article, you might be surprised to see where it shows up months down the road. Bloggers and other web site owners in your field will want to offer your helpful information to their visitors as well. People who sign up to Google Alerts for keywords related to your field might also see a link to your article appear in their inbox.

Useful content is highly sought after on the Internet today. If you can provide others with unique and helpful writing, it will go a long way in increasing the exposure of your business or web site. As I mentioned above, what works best for your site will depend on your competition, budget, time and other factors. However, these eight link popularity methods should serve as a helpful guide for your SEO efforts.

An expert at organic SEO, John Metzler has held executive positions at SEO firms since 2001. He offers search engine marketing and PPC services through the SEO company

Free Marketing Strategies for your Online Business

Many of us have created an online business after seeing the results that others have had. Tons of internet business owners have built passive income streams that provide $10,000 in monthly income.

However, after creating our businesses, we find out that these successful people are spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars online every month to market their business. Is there anything you can do to market your business in a cost efficient manner? The answer is yes, and this article will explain the four best ways to market your business for free.

1. Press Releases

2. Articles

3. Classified Ads

4. Forums

1. Press Releases

Press Releases are probably the fastest way to expose your website and drive traffic to it as quickly as possible. This is because instead of having to be approved for seven days to a month as with articles, press releases get your address out to the search engines immediately.

Your press release should have a title that is full of keywords that you have researched and that will attract the most visitors. You can research keywords at, or many other great sites. Your next step is a subhead, which gives a brief overview of the story while using good keywords. Your body should not be a sales pitch, it should be an interesting story that keeps the reader interested. Again, you DO NOT try to sell your business here, just write an interesting and honest story that will inspire respect in the reader for you and your business. In the keywords section, use solid keywords that you have researched on a keyword site. The final part is your contact info, which is where you give the reader a call for action by leaving your website or email address. This, and only this, is where you explicitly sell your business.

2. Articles

Articles are a great way to build respect and prove your knowledge in the industry, which evokes trust in potential sign ups. As with press releases, articles should have sound keywords that have been researched extensively. Keywords are the keys (no pun intended) to driving the most readers to your article. The article body should have good organization, with an introduction, a few key points, and then a conclusion. The body should have information that you think a reader would find valuable so that they will consider you a credible source. The resource box is where you call the reader to action, and is the ONLY place you should sell your business.

3. Classified Ads

Classifieds are yet another great free way to market your business. The nice thing about classifieds is that they target the market you are looking for: people in search of a home business opportunity. There are plenty of free classified sites you can post on to attract sign ups. Try to keep your classified short and sweet, and give just enough information to intrigue them and drive them to your website, but not enough to bore them. Remember to research the keywords and title you include, as this is an important step in any free marketing opportunity.

4. Forums

This is yet another great opportunity to gain respect and credibility, and consequently drive more traffic to your site. Find a few forums you like and that are active, and then spend half an hour every day posting. Medium to long posts have the most search engine power. Research before you post, and never personally attack anyone in a forum. The most important part of posting in a forum is to utilize your signature, where you put your url and a call for action. If forum members read your posts and find you a credible resource, they will be motivated to read your signature and follow it to your site.


There are plenty of other ways to market our online business for free and drive traffic to your website, but these are the strategies I have found most effective. The main theme of marketing is to build respect, credibility, and trust, and this will translate into a successful business.

Sign up for a FREE 7-day Internet Marketing Ecourse and add thousands to your residual income at =>

Productive Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Remarkable Ways to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Article marketing isn't just about writing articles but more importantly, it is a productive way of providing your potential clients with information they need to better understand their problems and be open to your suggestions to resolve the pressing issues.

1. Sell your products. Although blatant advertising is a no-no when writing your articles, you can subtly sell your products. How? By talking about problems or issues that can be resolved by your offerings. For instance, if you are selling home security devices, you can talk about home burglary, home break ins, and the importance of protecting one's home. By doing so, you will create awareness as to how your product can play crucial role in your potential clients' lives. This can increase your chances of convincing them to make a purchase.

