Thursday, July 3, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you are an online article author then you need to watch your sentence structure and use of the English Language if you wish to be taken seriously. Now then lets talk about your Language Skills and Sentence Structure and how this affects the reader's perception of your expert status.

Obviously if you botch the language, sentence structure and spelling few will take you seriously, thus it makes sense no matter how great your knowledge base is or the information in your article, such mechanics do make a real impact on the reader.

The reason I bring this topic up is that as the leading authority on Online Article Writing with some 11,111 articles online now it makes sense for me to comment on this subject after it became topic on the top online article submission website. The question was posed:

Does the quality of your English & sentence structure/mechanics impact your level of perceived market authority?

Interestingly enough sometimes a too-polished article will drive some Internet Surfers away, while it may very well attract more serious prospects to you. Currently, we see the English Language is being utterly destroyed by Instant Messaging and Text Messaging.

With this new paradigm, sentence structure and spelling may not be so important to everyone, but it certainly will not hurt you to write a quality article if you are looking for those serious few who are truly interested buyers. Perhaps you might consider this thought, when writing your articles.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Anyone can write an article but as an affiliate marketer, you need to write articles that get read and generate an action.

With so many articles written and available free online, your article needs to be interesting, refreshing and easy to read.

Here are some tips on how to get and hold your reader's attention

Article Structure

  • White space: How often have you gone to a webpage and clicked on to another page just because the page is so busy. It just looks like too much hard work to read. In writing your articles, you need to make use of white space. Give the reader's eyes some relaxation time. White space creates the illusion that your article is not so long and will be quick and easy to read.

  • Ability to Scan: Your articles must be structured in a manner that your readers can scan the article and still get the point of your article. If you consider your online browsing, you click onto a web page and scan the page. You usually do not read the page first off. It is only if on scanning, the page seems to have something to offer that we then settle down to read the page in detail. Your internet marketing articles should be written using the following to improve scan-ability

  1. Sub-headers: In a 700 word article, the content is certainly not all centred on just one point. You usually are making several points about the same topic. So each idea you are trying to get across to your audience should be written under a new sub-heading. The sub-heading should clearly indicate what the next paragraph or paragraphs are all about. Also try to bold your sub-header so that they stand out on scanning.
  2. Bullets points. These are a good alternative to sub-headers. They again help to break down your article into small manageable bites. You can also use bullet points with sub-headers but do not overdo it.
  3. Short paragraphs and sentences: We are all innately lazy when it comes to reading articles. If your article has long winded, hard to understand, must read this twice to get the point paragraphs, your readers will lose interest. Keep your sentences short, crisp and very much to the point.

Article Content

  • Write your own articles: There is a lot to say for writing your own content. It just makes so much sense. No-one in the world writes exactly as you do so by writing your own content you instantly create original articles. Also you want your articles to reflect you and your business. By writing your own articles your voice, style and personality are reflected in that article.

  • Accurate content: Spend a few minutes researching your subject before writing and publishing your article. You need to ensure that your articles are factual and accurate.

  • Keep their interest: Ensure that your article has at least one piece of useful information for your readers. Make sure that when they have read your article, they are left with a feeling of having gained some useful information.. This is why 'How to' articles are still the most popular articles in the internet marketing genre.

Don't forget, for article marketing to work, you need to be prepared to write an article a day.

Affiliate Marketing Tips and Affiliate Marketing Guide at

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Good news! I am going to share with you a detailed search engine optimization and internet marketing plan to get the most out of your seo training and to get you started today.

Step #1 - Setting Goals

Before you can really get started you have to know what you want to achieve with your Web site. There could be a number of goals that you have in mind but your first step is get a clear picture of what you want the outcome to be. It could be:

  • To gain higher rankings.
  • To redesign your Web site to be more user friendly.
  • To implement SEO basics throughout your site to make it search engine friendly.
  • To increase your visitor response online.
  • To open additional windows to your site through social media marketing.
  • To launch an article marketing plan.
  • Or all of the above.

What ever your goal is it is important to write it down and post it where you can see it every day. "Goals that are not written down are just wishes."

Step #2 - Keyword Research

Any new project should always include this step. Keyword research is the basis for any successful page on your site. Let's take the goals above and see how the keyword research you learned to perform in your seo training can be used.

  • Higher rankings can be achieved by finding those keywords in your industry that have a high KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index) and low competing pages. You should concentrate on finding five phrases that you can work on simultaneously.
  • By redesigning your Web site you can be including your new found phrases and work them into your sales copy. If you are creating a new site this is the ideal time to make sure you are concentrating on your visitors experience while on your site.

    • Include a call to action above the fold
    • Contact information above the fold in straight html including area code and zip code.
    • Only use Flash in small elements and not as the whole page.
    • Include something that will grab your user's attention. Something out of the normal that will make your visitor stop and take notice of your page.

Implementing SEO basics can be a daunting task if your site is large or it is many years old. Tactics that where used years ago are no longer useful and most times are being flagged as spam. Depending on how many elements need to be addressed you need to determine if it would be better to start with a fresh page or redo the existing page. A determining factor would be if the current page is already indexed. If this is the case then it would be best to fix the existing page. If the page has too many errors and creating a new one would be wiser be sure to name the new page the same as the old one or do a 301 redirect to the new page. Include your keyword phrase when implementing your basic search engine optimization.

Visitor response will increase if you are giving your visitors exactly what they are looking for. Only your keyword research will help you with this. We are in an instant gratification world and your visitor will only give you a few seconds to answer their search, so make sure it exactly what they are looking for.

Open additional windows into your site by using your keyword phrases in your social media avenues. A couple great places to include your keyword researched phrases would be in your blog post and creating a lens in Squidoo around your researched phrase.

Article marketing is not for everyone but it does allow you to open multiple windows into your site but writing articles around your phrase and submitting them to places like Scribd, and

Step - # 3 - Which one to choose?

I know you want to implement each and everyone of those goals into your site and you still don't know where to start.

Stop here and go find five phrases to work with and don't even think about anything else at this point.

After you find those phrases refer back to your SEO training notes and refresh your memory on how to create a search engine friendly Web page and create content for each of the new keywords you found.

It is going to be hard not to get side tracked but stick to the project at hand. Your only concern is finding 5 phrases, creating content and designing five search engine friendly pages.

Once that is done go ahead and publish the five pages to your Web site. Include each page on your site map, link it from and to relevant pages on your site and include keyword rich link text within the body of the page.

Make a note of the day you added the new pages to your site for later use.

Now that you have the first three steps under your belt you are ready to move onto step four.

Step #4 - Addressing Existing Web Site Issues

Now that you have gotten a good start with the above steps, you can start working on bringing your current Web site up to par while you are actually waiting for indexing on your 5 optimized pages. Your next plan of attack would be working on existing pages within your site. You may not be able to change every issue with your site but remember every small change could result in increased ranking for your site. You may only be able to change your title and Meta tags and not be able to change your corporate sites navigation so tackle what you can and don't worry about the rest. Each and every issue is just one of the over 200 factors so learn to pick your battles and fix what you can.

Step #5 - Social Media and Article Marketing

Your whole goal is to open as many windows into your site as possible. You have already started this by creating 5 new pages into your site now it is time to open the windows even further. Whether you decide to use article marketing or all the endless possibility of social media marketing now is the time to concentrate on one or both of these window opening wonders.

You can use the five phrases you found in your first step or you can find 5 new ones but at this stage you are creating content to be used in articles, on blogs or bookmaking pages within the many social media avenues. Your title is the most important element when tackling this step. Make your title keyword rich, compelling and deliver what your title describes in the article or blog post.

If you are not quite ready to dive into social media start at least with adding a blog to your Web site. Your best results will come from the blog residing on your server and not one that is hosted on a free blogging site. Make a commitment to blogging regularly and always about your industry so your site and your blog are industry related.

Web analytics can show you information about all of your optimization projects. Not only will it show you your results for the 5 keyword phrases you are working on but it will open your eyes to how your visitor is moving through your site. Record your results on a weekly or daily basis. This step will help you in testing each one of your projects and help you decide which one you should concentrate more on. Usually I find 2 or 3 phrases that are really performing and those are the ones I concentrate on blogging and adding it to the social media venues.

Step #7 - Keep Up With the Changes

There is no other step as important as this one. The internet changes its landscape on a daily basis so it is imperative that what you learnin your SEO Training is always the latest information. Your Web site and or clients are depending on your expertise so don't let them down by applying out of date or useless techniques. There are many places you can turn to for guidance.

