Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Top Ten SEO Techniques and Page Design Elements That Will Get You Blacklisted From Google

The biggest search engine of them all is without a doubt Google. What they say goes, and most website owners just have to put up with it. It is always good to know what SEO techniques that Google will allow, but most of all, what they will not allow. They can blacklist your site for as long as they want, and you will never be able to get a high ranking again if you cross them once.

Knowing how important a great ranking is for your web site or blog site, here is a list of six SEO techniques you SHOULD NOT do for any reason:

Google considers "burying" text in your HTML code hides the text from their spiders that are trying to detect all of your relevant content. They feel this is manipulating their search engines and they don't like that one bit.

A good rule of thumb regarding this issue is never to link to a "link farm" or a "Free for ALL" link page. These websites deal in every under-handed cheap trick they can find to bypass Google's strict submission rules, thereby bringing every other website linked to them down in the gutter. Make sure that all of your links lead Google and your site visitors to reputable pages at all times.

This also includes using ethnic slurs of all types, as Google really looks down on racist sites that result in hate crimes or other controversial events.

Google really hates when you have to pay another site just to link with yours. If your site is worthy of being included in Google's main pages, why on earth would you have to buy a link? It does not make much sense from a business standpoint either, because you should put your promotion budget somewhere else entirely.

When you present one web page to your readers and another page just for the spiders from Google to search for relevant keywords, this is known as "cloaking". If an SEO specialist says it's OK to do it his way, tell him firmly "No way!" and go with another SEO company that is more reputable.

You say that this is not your fault, but in a way it is. You cannot afford any down time as far as your main web pages are concerned, because that eats into your profits on a weekly basis if it happens too much. So always find the best server possible for your site, no matter the cost. And when Google sends out their spiders to your main pages for ranking purposes it is a HUGE error if your server is down and Google comes back with an error message. Big problem time!

Your website must have a least one back link coming in from a reputable website for Google to recognize you as worth their time. So before you submit your web pages, make sure you link to somebody first.

I went over this is another recent article, but it is a very important technique to remember to avoid. If Google thinks your pages are filled with certain keywords that you have included over 10% in the content's overall body, you will be heavily penalized by Google for keyword stuffing that will be hard for your site to recover from.

If somebody has reported your site as having stolen their exact wording on content pages, or have accused your website of stealing images and graphics from their own pages, Google will come after you and make sure that you eliminate the text and images from your site immediately. But just to make sure that Google never has to do this, ALWAYS refrain from plagiarizing anybody else's website for any reason whatsoever.

If you really want to make your visitors pay attention to your main page, just get creative with an animated logo or put some very nice HTML coding on your front page for some really nice graphics. In other words, use every other "flashy" technique to get a web surfers attention except for using a flash page. Google's spiders cannot read the text in a flash page, so Google thinks that you are manipulating that page for their search engine rankings.

Stay away from all of these SEO techniques and page re-designs and you should be OK in climbing up the much-coveted rankings of Google's main category web page.

Rob Mead has written many articles about internet marketing and how to create and find great website content that will increase your web site's traffic overnight. Go to and you will be able to use all of the web site's resources and articles in your quest for internet success.

Five Steps to Creating a Large Mailing List

There are few that will dispute the power of email's influence. Whether you've noticed the spam in your junk folder or the newsletter from your favorite website; email has the ability to make us act - and quickly. Wouldn't it be great if you could harness the power of email for our business website? The good news is that you can with a good mailing list. But how do you create one? Here are five steps.

Talk to Your Friends and Family

When you have a group of people that you know, it only makes sense that you might send out your business information to them first, right? Send a short paragraph about what your new business is going to do, what it's going to sell and any other pertinent information they might need. Include a link to your website and to your mailing list to help them decide whether or not to continue to receive the emails. Chances are good that your friends and family will send this email onto any friends they have that might be interested too, creating a longer email list with little work from you.

Put a Sign Up Form on Your Website

With the proper website design, you will be able to collect the information from website visitors needed to send them regular emails. Put this mailing list option at the bottom or to the side of your main email page and then make sure that it's easily navigated to. This will allow your website visitors to decide whether or not this is something they want to sign up for.

But Also Have an Opt Out Function

If you're creating the opportunity for someone to be on your mailing list, you also need to create the opportunity for them to easily opt out of it if it's not something they are enjoying. There should be a link at the bottom of each email you send to them that allows them to opt out when it seems like a good idea for them. This makes signing up something that's risk-free, which will attract more to your list. In addition, be sure to include a statement that you will not share their information with anyone - that helps people feel like they're safe from spammers.

