Friday, May 16, 2008

5 Proven Strategies for Filling Your Marketing Funnel Part 2

This is the second of a two-part article on overfilling your marketing funnel and client pipeline.

Last week we discussed that, in order to quickly fill your funnel and pipeline, you will want to have these 5 tools:

1. Unique Selling Proposition
2. Attention-grabbing, memorized elevator speech
3. Client attractive website
4. Effective business cards
5. A full practice mentality

Now that you have those, you want to implement strategies that will result in clients coming TO YOU rather than you having to chase after them.

1. Brand yourself.

Branding isnt just for megacompanies like Coca-Cola or Pepsi. In order to build a relationship with your prospects, you want to brand yourself and remain consistent in that brand.

Do you have a logo? A tagline? Your photo? A certain masthead? Specific colors and fonts? What feelings do you evoke when someone looks at your materials? What feelings do you WANT to evoke?

They used to say it took between 7 and 10 times of someone seeing something before they had any recognition of it. In todays information age, Im sure the number has increased make it easy on your prospects by branding your business.

2. Niche yourself.

Some people are huge proponents of niching while others feel it doesnt makes a difference. The truth is it depends on the type of business youre in. You will find that your clients may begin to niche themselves over time

Perhaps most of your clients are women or men. Maybe they are primarily in real estate or a certain age group. Perhaps they all have children or maybe they are predominantly entrepreneurs.

A niche is any defining feature of a group. It does not need to be the industry they serve or the business they are in as long as you can group them.

3. Keep in touch.

Whether you send an email or printed newsletter or holiday and just because cards, find reasons to keep in touch with your target audience.

Offer to speak at their events and let them know whenever you do something new. Ask for their referrals.

4. Create materials that pull.

All of your marketing materials should talk about what you can do for your prospects and what you HAVE DONE for your clients results-based testimonials are great for this.

By showing how you solve problems, you will draw prospects into your funnel rather than always selling and turning them away. You wan to focus on the results and benefits, not the features of your services.

5. Tell everyone.

You want to tell *everyone* what you do get in the public eye as much as possible using press releases, writing articles, attending networking events, etc. to insure that your business does not remain the best kept secret.

Just starting? Send a letter (or email) to your friends and former colleagues letting them know that you have just launched a business and directing them to your website or to call you for more information.

Make your marketing easy by creating systems for as much as the above as possible and, once youve created your brand, you want to consistently brand EVERYTHING you do, say and produce.

Even now, when my business continues to grow by leaps and bounds, I keep my marketing funnel full by insuring that I perform at least one marketing-related activity every single day. Consistency is key.


In preparing for the launch of my new home study system (Im not quite ready to share details) and finishing up my website copy in addition to working with my coaching clients, Ive been working more hours than usual.

It caught up with me this weekend when I realized that I hadnt met a personal deadline. In stopping to reflect on what happened, it suddenly hit me I havent taken any Sandy time since early May. DUH!

Those who know me well know that I LOVE Whole Foods Supermarket and go every month (the closest one is about 45 minutes away) I havent been in a few months. My precious Sasha (thats her to the left) may need hip replacement surgery so we havent been going for our early morning walks and date night with DH has been replaced with band practice night. :-)

No wonder my creative juices werent flowing as smoothly as usual! Ive taken away some of the things I enjoy most and forgotten to replace them with other fun stuff!

If you find yourself busy, but not productive or otherwise being held back, take a few minutes to reflect on the why and address it as necessary.

I hope you enjoy todays fresh new article -- the second part of how to overfill your marketing funnel and client pipeline.


The Get Control of Your Business Now! (tm) Coach, Sandra Martini teaches small business owners how to better leverage themselves to create more success in their business while maintaining their sanity and having fun. Sandra's coaching programs are available via teleconferencing, emails and telephone calls. For more information and to receive the FREE special report, 7 Wealth-Building Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs, go to Sandra Martini.

Embark on an inspirational ride with 42 successful entrepreneurs and learn how to tap into your higher self at Power and Soul.

Learn the Top 3 Website Marketing Secrets To Boost Your Traffic

90% of webmasters are not marketing their websites correctly. They lose 1000's of visitors each month due to this. There are 3 secrets every webmaster must know in order to learn website marketing correctly. Check 'em out:

Secret 1 - Be a Focused Website

Most website marketers are aiming far too broad with their campaigns or keyword focus.

If your website is not focused on particular keywords, you won't get ranked in the search results of Google, and you won't be getting any free traffic. Choose 3 keywords you want your website to be ranked under. Then make sure that there are a couple pages with each keyword found 7-9 times on them. If you take this approach you're much more likely to get free SEO traffic, rather than pay for it.

Secret 2 - Value

A site without anything useful won't get any real traffic flow. In order to get some serious traffic, you have to have something worth while on your website. Help out your website's viewers by giving them something useful, like a free resource. If you are in the skateboard niche for example, offer free trick tips or videos. If you are helping people out, they will spread the word for you and your website will grow. It all takes time, but if you have something awesome, people will find you.

Secret 3 -

More and more webmasters are turning to Myspace as a marketing tool for their websites. The logistics of it is simple. Myspace has millions of users, and they are all organized into specific niches called Myspace Groups. If you can learn to leverage this powerful resource into traffic for your website, you will never pay for advertising again. The amount of traffic some users get to their profile is ridiculous. The key to achieving this is having a huge network of friends. The more Myspace friends you have, the more people that could be going to your website. Include links and banners on your profile so people click on them, rather than just a text link. And really help people out in the Groups, it will go a long way.

