Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Your article title is your catch. Your title is what makes your reader actually read your content. Your title must show what your article is about, and also catch them into reading it. When readers look at articles, they only read the title, they hardly read the teaser copy. This is a fact. So to get your readers attention, you must have a good article title that sells! Here are some strategic ways that you can do it.

How to get your article noticed by just using the title!

  1. Putting your articles keyword into your title's first three words will get your article a higher page ranking, and make it more successful. It also tells the reader what your article is about quickly, and accurately.
  2. Having numbers in your article title can increase your amount of views. If your article says "5 ways to increase your web traffic" people will click on it more. When readers look at articles, they usually see words, if they see a number, their mind automatically makes them think that the article has fast information that they can get.
  3. Using the shock tactic can work well with your article title. Saying something like "Your Internet Marketing Tactics Suck!" will quickly get your readers attention and get you more article views.
  4. Using punctuation marks can make your article look more exciting and will give the reader the impression that your article has important information in it.
  5. Putting in worthless words in your article title will destroy it's clicks. If your article say something like "no other way is better than this marketing strategy" your wasting too much of your articles title with words that won't help your page ranking. Don't use useless words too much.
  6. Saying that your article is a guide can increase your amount of viewers. If readers see that your article will work for them as a guide, they will click on it, and distribute it to others to help them.

These article marketing secrets to creating an article title that sells will help vastly help you with your titles. Use this guideline whenever you write an article. Your amount of viewers will increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Look around on the internet and you will come across several websites that have tips on how you can improve your search engine traffic. But before I get on to the tips, let me work first to clear a few misconceptions about search engine traffic.

  • If you think that the moment you submit your website to a leading search engine, you will have traffic, then you are wrong.
  • Also if you think that if you follow an SEO program for one month and then stop it, you will have traffic, then you are wrong again.

Search engines are a peculiar kind of software that works in strange ways. You need to understand it carefully and then work towards creating a steady flow of traffic to your website.

SEO in mind

If you are planning to use search engine optimization, then you must plan it right from the moment that you are designing the website. A lot of people use the latest technology like CGI, frames, java, Ajax, perl etc without properly structuring it.

The result is that the search engines get confused and your listing goes haywire. The trick is to create a website with these in mind. You can use the above mentioned technology. But use them in such a way that it creates minimum impact on search engine spiders. Once you have the website ready, run a maintenance check on it. This is also one of the overlooked aspects of a website. You need to remove any errors on the website to avoid visitor disasters.

Understanding and accepting waiting periods

Every one has a certain waiting period associated with it. During this waiting period the search engine looks to gauge the trust worthiness of your site. The only way to speed up this procedure is by following legitimate SEO practices and sticking to it. You might have to wait for years in some cases while in other ones, your website might be listed in a few months.

For more info visit: Search Engine Traffic and Design Tip

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing, or the distribution of articles by someone in an effort to promote themselves and their business is a great way to gain exposure for yourself, establish your expertise and drive traffic to your website.

Article marketing is simple. This is why it is something every online business owner should take advantage of. Why loose out on an opportunity to help yourself and your business? It is a great way to brand your company and a quick efficient online technique for search engine optimization.

If you are a business owner with knowledge of your field and target market and with good writing skills you can probably write your own articles to use in article marketing. However if you do not feel comfortable writing or you just feel that you do not have the time to put into doing so, then there are other options as well.

Two of your best options for obtaining articles to market other than doing them yourself is to either hire a ghostwriter to write them for you, or purchase PLR (Private Label Rights) articles to tweak and customize to use instead. There are many online companies out there, which specialize in this. With the help of a virtual assistant it can also be accomplished.

Once you have the articles you can distribute them online by submitting to article banks, blogs, directories and posting them on your own website, sending the articles to your list, or including them in your newsletter and info products. Articles can contribute tons of content to your site on a regular basis in the end, once again making it internet friendly.

One of the most important features of an article that you are using for article marketing is the resource box. In the resource box you will include a short bio about yourself, the author, and keywords that you link to your website.

These keywords help your target market to find you and help you to drive the traffic you are looking for to your site. It is great for building incoming links and directed hits that you are in need of the website.