Include a Mailing List Sign Up Option Everywhere

On every page you can, try to include methods for your site visitors to sign up for your mailing list. This will encourage people to sign up whenever the mood hits them, plus it will give them multiple reminders that you do have a mailing list that can be easily accessed. Include this reminder on the bottom of each website page as well as in various locations during the ordering process.

Make it Worthwhile to Your Site Visitors

When you want to add more people to your mailing list, it's a good idea to make it worth their while. Create a contest for those who sign up within a certain period of time or give out free reports and eBooks for those that sign up to receive mailings. You want to also make sure that each email you send out is worth their time. If you're just sending links to your site or you are only emailing about sales, you might start turning off a customer who doesn't necessary want to buy something all the time, but who may just want to learn more about the market you are working in.

The goal is to create a large mailing list that will get notified whenever something big and important happens in your business - and that this notification will drive them into action.

Scott Oliver offers free video coaching to help you build a profitable home business FAST. Get an hour of "Website Traffic Secrets" and "Minisite Creation Tactics" for FREE -- immediate access here:

Link Building - Effective Ways to Get Links

Link building is a strategy done by people on the internet to improve their Page Ranking thus increasing their popularity and importance in search engines. There are many ways on how to do effective link building and some of them will be tackled in this article.

Link Baiting

One of the most effective and most important ways to get links is through link baiting. Link baiting is all about the content of your website or web pages. People or internet users will be more interested to link to you if you have very good and very useful content. But if you have crappy content and useless information on your website, then you can expect that the opposite will happen.

Directories and Link Building

You can make effective use of directories in link building. There are 4 different kinds of directories you can choose from: reciprocal required, pay for inclusion, free directories and niche directories. Among all the four types of directories, pay for inclusion would prove to be the best though it will require you to shell out some money. But if you are on a tight budget, you can always use free directories but do not expect to see the effects right away.

Join Communities in the Internet

Another effective way of link building is to join communities such as bulletin boards, forums, etc. But you do not join just any online community. You should be in a community that has the same niche as your own website. Participating in different discussions will boost your importance in the community especially if you share with them substantial ideas and not just crap.

This is a very good venue for link building. And it is most effective if you have proven yourself to be a very important asset to the community. People will start linking to your page in the hopes that you will link to them to.

Ask the Help of Bloggers

This method of link building is for those people who are willing to shell out money. You can ask bloggers to blog about your site and link to it. This will be more effective if you choose a blogger whose blog is also on top of the food chain in the world of blogs.

Article Submissions

Link building through article submissions is yet another effective method that you may want to try. There are two approaches to this method. First is if you have the talent and time for writing then you can write the articles yourself and submit it to article directories. The second approach is if you do not have the talent nor the time to write articles, then you can ask ghost writers to do it for you.

Make Reviews and Testimonials

Another effective way of link building is by giving your 2 cents about a product, an item, or an idea that is related to your niche. Be very careful of the words that you use so as you do not displease anyone. You can always look at this as an opportunity to show internet users that you are worth linking. - SEO.xon

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Article Marketing 5 Steps to Easy Article Marketing

Article marketing might seem hard when you first think about it, but once you have written and submitted a number of articles, it does get easier. Follow these simple steps to help you get started, quickly and easily.

1) Narrow down your web site topics and perhaps make a list of them. When you are trying to write articles, sometimes it is easy to feel like you do not have anything to write about. One easy way to counteract that is to write a list of 10-20 things that you can write about main topics. Then, write a list of questions that can be asked about your topic. Once you have those lists, you now have a large number of mini-topics you can use to write articles about. Just answer each one of the topics in an article you should never run out of fresh ideas using this method!

2) Write the article. Use a structure similar to this one for your first few articles. Just write out a few main points that can answer the article questions. Then for your introductory paragraph, write an introductory sentence and then summarize the main points. For your conclusion, the same idea holds just summarize everything, and perhaps give an action point something your reader can do that will be helpful to him.

3) Add your link to your web page to the end of the article. Offer an incentive, such as a free ebook, to get them to visit your web site.

4) Go to a search engine and find a list of article directories that are accepting submissions.

5) Submit your articles to the article directories.

Although that list is quite brief and short, if you literally do each of the things in those steps, you are well on the road to article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 500 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Search Engine Optimisation - 8 Common Mistakes!

Search Engine Optimization is a powerful tool that can be used to increase the level of relevant traffic to your website. Used correctly, optimisation is a fantastic way to boost your business. However there are some pitfalls to watch out for.

Take a look at a few of the reasons why SEO campaigns have failed and make sure you learn from their mistakes.

1. Bad Keywords - Make sure the text on your website is uncomplicated and reflects what your company is about. You need to be sure that people searching for your website will use your terminology, and more importantly, know what it means. Common mistakes include making keywords too specific, using technical jargon which only fellow professionals can understand and generalising terms so they become generic and bring in the wrong type of person.