If your website isn't getting over a thousand unique visitors a day, you are missing out on your traffic potential. To take your website to the next level and get some serious traffic flow, Sign up for the free e-course at It's totally free and has some serious info in there to take your website to the top of the search engines.

Article Marketing - Getting A Surge Of Ideas On To Write About

Article Marketing is one of the best ways to generate traffic to a website. However, the most difficult part is coming up with a topic for an article on a regular basis. That's where most people stop and don't get things done. Whether you're writing the articles yourself or hiring a ghostwriter to do it for you, you must know what topics you're going to write about. Here's how you can overcome the "writer's block".

The secret is to read information on various sources and keep a note of any ideas you have for writing an article. There are thousands of resources on the internet which you can read on your niche.

To find existing content, you can visit several ezine directories which are well respected. EzineArticles and GoArticles for instance have quality articles which you can read on. Technorati is also an excellent resource for getting ideas and learning about your niche. It has the latest updates of blogs which you can search for within your market.

Read through many of the article titles and choose the ones you like. Then think of the titles for your own articles and write them down using the notepad program in Windows.

If you spend an hour or two doing this exercise, you'll have over 50 topics to write about by looking through the article title and the ideas you have written for each title.

As well as looking through these free resources, you can also get ideas elsewhere which tell you they are "in-demand" and that people want to know more about. Writing about what people want to know about is the smartest thing you can do.


Go to and to the Books section. Search for your keywords and you will see a list of books that are ranked in order of popularity. Read the descriptions of the books and find out why they're popular. People buy the books for a reason. Concentrate on writing articles for topics that are "hot".


Go to Clickbank and visit the MarketPlace section. Go to the category which your niche is related to and look at the top products which are selling well. Again, these are products which are "in-demand" and people are interested in the information. Go to the sales page of these products and get ideas from them. Look at the bullet points and the features/benefits of their products and write about each one of them.

3. Forums.

Go to forums which are related to your niche and look for threads which have lots of recent replies to them. Find out and see if the post is about a certain topic in your niche which the community wants to know more about.

Using this system, you'll never have a shortage of what to write about. If there's something new with your niche that you don't know about then read up on it and write an article in your own words on the new thing which you've learnt.

Now go through the list you've written on your notepad one by one and start writing your articles.

Download your free 50 page ebook 'Article Marketing Strategies' on how to use article marketing to drive traffic to your website at

Alan Cheng is the owner of Traffic Beast, the blog that delivers valuable internet marketing information.

Article Marketing - Is This a Good Way to Reach Niche Decision Makers

Article marketing is actually one of my favorite ways to reach three different (although possibly overlapping groups of people: 1) people who exist in competitive markets where the cost of advertising is high 2) niche customers who are hard to pin down and find and 3) people who are buyers, not search engine-aholics.

Why does article marketing work so well for all these groups?

I think it is because all of these groups are so difficult to reach through the traditional mediums and yet with article marketing every article is the same. That is, controlling for things like strength of the title, and the article directory or web site to which you submit the article, all articles are equal.

And one of the things that keeps the market so open is that it cannot be reasonably automated you cannot create a machine to do the article writing for you. And because of this, and because most people seem to want to automate things it is easier and easier to stand out if you are article marketing at least that is my opinion.

One of the best ways to target a specific group of people like business decision makers is to write articles that are specifically targeted to the types of topics that would appeal to business decision makers.

So the first step would be to brainstorm, what types of articles would be of interest to business decision makers? Once you have that, info, the rest is a piece of cake write the articles, and the traffic will come. Remember, article marketing produces some of the highest quality leads around.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 900 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Create Your Own Home Business Writing Articles For Others

Article marketing has a huge and growing popularity as a form of online advertising. By providing free information in the form of articles, Web sites attract customers to their businesses. So if you can write articles, you can develop your own home business.

Because there's such a good Return on Investment (ROI) with article marketing when compared with other advertising, businesses pay well for custom articles written to their specifications.

In this article we'll look how you can start a home business writing articles.

Your first step is to get some experience in writing articles. The more articles you write, the better your income, so look on this start-up phase as way of streamlining your processes, so you can train yourself to write articles fast.

1. Get experience in article writing at the out-sourcing sites

Go to one of the many out-sourcing sites, and bid on article writing projects. When you win some projects, write the articles to the purchaser's specifications.

Some article writers develop their businesses at the out-sourcing sites, however you'll make more money if you develop your own small Web site. Having your own site means that you can cut down on the time required to get article writing jobs, because your purchasers will come to you.

2. Write articles to promote your article writing business

Now you have some experience in writing articles, your next step is to promote your article writing home business - yes, by writing articles.

You need a Web site. Your site can be small and free. (You could create a free Blogger blog to act as your site for example.) On the site, advertise your availability as an article writer, and set your rates, as well as the topics in which you'll specialize.

3. Promote your article writing business to companies which use article marketing

Next, write some articles about article marketing, or about the topics in which you intend to specialize as an article writer, and post the articles to article directories.

In your resource/ bio box at the end of your article, promote yourself as an article writer with a link to your Web site.

You'll soon attract a stream of article buyers to your site, and your article writing home business will be launched.

Discover how easy it is to make money article marketing with Angela Booth's "Sell Your Writing Online NOW" Training Program at The program is fun and profitable too. There's a full year of lessons and assignments:"Sell Your Writing Online NOW" helps you to earn while you learn, even as a brand new writer.

New to writing? Visit Angela Booth's new Writing Hacker Web site at - watch Angela's "Make money Writing: Write and sell Web articles - they're in hot demand" video.

For free weekly writing information, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report" immediately.

Marketing Foundation

In creating your marketing foundation a marketer wants to construct as many pillars as possible, consisting of many different traffic generating strategies. Focus more on lead generation than follow up, those that are serious know a good thing when they see it and are more likely to join you with out multiple follow ups. Remember keep on creating contacts and with in time you will have a stable foundation. Try to in be in most places, it's going to take time but with time your business will prosper. No short cuts and don't quit early.

Once you got the leads and the money your set, remember to always stay passionate about what you are doing and to put in the hours in it takes to build a stable business. You will find out that there are many many different ways of promoting via the internet, pick a strategy, become proficient at it, then move on to the next. Track everything you do so you you know what campaign is working the best for you.

Knowing the path to take in internet network marketing is the toughest barrier one must over come to become successful in the business. A must have in network marketing is a marketing system that will build your business more efficiently, a system that has all the tools and training it takes to become a branded expert, a system that allows to you to make front end profits while promoting your main business. An all inclusive powerful prospecting system with an outstanding lead generation system is a must for success on the internet

A stable marketing foundation consists of a powerful marketing system.

For more information on internet network marketing opportunities, make sure and follow the link in the resource box below.

Steve Guttridge is a successful internet network marketer,

Come view his opportunities.

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Responsive Secrets to Impact Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered as the ultimate income-generator in the internet today. It has made a lot of marketers richer by just writing and submitting their articles online. If you want to be one of them, you need to make sure that your articles and your marketing techniques can create an impact online. Here's how:

1. Keep your articles focused. By this, I mean making sure that all the ideas you present on your content are all related to your topic and are able to help your readers better understand your points. You can easily do this by preparing an outline before you write your content. List down all the ideas and information that you think will be useful to your readers and arrange them properly so you can present them in a logical manner. This will make your articles flow smoothly and sound highly organized.

2. Distribute your articles to submission sites. Submit your articles to leading publishing sites. To increase the chances of your articles being accepted, make sure that you follow all the guidelines set by publishers.

3. Proofread and solicit feedback. Check your articles for possible grammar and spelling errors. Also make sure that all the information you present on you articles are fact-based so you won't mislead your readers. It would also greatly help if you can show your articles to small group within you target market to make sure that your content is targeted to their needs.

4. Know how to create killer resource box. You main objective in writing your articles is to convert your readers to potential clients so you can augment your sales leads. That can only happen if your resource box is powerful enough to move your readers to take action. Keep it short, direct to the point, enticing, and appealing by communicating the benefits that awaits your online visitors or by offering freebies.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Writing: 5 Prospect Killing Mistakes Made Before You Even Submit Your Articles

Article writing and marketing works when you do it right. Here are 5 mistakes to get out of the way so you can do it right.

Mistake #1 You Dont Submit Any Articles I know it sounds silly, but many people write their articles and never submit them. Either they do not get around to it, dont know how, or are afraid of getting rejected by the article directories.

Solution: Submit your articles! Make it a goal to submit your first article before your head hits the pillow tonight. While it is unlikely that you will get rejected, even if you do, most article directories will work with you to get you accepted.

Mistake #2 Boring Key Word Empty Titles The purpose of the title for your reader is to make the reader want to read your article. The purpose of the title for the search engines is to have key words in your titles that will get picked up by the search engines.

Solution: Design a title that pulls the reader in with benefits and uses key words in the first four words of the title.

Mistake #3 Academic Summaries If youre the purpose of your title is to pull the reader into your article, the purpose of your article summary to pull the reader even further in. Most people write an academic sounding summary such as This article is about blah, blah, blah.

Solution: Write an article summary that defines a problem that needs to be solved and then promise to solve it.

Mistake #4 An Un-Optimized Article Body I see it all the time someone writes what is perhaps a decent article but then places it in the body submission field as one big chuck of text. What is the problem with that? This makes it tough to read online and gives the impression that this will take a long time to get through.

Solution: Break your article body up with lists/bulleted points, sub-headings and block quotes.

Mistake #5 A Pointless Resource Box The point of your resource box is not to create an online ego wall like the wall in your office with all your diplomas and awards. The purpose of your resource box is to get the reader to click through to your web site and become a visitor, prospect or customer.

Solution: Give your reader a good reason to click through to your web site by letting them know there are more good tips on your web site like the ones they have just read. Include at least one complete link ( back to your web site.

Avoid these five mistakes and implement the solutions before you submit your articles.

To listen to an audio clip about these mistakes, recorded from a live teleseminar on Article Writing & Marketing, you are invited to visit

If you would like to banish writers block forever and write away, right away, then get yourself a copy of my 26 Article Writing Templates with Examples at

You can also subscribe to The Article Writing & Article Marketing Tips Newsletter delivered to your email inbox twice a month from Jeff Herring, The Article Guy.

SEO Copywriting Finding A Happy Balance

Perhaps the hardest type of copy to write is SEO copy. SEO is an acronym for search engine optimized content. This simply means that your article has been decorated with keywords that the search engines will include in their algorithms as they index your page.

Sadly a lot of SEO copywriting is not very charming for humans to read. That is because most people think that the key word has to be repeated again and again in order for the page to rise to the top of the search engines. In fact this SEO technique is called keyword stuffing and many search engines will now penalize you for it. Unfriendly garbled copy that is ridden with too many of the same words can make visitors to your site think you are illiterate as copy with too much SEO looks like a moron wrote it.

Remember that the goal of effective SEO writing is to not only to improve your searchability and search engine rankings but also to lure customers to your site. The last thing you want your carefully written SEO coy to do is turn your visitor off your web page because they are grossed out by your blatant attempts at marketing. However this is precisely what happens when people click on a site that is filled badly written SEO articles that are strewn the keywords. Even worse, this type of a hard sell is because it makes you look greedy and desperate for business.

The key is to find a happy balance between copywriting for people and copywriting for the search engines while creating your website content. This is a talent that not too many people have in which case you might have to hire a professional SEO writer to ease your path for you when it comes to content.

Anthony Gregory is a SEO and website promoter, he can be contacted at sales(at)

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To Achieve Article Marketing And Writing Success You Must Follow These 6 Steps

One way of promoting your website and product can be achieved for free. As an additional bonus, this free method can boost your sites and sales, doubling and even tripling your income.

Article marketing is one of the best free advertising methods there is, the articles on the free content site contains a link to your own website. Readers, after reading your articles, may choose to click on the link and pay you an unexpected visit. Also your articles on the free content are available to other webmasters who may wish to publish that article on their site. Having you article on other websites also means you have a back link which will increase you search engine ranking. As you can see there are some great advantages to article marketing.

Here are some great article marketing tips to help make sure your articles gets published and read.

Article Marketing Step 1. Is to discover your topic and titles. As you would provide a first sentence for your article, one that would immediately grab the attention of your reader. To be concise, you would need to get all the facts that will support and go against your point. At this point you are also going to pic out some key words that best describe the content of your article and use these key words as much as possible throw out the article. This will help a great deal when it comes to search engines finding you article, if no one can find it, it will not get read. It's that simple. Key words are a very important factor in article marketing.

Article Marketing Step 2. One of the methods you can use to prepare yourself for writing articles is creating an outline first. Creating an outline for all your articles makes you prepared. You have an idea of what to do first and make a plan for your succeeding steps. Being prepared makes the job easier and faster. Being organized will allow for disorientation to be shunned away.

Article Marketing Step 3. Never underestimate the power of the resource box. After all this is the why your submitting your article, right? It may be small in size but they will provide a significant aid in driving traffic to your site. A boring resource box will never get a job done. Be fun and creative but at the same time show that you have a great deal to offer, too much to ask for something that couldnt fit a paragraph? Yes and no, there are many tips and guides that can help you in doing this, the first step is realizing how important a resource box could be in making people click your link and be directed to your site.

Article Marketing Step 4. Maybe in the process of writing articles, you are thinking that all that is you wanted is links back to your site. And any visitors it can generate are fine. Guess what? Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. Oftentimes, they have some guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting.

Article Marketing Step 5. You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that the directories want to share with other people. All it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your potential audience overnight.

Write the articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article marketing to work the most effective way for you. This also means you have to obey the standard guidelines, spell checks, researching on a good topic and even hiring a writer to produce a good content on your behalf. In the end, it is all really a matter of choice on your part. You can start getting a little exposure from increased links back but on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra time making quality contents.

Article Marketing Step 6. Reread and reread what you have written down. Always refer to your outline so that you wont drift away from what you had first written down. Its not hard to be caught in the moment and get lost in your writing frenzy. Your outline will help you keep in track. All those hours spent in outlining your article will not go to waste. This will serve as your guide in writing articles. Trust and rely on your outline because this will prove to be a very helpful tool in writing all of your articles.

If you use all these step to market your articles and provide good useful content your article marketing will be very successful.

If you don't feel like writing articles yourself, private label rights articles are always a option. If used properly they can be a great resource. Be sure not to copy private label rights articles word for word. Instead use many different articles and peace them together. This will insure your content is original.

To your article marketing success: Tiffeny Jones

Visit my article directory at

Also as a member of this article directory you have access to the private label rights category.Were you can download free private label rights articles. "All for free"

Internet Marketing Article Report - Why I Market Exclusively With Articles

There are many different ways to do internet marketing. Article marketing is one of my favourite methods of doing internet marketing as this is one of the easiest methods that even a beginner can succeed with.

Let us look at the most common ways that people use to market their internet business. Ppc advertising is very quick to setup and drive targeted traffic quickly to your web site. The big disadvantage with this method of internet marketing is that you need to be willing to spend thousands of dollars to test and track which keywords actually convert. This can be very daunting for a beginner.

Ezine advertising also brings in results quickly. However the disadvantage is that often you need to book your adverts weeks or months in advance. You also need to be very good at copywriting so that your emails actually get read and convert to customers. You also need to track and test everything so that you only continue advertising in related ezines that are actually profitable.

Search engine optimization is another method that can be used that is effective. However the disadvantage here is that for a new web site it can take up to a year to get good search engine rankings and with the frequent changes in the search engine algorithms your business can be wiped out if you lose your rankings.

Let us look at my favourite method of internet marketing. With article marketing the disadvantage is that you need to spend a lot of time to write the articles. However, once you have written and submitted your articles to the major article directories they are viral in nature. They get picked up by other webmasters that publish them on their web sites. I would much rather have different sources of traffic than just rely on one source alone which can be very risky. You also get traffic from search engines as they spider your articles in the search engine directories.

It is probably the most reliable method of generating quality traffic to a web site. This method of marketing has been so effective for me that I have stopped ppc and ezine advertising long ago.

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site:

Download your free ebook Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Writing Marketing Articles Isn't a Job for Marketers

Internet marketing is big businessand growing daily.

According to, 69% of United States residents now have Internet access, with 17% being the worldwide average. Thats over a billion Internet users, and a reasonable estimate would be that close to half use the Internet for shopping.

It gets better. More Internet users are also acquiring broadband connections, which makes online shopping easier. Compounding those figures, online shoppers are spending more per purchase as companies improve their online offerings.

Men, generally considered unenthusiastic shoppers, have taken to Internet shopping; women like it for research and comparison purposes. And kids? Those too young to drive have found a way to get stuff from the right stores.

These trends should only continueperhaps at steeper rates than ever.

If youre an Internet marketer, you have a lot on your plate. You need to learn technical and creative as well as marketing skills. Many Internet marketers are technologically proficient, and often their technical skills carry over (adequately enough) into computer-aided design. Unfortunately, many Internet marketers mistakenly think that once they have an Internet presence, the work is done.

But a job that may be underestimated in importance is good, solid writing of the old-fashioned variety. Thats a bad thing, because it is words that send traffic to those websites. Whether it be pay-per-click ads, press releases, or concise, informative, interesting, syndicated articles, skillfully crafted words drive the entire sales process.

Thats where a professional article writer can make the difference between success and failure for an Internet marketer.

For best results, look for a writer with a love of writing, a broad portfolio, a top-notch command of the English language, extensive research experience, attention to detail, and basic understanding of Internet marketing. Insist upon guaranteed original-content articles using the keywords you provide and the keyword density you specify.

A boring, confusing, or heavily recycled private label article wont help you sell your products, because people wont finish reading and click the link to your site. They wont pass it along to other readers or post it on their own sites.

E-mail me today to get started driving traffic to your site with quality original articles.

Lisa J. Lehr is a freelance writer and Platinum Quality Author. Please visit or contact her at

How To Submit Articles Online

I submit 3 articles a day to 25 directories each. It would not be possible if I had to do it manually. However, using article submission software, I can submit each article in about 15 minutes. I use Article Submitter, but there are many article submission software programs available. You can find them by doing a search.

Most of these programs come with 100 or more article directories programmed into the system. That makes it very easy to do the submissions. In most cases, just click on the directories that you would like to submit to.

The first time you use your article submission program, you will need to register with each article directory. When registering, use your email address as your user name. By doing this, you know that you will be the only user with that name. In addition, use the same password with each directory. It makes future submissions much easier. The initial sign up procedure takes some time but in the long run, you will save tons of time.

If I tried to submit my articles manually, it would take an hour or more for each article. So, I save about 45 minutes for each article I submit. And on occasion, I will submit an article to 50 of the largest sites; this would take a couple of hours. So you can see the time savings is substantial. This leaves more time available to write additional articles.

Using article submission software can make you significantly more productive if you submit articles with any frequency. In fact, it can make the difference between success and failure in the article marketing area. If you are submitting articles to generate traffic or income, you would do well to look into getting one of the article software submission programs.

Do you want to learn more about making money on the Internet? Get my new ebook and start making money online - Fast!

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Article Submission Software - Free Version Available!

Squidoo Marketing Strategies - 6 Great Reasons Why You Should Create a Squidoo Lens

Squidoo, developed by Seth Godin, is based on the principle that everyone is an expert in some area. You can create a Squidoo lens (Squidoo website) on any topic of your choice and you can create as many lenses as you desire.

Squidoo is fast becoming the new MySpace because it addresses a real need and builds on other Web 2.0 technologies such as Flickr and YouTube.

Here are six good reasons why you should use Squidoo to accelerate your affiliate marketing and internet marketing:

1. Establish yourself as an expert

Squidoo is designed to enable you to provide your readers with concentrated information about a topic of your choice. As you develop your highly focused lens, you make your knowledge and expertise known to your Squidoo lens visitors. Seth Godin developed Squidoo to overcome the problem of often meaningless results from search engine enquiries.

2. Generate traffic to your website or blog

You can create links on your Squidoo lens to channel people to your own website, blog or your affiliate URL. You can also add images, banners and text ads.

3. Promote your articles

Squidoo enables you to include a links module where you can list your articles on your Squidoo lens. The cool part about this feature is that all you have to do is enter the URL of the articles and Squidoo automatically includes the description information (no re-typing).

4. Achieve search engine optimization at no cost

You can achieve a front page listing on Google for your Squidoo lens very rapidly. Google seems to value Squidoo lenses even more highly than blogs because of the highly focused nature of a lens and the readiness of Squidoo lensmasters to update their lenses on a regular basis.

5. Use a wider range of keywords to capture more traffic

One of the secrets of effectively using Squidoo lenses is to use multiple tags (keywords) for your lenses. There is no limit to how many tags you can use. Thus your articles included on your Squidoo lens can capture a wider range of visitors. You can easily employ long tail keywords without limitation.

6. Get a quality backlink at no cost

Google has given a ranking of 7. When you place your website/blog URL on your Squidoo lens you are creating a valuable backlink from a very highly ranked authority site.

Squidoo has now achieved a critical mass and will be able to grow exponentially by using the momentum, information and technologies created by other major Web 2.0 providers such as MySpace, Flickr and YouTube. Now is the time to ride the next wave of internet marketing.

This article is written by Ron Passfield, PhD, affiliate marketing coach, and author of the Squidoo Marketing Strategies e-Book:

Get your fr^e 7 day email course on how to create and market your Squidoo lens:Squidoo e-course

View Rons Squidoo lens, affiliate marketing coach, at:

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Popular Steps to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing has earned the nods of most webmasters, bloggers, and ebusiness owners as it consistently delivers great results that usually lead to improved traffic and higher page ranking. Because of this, almost everyone in the internet are exerting so much effort to perfect this technique and get ahead of the pack. In this article, you will find the top 3 popular steps that can help you advance in article marketing and these are:

1. Content. Although there are various elements that can improve your article marketing campaign, its success will largely depend on the quality of your content. Thus, it is of outmost importance that you make sure that all of your articles are useful, informative, brief, direct to the point, factual, easy and entertaining to read, unique, and highly relevant to your target niche. If you are able to consistently incorporate these elements on your articles, you will surely rise above from the rest in no time.

