Sunday, May 11, 2008

Article Marketing Success In 10 Minutes

Did you know that in just 10 minutes, you can become a successful article marketer? It's true! In just 10 minutes your marketing can become a success! It's not hard to do, but people seem to make it harder. They tend to make it more complicated than it actually is. Article marketing is about marketing articles. The more you write, the better. The more articles you write, the more successful you will become.

In order to become successful as a marketer, you must first understand one thing. Your not trying to create a work of art. That's it. If you just remember that little piece of information, you can become successful at this marketing tactic. Your not trying to create a work of art. No one wants to read a novel in their spare time! That's why they're on the internet! They want the information that they want fast. They don't want all this sophisticated jargon that they can't understand. They don't want a story line. Your readers just want information. And it's your job to give it to them.

To be successful at marketing in 10 minutes, you just have to write a good enough article. Not a perfect article. Just a good article. If we were to use the school's grading system as an analogy, you should be trying to write a C grade article, not an A grade article. The more you aim at being a C, the better your article will actually become.

When you try to write a C article, it will only take about 6 minutes. Just 6 minutes! That's an article that will be working for you to get traffic to your website made in 6 minutes! You don't need to write a rough draft and a brainstorm to get traffic to your website. Your rough draft will do just fine! Your not trying to give your readers a work of art! That's not meant for article writing!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Internet Marketing Strategies - Stop Buying From Marketing Experts

Why is it that many of us are still looking for a secret magic formula to internet marketing strategies from the experts? Secret internet marketing strategies do not really exist as we imagine them to.

Time and time again I see people jumping from one internet marketing material to the other, looking for those expert secret strategies that guarantee millions of dollars in online sales.

- Is there really such a thing?

Yes and No.

I'll explain why.

All over the web we come across materials promising extreme success through enormous traffic and increase of sales using special recipes never released before that will guarantee thousands of dollars with minimum effort and sometimes without spending a dime.

All this can be true, however what many of these people who promise you these wonderful opportunities, each time fail to tell you, is that when you buy these products/services containing Internet marketing strategies, you still need to do a lot of work and spend more money to be able to get the full benefit of what you just purchased.

I am not saying the materials are bad, but many of us still like to delude ourselves that we can grow our business to millions over night using the same system other marketing experts have used and without working at all.

The reality is that all businesses are unique and there is no one formula that can work for all. That is quite impossible.

There are many factors that contribute to the success of a business, and two very important ones are: Your unique selling proposition and your personality.

In order to become experts in our business, we really need to focus on is our long term goal and to understand the best way to reach that goal. Only when we are able to understand our goals, can we apply these internet marketing strategies to our business.

- The answers are right in front of you.

Sit back today and ask yourself the following questions:


1: Why did I choose this line of business?

2: What am I trying to achieve?

3: How much money do I want to make from this venture?

4: What do I expect my business to look like in the next 5 years?

Answering these questions will help you understand your long term goal.

Money alone is not a motivation and also not a reason to go into business. If you're thinking in this direction because of desperation, then you better rethink your strategy, if not you'll be heading for the rocks.

The biggest names in business today are built on passion and a need to fill up a void. Money follows this passion after you create and satisfy want.

- How does this affect your secret internet marketing strategies?

Knowing why you are in business and where you want to get to has everything to do with your marketing.

For example: If you decided to go into business to help people loose weight, then it will be easy to identify your target market. Knowing this alone can help you quickly find out where they hang out online and what they need from you now and in the future.

This is already one step closer to a successful business!

Knowing your clients will also determine the evolution of your business. Taking the weight loss industry I mentioned above, you can even narrow your niche by choosing to help people loose weight or even prevent them from putting it back on. You can also diversify to psychology of the overweight man or woman, and how they should deal with society.

As you can see, knowing your business well will also give you a clearer picture of what you need to do to make your business successful.

You too can be an expert.

- So am I saying we should not purchase any marketing help?

On the contrary I really do support the purchase of marketing materials from experts, containing internet marketing secret strategies, but only when I know what I am looking to find inside. Do not expect these marketing materials to do the work for you.

Knowledge is power!

You need to constantly educate yourself as much as you can, this is what the marketing experts do. Read anything related to your business, every chance you get. Read articles on strategies and how to apply them on the internet. This will guarantee you are always on top of your game and one step a head of your competition.

Before you decide to purchase any marketing material, you need to first understand what your business is all about, where you want to go with your idea, what kind of image you want to portray, how much you want to get out of the venture and in what time frame you would like to achieve all this. Combine your instincts and passion for your business with the knowledge you require.