2. Page format - Good optimisation takes into account the format of your webpage. Make sure your sections are placed in a logical way which draws customers in. It's also important to have enough page content. As a rule of thumb look to write a minimum 200-300 words on each page of your site. Don't forget that websites are for humans not search engine spiders.

3. Don't forget to build links - Part of a good optimisation campaign includes building links from other websites into yours. In simplistic terms the more people who link to you without you offering a reciprocal link, the better your rating will become. Link building is perhaps the most important aspect of Google optimisation and can help to push you to the top of the page.

4. Work with a reliable internet marketing company - Some SEO consultants will use illegitimate means to boost your website and give the impression that you are receiving more hits. This can be done by using multiple names, owning shadow domains or by guaranteeing rankings with obscure keyword phrases which are not relevant to your business. Make sure the company you use explains how they will be getting more hits on your site. The concepts relating to SEO are fairly simple. If the company you use is being secretive about their methods make sure you find out why.

5. Consult a professional - Unless you are a specialist in SEO you should consider consulting with a reputable company. A professional internet marketing consultant who cares about his or her work and is dedicated to making your site a success can easily save you from the blunders that could cost you time, resources and money.

6. Do some market research - Make sure the words you use are relevant to the business you want to receive. Several proprietary keyword research tools are available. Wordtracker, for example, is an extensive tool that allows you to find popular search terms, the frequency with which they are entered into search engines, as well as the amount of indexed sites that are competing.

7. Monitor and maintain your internet marketing campaign - After successfully optimising your site, check back and make sure your rankings are being maintained. This is also a good method of checking who your competition is. If you don't want to check all your keywords manually there is automatic software available such as Google's web API.

8. Keep up to date - The most effective SEO campaigns are changing all the time. Make you sure you, or your internet marketing specialist, are continually keeping up to date with progressions in the marketplace. This can include staying abreast of blog pages, newsletters, forum postings or case studies.

This article is free to republish provided this resource box remains intact.

This article was written by David Clarke - an internet marketing strategy consultant and partner of DBS. As part of the marketing mix DBS also recommend the use of 0800 numbers and 0845 numbers.

The Top 3 Ways to Fail at Article Marketing

Everyone seems to agree that articles are a phenomenal way of getting a good foothold in your online niche space - with all of the tips, tricks and fads, it seems pretty certain that article marketing will be a solid and secure strategy for years to come, right? What amazes me nonetheless is how SO many people seem to take a simple and straightforward strategy and just muck the whole thing up in the name of a few quick bucks and a quick end around approach to building a real business, rather than simply putting in the effort to make it happen.

The good news it this: If you aren't one of the sheep at the back of the pack buying into all of the boisterous buffoonery that the guys at the top want you to believe, and are willing to work hard, articles that you write for both content, and promotion are going to give you a HUGE leg up on your lackluster competition. For the rest of you who are going for the quick fix, here are a few of the TOP ways you should keep in mind as you strive to chase your tail for another few years..:-)

1) Don't write ANY of your own content. Simply spend your paycheck buying PLR memberships, article spinners and content creation programs. The guys selling all of these programs REALLY appreciate your patronage, and should you make the rash decision to actually create some unique, valuable content, many of these guys would have to find another meal ticket to milk. This wouldn't be nice to do, especially around the holidays.

2) Mass submit all of your articles to EVERY directory on the net. The more times your exact article shows up in every PR 0 and 1 directory online, the more of an authority you appear to be. Remember, all of those splogs that are carrying your content is a good thing - and paying that service to ensure that your apple pie recipe shows up in the travel directories database does help too. The more the merrier.

3) In your resource box - make sure you talk A LOT about yourself. Share all the awards you have won, and make sure to post a picture of yourself with a tank top on, because that REALLY juices up your click through rates. ( no pun intended) If you've got a cool pair of sunglasses, make sure you have them on when you take the picture to include in your bio, too. Also - if you have 20 free blogs, make sure to list at least 10 of them here, preferably in alphabetical order.

That's it! If you follow these three simple steps, well - let's just say you'll join the hundreds, if not thousands of other article marketers following these sure fire strategies for an ignominious end to their internet marketing aspirations. Or - you could simply roll your sleeves up, give up on the gurus, and get to work..:-) Either way, have fun and good luck!

Are you a Guru Groupie? Enough! It's Time For You to STEP up & stake your OWN claim!

If You want to learn how to publish articles the right way I am going to very simply show you how you can - starting today, earn more money, quickly, easily and ethically using elegant marketing principles that are timeless, powerful and simply work and do it in short order. Don't believe me? Let me prove it to you for free! Join the growing group of online entrepreneurs who are getting good karma through our simple to follow and completely free resource of kick a*s renegade online marketing magic. You are standing on the threshold of a new financial future. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one simple step. Click here to take YOURS right now.

