Sunday, June 29, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There is a marketing strategy that allows you to get quality targeted traffic to your website and it is easy. You can use this marketing strategy to make money with Google adsense ads, affiliate products, or your own product. The best part is that it is easy and free. Read on to discover more about this great marketing strategy.

If you want quality targeted traffic, then you need to start article marketing. Article marketing is one of the free staples to website traffic that is always going to be targeted. There are some internet marketers that make their entire living from article marketing. Imagine waking up in the morning, or afternoon if you prefer, writing 5 to 10 articles, submitting them to top article directories, and when you are done, doing whatever you want with the rest of your day.

This is a reality for some people and these people are the ones that are using article marketing to get their targeted traffic. Read on to find out the basics of article marketing.

Basically you will need to have a subject in mind and a few affiliate product websites or Google AdSense websites to promote with your articles. Then, you need to brainstorm a list of possible article titles. The longer the list is the better because you will have more choices to write about. Last, you need to research and start writing your articles. Submit them one by one to the top article directories, then take one out of every ten or so and submit them all over the web to as many free article directories as you can find.

Article marketing is easy and is one of the top free marketing strategies. You can use article marketing to create a flood of quality targeted traffic to your website, blog, Google AdSense sites, or affiliate product sites.

Start turning a profit today with article marketing. Discover all the secrets of this top marketing strategy and create waves of quality targeted traffic to your website. Get the Secrets to article marketing here:

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

If you want to attract the attention of real estate agents, you need to develop a relationship with agents that serve luxury, custom building.around a position. All of your efforts at marketing to realtors should be built around this position.

Your position provides the focus and direction around your expertise. It tells the agent what you do, for whom, explores your niche, differentiates you from the competition and shows the benefit to the customer.

The first step is developing a position statement that describes your business.

Who are you and whats your business?

The first part of your statement describes, in detail, your preferred client. It can be a focus on a geographic area, or it can focus on your experience. For instance, you can either state that you service agents that work Scottsdale, or you could say you work

What kinds of problems do you solve?

This is the heart of your positioning statement. It creates the interest with the reader or agent. To get their attention, you need to focus on problem solving. For instance, say you are focusing on helping agents struggling to produce more referrals. You positioning statement could be, John Brown, a mortgage professional with Quality Mortgage, helps million dollar producing agents struggling to capture consistent referrals.

Whats your competition?

Take a look at your competition. What do they offer and how do they offer it. Does their offer sound similar to yours, or are you unique. Understanding your competition helps you recognize your unique value and expertise. It also helps you refine your position.

For instance, if your competing with agencies with in-house lenders, you could structure your position statement along the lines of: John Brown, a mortgage professional with Quality mortgage, helps million dollar producing agents struggling to capture consistent referrals. Unlike in-house lenders that limit the customer care they offer, John Brown specializes in building client loyalty strategies.

With your position statement, you are addressing the competition so you can highlight how you are different from them, without being negative or derogatory.

Whats the benefit of your expertise?

List the benefits your audience will receive from their perspective. Be careful to keep the benefits separate from the features. Features are defining elements of your service, while benefits are what the agent gains from your service, the result of solving the problem.

For instance, you might state: John Brown, a mortgage professional with Quality mortgage, helps million dollar producing agents struggling to capture consistent referrals. Unlike in-house lenders that limit the customer care they offer, John Brown specializes in building client loyalty strategies so the agent can predict a steady stream of new referrals.

Your benefit to the agent is the same as your unique competitive advantage. This competitive advantage is what you use to generate interest.

Your positioning statement should be the foundation of your marketing strategy. Once you define your position, you can build your marketing plans around it.

All of your efforts at marketing to Realtors will begin with your positioning statement. Its key to establishing your unique brand identity, the one thing agents consider when they come to doing business with you and keeps them coming back.

Jeff Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by attracting quality relationships with real estate agents from the development of customized relationship-building strategies.

Click here to get a free copy of the Marketing Planning Guide, a 20-page workbook designed to help you outline a strategy to become an Agent Magnet.

Visit us at

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Email list building is a common marketing practice these days. There are very few businesses that you can go into these days that dont ask for your email address or ask if you want to sign up for special offers or updates through your email. This is the first step you should take, as well, when building your email list. Start by asking your customers to fill out a short piece of paper containing their name and email address. This will give you the opportunity to keep in some sort of contact and communication with your customers.