Carry out a research online to see if you can get answers from free resources that experts have published. There are so many materials on internet marketing strategies that you can get your hands on for free. Exhaust those resources, and only then should you decide to bring out your credit card and pay for anything.

Once again, there is no magic trick that will make you rich overnight, it all depends on how you use the information readily available to make your business grow.


1: Take a pen and paper and write out the answers to the questions from (REF1) above.

2: When you have been able to determine your long term goal in a clearly written form also using figures as a measure of success, then, set a time frame you expect to reach this goal.

3: Now let's break down this long term goal into multiple short term goals. Write on your sheet of paper or use a spread sheet to break down your goals into months at first and then break the months into weeks, then the weeks in days. By doing this you can easily create short term multiple check points to help you measure your success in the long run.

Example: I plan to make my weight loss product the number one name when it comes to weight loss products and programs, and I want to do this within 3 years earning 15 million dollars in total sales.

Taking this very simple example let's now break this down into weeks and even days. For the sake of simplicity I'll just take the monetary value as my end goal, leaving out my goal to become number one.

In three years I want to make $15 million dollars.

Dividing that by 3 means every year I need to make $5 million

Breaking this goal further into months, will mean that each month I need to make approximately $416,667

Breaking this further into weeks will mean I need to make approximately $7,986 each week.

Breaking this further down to days will mean that I need to make approximately $1,141 each day

Now compare $1,141 to $15,000,000, doesn't $1,141 seem an easier target to reach?

4: Look at your target each day and write down what you need to do to achieve this daily goal.

Now that you have broken your long term goal into smaller bits, it will be easier to identify you internet marketing strategies and to take these shorter steps, measuring everything as you go along, thereby creating a trend for your business.

Breaking your goals down further into days and even hours, will also allow you to monitor activities closely as a result you can react quickly to market changes when it is required. Your marketing strategies will always be evolving as you put them into practice and you will becoem an expert in your field.


Here are some questions that come to mind:

- How many sales do you need to make in order to reach this figure?
- How many people do you need to reach weekly/daily in order to achieve this goal?
- What is your conversion ratio?
- What do you need to do to reach these people?
- How much will it cost you to reach your target market?
- What do you need to do to improve your conversion ratio?
- What marketing strategies are working for you on the internet and offline?
- What are the other factors that determine your sales volume (seasonal factors, income etc.)?

Depending on your goal, you will have many more questions to ask.

Your goal should not only be to make money, just like my example above. You can also have goals that are indirectly related to money, something like to become a marketing expert, the number one name in your industry. This too can also be broken down into multiple short term goals so that you can easily apply your marketing strategies to them.

There is always a process you need to follow in order to reach any goal, be it on the internet or offline. It's all about taking your proposed final destination in time and identifying the shortest possible route to get there. In a nutshell, you need to find out what it takes for you to get from point A to point B in the shortest possible time, without wasting money. This is where your internet marketing strategies come into play.

You can now see that you have been able to clearly identify your goal, breaking it down into smaller time periods so you can easily identify the real questions that determine the route to success of your business. Only then, when you have the right questions, do you seek the answers inside paid materials.

Stop deluding yourself that the marketing materials from experts that contain secret internet marketing strategies promising you millions in online sales is the answer to your question. First look within and find out the right questions to ask, break them down into specifics, and then seek the answers. By doing this, you will change your thinking to success. You will able to create a clear picture of what you really need to do in order to take your business to the level you dreamed

Edward Hadome is a rare hybrid manager, strategist, writer and web developer. His specialty is psychology of online buying behavior. Visit "4 weeks Step By Step Marketing program" at where E-Marketers quickly build for free, a real personalized profitable action plan.

Fast Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Best Ways to Excel at Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the oldest forms of advertising that has been used even before the internet has been discovered. It was first used in newspapers where editors solicit free content from marketers in exchange of free advertising space. Due to its success, marketers have incorporated this technique in their internet marketing efforts.

Here are the 4 best ways to excel at article marketing:

1. Establish your expertise on your chosen niche by writing articles that are useful and relevant to your target market. Impart your knowledge to either help your potential clients resolve their pressing issues or increase their knowledge about the niche to which they belong to. If you can consistently provide your readers with content-rich articles, you can easily persuade them to trust you and follow your recommendations.

2. Drive quality traffic to your website by making your resource box powerful and enticing. To boost your conversation rate, communicate to your readers the benefits they can get once they accessed your website or offer incentives to make your call to action even more enticing.