How Important is SEO To Your Company?

I'm finding, through personal experience, that SEO is not that important to a lot of companies. I believe this is because there is no tangible immediate gain. There is nothing that your company's decision-makers can put a finger on that can be labeled as a tangible benefit. SEO also takes time to show a result and a lot of businesses want to work on things that show an immediate benefit to the exclusion of SEO. Instant gratification has positive gains now, but no gains (and sometimes negative gains) down the road.

SEO is very important. If you want a mediocre site that just barely gets by with low ad revenues and minuscule traffic numbers, stick to the status quo. If you want a site that rocks with high traffic and high ad revenues, work on your SEO.

SEO, however, does not have to be the only priority. SEO can actually be done in a relatively short amount of time each day. A couple of blog posts, a couple of comments on other blogs, and some forum posts can be enough for a day's work. There are even passive approaches, such as using the Alexa toolbar. These are just some simple examples. There are a lot more SEO tasks that can be done. It really could be a full time job in and of itself.

When writing this post, I'm reminded of a quote from the movie The Cheetah Girls, which is "Sometimes, you have to walk alone." Maybe, when it comes to SEO, "Sometimes, you have to walk alone".

So what's it gonna be?

Currently, John A. Simpson is a Senior IT Professional, owner of Simpson Properties, LLC, a real estate investment company, and an avid blogger He has 22 years of IT experience and plans to continue his career in Internet-related IT.

Why Search Engine Optimization Is Important To Your Future

Building your website with search engine appeal - or search engine optimization - is more art than science but experience has shown that there are some very useful guidelines. The question is, why bother? With effective optimization you'll attract free website traffic that the search engines will send you. Free traffic goes a long way towards not only making your site income-generating but, hopefully, profit-generating as well.

With search engine optimization you might even receive a high traffic volume. Lets just say you have a conversion to successful sales with 5 to 10 percent of your traffic. If you get a hundred hits or more a day, you get a good number of sales already. If you get only twenty or so hits a day, you only get one or two sales if any at all. Higher traffic, especially if it's free, means potentially higher revenue.

Search engine optimization involves a variety of methods for making your site appealing to the search engines, such as having relevant keywords, title and content. It also helps to have other similar sites linking to yours. The aim is to have your site listed in the search engine results and apearing in, preferably, the first two or three pages. The higher the better. This will ensure that your site is displayed in answer to public inquiries as being possibly relevant. In turn, this increases public awareness and directs more traffic to your site - traffic that could lead to potential sales, revenue and profit.

There are many locations on the internet that can help you improve search engine optimization, including those that help in tracking keyword phrases. For instance, the free Yahoo/Overture Suggestion Tool, as well as many commercial keyword analyzers. There are also some content writers and article directories that can provide suitable keyword-laden content for you.

However, most people performing a search examine only the ten top results, which are on the first page. Those entries further down the list languish, with little attention. So making it to the top three pages is a barometer of a site's success in search engine optimization as you will get more people clicking through to your site when you have a higher ranking on these pages. And, as mentioned, more traffic means more business for you.

As you might have guessed, search engine optimization may require a fair bit of work to be fully realized. For instance, researching the keyword phrases that are popular for your niche or theme.

You may also need to rewrite your site's contents so that you get the right keyword phrases in your site without making it too awkward to read. There are useful guidelines that can be followed to assist with this.

Also consider collaborating with other web sites to obtain link exchanges and page transfers. Having inbound links definitely increases search engine appeal. Possibly the best way of gaining these is to write quality articles on the subject of your website and submit them to article directories for others to use. This generates desirable one-way links from those who post your articles on their websites, and they have usually selected your article because of its relevance!

When you need help just search the internet. Tips, guidelines and methods for search engine optimization are abundant and easily found. There are also many articles freely available that can help you optimize your website. Just posing the question on Google or inquiring at your favorite article directory will quickly locate some of these. The more informed you are the better. But resist the temptation to buy ebooks when so much free information is available.

This all helps in getting those high rankings. It may require a little time and effort but the benefits can be astounding.

E-commerce is a cut throat business. You have to arm yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to make your site a cut above the rest. Each day, more and more sites clamber for higher rankings and, if you get careless, you may just get trampled and be left in cyber dust.

In recent years, and in the foreseeable future, search engines have been the most widely used internet sources of information. Use them well and prosper.

However, even with effective optimization in place, don't just rest on your laurels; it is a continuing process. Check your ranking from time to time and also have a good look at what the top sites for a keyword are doing. Why do they have a higher ranking? What do you have to do to secure the top spot? Each day is a new day for all e-commerce sites or, as Scarlet O'Hara said: "Tomorrow is another day!"

