Monday, May 12, 2008

Lead Generation Using Article Marketing

The Internet is revolutionary tool for the way we do business. This is because it offers two-way communication without the help of other forms such as telephone, mail etc. The whole transaction can take place within the realm of the Internet. This is most common with products such as books and music.

Article marketing in particular is a great tool for generating leads; this is because it is low cost and highly effective. Article marketing gives your prospects the opportunity to learn more about your expertise in your field. This allows them to decide if they would like to work with you or not.

Your articles have to keep to topic and be informative. This part will convince your prospect that you can deliver on your promises, if you can do that you have started to gain their trust. At the end of your article, this is where you want to offer your reader even more information about the subject matter and turn them into a lead.

The best way to turn a reader into a lead from your article is to offer more information in exchange for some form of contact information. After all, you cannot call it a lead if you don't have a way to follow up with them again. Savvy Internet marketers ask for a first name and email address as a way to follow up with their leads. When you are starting to build trust, you should not ask for too much information from your prospects. You don't want to seem like a stranger asking personal questions.

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website. You can also visit

Lead Generation Using Article Marketing

The Internet is revolutionary tool for the way we do business. This is because it offers two-way communication without the help of other forms such as telephone, mail etc. The whole transaction can take place within the realm of the Internet. This is most common with products such as books and music.

Article marketing in particular is a great tool for generating leads; this is because it is low cost and highly effective. Article marketing gives your prospects the opportunity to learn more about your expertise in your field. This allows them to decide if they would like to work with you or not.

Your articles have to keep to topic and be informative. This part will convince your prospect that you can deliver on your promises, if you can do that you have started to gain their trust. At the end of your article, this is where you want to offer your reader even more information about the subject matter and turn them into a lead.

The best way to turn a reader into a lead from your article is to offer more information in exchange for some form of contact information. After all, you cannot call it a lead if you don't have a way to follow up with them again. Savvy Internet marketers ask for a first name and email address as a way to follow up with their leads. When you are starting to build trust, you should not ask for too much information from your prospects. You don't want to seem like a stranger asking personal questions.

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website. You can also visit

Article Marketing For Bloggers - 4 Tips To Build Traffic For Your Blog

Bloggers blog. Thats what they do. A blog is short for weblog and its really an online journal that can be updated easily and frequently without any knowledge of HTML code.

Traditionally, article marketing has been used by authors who are promoting their books or information products. Lately, Ive noticed a growing trend of bloggers using article marketing to grow the traffic to their blog and you should too.

Three reasons why it makes sense for bloggers to engage in article marketing:

1) Youve already got a lot of content produced in each of your blog posts. 200 words should be your floor for each article that you produce. In some cases, you already have enough words per post to create 10-50 articles instantly. If you dont, then stitch posts together of a similar theme until you have 200+ word articles to put into article marketing distribution.

2) A blogger has the same traffic building problems that any typical website has, and therefore article marketing can help your blog in the same ways it can help a non-blog website. Benefits include qualified traffic coming to your site year round, quality backlinks being built without any messy recip-linking campaigns, and youre expanding your reach to other experts that might not otherwise have found your blog.

3) Bloggers by nature are more Internet savvy than your typical author. With this said, most bloggers already understand how to create revenue with pay per click (PPC) advertising programs. As such, you already know how to produce keyword intelligent titles for their articles. This guarantees maximum traffic impact for each of your articles.

If you are already a blogger and are new to article marketing, heres how you get started:

1) Produce a cache of 10-25+ articles from your existing blog content.

2) Submit them to the major article directories and any that are niche-relevant to your field of expertise. You may also wish to submit them to ezine publishers directly from your niche.

3) Rinse and repeat until you have 250-1,000+ articles in distribution this year. Hire a college student or editor if you dont have time to get this strategy into practice as itll be well worth it.

4) Watch your traffic counter slowly rise, day by day as your articles work hard for you delivering qualified traffic to your website year round.

Article Marketing as a strategy will not break your traffic counter on your first month of investing in this strategybut, I guarantee if you engage in this strategy, your blog will grow in traffic and popularity beyond the traffic you were already creating by simply blogging. You knows, you might even increase your sales, land a new job, or improve your rank in the search engines as a side-benefit from your article marketing strategy.

About The Author:

Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best quality original articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic expert author community. When you submit your articles to, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links intact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today:

(c) Copyright - Christopher M. Knight. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Marketing For Bloggers - 4 Tips To Build Traffic For Your Blog

Bloggers blog. Thats what they do. A blog is short for weblog and its really an online journal that can be updated easily and frequently without any knowledge of HTML code.

Traditionally, article marketing has been used by authors who are promoting their books or information products. Lately, Ive noticed a growing trend of bloggers using article marketing to grow the traffic to their blog and you should too.

Three reasons why it makes sense for bloggers to engage in article marketing:

1) Youve already got a lot of content produced in each of your blog posts. 200 words should be your floor for each article that you produce. In some cases, you already have enough words per post to create 10-50 articles instantly. If you dont, then stitch posts together of a similar theme until you have 200+ word articles to put into article marketing distribution.

2) A blogger has the same traffic building problems that any typical website has, and therefore article marketing can help your blog in the same ways it can help a non-blog website. Benefits include qualified traffic coming to your site year round, quality backlinks being built without any messy recip-linking campaigns, and youre expanding your reach to other experts that might not otherwise have found your blog.

3) Bloggers by nature are more Internet savvy than your typical author. With this said, most bloggers already understand how to create revenue with pay per click (PPC) advertising programs. As such, you already know how to produce keyword intelligent titles for their articles. This guarantees maximum traffic impact for each of your articles.

If you are already a blogger and are new to article marketing, heres how you get started:

1) Produce a cache of 10-25+ articles from your existing blog content.

2) Submit them to the major article directories and any that are niche-relevant to your field of expertise. You may also wish to submit them to ezine publishers directly from your niche.

3) Rinse and repeat until you have 250-1,000+ articles in distribution this year. Hire a college student or editor if you dont have time to get this strategy into practice as itll be well worth it.

4) Watch your traffic counter slowly rise, day by day as your articles work hard for you delivering qualified traffic to your website year round.

Article Marketing as a strategy will not break your traffic counter on your first month of investing in this strategybut, I guarantee if you engage in this strategy, your blog will grow in traffic and popularity beyond the traffic you were already creating by simply blogging. You knows, you might even increase your sales, land a new job, or improve your rank in the search engines as a side-benefit from your article marketing strategy.

About The Author:

Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best quality original articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic expert author community. When you submit your articles to, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links intact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today:

(c) Copyright - Christopher M. Knight. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Marketing For Bloggers - 4 Tips To Build Traffic For Your Blog

Bloggers blog. Thats what they do. A blog is short for weblog and its really an online journal that can be updated easily and frequently without any knowledge of HTML code.

Traditionally, article marketing has been used by authors who are promoting their books or information products. Lately, Ive noticed a growing trend of bloggers using article marketing to grow the traffic to their blog and you should too.

Three reasons why it makes sense for bloggers to engage in article marketing:

1) Youve already got a lot of content produced in each of your blog posts. 200 words should be your floor for each article that you produce. In some cases, you already have enough words per post to create 10-50 articles instantly. If you dont, then stitch posts together of a similar theme until you have 200+ word articles to put into article marketing distribution.

2) A blogger has the same traffic building problems that any typical website has, and therefore article marketing can help your blog in the same ways it can help a non-blog website. Benefits include qualified traffic coming to your site year round, quality backlinks being built without any messy recip-linking campaigns, and youre expanding your reach to other experts that might not otherwise have found your blog.

3) Bloggers by nature are more Internet savvy than your typical author. With this said, most bloggers already understand how to create revenue with pay per click (PPC) advertising programs. As such, you already know how to produce keyword intelligent titles for their articles. This guarantees maximum traffic impact for each of your articles.

If you are already a blogger and are new to article marketing, heres how you get started:

1) Produce a cache of 10-25+ articles from your existing blog content.

2) Submit them to the major article directories and any that are niche-relevant to your field of expertise. You may also wish to submit them to ezine publishers directly from your niche.

3) Rinse and repeat until you have 250-1,000+ articles in distribution this year. Hire a college student or editor if you dont have time to get this strategy into practice as itll be well worth it.

4) Watch your traffic counter slowly rise, day by day as your articles work hard for you delivering qualified traffic to your website year round.

Article Marketing as a strategy will not break your traffic counter on your first month of investing in this strategybut, I guarantee if you engage in this strategy, your blog will grow in traffic and popularity beyond the traffic you were already creating by simply blogging. You knows, you might even increase your sales, land a new job, or improve your rank in the search engines as a side-benefit from your article marketing strategy.

About The Author:

Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best quality original articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic expert author community. When you submit your articles to, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links intact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today:

(c) Copyright - Christopher M. Knight. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Affiliate Article Marketing

Marketing is the lifeblood of any business. Without any form of marketing, it is impossible for an organization or a product to survive in the market. How could you expect people to appreciate you or your product without creating awareness about it? Marketing can do wonders for an average product. Imagine, if your product were to be marketed not only by yourself but also by your affiliates. It will be a multi level marketing. Before getting into the intricacies of Affiliate Article marketing, let me explain what exactly is affiliate marketing? Basically , it involves revenue sharing between online advertisers/merchants and online publishers/salespeople, whereby remuneration is based on performance measures, typically in the form of sales, clicks, registrations, or a fusion model.