2. Publishing sites. Once you are able to produce quality articles, picking the best publishing sites will be your next task. Contrary to popular beliefs, you can distribute your articles to other avenues aside from article submission sites. You can post them on your blog, website, social networking sites, forums, and you can even convert them to an ebook which you can use as a viral marketing tool.

3. Resource box. Your resource box serves as a gateway so your readers will be directed to your website. To maximize its full potential, make sure that your resource box is compelling and contains all the essential elements that will entice online users to click your website's URL. Some of these elements are the following: your name, website address, elevator pitch and a powerful call to action.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Traffic How Important Is Article Marketing Traffic?

Creating traffic online is the fundamental key to the success of any commercial or related type of Internet website. In this regard, a wise operator employs a variety of different tactics to generate and increase traffic. Article marketing is one tool that can be utilized as part of a comprehensive traffic enhancement plan. Indeed, many people have found article marketing to be an extremely effective tool when contrasted with other mechanisms that can be used to drive online traffic.

Through article marketing, you can expand the presence of your business or other type of web-based venture across the Net. For example, through article marketing, you can have placed different articles at various locations over the Net, articles that relate to the products or services offered through your web-based business or other type of enterprise. Individuals looking for information relating to the topics contained in your articles will be able not only to garner basic data in this regard through your articles but they will know where to go to obtain other relevant information as well as related products or service: Your website.

Moreover, through article marketing, you will be able to broaden the number of people that will be able to ascertain your particular expertise in a given area. Many people have established thriving enterprises through article marketing that set them apart as particular experts in specific fields. Because you become recognized as an expert in one are or another through article marketing, you are able to create or increase traffic to your own online venue because of that well established expertise.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, 7 Steps to Internet Marketing Success.

Organic SEO And Link Building

Organic SEO or search engine optimization is a slow and steady process. Achieving top rankings takes time and link building is a big part of that effort. If you are to have a successful web site and obtain high search engine rankings you will need quality relevant web sites linking to your web site. The amount and quality of links you need will depend on the competitiveness of the keyword phrases for which you are optimizing. More web masters are focusing on quantity and getting several links fast. This is bad because it can be seen as manipulating the search engines. Check the guidelines for the search engine you are trying to optimize for, this will give you a good idea of what and what not to do.

When obtaining links from other sites focus on the quality of the link. Is the page on topic and relevant to your site? What is the position of the link? Is it off to the side with a bunch of other sites? Does it look natural and like it belongs there? What is the anchor text of the link? These are the questions you need to ask yourself when optimizing off site links. Reciprocal links have some value, but with software that automates the process it seems to have gotten out of hand. Plus do you really want a link on these low quality directory pages? How much value do they add by linking to you?

There are some easy ways to get permanent one way links. Directories are the best first step and may be all you need if your key word term is not competitive. They can also be a good source of relevant traffic. Directories are a human edited trusted link source, look for directories that have a good reputation and are well established. If you can, get listed in a niche directory to increase your relevance.

Companies whose products you use or sell are a good source of links if you can get them. The company whose shopping cart I use has a link to me and all I had to do was ask. Maybe offer a testimonial in exchange for a link back to your web site.

Writing articles is another good way to get incoming links, plus you will gain traffic. There are several free web sites that you can submit articles to. The links are valuable on article pages because there are usually very few links on the page, plus the article will be relevant to your product or service offering.

Write a press release to announce your business, new service offerings, or any news that is important. You may end up getting several links, plus press releases are usually available for a long time on the internet.

Do you want to know the best way to obtain inbound links to your web site? Build a web page this is so great, people will just want to link to it. Sounds easy, we all wish it were that simple. Frequently asked questions or tips pages are good candidates for natural links, if they are useful. Giving useful information is probably the best way to obtain organic links. Dont be afraid to give away some information. We created a common SEO mistakes page to provide useful tips, information and help potential clients. When your potential client has enough information to make an informed decision they will be ready buy your product or service. Other web sites want to link to good information; that is why it is call the World Wide Web. Dont be a dead end, if you know of a great site let others know about it.

Keep your link building slow, steady and from a variety of sources and keep repeating those steps.

John Tourloukis is the founder of Fast PC Networks an internet consulting and organic SEO company.

Article Marketing Mobile Computing - Google, iPhone, Palm, Blackberry and AT&T Video Phone

For those who write online articles be advised that the way that humans communicate by computer is about to change forever. This means the way people get the articles that you write will also soon change. Consider if you will the competition between Google, iPhone, Palm, Blackberry and the new AT&T Video Phones. Everyone is going to offer handheld mobile computing devices.

With the new technologies coming fast with Mobile Computing one has to wonder if online article submission websites should make their articles available to mobile users? Perhaps building mirrored sites especially for mobile users so they can surf the new articles available?

Should such services to web surfers be made feasible by having very simple low byte screens at the cell phone user level. They should be able to search categories and then articles by title and you should have listed the top articles and newest articles, with scaled down graphics for very fast loading. If the user can surf easily an online article submission site very fast, they will, wouldn't you?