Ivan Kelly managed a Direct Mail business with extensive mailing lists for ten years and has designed and promoted many websites. He also provides a quality f'ree course on Search Engine Marketing. For details go to: List Of Topics

Ethical Search Engine Optimisation Services: Are You Unintentionally Search Engine Spamming?

Many people who have websites are not totally up to date with what is considered to be search engine spamming. Having worked on search engine optimisation for a few clients, I have come across websites that are using spam techniques to help elevate search engine rankings. When I confronted clients about this, they honestly did not know they were using a form of spam nor did they realise the consequences if detected by the search engines.

So what is search engine spamming? A simple definition would be; deliberately designing website pages that offer poor and irrelevant content, and are used to trick search engines into ranking the content highly for inappropriate search results.

People tend to use spam as a way of attracting as many visitors to their website. When caught by the search engines, this will result in a major setback to business. Websites will be blacklisted from the search engines and chances are they will not appear in the index for a very long time.

Not sure if you are spamming? Below are a few common forms of spam techniques that you should avoid.

Doorway Pages Optimising a single webpage to perform exceptionally well in search engine ranks for a group of keyword phrases (keyword stuffing on the webpage). Once a user clicks on the link, they will be automatically redirected to a completely different website.

Invisible Text Using text that is not visible to the human eye (having the same colour text as the background colour). The invisible text will usually contain a large number of keywords (keyword stuffing).

Link Farms Joining community websites that provide large volumes of irrelevant links to your website.

Along with other forms of spam, these techniques should be avoided at all costs. If you are not sure whether your site uses some form of spam, then it would be best to contact a search engine optimisation specialist before it could result in your website being blacklisted.

Past clients who were using some form of spam and were not aware of it, had taken a big loss by having their website blacklisted in some search engines. The road to recovery can take very long and it is one that no one would like to follow. Be cautious!

About the Author: David Touri is a search engine optimisation specialist working for SEO Sydney. He has worked on many projects and offers ethical search engine optimisation services to companies in Australia. For further information, please visit

Finding & Getting Webmaster Support!

Internet marketing has become this huge phenomena in the last ten to fifteen years. Literally thousands of internet businesses are being started every single day in North America alone, and the interesting thing about it is that a good percentage of the people that start these businesses, don't know a thing about the internet. Let alone marketing on it!

I remember when I first started online (this goes back years), I got a hold of a recorded video seminar and as you can imagine, I was glued to the screen watching every move of these multi millionaires. They were supposedly THE deal and everyone expected to receive a magic success formula from them. After all, how else would these gurus have made their millions?

Well, I don't remember much about that particular video anymore, except for one scene - where the guru jokingly promised that she would tell everyone exactly where she got all of her secrets from. She had everyones attention all of a sudden. To their disappointment though she says: "GOOGLE".

Now, I am certain that you have heard gurus say that in the past as well and whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant. Fact is, there really is no magic or secret when it comes to internet marketing. Take my word for it: I have seen it all.

If anything, there is a formula, and here it is: Do what successful internet marketers do, and you will be successful. It is as simple as that!

Having said that though, google might not always be the best place to go to if you are just starting out. There is a lot of information out there and by the time you have sifted through it all, you will most likely suffer from information overload. So what do you do?

Join a webmaster forum, bookmark webmaster resource sites, and last but definitely not least, read articles that have been written by experts in the field.

By joining a forum with like minded people, you will find that you are not the only person on the world wide web that has questions about whatever it is you are struggling with. Forums are the ideal place to discuss these problems and to come up with a solution. Remember: two minds are better than one.

Another advantage about webmaster forums is that even though you are all a like minded bunch of people, you all have different strengths and weaknesses. Something you might consider straight forward might be something someone else is struggling with. On the flip side though, if YOU are the one struggling with something, someone else might just be an expert in that.

Build a reputation as one who likes to help, and guess what... other webmasters will have no problem helping you either. Remember: It is always better to give than it is to receive!

This author has proudly added to his favorites. Feel free to distribute this article in any way or form as long as you include this resource box.

Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist Discusses What Is Search Engine Optimisation Part 27

The best way to create a powerful RSS feed is to sing up or join a professional and reputable free blogging service. Then use the RSS feed that the company automatically creates for your content and your blog and then place that RSS feed on your website. Remember to keep posting to your blog in order to have unique content always being shown through the related RSS feed on your website.

Why does search engine optimisation work. There is only one thing or reason as to why SEO works. Great keyword specific original content headed by the same keyword specific titles. If you are going to market goods and services on the internet (note the word 'market' not advertise), it does not matter what these products services or goods are, you need to give people solutions to their business problems by showing them that by using your business services and products it will produce those benefits and solutions for them.