Email list building sounds easy, right? Well, it can be if you go about it the right way. These days, with everyone asking for email addresses with the amount of spam on the internet, it is getting harder and harder for you to be able to get a persons email address from them for your email list building database. So youll have to find some way to encourage them. If you are an in-store individual requesting an email address for building your email list, try pointing out the benefits, like newsletters, promotions or other benefits they might receive by having their email address on your email list. This is called direct contact collection. You are collecting the email address for the email list directly from face-to-face customers. For those of us with websites, adding a simple form for email collection is usually the best way to go about email list building. Simply write a short paragraph about why your customer should be giving their email address to you and then request the email by putting in a submission form.

If you already have an email list, try this email list building option. Ask your customers for referrals. If they like your site and what you have to offer, request the email address of friends and family so you can send an invitation to those people to take a look at your site. Or, depending on the site, offer a referral program where customers can earn something for every so many people they get to sign up and give you their email addresses. A third option in the email list building process is telemarketing. In this process, you build your email list by contacting customers over the phone and letting them know they could perhaps avoid the call if they signed up for the email service.

Try to use as many of these as you can when attempting to do email list building. This will help you to create a large email address base.

Author is a technical expert associated with development of email marketing utilities: Get Bulk Email Software. Did you find those tips useful? You can learn a lot more here Download HTML Email Newsletter Guide

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article Marketing is a great way to get the word out about yourself and your business. Even people that have never written before are finding success writing short informative articles and marketing them through Article Directories. The great thing is you don't have to be a professional writer to benefit from this Internet based form of marketing. It's simply a matter of writing about something you know or are interested in, and writing your article as if you were talking to a friend sitting next to you. While I believe just about anyone is capable of writing an article that is worthy of being published, there are a few things to avoid when writing your article to keep it from winding up on the publishing scrap pile.

Of all the mistakes that writers make, gross spelling errors is one of the most blatant. When I speak of spelling errors, I'm not talking about the occasional misspelling of a word, or using the word in the wrong context like using 'there' instead of 'their' but we are talking about articles that are written as if the writer has never opened a dictionary before. The thing is, there really is no reason to submit an article full of misspelled words. All one needs to do, is use a 'spell checker' to proofread their article. Some article directories like 'Ezine Articles' even provide a free spell checker that will let you check your spelling before submitting the article. No matter how good you think your spelling is, my advice is to use a spell checker before submitting your article. I always use one before I submit an article, and I'm amazed at the spelling errors I find in my writings.

Another mistake that writers make is writing an article that is either too long or too short. You want to try and get in the habit of saying what you have to say as concisely as possible. I usually try to compose my articles with a structure of 5-7 paragraphs and word count of between 400-700 words. Any less than 400 words, and most newsletter publishers and owners of websites won't bother to use it for publication. It's the same with articles that run on forever. Remember, you are not writing a book, you just want to compose a short, entertaining or informative article that others will read and hopefully post on their website. Your goal is to have your article distributed around the Internet as much as possible. Keeping your articles short but concise will help you to accomplish this goal.

One of the most egregious errors that I see some authors make is the misuse of the 'Resource Box'. It's a shame to see a well written article about some topic only to see the Resource Box not being used properly. For instance, if you're writing an article about Tropical Fish, you wouldn't want to include a link in your Resource Box that takes the visitor to a site that tells them how they can save money on their taxes with a piece of software. You want to link the information in the Resource Box to the article as much as possible. If you are writing a somewhat general article about making money, you're probably safe in linking to most other sites about making money in one form or another. On the other hand, if your article is written about a particular niche, then use the Resource Box to send your visitors to a website that relates to what your article is about.

Another vital ingredient to Article Marketing success is submitting your articles to the right Article Directories. There are literally thousands of directories to submit your articles to on the Internet. While some people will suggest that you submit your articles to as many directories as possible, I try and submit my articles to the highest ranked directories on the Internet. The reasons for this are not only because you receive more visitors from these directory sites, but your articles will oftentimes receive a higher page ranking by the search engines which leads to long term traffic for you. One technique I use to check on the effectiveness of an article directory is after submitting an article, going back a week or two later to check on the article stats. If I find that the article is waiting to be reviewed or hasn't been downloaded much, then I'll most likely avoid submitting any more articles to that directory in the future.

