Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Small businesses are increasing in number like never before on the world wide web and this calls for an awareness of the necessity to know the basics of search engine optimization as well as stay equipped to implement them for optimizing their websites for search engines. However, there is a lot of misinformation or false information regarding the SEO strategies and tactics. The following lines should throw a light on some SEO do's, presented as a checklist to help realize your SEO goals.

First off you need to have a set of keywords that are used by majority of users. Keyword discovery and wordtracker offer free and paid versions to assist you with keyword research. The Google AdWords keyword tool can also help you for the purpose.

Never assume that SEO is a one-time event or investment because the search engine algorithms are dynamic elements and change at the blink of your eye and thus the SEO strategies and tactics that you have worked for the season may not work this season. Search engine optimization requires a solid long-term commitment as well as outlook.

SEO strategies and tactics do not result in instant rewards. There are webmasters that wait for many months with patience to reap the benefits many months. This is more applicable if you are a relatively small webmaster coming new to the world of online business. If you are hiring an SEO consultant you must know the kind of tactics he will be using. Ask for risks and specifications.

Go to the level of a student to learn about SEO tactics if you want to optimize your website for search engines. It is indeed a great experience to learn and resources on net can be dug and used. There are many e-books on the subject and even online courses offered. You may do research and take the help of any of them and master SEO tactics.

Starting with clearly set SEO goals and web analytics software should help you to analyze and give a feedback of those SEO tactics that are working and those that are failing to deliver.

For the topic or keyword, try and develop a best site and compare it with those of your adversaries and try to improvise yours if you feel so. But be true to yourself. Including a sitemap will help the search engine spiders to crawl into all of your web pages. A sitemap also help the spiders grasp the hierarchy of your website.

Try to devise URLs that are search engine optimized as well. A tip is to add a hyphen in your URL that is regarded as a space by the spiders.

Starting a PPC campaign with major search engines, it is not only a search engine marketing tactic but it helps a webmaster in giving an understanding of the keywords that are performing the most. If you are not on a tight budget ignore this as an SEO tactic.

As a new entrant into the online marketing industry, I acquired the SEO ethics from a self-motivated Internet marketing expert and an EDC Gold and EDC Diamond top earner. If you are keen to know more of his Internet Marketing Strategies he is ready to tell you.

The EDC webmaster also offers mentoring to his members and gives them valuable and workable strategies to generate targeted web traffic and help them convert the same into sales. If you are keen to learn about EDC as a home-based opportunity and how the top earner works along with his members visit this EDC Gold And Diamond Marketing and Training Site.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you're looking to get better search engine ranks, the following article will give you useful tips on how to get those better ranks as well as telling you why you need to do so!

Today, we belong to a society where if you want to find any kind of information you just get to a pc (or even mobile phone) and search for it. Heck, people are now even saying "I'll google it"!

In this regard it is imperative that your website ranks well in the search engines. It is this rank that can decide the overall success of the website. This in turn results in the failure or success of meeting our personal aims of why we set up that web site in the first place. This may be to make money from it, gain exposure of ourselves or our cause, or maybe to offer help to others.

If we miss out on a good Google rank we'll be missing out on 80% of the worlds internet search engine traffic with 300 million queries each day and be buried in the sea of over 8 billion other web pages listed on Google. Although only Google itself knows all of the algorithms that it uses to rank web pages, there are three very fundamental techniques we need to adopt as a bare minimum if we want better search engine ranks.

Once these are done it is more or less certain to show a positive reflection on the search engine ranks that we hold. These 3 absolute "must do's" are;

1) Believe the old saying - 'content is king'. Just sprinkling your chosen key words at strategic places is no more enough to draw good amount of traffic for your site. Google is all about quality for it's users so give it that quality information and you'll get better search engine ranks, and fast become an 'authority site'. In addition, add fresh content by updating your content regularly or add a Blog.

2) In your quest for better search engine ranks, another thing of pivotal importance is linking. These links should again be from quality sites that have relevant content and you never stop searching for new links to your pages. Never use 'link farms'. These will have the opposite effect on your search engine ranks. Articles, blogs and forums with your signature link to your web site is a great way to get one way links to your web site.

3) Optimise your site for a keyword phrase. It's no good trying to get to the top of google for a broad phrase like 'buy shoes'. Your competition is far too great. You need to choose a specific phrase like 'buy Italian leather shoes' and then optimise your web page for that. Then repeat this for your other web pages with other keyword phrases. Long-tail keyword phrases are the way to go for better search engine ranks. And it's good for sales too as you get highly targeted traffic looking for exactly what you are offering them!

Now, although the 3 techniques I mention only scratch the surface on how to get better search engine ranks they are the most important and if you use them they will certainly give your web site a traffic boost.

We haven't even mentioned other techniques such as optimising meta tags, using social book marking, adding 'alt' tags for images, avoiding Google's duplicate content penalization and all the other tricks and tips you should know about. One article is just not enough to give you all the tips on achieving better search engine ranks!

To ensure you get to the very top of google and dominate your competition make sure you check out for more great advice. Do it now, before your competition does!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Are you one of those who aspire to earn money online on a consistent basis? Internet marketing provides huge opportunities to earn income online and many people have been eager to jump on this money-making bandwagon. However, not many people realize that to be successful in making money online requires proper learning and business planning. Many aspiring internet marketers have been taken in by the countless online promotions and advertisements that promise quick money in the quickest time possible. However, they also fail to realize that they are quickly losing their money in purchasing and investing in many over-hype products that sorely under-deliver. With so many over-hyped and under-performing products online, how then do you choose the right internet marketing training program and start making that first elusive dollar online?