The point here is that you have got to write if you want to market your business on the internet. If you do not know how to write you need to learn. So how do you learn how to write? It is very simple. Talk into a microphone, record it, then as you listen to your recording you write your words down. Write like you speak. The more that you write the easier it becomes and then you can write even more and your style of writing improves.

Do not put on airs and graces. Do not write that you are an expert when you are not. When you do become an expert in your chosen field then you can write and inform people about it. Keep your writing simple, honest, sincere and direct and people will trust you and therefore do business with you. Once you start appearing on the internet because of your writing and you start achieving first page ranking on the search engines and achieve notoriety, then you have accomplished 'bragging' rights. Write and tell people about your notoriety achievements.

Clyde Thorburn
Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist
Johannesburg South Africa
Landline: 2711 432 2225
Skype ID: clydethorburn
Yahoo IM: crthorburn

Article Marketing - 6 Step Guide To Making Article Titles That Sell!

Your article title is your catch. Your title is what makes your reader actually read your content. Your title must show what your article is about, and also catch them into reading it. When readers look at articles, they only read the title, they hardly read the teaser copy. This is a fact. So to get your readers attention, you must have a good article title that sells! Here are some strategic ways that you can do it.

How to get your article noticed by just using the title!

  1. Putting your articles keyword into your title's first three words will get your article a higher page ranking, and make it more successful. It also tells the reader what your article is about quickly, and accurately.
  2. Having numbers in your article title can increase your amount of views. If your article says "5 ways to increase your web traffic" people will click on it more. When readers look at articles, they usually see words, if they see a number, their mind automatically makes them think that the article has fast information that they can get.
  3. Using the shock tactic can work well with your article title. Saying something like "Your Internet Marketing Tactics Suck!" will quickly get your readers attention and get you more article views.
  4. Using punctuation marks can make your article look more exciting and will give the reader the impression that your article has important information in it.
  5. Putting in worthless words in your article title will destroy it's clicks. If your article say something like "no other way is better than this marketing strategy" your wasting too much of your articles title with words that won't help your page ranking. Don't use useless words too much.
  6. Saying that your article is a guide can increase your amount of viewers. If readers see that your article will work for them as a guide, they will click on it, and distribute it to others to help them.

These article marketing secrets to creating an article title that sells will help vastly help you with your titles. Use this guideline whenever you write an article. Your amount of viewers will increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Organic SEO Through Content Distribution

Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) seems to be the buzzword these days. What is organic SEO? In its simplest explanation, organic SEO is publicity through content distribution. All your incoming links originate from content you created for your website or blog. And boy, search engines love this kind of linking structure.

Marketing through articles is organic Search Engine Optimisation. Your article and the link in your author's resource box generate incoming links from other niche websites related to yours.

Good quality original content will generate incoming links and drive targeted web traffic to your website fast. This is the kind of activity search engines love, and would in turn lead to higher web page ranking and increase in web traffic.

Writing Articles

This is an effective way of gaining publicity for yourself and your site. Write about your experiences, expertise, hobbies or passion. As a rule of thumb, keep your articles at about 400 to 700 words in length. The issue is not the length of the article. It is the quality of it. But for a start, it is good to adhere to the rule of thumb.

Tips on effective use of articles

Before you start to write, do a research on keyword phrases related to your topic of interest. There are a few free online webmasters' tools you could utilize (, wordtracker trial). Normally, the top ranked keyword phrases are highly competitively. A top ranked keyword with little or zero competition is a rare find these days. Go for the middle ranked keyword phrase. After all, your goal is to be found on the first page of SERP for your selected keyword phrase.

Include your keyword phrase in your article title and repeat your keyword phrase at least once or twice in the body of your article. You may also want to use sparingly and strategically a variation of your keyword phrase or terms related to it. You may notice in this article I use SEO and Search Engine Optimization, which are interchangeable terms but to the search engines they are variations. I also use search engines and webmasters which are terms related to SEO.

Using a variation of your keyword phrase and terms related to it makes your article more relevant to your topic. With such an arrangement, chances are you may score well at the search engines for more than one keyword phrase.

Post your articles on your site, blog and article directories. Spreading your content all over the web is a fast way to get website visitors. I submit my articles to, and These article directories work well for me. Their high rankings at the search engines give me good publicity.

Other webmasters related to your niche will pick up your high quality articles and link to your web page through your author's resource box. This is an organic way of growing incoming links. Major search engines like Google look favorably on organically grown one-way links, and reward you.

Most webmasters archived articles for 1 or 2 years because this is a quick way to increase content and the size of their websites. So you can be assured of incoming links for at least 1 or 2 years.

It would be worth your time and effort to write or to hire someone to write keyword rich articles and distribute them over the web. The results can be astounding at times.