2. Make your articles scannable. People online do not usually read the articles word for word. They mostly skim through the article content looking for keywords that will take them to the information they need. Help them out by making your articles scannable. Use subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists. You can also use short paragraphs for every idea that you present on your article.

3. Master the art of selling. In article marketing, it is not enough that you have the ability to produce quality, well-written articles. You must also know how to use the elements that can potentially persuade your readers to make a purchase. Be credible, persuasive and learn how to build up your product so your potential clients will see it as "something they cannot leave without".

4. Make use of powerful resource box. It should be compelling enough to get online users to click on your website's URL.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Discover One Of the Most Powerful Internet Marketing Techniques Of All Time

One of the best Internet marketing techniques is to promote your products or services via articles marketing. In fact, article marketing is one of the surefire way to rise a website or blog's profile.

Here is what you need to do to start your own profitable article marketing advertising campaign today.

1. Make a list of the best articles directories

You are going to research the site with the higher page rank (5 or higher). It's easy to do. Just type the keyword "Article directories" in Google and you are done. Be sure to only submit to article sites with a real marketing force behind them. Those people moderate articles and make sure that the site only contain quality.

The best of the best is In fact, if you chose to submit to this one only, you would do fine.

Now, let's go to the second step

2. Write an article

Just write an interesting article. If it's your first time, just read a few good ones on your topic, and when you feel you read enough, just start typing and tell to others (beginners) what you learned.

3. Add a powerful bio box

The bio box is one of the most important part of your article marketing strategy. Be sure to add a powerful call to action. Here is an example: "To download my highly acclaimed free ebook about article marketing, visit John Doe's website today at"

It should be something like this.

One you are ready, you need to...

3. Submit every single day

Once you finished your article, you need to submit it to the websites you found in step #1. Be sure to submit at least one article every single day. After one year, you will have 365 articles working for you day and night.

Article marketing shouldn't be ignored in your overall marketing plan. Be sure to have a system in place to get those articles out there every single day.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Article Marketing - Using Articles To Maintain Customers And Bring In New Business

Targeting a customer base allows for more consistency in your planning, so you should consider the use of articles to appeal to a specific audience. It is usually better to have a steady base subscriber or client pool than to have to market blindly with every new release, so use article marketing to build a core of customers. You need good articles, and whether you contract writers or write articles yourself, never forget that their purpose is to improve or create sales or subscriptions

So now you have a relatively steady pool of clientele - now what? In order to keep them coming back to your business again and again, you have to keep them involved in the happenings of the business. If you provide subscribers with involving information regularly, they will remain customers. But if they recognize your articles as uninteresting "fluff," they probably will lose interest in your company. Frequently providing customers with free gifts that are exclusive to your clients will keep you connected to your client base and improve customer relations. This is also a great way to keep clients informed about new offers, alterations in products or policies, or any other changes in your business that they will want to know about. Article marketing does all of this very well.

Just because you have taken steps to try to keep your existing customers, does not mean that you can ignore the possibility of gaining new customers. Use article marketing to entice new customers with a free gift or reward for subscribing to your web site or service. This is a good way to let them know you value their business and want to reward them for their support. Free articles are great for promotions and are very effective for the cost. These articles can promote your products while also providing useful and valuable information to your subscribers. It's a great tool that you should definitely consider.

You can get a free copy of our latest ebook by clicking here: The 7 Keys To Business Marketing Success. Sean Milea writes about Business Marketing Plan at

This Article Marketing Website Traffic Generation Formula Can Make You Rich

Article marketing is one of the most powerful website traffic generation strategy available today. The reason behind this is its capability to drive thousands of visitors to your website instantly as well as on a permanent basis.

It can do this all for free. Then why do people fail using this powerful traffic generation strategy. You can see people hunting for quick traffic generation softwares, instant traffic solutions and a number of ways that can get them instant traffic to their website.

Doing all this they are sure to fail. But why aren't they using this powerful article marketing strategy to its fullest extent? The reason is simple, they are not aware or frightened to perform the exact steps that is required to create and distribute traffic pulling articles.

In this article you will learn the exact steps to create a quality article and distribute it over the net to get permanent incoming links to your website and quality targeted traffic.

People are frightened of doing research. You need quality content to create an article. The first step to create a quality article is to do a thorough research on the topic of your website.