3. Pull up your search engine ranking by obtaining more inbound links for your website. This can easily be done by writing and submitting more articles on publishing sites. Remember, each submission grants you at least one quality inbound link. So, the more articles you write, the higher your chances of ranking better on major search engines.

4. Increase your sales leads by writing about topics that can directly or indirectly promote your products and services. For instance, if you are selling sunglasses, you can write about celebrity sunglasses, where to find signature sunglasses, how to spot a genuine sunglasses, etc. By doing so, you will be able to attract the right kind of people who are most likely to consider the products that you offer.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How to Make It Work For You

Information based marketing is one of the oldest and most effective techniques for bringing targeted prospects to your site and converting them into buyers. This is part of the reason that software, and distribution services that make the process of article promotion easier are so popular lately.

Though the various tools you can use to make the process of distributing your articles more easily are invaluable in getting your content the most exposure, thats only half of the story.

Getting article marketing to work for your site lies primarily in two things:

The article youre submitting, and
The preparation you do before a single word of your content is written.

Since those two determining factors make at least 50% of the difference in bringing you success, lets take a look at what the most common mistakes are in that area, and how to overcome them.

Mistake Number 1 - Confusing the Reason to Promote with Articles with the Reason to Write an Article

There are three key benefits to promoting an article - branding, lead generation, and as a corollary, online promotion, particularly as part of your optimization efforts.

Yet there is only one reason to write an article, and that is to inform your audience. If your article is not geared towards this as its primary purpose, you will fail to see the three benefits of promotion - because no one will want to read your article.

How many links youre able to generate by submitting your article to hundreds of sites will matter little if youre unable to get them picked up by publications, or read by people who search for information.

Sure, if you know what youre doing all those links pointing back to your site will count for something in your search engine results - but remember that generating links to your site is only one part of optimizing your site for Google, Yahoo or MSN.

To overcome this issue, youll need to figure out how to get people to read what is in your article, and then click through to your site from your resource box. The best start to a solution is to produce better content.

In the end its a matter of choice. You can get a little exposure from increased link backs, on a very basic level, or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra work.

Mistake Number 2 - Starting The Article Promotion without a Plan

Not every article can fulfil all three purposes of promotion. Some will work better for branding, others can generate leads and increase sales. But if you dont start out with a plan for what the function of your article should be, youll end up unhappy with the results.

To overcome this issue, before you write a single word, decide what purpose the article is supposed to serve. An article meant to brand you as an expert should display your knowledge. One for generating leads may need to be geared towards solving a very specific problem.

An article that gets published every where and helps to make you known is not meant to have the same level of exposure as hyper-targeted content geared towards a narrow group of people. Learning the difference will help you know what kinds of articles to write.

Mistake Number 3- Publishing Content That Doesnt Help Your Reader

Maybe youre thinking: All I want is links back to my site - any visitors the article generates is gravy.

Well guess what? Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that the directories want to share with readers. And all it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your potential audience tenfold.

So if you want article marketing to work for you, write articles that publishers want in their publications.

This also means obeying the standard guidelines, running a spell check, researching a good topic to write about, or even hiring a writer to produce articles on your behalf.

Mistake Number 4 - Failing to Maximize the Promotional Opportunities of Article Marketing

You already know that articles marketing can help you generate additional links back to your site. But did you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results from articles in a variety of ways?

You can mention your desired keyword in strategic places, though you should take care not to overdo this. Some people will also tell you to make use of anchor text, which can also be an effective method. However, you should know that the majority of directories and publications arent able to support this.

There are alternatives to this method that are just as effective, if not more so, but they require more space to explain.

Its not just about the links back to your site either. Part of doing well with article marketing is getting picked up by publishers with large audiences, or gaining the ability to leverage other brands due to the quality of your work.

Better search engine results are great.

But by themselves they dont put money in your pocket - there are a myriad of factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity to increase your income, not just the number of visitors to your site.

Tinu Abayomi-Paul is a Web Promotion Specialist who runs the Free Traffic Tips Blog. You can read part two of this article at and learn about three more common mistakes even veteran article marketers make.

Write Articles to Promote Your Online Business

Business owners employ all kinds of strategies to get desired results in the highly-competitive world of online marketing. The key is to drive in targeted traffic to your website and then get the visitors converted into customers. For this to happen, you need an appealing website along with competent brand promotion strategies.