Indeed article marketing on the go is just what mobile computing is ready for. Information, when you need it, when you want it and where ever you are. The World is changing and Google, iPhone, Palm, Blackberry and AT&T Video Phone are all vying for the mobile computer user and that means lots of advertising, capital money flows and a massive number of mobile computing handsets will soon be out in public cruising around while surfing for information.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Article Marketing Tips and Strategies

This is one strategy used by many marketers today. Whether you're a pro online or a beginner, there is one thing that is common between the two - And that is Traffic ! Having a good website is great. Having a good salesletter is great also. But if there's no traffic coming to your site then you need to find a way to get it there. The way that I have found to get that flow of traffic is through this particular form of marketing you are reading right now. And that is "Article Marketing."

The reason why so many people give up on writing is because they write two or three articles and sit back to wait for the flood of traffic to come and it never does. Because article marketing doesn't work that way. Consistency is the name of the game here! You will increase the traffic flow by writing more. Just spend a few minutes a day focusing on the subject at hand and you will be amazed. And if you don't have the time to complete an article a day, then shoot for every other day or once a week and then you will begin to notice a difference in the flow of traffic over the course of time.

Another reason why many people give up on writing articles is because they say that they run out of things to write about. And that there is a limit of things to talk about when there is just a few subjects at hand. Well that may be true, but when you begin to write you bring a uniqueness that nobody else has. When reading articles some people don't receive the same information that another person might receive from that same article. Because there are so many forms to writing. That is where you come in. Nobody has what you have. Just begin to talk. And as you talk, start writing. And before you know it ,you've written an article - congratulations!

Using article marketing to get traffic to your site, you also have to have good content. This is why I love using this method. To bring good content you need to know a little bit of what you are talking about. So that sort of force you to go out and learn something new that you probably didn't know before. Which means that you are growing. And the more that you grow - The more you know - and The more you know -The more you talk - and as you talk remember - start writing - and Bingo! Another article.

After you've written your article, don't forget the resource box. That box is reserved for you to introduce yourself and a call to action. There you will have your chance to direct your reader to where you desire them to go. That is why it is important to have good content in your article. If you've capture the readers attention long enough to get to your resource box then consider that article a success. Everybody is not gonna be interested in what you have to offer, but that's ok. The main thing to concentrate on is to develop good content so we all can benefit from and we all can continue to grow and write articles.

For more information about writing articles and a FREE ecourse click on the URL below

Truby Johnson is an Internet Network Marketer who love to help others. I look for simple ways to market on the Internet. To learn more about my system just call me at (813) 210-7395

or you can just click on the link below. Have a Blessed day

5 Proven Strategies for Filling Your Marketing Funnel Part 2

This is the second of a two-part article on overfilling your marketing funnel and client pipeline.

Last week we discussed that, in order to quickly fill your funnel and pipeline, you will want to have these 5 tools:

1. Unique Selling Proposition
2. Attention-grabbing, memorized elevator speech
3. Client attractive website
4. Effective business cards
5. A full practice mentality

Now that you have those, you want to implement strategies that will result in clients coming TO YOU rather than you having to chase after them.

1. Brand yourself.

Branding isnt just for megacompanies like Coca-Cola or Pepsi. In order to build a relationship with your prospects, you want to brand yourself and remain consistent in that brand.

Do you have a logo? A tagline? Your photo? A certain masthead? Specific colors and fonts? What feelings do you evoke when someone looks at your materials? What feelings do you WANT to evoke?

They used to say it took between 7 and 10 times of someone seeing something before they had any recognition of it. In todays information age, Im sure the number has increased make it easy on your prospects by branding your business.

2. Niche yourself.

Some people are huge proponents of niching while others feel it doesnt makes a difference. The truth is it depends on the type of business youre in. You will find that your clients may begin to niche themselves over time

Perhaps most of your clients are women or men. Maybe they are primarily in real estate or a certain age group. Perhaps they all have children or maybe they are predominantly entrepreneurs.

A niche is any defining feature of a group. It does not need to be the industry they serve or the business they are in as long as you can group them.

3. Keep in touch.

Whether you send an email or printed newsletter or holiday and just because cards, find reasons to keep in touch with your target audience.

Offer to speak at their events and let them know whenever you do something new. Ask for their referrals.

4. Create materials that pull.

All of your marketing materials should talk about what you can do for your prospects and what you HAVE DONE for your clients results-based testimonials are great for this.

By showing how you solve problems, you will draw prospects into your funnel rather than always selling and turning them away. You wan to focus on the results and benefits, not the features of your services.

5. Tell everyone.

You want to tell *everyone* what you do get in the public eye as much as possible using press releases, writing articles, attending networking events, etc. to insure that your business does not remain the best kept secret.

Just starting? Send a letter (or email) to your friends and former colleagues letting them know that you have just launched a business and directing them to your website or to call you for more information.

Make your marketing easy by creating systems for as much as the above as possible and, once youve created your brand, you want to consistently brand EVERYTHING you do, say and produce.

Even now, when my business continues to grow by leaps and bounds, I keep my marketing funnel full by insuring that I perform at least one marketing-related activity every single day. Consistency is key.


In preparing for the launch of my new home study system (Im not quite ready to share details) and finishing up my website copy in addition to working with my coaching clients, Ive been working more hours than usual.

It caught up with me this weekend when I realized that I hadnt met a personal deadline. In stopping to reflect on what happened, it suddenly hit me I havent taken any Sandy time since early May. DUH!

Those who know me well know that I LOVE Whole Foods Supermarket and go every month (the closest one is about 45 minutes away) I havent been in a few months. My precious Sasha (thats her to the left) may need hip replacement surgery so we havent been going for our early morning walks and date night with DH has been replaced with band practice night. :-)

No wonder my creative juices werent flowing as smoothly as usual! Ive taken away some of the things I enjoy most and forgotten to replace them with other fun stuff!