You can easily do this by visiting search engine like and article directories like

These sources have the power to give you hundreds if not thousands of pages of information on the topic of your website. Just read few articles out there, generate ideas and from these ideas create your own unique article of around 500 to 600 words.

Arrange your article in point format, create headline, header and footer and attention pulling resource box with a link to your website.

This will make sure to get you a unique piece of article created within an hour.

The next problem writers face is that it is extremely time-consuming to submit articles and spread them on hundreds of websites. The solution is simple.

If you have lots of time but no money then you can research around hundred article directories and submit your articles manually. Once you have researched these directories it should not take you more than a few hours to submit your articles to all these directories.

If you are lacking time but have some money to spend then you can use article submission service and they will make sure to submit your articles to hundreds of article directories on the net.

This will make sure that your article gets maximum exposure and gets you traffic beyond your wildest dreams. Write and submit around five to ten articles every day using the tactics I have shown you above.

If you do this on consistent basis, I am sure you will never ever worry about getting hundreds of targeted visitors to your website on a daily basis purchasing your products and services. Make sure you get started today. You can thank me later.

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Learn how to start an internet business and check out your step-by-step FREE Article Marketing and Website Promotion Course.

How To Increase Your Link Popularity

Almost every site needs to increase their link popularity.

How should you go about doing this without incurring the wrath of the search engines?

It's generally accepted that the more inbound links you have to your site, the better. But that's not the whole story. Some links are more equal than others. Generally, the more difficult it is to acquire the link, the higher importance the search engines will place on it. So a link from, say, the home page of CNN will likely be worth a lot more than a link from your granny's site that just displays pictures of her grandchildren.

Links from certain "bad neighborhoods" may even count against you. Sites that are deemed to be "link farms", created for the sole purpose of generating links are usually worth avoiding. Similarly, sites where you can add your link and it instantly appears (often called Free For All link sites) are usually bad news. They may have had their use a few years ago but they're no longer worth your time.

Link swapping, also known as reciprocal linking, is also being given less importance by the search engines. They figure that it's relatively easy to swap links, so they put two and two together and figure that these reciprocal links are also not worth too much.

Some directories are "good" to get links from. Places like the Open Directory and Yahoo's directory, where a human looks at your site and checks it over, are good places to get links from. Other directories, where you place a link back to them or pay a small fee of a few dollars, vary in quality. Install the Google toolbar to check the page rank of your proposed directory before submitting.

Find out more about how to increase your link popularity by getting this free link building report

SEO Marketing Software Tools

I'm sure that most people will agree that trying to get a good amount of web traffic to a website can be difficult without the right knowledge. So the question at stake is, how does one obtain high rankings for their particular website and what does it entail. The answer is link building and good website optimization. Lets take a look below at the most common ways of building backlinks and other website SEO techniques that can help your website to obtain the ranking it deserves.

Link building methods:

1. Submission to directories: This is without a doubt the most effective and known method of building a high amount of backlinks to your website. The submission of your website to search engine friendly directories and related categories can increase the ranking of their website over time. It is very important to alternate up to 3 different titles and descriptions when upon submission of your website to directories for reasons related to SEO. It may take a while for submissions to be approved but this link building method is essential.

2. Submission to article directories: Going about writing quality articles with good content and submitting them to high traffic article directories, it can help you obtain adequate amounts of traffic from the search engines and also help build quality backlinks. Be sure to include a link to your website in the resource box making use of anchor text for a competitive keyword in your niche. You may even find that if other websites in your niche find your article, they might just publish it on their website thereby giving you even more exposure and traffic.

3. Forum and Blog posting: These two types of buildinglinks can also be effective but the majority of people just end up spamming particular forums and blogs for the sole purpose of trying to aquire highly targeted traffic. With this being said, don't waste your time submitting commercial based websites in your posts as you will probably get banned. However if you have a blog that advertises a link to a product or service then it will probably be okay, and in that case can effectively help the ranking of your website after time as long as the post is on a forum related to your niche.

4. Link exchanges: Contacting other websites in your niche is also an absolute must which will once again get you good quality backlinks, which can at the end of the day be more worth while than doing a couple of hundred submissions to directories . Take a look around at the many SEO forums which have link exchange rooms and post a quick message. Most times there is usually always a person willing to exchange links.

For more information on top SEO tools please visit the website below.

SEO Software Tools

Productive Internet Marketing - How To Do Your Marketing Faster With Greater Results

Doing online marketing is one of the fastest ways to increase your business profits. It's cost effective and fast! But there's always a faster way. There's a truism and it's money likes speed. The faster you act, the more money will come streaming it's way to you.

1. Define your long-term goals and map out how you will achieve them. Start from the end; how much you will be earning a month? How many leads will you get per day? How many sales will get everyday?

2. Outsource the activities that you are weak in. If you concentrate on your weaknesses, more often than not they won't become your strengths anyway. It's better to focus on your strengths. That's the ultimate secret of business success. Outsource what you are weak in or hate doing and concentrate on what you like doing and are strong in.

3. Free is good. Always look for free ways to promote your business on the Internet. Strategies like Craigslist marketing, forum marketing, article submissions and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are all great ways to increase your website traffic for no cost whatsoever. You can run immediately with free advertising strategies because there is no risk involved. Just run with them, test, and improve as you go on. This way, you will get your business out to the market faster.

Now that you know 3 ways to increase your marketing faster and easier, are you going to act on them? Or are you going to go through your day and forget about this article? Don't do nothing. Do something to market your business. Do it now.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Real Estate Marketing Leads

Generating real estate leads by employing time-proven marketing strategies is one of the best ways to remain in business and generate revenue. Many strategies for real estate marketing leads generation are Internet based realizing that there is a wealth of information available over the web that can prove both fruitful and effective in boosting your business.

One of the best strategies is collection of leads through newsletters. Unfortunately, many agents are unaware of this effective leads generation method or don't recognize the simplicity with which they can create an exciting, eye catching newsletter.

This article aims to help you understand why newsletters are such effective real estate marketing tools.

Using The Internet for Real Estate Related Information: millions of customers look on to the Web looking for information on house related products and services including but not limited to mortgages, buying and selling, and investing. As an astute agent you should provide the same information in an easy to understand manner through your newsletters as well as your personal real estate website. You can also provide other interesting but relevant information outside the domain such as pet relocation, furniture etc.

Creating Interesting Content: if the very thought of putting pen to paper makes you sweat then there is help at hand. You can take some prewritten real estate marketing reports and rewrite them to make them unique effectively in a matter of minutes. Simply and easy!

Using Real Estate Newsletters to Attract Leads: newsletters work like magnets to attract millions of potential leads for you. Since consumers visit and sign-up for newsletters and website memberships, you will be able to build a steady and faithful database of customers who begin to trust and value the information you provide through your newsletters. When the need arises, they will be ready to make their real estate deal through you.

Remember, with the electronic medium it has now become easy to collect real estate marketing leads and carry your real estate marketing message far and wide to convert these leads into profitable customers.

Get unlimited real estate marketing leads at where you will get unlimited real estate leads for only $9.95 per month. We buy houses for cash fast so please visit our site to sell your home today.

What Is Waiting for Us? Tomorrow's SEO Industry

Today, SEO is swiftly approaching saturation point. More and more webmasters realise the necessity of learning SEO basics, and as they do so, SEO professionals are facing difficulties finding new clients. With all the niche sites optimised, it will be harder to compete for good key phrases. Link building opportunities will be easily found and utilised by everyone, keyword density will reach its optimum value, meaning that the SERPs will consist of equally good and equally relevant sites - at least from the traditional SEO point of view.

Spammy techniques, still popular and sometimes even effective, will exhaust themselves even quicker. There are, really, not so many different methods of deceiving the search engines and increasing a site's relevancy artificially; today they just differ in details. Perhaps it explains why we don't see spammy sites in the SERPs as often as we used to - our smart spiders catch them quite soon and throw this low-rate stuff away to keep the web cleaner. As soon as spiders become smart enough to recognise spam on the fly, the particular class of "SEO specialists" propagating such rubbish will find themselves out of their jobs. It is not really hard to tell an ugly doorway from the real thing.