Article Marketing can be a great way to bring traffic to your website. If done properly, your article can bring you traffic for years to come. While your article writing probably won't lead to a new career as a novelist, it can lead to greater exposure for you and increased profit.

William J. Thomas is actively engaged in Internet Business pursuits. He also contributes articles on life, business and other topics. His current website is..Create Income from Home With Your Own Cash Generating... Internet Business

Visit Bill's Blog for tips and discussion about Earning Income on the Internet

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

If you want to attract more visitors to your site, establish yourself as an expert on your field, generate link popularity, increase your search engine ranking, pre-sell your products, and entice visitors to access your website over and over again, then you need to incorporate article marketing to your traffic-generating strategies. This tool is not only proven efficient but it is also very cost effective.

Here are the 4 hidden secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Keep your articles short. Online users love reading articles that are brief, concise and direct to the point. Remember, you do not need to write a 750-word article when you can discuss your topic using 250 words. By doing this, you can create more articles that can lead to more back links to your website.

2. Make every word count. Most article directories do not pay attention to the word count of your articles; they are most concern with the quality and content. So, avoid using fillers and fancy words just to make your articles longer. Instead, consider every word that you use and make sure that they have a direct impact on your topic. This will make your articles meatier and worth reading.

3. Use compelling titles. Your headlines should be attention-grabbing. They should communicate what your potential readers will miss should they ski your articles. Keep your titles short, direct to the point, and intriguing.

4. Hire some help. If you want to have more articles to submit to article publishing sites, I recommend that you outsource some of your tasks. You can hire a ghostwriter or someone who can submit the articles for you. By doing this, you get the tasks done half the time, making your more productive.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Perhaps the most important aspect of Internet marketing is getting traffic to your website. But how do you do that, without spending a fortune? If you haven't even considered article marketing, you're making a big mistake. Writing articles and posting them to prominent directories gives you some great benefits. "I hate to write," you say? Hire someone at to ghostwrite for you. It can be very inexpensive. There's no excuse powerful enough to wipe out the benefits of article marketing.

Here are three reasons why:

First, there's not a doubt that a well-written article will give you status as an expert. Don't think that you're too new at this to write something! If you're in the right niche, you should have a passion for what you're doing. You'll know something, which is more than most. So, write about what you love. Do it in a conversational tone, and tell them what thrills you about your Internet marketing niche. Just write about the aspects of it where your excitement lies.

Second, when you solve problems, people will want to see your website. So, for example, say you're in the crafts niche, but you are really passionate about knitting. So, you must be a knitter, right? OK. Prepare a special report that gives 5 to 10 tips about knitting that you can teach new knitters and put a link in your author's resource box (the byline information and a short bit of ad copy) that leads them to your squeeze page to get it. If they read your article and liked it, they'll come to your website and they'll opt in to your list to get those 5 to 10 tips, too.

Third, articles provide one-way links to your website. This allows some SEO (search engine optimization) advantage. Each link you get from another website is a one-way link, as long as you don't point back to the other site, as well. These links are seen as "natural" by the search engines, meaning that one webmaster just saw another webmaster's site and wanted to add a link. Search engine spiders like that. However, when you write articles, you get the advantage of each of them pointing back to your site. Very valuable links, indeed.

There's no argument... Article marketing is extremely powerful, and it's not just a traffic generation system. There are at least three great benefits that we discussed above. Think about writing an article or buying some from ghost writers. Then, get them into a good directory. You'll see the results in the traffic to your Internet marketing site and in optins and sales because the best aspect of writing and marketing with articles is that it gives you the credibility you need to succeed in the Internet marketing world.

Tellman Knudson, CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., is a master list builder and well-known for his first project, List Crusade. Tellman teaches you his system for explosive list building and offers a Free one-on-one consultation with an Internet marketing expert at

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

If you are not using article marketing as traffic-generating and marketing tool, you are definitely leaving potential clients to your competitors. Don't let that happen and start writing your articles today.

1. Improve your writing skills. To be successful in this method, you need to produce articles that are not only content-rich, but also well-written. Hone your writing skills through constant practice and by reading articles and ebooks about such topic. You can also opt to work with expert writers who can teach you valuable tips and techniques that will enable you to produce quality articles.