Most businesses today are aiming at optimising their websites for encouraging search engine optimisation results. Paid advertising, affiliate marketing and email marketing are some of the other most commonly used techniques by marketers. However, it is imperative to note here that most of these techniques involve the use of money in some or the other way.

Here lies the importance of article writing as a means of promoting a site. Highly effective, inexpensive and easily manageable, this strategy can truly take your business to new heights. The greatest advantage of writing articles is that you get to reach out to a targeted segment that comprises your potential buyers.

Produce good write-ups and then share or post them on online platforms like article directories and e-zines. By doing so, you ensure that your website is well-exposed in the online marketplace. You can get a link back from the directory where you submit your articles, or else, give information about your company in the resource box. Since link exchange strengthens off-page SEO, this tactic will do a world of good for your site.

More than anything else, these articles are free advertising tools for your website. If you write relevant and informative stuff, you are bound to get noticed, and that too by targeted customers who are looking for related topics. However, a writer has to ensure that his write-ups do not have a marketing touch, because many directories refuse to accept such articles.

One of the most effective means of website promotion is marketing through search engines. Writing articles can help you in this regard. Incorporate important keywords and write search engine friendly articles so as to attract search engine spiders and get your site crawled.

Once you have posted articles and shared them on online forums, you will start getting comments, references and testimonials from web users and webmasters. This will stand your site and business in good stead and further get you high-value traffic.

Lalita negi is currently working in epurplemedia an Internet Advertising & Marketing Company specialize in a wide variety of marketing services. It delivers effective solution in Website Promotion, PPC, web site development, email marketing etc to boost traffic to your business.

Top 5 Article Marketing Mistakes

I am sure that if you are reading this article then you must have attempted marketing your business with this method of marketing or you have given up trying to market this way because the results were very disappointing.

In this article I would like to share with you the top 5 mistakes that people make when trying to market their business using article marketing.

1) Inconsistency

The number one reason that people fail with this method is that they are too inconsistent. You cannot write one day and then not again for a few days. You need to do this every day and be very strict about it. In fact you can apply this to your home based internet business as well. You need focus and persistence to succeed.

2) Not writing enough articles

To succeed online with this method you need to be writing at least ten to twenty articles a day. If you are doing less than this you simply will not be making enough noise in the market place to succeed.

3) Drive traffic to a squeeze page

The number one thing that you need to do to succeed online is build a list. This is so that you can market over and over again to your prospects.

4) Overcome writer's block

As you write every day there will be days when you just do not feel like writing. It is very important that you go to gym or do some activity to keep yourself energized. So that when you get back you can start again.

5) Create a killer bio

Your bio contains the link to your squeeze page. It is very important that you have your unique selling proposition here so that people will want to click through to your web site.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Amazing Article Marketing - 3 Phenomenal Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

If you are reading this article, there is a huge chance that you are already writing and distributing your articles online to promote your products and your website but you can't seem to attract enough search engine traffic. You are also probably looking for ways on how you can advance in this technique not only to popularize your website and augment your sales potential but also to get ahead of the pack.

Well, wait no more. Here are the 3 phenomenal steps to help you advance with article marketing:

1. Carefully choose your topic. Stick with those that can help you drive quality traffic or people who are most likely to make a purchase to your website. By this, I mean if you are selling perfume you can write topics like "how to properly use perfumes", "the importance of perfume", "perfume - the perfect gift for your loved ones", etc. These topics will attract those people who are deeply interested in what you sell. Thus, this can lead not only to increase traffic but improved sales potential as well.

2. Use striking titles. The role of your titles in your article marketing campaign is to grab the attention of online users to increase the chances of your articles being open and read online. Keep this in mind when writing your titles so you can effectively make them more interesting, intriguing, and striking.

3. Consider your target market. Do not forget the needs of your potential audience when writing your content. If you want your readers to fully trust you and consider doing business with you, you must be able to target their needs and wants. Strive to answer their questions or offer solutions to their problems so they will treat your content as valuable and useful to their lives.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Amazing Article Marketing - 3 Phenomenal Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

If you are reading this article, there is a huge chance that you are already writing and distributing your articles online to promote your products and your website but you can't seem to attract enough search engine traffic. You are also probably looking for ways on how you can advance in this technique not only to popularize your website and augment your sales potential but also to get ahead of the pack.

Well, wait no more. Here are the 3 phenomenal steps to help you advance with article marketing:

1. Carefully choose your topic. Stick with those that can help you drive quality traffic or people who are most likely to make a purchase to your website. By this, I mean if you are selling perfume you can write topics like "how to properly use perfumes", "the importance of perfume", "perfume - the perfect gift for your loved ones", etc. These topics will attract those people who are deeply interested in what you sell. Thus, this can lead not only to increase traffic but improved sales potential as well.