So who will survive? What is the way to tomorrow in SEO science?

First of all, we should monitor and analyse the latest tendencies, then extrapolate them and make good guesses on how things may look in the future. Finally, we put them to test using logic and common sense.

This will show us the true answers and help us compete when the time comes to offering ground-breaking SEO services that exploit the new qualities of search engines.

And common sense tells us that the core purpose of the search engines will never change. They are supposed to deliver the best results they can. If they are not always so good at it today, it is often explained by their restricted resources; but that will change over time.

The search engines of the future will be capable of reading JavaScript, CSS, Flash and other things that are invisible to them now. It is technically possible already, but requires more complicated algorithms and more bandwidth, so they are not so eager to implement it just yet. They prefer to sacrifice additional capabilities in favour of spiders' speed and the freshness of their indices. But as the technical factors improve, SEs will improve and create new sensations every day, all the more so since they always have to compete with each other.

Thus, JavaScript links will count. CSS spam will be easily detected and banned. Flash sites will become a new niche for SEO specialists - at the moment they require an HTML version to subject to search engine optimisation.

But these changes are not the most important ones. Link popularity analysis algorithms are sure to become more sophisticated - and capable of analysing the "likeliness" of one or another link pattern given the information on a site's age, size and content. That will mean death to link schemes, link farms, pyramids, automated submissions, and numerous links with the same anchor text - and, perhaps, shake the basis of the today's reciprocal linking strategies. Relevancy will mean more, and in cases of complementary businesses linking their sites to each other, search engines will become capable of seeing if they are really complementary, not just pretending to be so.

Also, sites written in different languages but relevant in theme will be translated on the fly and count as relevant - which perfectly fits the worldwide tendency of forming international businesses. That makes international SEO companies more likely to survive.

And, most important, search engines will become capable of analysing context. Google is already playing with stemming and buying semantic packages; synonym analysis and related words (i.e. affordable services - low prices - tight budget - financial flexibility - and, perhaps, even small business package in the same row) won't take long to come.

That will bring revolution to the whole SEO copywriting industry. Today the SEO copywriter's skills are determined by his/her ability to include targeted keywords in the SEO copy without breaking its readability; in most cases it is bound to reduce the quality of the text, unless you hire a very capable writer. Tomorrow, exact keyword matches will be less important. That will make the copywriters' work easier in some ways - and harder in others. It could be hard to part with the habits acquired over time and develop totally new approaches and methods.

But the Net will benefit from it.

Those who want to make their SEO copy flexible and artistic might lose points today, but will win tomorrow. And that will be the end for doorways - completely and irreversibly.

Be prepared to accept new SEO This is the only advice that seems reasonable. My forecast may not be precise, but today's tendencies have already confirmed that this course of events is the likely one.

So, when optimising your site today, think of its contextual relevancy. Of course, include your targeted keywords - but also make sure the overall subject of the site reinforces the point. Do not be afraid of synonyms and related words: they will make your copy more natural and attractive today, and are very likely to make it more relevant tomorrow.

When building links today, vary your titles and descriptions from directory to directory and from link partner to link partner. Throw away all the automated submitters; do it manually. It is hard and time-consuming, but it is also a reliable and strong method of protecting your site from future algorithm whims. It means quality; and I strongly believe that quality will never betray you.

And never stop learning. Visit forums, read fresh articles, exchange opinions with other SEO professionals. Never assume you know everything.

And never be satisfied. It is only inquiring minds that will win in the end.

More on Topic:

There is a new king on the horizon by Rob Sullivan

Are Keywords Destroying the Flow of Your SEO Copy? by Karon Thackston

Search Engines Can Read Macromedia FLASH SDK by Jim Hedger

About The Author

Irina, Ponomareva, 32. I joined Magic Web Solutions ltd. (UK), Dartford, Kent, on March 2003. I've been acting as a web master, a developer, and an SEO specialist ever since.

After practising search engine optimisation for a year I then launched Spider Friendly ( - the autonomous SEO branch of Magic Web Solutions (UK) offering SEO/SEM services - in co-operation with my colleague Dmitry Antonoff.