Putting articles out there also helps others to see your name on a regular basis and begin associating you with the topics that you are writing about, helping to establish yourself as an expert in that field. Be sure and always write about topics that are related to your business that you want others to come to you for. This after all is the whole idea behind article marketing, getting people to come to you for your product, service, or expertise.

This in the end gives you more credibility as and expert in the chosen niche of your choice. So you see article marketing if done correctly can be a great boost to your search engine rankings. Giving you an awesome effective method, of some great search engine optimization. With just a little bit of work you can reap a great reward in the end.

If you want to know more about internet marketing visit

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Search engine optimization is important for the internet entrepreneur who is looking to launch a business online and get a top placement in the Google search engine. Google is the foremost search engine on the internet and because of this it has the power to make or break a website.

Having a search engine optimized website should be the top priority in any internet entrepreneur's marketing strategy. Getting a top search engine placement is quite beneficial to any internet business because it greatly increases the number of customers to your website. This in turn would increase one's business and sales. Having a high search engine ranking can drive a high awareness of your website. Many people have become millionaires by having their business ranked at the top in Google.

Search Engine optimization means improving your websites positioning in the search engines by the identification of the key words and phrases that people are using to search for services and products. Some people go to the paid ads on the top or side when using a search engine but most use the organic searches to find a product or company. These are the links in the main body of the search engines and they are the most clicked on.

As you can see, there are many benefits to having a search engine optimized website with the main one being an abundance of free traffic to your website which means revenue to you.

Getting a top Google Search Engine placement can be easy for the novice if they are using the right affordable seo tools.

Britt Estep is the owner of the SEO website Home Wealth Resource, a homebased business source for information, tips, free training and marketing tools.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Reciprocal links are not dead. Weren't dead before. Aren't dead now. I know it and you know it. But for just a second let's pretend otherwise.

A while back there was quite a bit of scare mongering going around the SEO industry about how reciprocal links were dead. I had a potential client once tell me that so-and-so-big-name-in-the-SEO-industry told them that reciprocal links were dead. I've said this before and I'll say it here again. There is nothing wrong with reciprocal links. It's all about how you use/implement them that matters. No, reciprocal links are not dead and now I have the proof.

Last year I decided to run my own test so I could refute what I already knew to be true. Yeah, I know who cares about reciprocal links now, right? The fear tactics have run their course and, frankly, nobody is engaged in old-school mass reciprocal link swapping (for the love of God people, if you're still doing that, knock it off!) But for the sake of science and posterity, I now, over a year later, present the results of my (almost forgotten) reciprocal link test.

The Set-Up

On one of my sites I created a master testing page. From this page I linked to eight new pages created specifically for this test. Each of those pages contained a few paragraphs of content with the word "reciprocallinksarenotdead" linked to an external web site. The goal was to watch the search results to see what sites appeared in the SERPs for our test term.

For the sake of creating a good testing ground, we linked to four sites that linked back and four sites that didn't. From here we split things up even further by linking to two sites in each group to that we considered to be "high authority" for their industry, and two that we considered to be "lower authority" for their industry. We then split this again using one to link using the target site's keyword in the link and the other not. Got all that? No? OK, let me put it to you this way (the links below take you to the test pages):

Links to reciprocal linking sites

  • Link to a low authority site using keyword
  • Link to a low authority site
  • Link to a high authority site using keyword
  • Link to a high authority site

Link to non-reciprocal linking sites

  • Link to a low authority site using keyword
  • Link to a low authority site
  • Link to a high authority site using keyword
  • Link to a high authority site

The Sting

I started out checking up on this daily seeing if Google, Yahoo or MSN cached the pages linking out and then watching if/when they showed up in the SERPs. The result was quite a roller coaster ride. One day the test pages would be cached and the next day the cache date was from several days prior. This happened frequently. The same thing with the SERPs. One day all the test pages would show up and the next day gone and then the next day just some of the test pages showed up and the next others, but not necessarily the ones from the previous day. It was interesting to watch.

After about several weeks of daily monitoring I started to cut back to every few days, then weekly then, well I kind of forgot about it with the occasional thought "Hey, I wonder how that test is going", in which I'd take a quick look and forget all about it again. Here we are now, over a year later and I think I can confidently display the results as definitive.