Gerrick W
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Article Syndication - Popularize Your Content

Content is the king of any site. There are instances when your article does not get picked up by search engine in spite of having a strong content. In this case, article linking will be very effective. If you link your site to any other popular site, then there is the maximum possibility of your content to get noticed. Marketing of your site can only make your content read by a large number of visitors. Article syndication is nothing but a powerful marketing tool. It is totally different from search engine optimization. By adopting this method, you can popularize your article and your site. For this reason, it is very important that you keep your content original.

Article syndication links up your article to various well known sites. For this, it requires an informative content. However, there are many writers that pay a foul game with content. They use those keywords in their content which are widely searched but do not have anything to do with the original content. If this is the scenario, then that site will not be picked up by any popular sites and in the later period of time it will be banned. While writing content, the content writer should be well versed with keyword density, meta tags, alt tag etc. An article is a very strong weapon of any site. If an article is not interesting and informative then adopting article syndication also will not be make your site visible. So, it is very important that you make your content highly readable, interesting and up-to-date. Always try to freshen up your site.

If your site is not noticed by any one then your effort to write new content will ended in smoke. Article syndication will link your article to another site and make people noticed your article and read it. In this way, the site and the article will become popular. To start with it, a site should hire a content writer to write articles for their website. After writing the content it is necessary to post the article in all the well known sites. The article should have the link of its site. It is very important that the article is submitted in all the popular bookmarking sites. Even if a surfer does not have any idea regarding your site, through bookmarking he will able to reach your site. In this way, your site will get a new visitor.

Article syndication will increase traffic and increase sales. It is all about marketing your article in all the popular sites. Before writing article, one should do some basic research on the keywords. There are many keywords tool that can be make into use while writing content. If your article has required number of keywords than only it will get picked up by popular site like Google, MSN, Yahoo etc. There are many websites that do an extensive study on how to advertise its article. One can also take the help of those sites and get ideas from them as how to advertise their product. By adopting this method, one can popularize its article as well as popularize its site.

Steve Waganer has specialization in web marketing. He is expert in search engine optimization, article syndication, search engine marketing firm, social media optimization. To get the SEO tips from, SEO firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

5 Basic SEO Tips That Create SE Friendly Web Sites

The simple solution to this problem is to implement the following basic SEO tips and spend the rest of your time building links and content. These tips may be fairly common to the more experienced Webmaster but if you are not using them, you are losing traffic.

1. Implement unique META titles and descriptions for all of your pages. Many Webmasters begin their first web site without META description and title tags at all. Once they learn that, SEO wise, it is very important to do so, they add them but they are not unique. Each title and description should be unique to each individual page.

2. Add an HTML sitemap to your site. This is a single page that includes links to the main pages of your websites. If your site is small you may want to include every page while larger sites should just have links to the most important pages. Sitemaps are an import part of SEO optimization because they give the search engines a hub where their spiders can find all of your pages through one single page.

3. Target long tail keywords in your sub pages. Long tail keywords are those that are not as highly competitive as your main keyword. Target a fairly competitive keyword for your index page and less competitive keywords for all sub pages. Many Webmasters have a bad habit of targeting the same few keywords throughout their entire site; because of this they are losing valuable traffic to inner pages.

4. Use underline, bold, strong and italics tags on each pages keywords. This SEO tip is one that has proven to be very valuable. Search Engines give more weight to words that are using these tags. Do not over do it, implementing these tags at least two or three times would cut it.

5. Use H1 and H2 tags with your main and secondary keywords. Most SEs give a lot of weight to words that are wrapped in these tags. Each page on your web site should have one or two targeted keywords at the beginning of the page. Just add < h1 >keyword< /h1 > to the main keyword and the same for your secondary keyword replacing h1 with h2 and deleting the spaces.

If you have not been using the above tips in your SEO strategy then you have been missing out on quality targeted traffic. Implement these tips as soon as possible and you will start to notice an increase in visitors.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster providing Proven SEO Optimization Tips. Joshua would like to invite you to his website at where he shows anyone willing to learn, how to Make Money Online.

Targeted Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 Creative Secrets to Make Money with Article Marketing

The popularity of article marketing cannot be ignored these days. Millions of online entrepreneurs and marketers from all parts of the world are using this technique as their primary marketing tool not only because it is cost-effective but also because it delivers great results in terms of traffic generation and product promotion.

Here are the 5 creative secrets to make money with article marketing:

1. Improve your writing skills. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or if you are already an expert writer. If you want to get ahead of the pack and consistently set yourself apart from the rest, you must strive to master and improve on your craft. By doing so, you will be able to offer your customers with nothing but the best every time you write your articles. You can easily increase your skill level by writing on a regular basis, expanding your vocabulary, working with other expert writers, and attending writing seminars.

2. Use a killer resource box. If your resource box is unable to convert your readers to potential clients, your conversion rate and sales will surely suffer. So, make it enticing and attention-grabbing by including your name, your expertise, a powerful call to action, and a compelling elevator pitch. You may also opt to offer incentives like free ebooks or tutorials to boost your conversion rate.

3. Produce more articles. To easily boost the number of your inbound links that can greatly help you strengthen your online presence and pull up your search engine ranking, strive to multiply the number of your articles. This can easily be done by producing short articles that are quicker to write or by hiring a ghostwriter.

4. Consider your potential readers. What information do they need? What are their pressing issues and questions? What is their preferred writing style and writing format? What is their gender, age, economic status, educational background, and occupation? Get to know the people to whom you are writing for so you can easily choose the type of information that they will appreciate and make your content highly targeted to their needs and demands.

5. Make your articles interesting to read. Never bore your readers by sounding too formal or too stiff. Instead, try to sound warm and friendly by using conversational tone. It would help if you can insert questions once in a while or share interesting personal success stories that your readers can easily relate to.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

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Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profit Praxis Review - What You Need To Know About The New Internet Marketing Package

Internet Marketing is extremely broad in scope. And for this very purpose, I felt the need learn about Tim Godfrey's Profit Praxis, as the catch phrase of this product is "Internet Marketing Solved." When someone claims that their product "solves" something as vast as internet marketing, it needs to be looked into. This article will discuss the pieces of Profit Praxis: what is valuable, where the gaps are, and how to fill these gaps. Profit Praxis is a internet marketing package that is huge in scope.

Profit Praxis is much more than just an ebook. Here is what else you receive:

  • 3 plug-n-play affiliate campaigns, complete with landing page, autoresponder messages, and keyword lists. This is a really great feature, whether you are new to internet marketing or you are a seasoned veteran. And while I can't tell you the niches that these affiliate campaigns are in, I can tell you that they are all in multi-million dollar industries.
  • 3 editable niche info products, along with sales page, that you can put your name on. This means that you, yes you, can become a product publisher over night! Start an affiliate program with these products and you are on your way to making a lot of money. I went through these products and expected to find a bunch of articles that were thrown together at the last minute and then called an ebook, but that was not the case, as all 3 ebooks are very informative in their respective niches.
  • A 14 page affiliate website in a billion dollar niche.
  • 8 video tutorials, over 2.5 hours, covering everything you need to know for setting up your affiliate campaigns and niche info products.
  • 3 audio interviews with some of the biggest names in internet marketing. There is a lot of valuable info here, you will want to listen to each one a couple of times to absorb all the information.
  • And some other surprises that I cannot tell you about until you sign up (sorry!)
  • After looking through the massive amount of information provided in Profit Praxis, it is clear that this package covers almost everything you need to start making money online today. Notice I said almost, as there is one big factor that seems to be missing from this pacakge: articles.

    You can use articles to promote your product or service. This is very important and can help drive a lot of targeted traffic to your site. When you get all your affiliate campaigns set up, you will want to promote them, but you won't have any articles to do so! Well, you can get all the articles you need, and you can get them for free. Check out this unique Profit Praxis Bonus that adds immense value to the package.

    Chris is an internet marketer and webmaster. He is psyched when new products come out that actually deliver results. You can learn more abour Profit Praxis at If you want a free and exclusive bonus for the Profit Praxis package, check out for details.

    Why is Keyword Research Critical?

    As soon as you get into search engine optimization, you'll start hearing new phrases like keyword research. You're probably wondering what keyword research is and why is it critical?

    Keyword research is a beautiful thing. Why? It is a glimpse into the minds of your potential customers and clients. What if you could gain access to a database of information on how your prospects thought about the products you are offering? What if you could identify the exact words they used in their minds? Couldn't you tailor your site and marketing to really take of advantage of that information? On the web, you can with keyword research.

    There are large databases on the web that collect the search habits of people using search engines. Before you start screaming about privacy, the only thing being tracked is general search queries, not who is making them. At least not by name, but that is another subject that Google will have to answer to. But I digress.

    With keyword research, you can access these databases and see the exact phrases people are using when they search for information in your business area. Let's say I sell books on dog training. I can search for all searches done by people that include the phrase "dog training" in them. The databases will then kick out all the phrases.

    Depending on the systems, the phrases may include information such as the number of times a day, week or month the phrase was used in a search. The systems might also tell you how many other websites are trying to get ranked under each keyword phrase. For all intensive purposes, we are talking about a gold mine of information! The first step in any SEO campaign is to do keyword research and then embed them in your site as you can read here.

    Aazdak Alisimo writes about search engine optimization for