2. Create effective resource box. This is one of the crucial elements of article marketing that will determine your conversation rate. You would want to convert every reader to potential client to boost your sales potential. Thus, you need to know how to create a resource box that is compelling, intriguing, enticing, and attention-grabbing. I suggest that you include incentives, like free ebooks or articles, to reward every person who chooses to click your website's URL.

3. Keep the rules of publishing sites in mind when writing your articles. You would want your articles to be accepted the first time you submit them to avoid wasting your time on revisions, right? Get to know the terms of service of various publishing sites to decrease or totally eliminate the chances of your articles being rejected.

4. Understand the algorithms of search engines. Knowing how they index articles and what elements they are looking for in ranking content will empower you to create articles that will satisfy their requirements. This can result to increased page views, higher page ranking, and more profits.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is simply a numbers game. The higher your article volume, the higher all your other numbers will be. That's it, thank you and good night.

Really I could stop there and you would have some great and useable information. But there is this little thing about minimum word count, so I'll explain that statement a bit more.

Article marketing is a numbers game

Here is why this statement is so important and powerful. Most people that begin in article writing and article marketing will write one or maybe even a few articles, wait for all the wonderful results that do not come right away, and then claim that article marketing does not work.

Article marketing works. Some people do not work, however.

The bare minimum number of articles on the internet that you need to just begin to see a steady trickle of traffic is 25. Everything after 25 articles increases the trickle.

If you are serious about article marketing, life really begins at 250 articles. If this article is accepted, it will give me 1017 articles on just one article directory. I could not stop the flood of daily traffic if I wanted to, and I sure don't want to.

Here is what I know -

If I want more traffic, I write more articles.

If I want more prospects, I write more articles.

If I want to build my list, I write more articles.

If I want more subscribers, I write more articles.

If I want more customers, I write more articles.

I think you get the point. If you want to raise any of your important numbers, write more great quality articles.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates to help you write more great quality articles. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and

The Ideal Link Building Velocity to Prevent Search Engine Penalties

SEO or Search engine optimization is a process of designing or modifying a website with the intention of improving the sites ranking in search engine databases. The search engine optimization process involves many techniques and tricks, some quite straightforward while others can be a little underhand and could meet with search engine disapproval. There are a variety of methods involved in making a website as compatible and inviting as possible to search engine spiders, and link building is one of them.

There is such a thing as over optimization and an over zealous beginner to SEO can very easily find that their rapid fire link building has resulted in penalties from Google or other search engines. Your link building process should appear as 'natural' as possible. Bulk link buying and link farms are a big no these days.

Search engines such as Google have complex filters to judge the quality of inbound links. Though link popularity is the major factor in deciding your ranking, it is imperative that you build your links at a moderate pace and only link to relevant websites.

A link building strategy that adheres to search engine rules is important in order to hit the high page ranks. If you want to build up your links naturally and get in the good books of the search engines, follow the tips below:

- Try to have as many keywords as possible in the form of anchor text and subsequently reduce the 'click here' text to a minimum if you cannot do away with it totally.

- Many sites have links all in one place. This is not taken very kindly at all. Please make sure you spread your links as evenly as possible within the site.

- The gravest mistake you can make is trying to dramatically increase your links overnight. Links should be included gradually. A sudden jump in link popularity will only get your website flagged by the spam filters.

- It is imperative to focus on quality links - not just quantity. Do not allow links from casino, adult or pharmacy sites (unless you need to) since these sites are notorious for spamming.

- Make it a point to keep increasing your link volume at a gradual pace. Make sure that your links come from different websites.

- Creating multiple websites yourself and then linking them all together is not a very favored tactic. Search engines track IP addresses and your links should come from different locations.

- A combination of old websites and new ones can also work in your favor. Do not underestimate the importance of internal pages as they count in the SEO process as well. Always try and acquire back links or 3 way links for these inner pages.

- Submit your website to good and trusted directories on a long-term basis. The time limit and sandbox filters of search engines take this point very seriously.

- Links to advertisers and sponsors do not have much value. Try to gain inbound links from websites that provide high value content to surfers instead. Do this by providing high quality content on your own website that is regularly updated and always unique in order to provide your viewers and the surfers who frequently visit other sites with high quality content related to your niche. The uniqueness of the content on your site is crucial since viewers need new value on a regular basis.

There are numerous 'black hat' techniques that can blast your website to the top of the search engines in a very short time. Though these quick results provide short-term popularity and possibly sudden profits, the time spent at top will be short lived. You could get your site blacklisted by the search engines, which is the worst thing that could happen to a webmaster!

Do not aim for high velocity link building. A slow to moderate pace will take longer to yield results, but these results will last and can act as a platform to launch new and successful marketing campaigns.

Search engine optimization Toronto is a Toronto SEO company offers a variation of internet marketing services.

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The world of internet marketing is changing so quickly that you may find your head spinning. Do you find yourself saying things like:

If we had only known that niche marketing was going to be so wildly popular we would have focused on that instead of MLM.

If we had only known that Google was going to change its algorithm and the rules of AdWords were going to change we would have...

Do yourself a favor and stop beating yourself up! You are not alone. It is a safe bet that the only constant in internet marketing will be change! The plethora of new product offers that are constantly dropping into your email inbox are proof of that. You know Google will keep changing its algorithm and new search engines may even challenge Google someday.

Here are a few tips to avoid getting overwhelmed by this constant sea of change.


Know that to have long-term success in internet marketing, you cant just rely on luck. This is a serious profession which requires serious study. There are techniques which work and some that wont. In this respect, internet marketing is like any other profession.

Due to this rapid rate of change, you cant allow yourself to become complacent. There are always new materials, new techniques and ideas to evaluate.

Most of us learn either from recognized experts in our field or from peers or from our own experience. One great way to pick up information is by participating in internet marketing forums. These are like online classrooms where you can ask questions and participate in healthy exchanges between marketers of all experience levels. While participating in the forums, youll probably pick up some traffic to your website as a nice by-product!


During a presidential campaign in the not too distant past, one candidate was accusing the other of being a waffler. This term could be applied to countless people who cant seem to decide what to market next. They get excited and start with a product or system, investing lots of time and money in getting it up and running. It could be anything from e-books sold on mini-sites to selling on eBay to AdWords.

Then, one day they hear of another new system (probably one created by someone who claims "the gurus are angry with me for giving away all their secrets..."). Easily discouraged by their lack of results with the first opportunity, they put that to the side and try the new one. This can quickly turn into a cycle where they try something for a short time, get discouraged, throw it away and try the next thing.

This is a very costly way of doing business. The nature of the internet business is that it takes time to build momentum. So, you must give your investment time to bear fruit.


If you are guilty of chasing too many ideas at once, take time to regroup. Make a list of all of the products or ideas you have. From this list, determine which of these it will be feasible for you to pursue. This is going to depend, at least in part, on your level of knowledge with the product and what your interests are. Work with your strengths. It is more time-efficient for you to focus on a product or idea which you know inside-out, rather than investing yet more time on a new idea that you just became familiar with.

Next, devise an achievable plan. Focus on this ONE thing youve chosen and set a realistic timeline to achieve results. Don't be in a hurry. If you have a day job, realize that the time you have to devote to your internet venture is limited. The important thing is for you to work at a steady pace until your idea takes hold and the money starts flowing in. That will give you the energy to continue.


Navigating through the changing seas of the internet marketing game requires discipline. Make sure you are a continual learner, but at the same time, dont try to apply too many of those ideas at once!

Dave Keegans Push Button Income web site at offers resources to help you build a successful internet business. While visiting, dont forget to sign up for his *free* 5-part newsletter entitled Online Advertising for the Completely Clueless.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

I once read a remark that if a SEO company can not top (at least) for the keyword "SEO" in Google, it can not be a worthy company.

I know a lot of people might come up with the same logic while searching for the best SEO Company for his site. But let's take a look at the scenario from some different angles.

Why do you target some keywords in your website? The answer is obviously to get targeted visitors who are looking for some service - those who are my potential customers.

But does the word SEO have the potential to bring me genuine customers? For example if my site ranks 1st on Google for 'SEO Services' and 'SEO', which one do you think will get me desired visitors who are willing to buy a service? The answer is obviously SEO Services. And at the same time the competition for SEO Services is comparatively less (but tough) then SEO.

Most of the good SEO companies get clients on recommendations. For example, if I like XYZ Company's job, I will recommend it for my friend's site. And thus XYZ get more clients - simple.

Another big reason is that a lot of SEO companies do not want their name to be associated with the term SEO to search engines.

But if some SEO companies say that due to heavy work pressure that could not concentrate on the ranking of their website - do not believe them or do not work with them either. If they can not find time to work for their mother site, how much time can you expect for your own site?

Now, the problem is somewhere else - every one claims them to be the best SEO Company. And unless I get recommendation from some reliable sources, it is tough to decide their credibility.

So how to find the best SEO company?

To start with it is better to go for local SEO companies (for example search for Florida or Ft Lauderdale SEO and website marketing in search engines if you are from that region). If you are new to internet marketing, this is the best option to start as they are comparatively cheap and you may get someone in your extended friend's community who can give you some feedback about them. At least you can reach them physically at any point of time.

If some companies say that they will help you guaranteed top ranking in Google or Yahoo for a very competitive keyword like SEO Services and they will do it within one month - do not work with them. Getting a good search engine rank is a long term process and no one can guarantee it. And even if they do it with some black hat SEO techniques, it may harm your business in the long run and this sort of ranking is normally not sustainable for a long period.

Ask for their track record - if they have done some good work they will be happy to show you a glimpse. Thus, you can have a good understanding of their company.

Take a look at their website to find out if it is clear or not. Take a look at their page rank and do a search on Google to find out what people are saying about them.

And more importantly ask them straight about their strategy to promote your site for better search engine rankings. Sign the agreement only if you are satisfied with their strategy.

Always remember that good SEO companies will work with you (not alone) to improve your search engine rank.

Learn about better search engine rankings. from leading Florida SEO company.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Many people who get started in article marketing or even Internet marketing in general try to market Internet marketing products. However, they themselves have not made a few decent sales online, let alone make a full-time income on the Internet.

Truth is, there are not many people out there who are interested in making money online as there are people who want to...

- Lose weight

- Get better in relationships

- Get happier

- Have less stress

- And lots more of other stuff!

And there are many more other niches. You'll also be competing with article marketers who are not so into Internet marketing like many of the readers of this article will be. Most of the writers in those niches submit a few articles for testing or merely for small branding purposes.

However (and that is a big however!), if you use them purely for out and out traffic generation to your websites, you can get almost all your articles in the 3-digit zone easily. Many of my articles in other niches reach a 100+ page views after just a week or so and many others hit 300 or more page views.

The simple fact is this: articles in other niches away from the 'make money online' niche or 'Internet marketing' niche generate far more page views, which means far more traffic to your website. You'll also get far less sophisticated competition who are no well-versed in Internet marketing tactics!

So make use of this information to start marketing in niche markets if you haven't. I'm not saying don't sell to the Internet marketing niche (please do so if you have a quality product!), but venture into other niches where it is potentially a lot more profitable.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Maybe you've tried this business model called 'Article Marketing' before. But your 'return on investment' wasn't what was expected. I was recently reading a thread on an Internet marketing forum about a guy who wrote almost a thousand articles but only saw $80 in profit per month on average. That's a terrible return no doubt, but there's some things he's probably doing wrong. In fact, it is fair to say he might be doing almost everything wrong!

Running a business is like coaching a football team. All the components must be place. If one of your 'players' (or components) is having a bad time of it, then the whole team will fall apart. It only takes one bad player to lose a game.

If there's something you are doing wrong with your article marketing efforts, then that is probably the answer to why you are not making the income you should be making.

Here's some possible reasons:

1. You submit to the wrong directories. There are two kinds of submission strategies: submitting to the most popular directories, or to hundreds of directories to build backlinks. The former is enough to earn a substantial income from article marketing.

2. You write poor articles. Be honest with yourself; are your articles up to scratch? Do you write compelling titles that invite click throughs? Is your article informative or 'run off the mill'?

3. You have a poor resource box. Your resource box is the gateway to your website that visitors are going to see. Is it benefit-driven rather than self-focused? Does it focus on the benefits of the reader, rather than your own achievements?

Answer these questions, find out where you are going wrong, and your income might just go up a few notches.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!