Here are some quick tips which you can use to help you choose an internet marketing training program that delivers. The key thing here is to do a proper research.

1) Read up reviews online and see what people are saying. Look for balanced reviews and comments. Bear in mind that some reviews are written in such a way that blatantly promotes certain products. It is always good to read multiple reviews to have an informed and balanced perspective.

2) Check out internet marketing forums. These are one of the best places to read candid comments about the online purchases people have made. Forum members usually have bought and used certain products, and thus are in a good position to tell you how good or lousy these are.

3) If a website promises overnight riches, chances are, it will under-deliver and you will be sorely disappointed if you choose to purchase the product.

4) Look for a membership program that provides you with well-grounded instructions and continuing support for your online marketing efforts. It is important to know that having the proper knowledge, in addition to the desire to succeed, is crucial to making money online successfully. If a program offers one-on-one coaching and support, that will be a true gem. Many programs on the market promise that you will make money online, but never provide the help and support when you need it most.

5) Tools and resources are critical to an internet marketer's arsenal. Examine what the product has to offer. For example, a website builder, website hosting, keyword research and analytic tools, all provided in an integrated portal, will be extremely useful in building up an online marketing campaign. A well-supported members-only forum, if it is part of the package, will be a truly valuable resource to share ideas and obtain advice from members.

Forget about websites that promise you fast money with minimal effort. Invest your time and effort in an internet marketing training program that delivers, by following the above tips. If you get your online marketing basics right, you will be well on your way to lifetime financial success. Imagine what this could do to your financial security and independence.

Wealthy Affiliate is my recommended online resource to speed up your learning curve in internet marketing. Visit my website at and learn how with Wealthy Affiliate, you can earn your first dollar online. Thousands are already earning money online with Wealthy Affiliate. Why wait? Get inspired by Wealthy Affiliate and start earning online now.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing service is what you need to market your articles. Article marketing is important for you as a money-making netizen as well as for any business. Article marketing helps in building a customer base and traffic to your website as well as helps to increase your overall business brand.

Article marketing services provided by different websites and directories are available all over the Internet. Article marketing net will spread your articles to more and more websites and directories around the world.

Advertising article marketing will help you to spread your ads among your target audience. It will ensure that you get the maximum output from your advertising effort at the lowest cost.

What type of articles should you write or have written to promote through article marketing services?

Write niche marketing articles, which are necessary to attract customers from different niches to your website. These niche marketing articles are the base for improved, efficient, and effective niche marketing strategies.

Article marketing web sites are necessary for you to send your articles across the Internet to different audiences and different target markets. They will help you to spread your articles among your prospects.

Internet marketing articles for small business can help other small business owners. Many of them are not aware of the power of internet marketing today. Many of them do not know how to do it. Internet marketing articles for small business will immensely help them.

Only original articles should be used for article marketing. Infringement of copyright or plagiarism will destroy your reputation and will land you in legal problems. Websites that market articles publish original articles only. So, use only original articles for this purpose.

Also write marketing strategy articles, strategic marketing articles, internet marketing articles and other articles which will help other people. Such articles are mostly encouraged by the article marketing services. Then only, you can have a loyal reader base which may convert to your loyal customer base. After all, it is an immutable law of the universe that in giving we open the door to receive.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just visit

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

In the king-sized virtual space of Internet, it has become imperative for businesses to adopt aggressive promotional strategies and stay in tune with the changing ways of browsing and shopping.

An Integrated Marketing Communication plan involves all aspects of marketing, across the entire company. An integrated marketing solutions company employs more than one medium of mass communication to reach the target audience. Integrated marketing solutions use the potential of different media vehicles to grab hold of the senses of their prospects.

While customers are inundated with a constant influx of advertising messages, digital marketing solutions help to target them more precisely hence inducing the required action. Internet marketing solutions should include effective means of improving your web sites' search engine Page Rank. It should also provide means of neutralizing competition, involving all aspects of marketing, across the entire company.

Some of the popular Internet marketing solutions are competitor analysis, search engine submissions, affiliate marketing, link building, e-mail, RSS feeds and Blog marketing.

Competitor analysis software helps you monitor the activity of your major competitors. It can place you ahead of the competition, hence improving your brand's identity.

Submitting website on Search Engine, directories, advertising and marketing portals helps to attract high quality visitors, you should submit your web site to as many search engines and directories as possible. A website can be optimized and keywords can be listed inside popular search engines in order to obtain the best results.

Link building is another way to attract potential customers to your business. High link popularity means high placement within the search engine queries and thus better exposure for your brand. Affiliate marketing boosts your sales with the help of collaborators. It can potentially increase your profits and visibility.

E-mail marketing makes your customers aware of your latest offers and services. This form of Internet marketing is very effective and penetrative.

A blend of sound marketing strategy coupled with effective Digital Marketing Solutions will go a long way to establish your brand online.

Zenifer Graff is an Online Marketing Specialist. She is working in this field for a long time and has a good expertise in different sectors of Online Marketing like Banner Advertisement, PPC Services, Affiliate Marketing and Email Marketing, etc. Presently she is associated with Rupiz Ads Ltd., a leading Digital Marketing Solutions provider company in UK.