2. Use striking titles. The role of your titles in your article marketing campaign is to grab the attention of online users to increase the chances of your articles being open and read online. Keep this in mind when writing your titles so you can effectively make them more interesting, intriguing, and striking.

3. Consider your target market. Do not forget the needs of your potential audience when writing your content. If you want your readers to fully trust you and consider doing business with you, you must be able to target their needs and wants. Strive to answer their questions or offer solutions to their problems so they will treat your content as valuable and useful to their lives.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How to Handle the Duplicate Content Danger When Marketing Your Articles

Q: I wrote an article awhile back -- my first one, actually -- and published it in EzineArticles. I could have submitted to more but everybody around me was talking about that "duplicate content" issue and I got scared that maybe if I submitted it to too many directories I would get "penalized" for that. How are you handling that issue?

A: Duplicate content is a MUCH over rated issue - it is only one small component of what Google uses to rate a site. The "duplicate content terror" as I like to call it,was greatly over blown by some internet marketers who then wanted to provide you with their solution. Typical over the top marketing.

The reality is simply these two things

1. If you have an article on an article directory with links in the resource box back to your web site and on that web site (that you own) you have the same article, then those two versions of the same article need to be about 20% different. So what you do it take one of the articles and shift around the tips, add or subtract some text, change the intro or conclusion. Any of the above or other changes in the article to just make it about 20% different. 2. The good news is you can then post your article to as many article directories as your little heart desires. That's the whole entire point of submitting your articles to the directories, to get them on as many as you can to get the most play for your article.

Hope this has been helpful - you can learn more at join our weekly free teleseminars by going to and pick up two free article writing templates now at

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Amazing Article Marketing - 3 Phenomenal Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

If you are reading this article, there is a huge chance that you are already writing and distributing your articles online to promote your products and your website but you can't seem to attract enough search engine traffic. You are also probably looking for ways on how you can advance in this technique not only to popularize your website and augment your sales potential but also to get ahead of the pack.

Well, wait no more. Here are the 3 phenomenal steps to help you advance with article marketing:

1. Carefully choose your topic. Stick with those that can help you drive quality traffic or people who are most likely to make a purchase to your website. By this, I mean if you are selling perfume you can write topics like "how to properly use perfumes", "the importance of perfume", "perfume - the perfect gift for your loved ones", etc. These topics will attract those people who are deeply interested in what you sell. Thus, this can lead not only to increase traffic but improved sales potential as well.

2. Use striking titles. The role of your titles in your article marketing campaign is to grab the attention of online users to increase the chances of your articles being open and read online. Keep this in mind when writing your titles so you can effectively make them more interesting, intriguing, and striking.

3. Consider your target market. Do not forget the needs of your potential audience when writing your content. If you want your readers to fully trust you and consider doing business with you, you must be able to target their needs and wants. Strive to answer their questions or offer solutions to their problems so they will treat your content as valuable and useful to their lives.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Want To Know Who Makes More Money In This Business?

Article marketers are lucky people. They just sit down, write an article and after a few week, their name is all over the Internet. It's the ideal viral marketing technique because of it's nature. The leverage is incredible.

Let's have a look at 3 major players in this industry.

1. Article writers

They are the heart of this whole business. I am not talking about those who write one or two articles a week, but folks who wwrite hundreds of articles per week.

I write as much as ten articles a day, and I am still a small player in this game.

Anyway, they drive the machine. Without them, the other players can't earn any money.

2. Website owners

These are desperate people. Why? Because they need fresh content for their websites or blog every single day.

If they want to achieve top search engine rankings, they need to show to Google, Yahoo, MSN and others that they are authority on the subject.

This means a lot of content and frequently updated.

Web masters often create site after site, and no one can produce content for each of those sites.

That's why they need writers so badly. It's a perfect match.

3. Ezine publishers

These are men and women earning a full time income sending news, tips and offers to their list of thousands of loyal subscribers.

They need to send them the best of the best on the web. To succeed, their e-zine must be so original that only a fool would choose to unsubscribe.

Think about it. If you receive the best information about your passion or hobby, would you refuse that?

These are the three major players. And you know who is profiting from this? You and me, information junkies. We read so much that we are often drawn in information overload, but this is another problem.

Do you know who really profit from this industry in term of money? The pay per click search engines! They rip most of the rewards while we get our little share of the pie.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing"

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: