Monday, May 26, 2008

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Incredible Ways to Explode Your Article Marketing

Your desire to impart your knowledge can take you a long way in internet marketing. Write articles that contain information that will be useful and valuable to your target market and submit them to publishing sites. This will not only help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche, it will also augment the number of your inbound links that can easily pull up your search engine ranking.

Here are the 4 incredible ways to explode your article marketing:

1. Go for original content. While it is tempting to duplicate other writers' content, you must think of prioritizing your readers and give them fresh and new content that they will surely appreciate. Besides, copying others' work can greatly ruin your online credibility and can lead to penalties from the search engines.

2. Submit your articles to publishing sites the proper way. Identify the keywords to which your articles were based on and write a compelling article summary that will drive online users to check on your content. Use the preview feature of each publishing sites to ensure that all your links are working and that there is a proper spacing within you content to that make them easy on the eyes.

3. Ensure that your articles are posted online. Check publishing sites at least 5 days after your submission to check if your articles were accepted. Too many times articles are declined because of keyword spamming, inappropriate content, broken links, and blatant advertisements.

4. Use article submission software. Manually submitting your articles to publishing sites can be tedious, time-consuming, and downright exhausting. It can also eat up a lot of your writing time. Buy yourself more time and energy by using software that can help you electronically distribute your articles to various publishing sites.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Steps To Successful Internet Marketing

Internet marketing success and building a powerful website that performs well in search results and brings steady traffic takes perseverance above all. Everyone has a web site and wants it to be number one but a much smaller percentage have the drive to do what it takes to get there and stay there.

Internet marketing success is about more than putting up relevant keyword rich articles and submitting to article directories. It is about doing these things day in and day out.

Perseverance and consistency is very important because the search engines tend to favor those sites that have fresh content published frequently.

Internet marketers that reach levels of steady qualified traffic have worked hard to get there using various Internet marketing strategies. This aspect of perseverance is important because it is so common for new marketers to put up a site and put a lot of energy into it for the first 30-60 days only to slowly fade away and then they wonder why it never gets any real traffic or makes any real money.

Popular trends and fads in Internet marketing news come and go but the foundation of what creates long term sustainable traffic is still and will always be content. Web content, and linking of course, is what drives the Internet and effective web site promotion.

Internet marketers that are creating large powerful and profitable web site are doing so by consistently plugging away at publishing original web content to their web sites, blog, and articles directories. Press release writing and distribution can also be key in producing inbound links and quick traffic depending on how aggressive you want to be with the distribution.

Pay per click and other paid advertising models can produce quick and instant traffic but it can also be expensive and it does not produce any lasting results.

By putting quality original content out there on the web Internet marketers have a good chance the content will be picked and reprinted on other web sites with their active links on multiple web site producing traffic for months or years to come.

If you want to be successful you have to keep plugging away on a daily basis. Those who do will reap the rewards. Remember, it takes time and hard work to bring steady traffic to your website.

Targeted traffic is the best traffic of all, and by submitting articles that are of interest to your audience, your chances of success increase dramatically.

Enrique Villalobos is the owner of, which provides free articles and resources about working from home. Visit it now and download the FREE ebook "Dotcomology: The Science of Making Money Online."

Linking Secrets Exposed That Will Create Massive Free Traffic For Your Website

Since Google started doing business on the internet linking has become a very important method in generating huge amounts of traffic to your web site. The way Google works is that sites with a large amount of quality one way links will predominantly get very good search engine rankings.

In this article I would like to go through some linking strategies that you can apply to your web site to get a significant amount of traffic.

First I would like to discuss using a silo structure for your web site. This is very important as with the advance of search engines they have started using latent semantic indexing. The way that this works is that you will do your keyword research and have your main group of categories linked to on your web site. Then you will break these categories in sub categories and have these linking to your main categories. So for example if you are writing about weight training for the biceps you can have a separate group of sub categories that will explain each exercise separately.

Now the really important part is the way that you link to your web site. If you are writing articles and submitting them to directories to generate backlinks to your website write at least five. When you submit these to the directories include a link to your web page with your anchor text in your bio. This will give your web pages a massive boost by having links with the targeted keywords pointing to them.

You can also post your content to web 2 websites like Digg for additional backlinks which will result in better rankings.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing: Getting Paid For Your Hard Work

If you are like me and you write articles for a living, then you know that you must get paid for all of your hard work. Payment can come through customers who have hired you to write, through pay per click advertising, or through banner or text ads you place on your site next to your articles. Regardless of your approach, a consistent and methodical plan is necessary to have in place in order to make a living for all of your hard work. Please continue reading for some helpful tips to help you survive in this highly competitive business.

Submit Freely. Much of the work posted online bearing my name is freely shared. I do not get paid for what I write. I look at article marketing as a joint partnership between me and the article directory. They get my articles for redistribution and I get healthy back links to my site. In addition, the article directory can make money off of ads that show up next to my articles such as Google AdSense or Yahoo! Publishing Network type ads. Furthermore, I get my name out there and can point potential customers to the article directories to show them how prolific a writer that I am.

Submit Jointly. Some of the articles I have posted online are for clients. They have my name on them as my name is more visible than their name. I write as a contributing writer but I am a freelancer, not an employer. I get paid for my work and they get some decent links.

Do Ghostwriting. The overwhelming number of articles I write are ghostwritten. In 2005, I submitted 450 articles to article directories, but another 1200 or so went directly to my clients. When I submit articles jointly, I retain the rights to having my name on the articles. When I ghost write, my customers get what I write and retain full rights to the articles. Guess who pays me more? Bring 'em on!

Bill Immediately. You can write like crazy for paying customers but still end up broke. How? By not billing customers immediately. Whether you use direct billing, Paypal, or an agent such as Guru, you are penniless until the first invoice is paid. Come up with a plan to get your money as soon as possible too. You dont want to have to wait for weeks unless you like being in the credit business!

Keep Marketing. I have busy times I have slow times. During the slow times, I catch up on my paperwork and I write. During slow times I submit many articles to the article directories to keep my name out there. Regular submissions keep me front and center and help build up SEO for my site. Yes, I have my own site at where most of my best work is featured. Not every article, but those articles where I have full rights to them and ones I want my customers to look at when they review my portfolio.

So, thats it. Five simple tips to help you make a living from article marketing. If you are good at it, you will make a decent living writing for others. I doubt you will get rich unless article marketing ends up being a stepping stone to something else -- such as, writing your own Harry Potter style series of books!

Copyright 2006 For additional information regarding Matt Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips.

Online Small Businesses and Your Integrity Level

Often we see folks writing articles and putting them online in order to attract clientele to their websites to buy something, yet many times these authors of articles use pen names. When someone uses a pen name, and I contact that person to do business later on and find out their real name, this to me also tells me they are not really experts or they are hiding something.

I think if you are promoting a product or service on the Internet not only should you put your name in the Resource Box or after the article, but also use your Real Name, if not is seems like a deceptive "Shrill" tactic and is borderline "Fraud" and definitely BUZZ Marketing questionable tactics. Indeed, I deplore dishonesty on the web and I believe not using your real name, is dishonest and deceptive, whether it is in a forum, blog or on an online article, especially if your article is trying to sell something or get someone to come to your website to sell them something.

I have no respect for those people who put fake names and use deception tactics in marketing, I think you ought to be put in jail. Nothing urks me more, actually and it is deplorable that there is not more integrity online. I am in fact shocked that more people do not agree with me and lack the personal character and integrity to stand by their words and on the moral high-ground. It is a real statement about the person in my opinion.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Could Online Marketing Work For You?

Like most of us, you're probably fed up with having to deal with your boss and the usual nine-to-five grind. After months of careful research, you've decided to "take the plunge" and start your own business. You've set up a great business plan and your friends and family say they are behind you one hundred percent. Now it's time to advertise so that everyone else will know what a wonderful business you have.

But where do you start?

Do you buy print advertising in your local newspaper?

Buy some air time on your local television or radio station?

Arrange to have a full page ad in the local yellow pages of your phone book?

Do you hand out flyers to everyone you meet?

Those methods work, but only insofar as reaching your immediate area and your ability to immediately track the results of anyone campaign.

You have big plans for growing your business in the future, but everyone keeps telling you to be careful and keep it local until you establish yourself. Besides, you're going to need to use any initial profits you make to pay for all that fancy advertising you've set up.

Unless your friends and family have their own booming business, why are you even listening to them? If you're reading this, then you are aware of at least part of the power of the internet, so why not utilize this formidable promotional tool?

Power of Online Marketing At A Glance

Online advertising is plug and play: Any type of print advertising has to be set up and scheduled; flyers and newspapers may take several days and an ad in your local phone book may not come out until many months down the road.

Online advertising gives you control: You've decided to offer your customers a special discount: you can immediately add a coupon and adjust what you need to right on your website rather than having to wait for someone at the print shop or newspaper to get around to it.

Online advertising is not just cost is cheaper: you get more "bang for your buck" online. Rather than having to pay higher prices for print work and distribution costs, you can use the money you save on advertising to add to your merchandise. If you are looking to go "Green" (An added bonus is that you'll also help environmentally because you're using little, if any, natural resources to promote your business! )

Online advertising can be interactive: Instead of just seeing a flat, two dimensional image, you can catch your customer's eye with all sorts of "bells and whistles"! Audio and visual enhancements invite your customers to involve themselves to a much greater extent than just looking at a newspaper ad or flyer. There is an added benefit to advertising online and that is you can also include additional information as part of your customer testimonials and Frequently Asked Questions ( or FAQs ).

Online advertising can be easily tracked: If you do any sort of print advertising, the only tangible means of tracking how effective your campaign is, or at least part of it, is to use coupons that the customers have to redeem. Even then, it's difficult to know exactly who is responding to any of your advertising. Online advertising can easily be measured and broken down into very specific results. Aside from tracking individual sales, there are ways of tracking which web pages have been seen. This is a great tool to use to help you refine your advertising and be much more responsive to your customers.

Online advertising receives feedback: You can immediately change your sales process, product and promotion by asking your customers for feedback right on your site. If you know exactly what your customers want, your sales will go through the roof.

Online advertising works: If it didn't, it wouldn't be enticing national advertisers to continue to increase their online advertising budgets by twenty-five percent each year!

You have seen all the benefits of online marketing and how it can establish or improve you current business.

So what are you waiting for? Get your marketing started! What have you got to lose?

Ron Seawood is a Master Affiliate Marketer with experience in both online and offline marketing!
Have questions about how to market online or start your own online business?
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