The Results

Note: These were the results as of Friday, July 12, 2007, I notice that there has been some shifting in results since then, so your mileage may vary.

Google results

  1. Low authority, non reciprocating site
  2. Low authority, non reciprocating site (keyword in link)
  3. Low authority, reciprocating site (keyword in link)
  4. High authority, reciprocating site (keyword in link)
  5. Test page linking to #9 below
  6. Test page linking to #2 above
  7. Low authority, reciprocating site
  8. High authority, reciprocating site
  9. High authority, non-reciprocating site (keyword in link)

Google supplemental results show the remainder of the testing pages. Missing from SERPs: High authority, non-reciprocating site Yahoo Results

  1. Low authority, reciprocating site
  2. High authority, non-reciprocating site
  3. High authority, reciprocating site
  4. Test page linking to #8 below
  5. Test page linking to #2 above
  6. Low authority, reciprocating site (keyword in link)
  7. Low authority, non-reciprocating site (keyword in link)
  8. High authority, reciprocating site (keyword in link)
  9. Link to a blog post that uses keyword as part of the URL

Missing from SERPs:

  • Low authority, reciprocating site
  • High authority, non-reciprocating site (keyword in link)

MSN Results

  1. High authority, reciprocating site
  2. Test page linking to #10 below
  3. Test page linking to #1 above
  4. Low authority, reciprocating site (keyword in link)
  5. Low authority, non reciprocating site (keyword in link)
  6. Low authority, non reciprocating site
  7. High authority, reciprocating site (keyword in link)
  8. High authority, non-reciprocating site
  9. High authority, non-reciprocating site
  10. Low authority, reciprocating site

The Happy Ending

We can conclude from that that, all things being equal, reciprocating links have no more or less value than one-way links. Yeah, I know, we all read Matt Cutt's post about how excessive reciprocal linking can hurt, and I'm sure Matt is right. But the key word there is "excessive". If all you do is look for low-quality reciprocal links that ad no value to any user's experience then, yes, that can, and should do you some harm. But don't be afraid of reciprocation. If someone links to you out of kindness, feel free to link back to them out of gratitude. It's not going to hurt you one bit and the link to you won't be devalued. Just be sure you're adding value, not reciprocating for the sake of reciprocating.

Stoney deGeyter founded Pole Position Marketing in 1998 working from a home office and has since turned it into a leading search engine marketing business with a small team of seasoned Reno SEO and marketing experts. Stoney pioneered the concept of Destination Search Engine Marketing which is the driving philosophy on how Pole Position marketing helps their clients expand their online presence and improve online conversion rates.

Stoney is a moderator at the Small Business Ideas Forum, a regular contributor to the Search Engine Guide blog and has a monthly column on Search Engine Land. He posts his SEO and business insights at the E-Marketing Performance blog where you can also find his e-books: E-Marketing Performance: Effective Strategies for Building, Optimizing and Marketing your Website Online and Keyword Research and Selection: The Defin

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Alright, so you have heard about how important keywords are in SEO. But why is it so important, you might ask. The answer is pretty simple really.

Because, unless you sell to your target audience, chances are that your webpage is lost in the millions of pages out there.

This is one of the reasons why most companies spend considerable time in keyword research before going online. If you are a company who is about to go online in some time, then you can follow these steps to maximize the effectiveness of your SEO program.

What are people searching for?

That's exactly what you need to find.

  • While it is normal that you have at least 1 to 3 keywords on your main page, the focus should be on the most crucial keyword.

  • Get a piece of paper and jot down a list of the most used and most searched terms.

  • Look at it as if you are a customer searching for something and write down the very terms that you would use.

  • This will very easily give you a few words to start with and then you can list down the ones that are closest to these keywords.

  • There are several tools like overture and word tracker that can help you with the most used keywords in the last few weeks.


Just pick up any term that is relevant to your product from the list and conduct a search on google for the term. The number of web pages that come up in the result pages will help you determine the competition for that particular term.

And the last part is how you apply the keywords to your content. This is a section called as on page SEO techniques which tells you how you have to use the keywords on your webpage.

For more info visit : SEO Keyword Research