If you find yourself busy, but not productive or otherwise being held back, take a few minutes to reflect on the why and address it as necessary.

I hope you enjoy todays fresh new article -- the second part of how to overfill your marketing funnel and client pipeline.


The Get Control of Your Business Now! (tm) Coach, Sandra Martini teaches small business owners how to better leverage themselves to create more success in their business while maintaining their sanity and having fun. Sandra's coaching programs are available via teleconferencing, emails and telephone calls. For more information and to receive the FREE special report, 7 Wealth-Building Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs, go to Sandra Martini.

Embark on an inspirational ride with 42 successful entrepreneurs and learn how to tap into your higher self at Power and Soul.

How To Write Your Resource Box To Get People To Click

In this article you will read how to solve a big problem for effective article writing and marketing and be provided with an easy solution that works.

I get dozens of questions everyday from people asking how to improve their sales using their resource box at the end of every article submitted.

There is NO one single formula. You really need to test, test and test again.

As your potential customers read through your article they will arrive at the resource box at the end of it.

This is where most article marketers fall short. Yet, it's a vital aspect because without a compelling resource box aka bio you are simply wasting your valuable time.

If you have a website about puppies and dogs you could write an article about "3 Fantastic Ideas On How To Train Your Puppy Within Minutes".

When your reader gets to the end of your article they will see the resource box and a link to your site.

You want them to click on the link and see what you have on offer on your site. This could be items for dogs and puppies, books or services such as dog training, dog-sitting etc.

You are probably asking "What should be in the resource box to make it more effective"?

Here is the simple answer to a problem most people have.

The resource box usually contains the name and a brief description of the author. It should also have a short description of the site and a link to the site.

Just as the article needs to "grab you by the arm" so does the resource box in order to grab the attention of the reader.

Here are two very important aspects you need to remember to be effective.

1. The resource box is small and will be limited in the number of words that can be used. Therefore, it's important to use the right keywords and entice the reader to click on the link and visit your site.

2. Every person that clicks that links and visits your site is a potential customer. As there is so little space you need to learn about proper keywords that people are searching for.

There are plenty of free keyword tools online that can help you to determine what the best keywords are for your niche.

In your resource box make sure you are as creative as you can be and make the most of the space that is available to you.

You always want to make sure that you capture your reader's attention so that they visit your site to look into your product and or service that you provide.

When you use the proper content and trigger their imagination you can make them intrigued enough to click on your link which leads to the desired outcome.

Always be sure that you use keywords and phrases that are targeted to your type of site and do not try to mislead your potential customer.

If your site is about golf and golf tips and you only deal with one particular brand then make sure you make that known in your bio.

Once you realize that you only have one chance to create a lasting impression and to grab your reader, you will never again underestimate the potential of the proper 'grab you by the arm' resource box.

Even if it's very small, it can still be a very powerful way of driving quality visits to your niche site.

A boring resource box will not help you at all and will not produce the amazing results that you could get which means lost sales for all your hard work.

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Get $197 of F-R-E-E Videos, Audios, Squeeze Pages, Keyword Tools and Content by Subscribing to a FREE Trial of "Bum Marketing Wiz 15 Day eCourse". at:

Internet Marketing Articles - How Do You Overcome The One Part of Writing That You Can't Do Yourself

If you haven't heard, Article Marketing is, if not number one, is one of the top three best ways to get targeted traffic to your _____. Where the blank is, fill in whatever it is that you are trying to drive traffic to. This means, that you need to learn about article marketing if you want to be successful online.

Don't worry, there is plenty of good information available to teach you everything you need to know to get started with this form of marketing. If you just read articles on article directories about article marketing, you can learn the basics in a hurry. This is a good way to start and it will give you some good information to help you evaluate some of the different products out there.

You may want to invest in some eBooks to start to learn some of the finer points of this craft that will help you continue to improve on your efforts and therefore help you continue to get better results. One of the keys to success online is to get more, *better results,* for less, *less time effort and money.* This is done by tracking, testing, and always trying to improve anything you are doing online.

As you begin, and even after you have been doing this for some time, there is one thing that you will always need help with. That is proofing your articles. If your articles are good, it won't matter if they are riddled with spelling and grammar errors. You articles must be proofed and corrected.

Sit down right now, and make a list of three people who you know have done some writing. Someone you know that can spell and has or understands grammar. Then ask them to proof your articles for you. Remember, this person is doing you a favor, so figure out a way to return the favor.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Article Marketing - How to Use Article Marketing to Get Prospects to Come to You

The way I do it is with article marketing combined with list building. Now, the beautiful thing about article marketing, is that I don't have to go where they hang out. All I have to do is write articles that make sense to them. Upload them to the article directories, and then the article directories because of their own high search engine ranking ability, their high pay rank, the article directories themselves will get my articles where people hang out.

Not necessarily where people hang out but where people look. So for example if somebody's looking for information about natural health, let's say somebody's looking for information about natural health, I'm into natural health. Well, I can go about this 2 different ways, number 1 I can go hang out on all the natural health forums and the natural health blogs, and all of that. I can kind of hope I can pick up some visitors. Or I can write natural health articles, I can submit them to the online article directories.

The online article directories have the page rank to get me ranked high in the search engines, and then what happens is when somebody goes in and they search for a term like natural health or alternative health or natural health for my knee, or whatever they're thinking about, natural health, for example, then my article is going to come up really really high. So I'm not going to necessarily get them where they hang out, but I'm going to get them when they're looking for information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.