Now, what is meant by affiliates? The publishers/salespeople are referred to as affiliates. The advertisers/merchants are generally referred to as affiliate merchants.

Affiliate Article Marketing is a mode of advertising in which a web site owner agrees to feature articles from another site, in return for a percentage of any sales generated, when the advertisements featured along with the articles are clicked.

Let me point out that, Affiliate Marketing is not all about money; there are several types of strategies that come within its scope. For instance, the views, experiences and thoughts of an Author can be published through affiliate article marketing. Articles of varying standards, right from basics up to and including professional companies that offer affiliate marketing services is accepted here. An extensive affiliate article marketing database of information is available with the cooperation from various authors. Here, let me hasten to add that, the publisher will not own up any responsibility for any untoward developments or results by using the information provided by the affiliate article marketing. One has to implement the ideas and techniques at one's own risk. The articles just impart marketing knowledge and do not endorse anything or anybody.

There are many popular and subtle affiliate article marketing programs out there right now. When you sign up for such program, it permits you to post its ads (which are small, usually just a link and a single line of explanation) on your site where the article is published. Using the excellent search technology, they only display ads relevant to your article content or the things your visitors search for within your site. You can make money on a pay-per-click basis using these programs.

You also come across sites which are dedicated to listing affiliate programs in different areas, such as Affiliate Guide. When you click on a category that suits your interest or matches up with your article content, they give you a list of affiliate programs and the percentages you'll make off of sales you affect. Many of these programs offer their affiliates a reasonable percent of sales they refer, and some offer handsome percentages for what they call "first-tier" sales. Becoming an affiliate is usually very easy , it just means including links to their site on your website, either in the margins or in the article content.Benefits of affiliate article marketing include the potential for automating much of the advertising process and payment only for desired results.

Affiliate article marketing has contributed to the rise of many leading online companies. It is not rare to see industries where the major players have an affiliate program which is often structured in a similar manner and make similar competitive makeovers with the passage of time.

The Author, Mary Rose has authored several books,including books on Article Promotion, Article Marketing etc. For more information log on to

Free Marketing Strategies for your Online Business

Many of us have created an online business after seeing the results that others have had. Tons of internet business owners have built passive income streams that provide $10,000 in monthly income.

However, after creating our businesses, we find out that these successful people are spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars online every month to market their business. Is there anything you can do to market your business in a cost efficient manner? The answer is yes, and this article will explain the four best ways to market your business for free.

1. Press Releases

2. Articles

3. Classified Ads

4. Forums

1. Press Releases

Press Releases are probably the fastest way to expose your website and drive traffic to it as quickly as possible. This is because instead of having to be approved for seven days to a month as with articles, press releases get your address out to the search engines immediately.

Your press release should have a title that is full of keywords that you have researched and that will attract the most visitors. You can research keywords at, or many other great sites. Your next step is a subhead, which gives a brief overview of the story while using good keywords. Your body should not be a sales pitch, it should be an interesting story that keeps the reader interested. Again, you DO NOT try to sell your business here, just write an interesting and honest story that will inspire respect in the reader for you and your business. In the keywords section, use solid keywords that you have researched on a keyword site. The final part is your contact info, which is where you give the reader a call for action by leaving your website or email address. This, and only this, is where you explicitly sell your business.

2. Articles

Articles are a great way to build respect and prove your knowledge in the industry, which evokes trust in potential sign ups. As with press releases, articles should have sound keywords that have been researched extensively. Keywords are the keys (no pun intended) to driving the most readers to your article. The article body should have good organization, with an introduction, a few key points, and then a conclusion. The body should have information that you think a reader would find valuable so that they will consider you a credible source. The resource box is where you call the reader to action, and is the ONLY place you should sell your business.

3. Classified Ads

Classifieds are yet another great free way to market your business. The nice thing about classifieds is that they target the market you are looking for: people in search of a home business opportunity. There are plenty of free classified sites you can post on to attract sign ups. Try to keep your classified short and sweet, and give just enough information to intrigue them and drive them to your website, but not enough to bore them. Remember to research the keywords and title you include, as this is an important step in any free marketing opportunity.

4. Forums

This is yet another great opportunity to gain respect and credibility, and consequently drive more traffic to your site. Find a few forums you like and that are active, and then spend half an hour every day posting. Medium to long posts have the most search engine power. Research before you post, and never personally attack anyone in a forum. The most important part of posting in a forum is to utilize your signature, where you put your url and a call for action. If forum members read your posts and find you a credible resource, they will be motivated to read your signature and follow it to your site.


There are plenty of other ways to market our online business for free and drive traffic to your website, but these are the strategies I have found most effective. The main theme of marketing is to build respect, credibility, and trust, and this will translate into a successful business.

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