The first place would be Google, Yahoo! and MSN's Webmasters guidelines. Each is posted on their site and is updates each and every time they have made changes to them.

Another place would be to subscribe to one of many search engine optimization and marketing blogs created by industry leaders. Your instructor should be able to point you in the right direction to their most trusted resources.

Continue learning by attending your favorite SEO Training provider's courses on a yearly basis. Principles and techniques change often so always keep on top them.

Often students are overwhelmed with the amount of information they are given at class but if you learn to take them in small steps starting with setting your goals you will find that your seo training is working for you and your Web site.

Author, Tracy Fredrychowski - SEO Instructor
Professional SEO Instructor with the Search Engine Academy of SC

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Article marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies around and the best thing is that it is virtually free to do. You just need to look at the way marketers are flocking towards article marketing to drive traffic to their sites and to create backlinks for search engine optimization, and you would understand how effective this proves to be. So, if you have a site, you should surely make use of article marketing to drive targeted traffic.

Another advantage to article marketing is that it can actually result in generating viral traffic to your sites with the increase in the number of publishers publishing your articles on their sites. This kind of viral marketing really spreads your name and site throughout and several useful and beneficial avenues open up in front of you.

The best thing about article marketing is that it drives targeted traffic to your site. When someone clicks the link to your site, it means that he read the article and found it interesting enough to try to find more of it and it makes an image of you as an expert in your chosen field.

Each and every article of yours, that gets published results in more and more advertising for your site. After all you are allowed to place a link at the end of the article or in the about the author section. You can place a small snippet about you establishing yourself as some kind of an expert. That would build your credibility and would drive traffic

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

More and more marketers are using article marketing as their primary promotional tool making the online competition in getting people's attention much stiffer. If you would like to get ahead of the pack, these 4 compelling methods will help you supercharge your marketing efforts:

1. Focus on topics that are relevant to your target niche. If you are selling cars, writing articles about making money online might drive traffic to your website, but it will not be targeted. Meaning, you will have visitors that are not interested on what you offer and will not buy your products. To increase your sales potentials, talk about topics that are related to your target niche and focused on the needs of your potential audience. By doing so, you will not only augment your profits, but you will also be able to distribute valuable information to your target market.

2. Distribute your articles. Submit your articles to submission sites and directories. Pick the ones that are indexed by major search engines and have steady traffic. These are the sites that are frequented by online users and other webmasters who are looking for content to be republished.

3. Optimize your articles. You would want to drive search engine traffic to your website to augment your sales potential, right? You can do so by optimizing your content and sprinkling relevant keywords all throughout your articles. Just make sure that your keywords sound natural so you can still keep you content reader-friendly.

4. Maximize your resource box. Most publishing sites allow you to use 3 hyperlinks on your resource box. Take advantage of this and put in URLs that will take your readers to your squeeze page, product page, or main website. The more URL you use, the better your chances of improving your conversion rate.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Article marketing is synonymous to improved traffic, impressive page ranking, increased sales leads, and amazing profits. It can also mean stronger online presence and credibility especially for those marketers who care to do the process right.

Here are the 5 advanced steps to multiply your article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Before you write your articles, it will be beneficial to put yourself into the shoes of your potential clients first. This will make you better understand where they are coming from and identify the kind of information they need to either resolve their pressing issues or increase their knowledge about their areas of interest.

2. "What's in it for me?" This is the common question of most online readers before they read articles online. Communicate the readers' benefits on your headlines to let people know what is in store for them to make your articles even more appealing.

3. K.I.S.S. - This simply means keep it short and simple. As an article writer, you must understand that the audiences you serve have limited time to spend on reading various articles online. It can be greatly beneficial for your marketing strategy to post articles that run 300-500 words as these are the kinds of written materials that attract more attention online.

4. Submit your articles on major publishing sites. Increase the chances of your articles being picked up and republished by other online users by making them available online through the help of article submission sites.

5. Syndicate your articles. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles on your blog and on your website to maximize their exposure. You can also use them as viral marketing tools, content for your newsletters, or compile them to create an ebook.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Article marketing remains to be the best way to draw qualified traffic to your website and effectively convince your target market that you are an authority on your chosen niche who can provide them with sound solutions to their problems.

Here are the 3 proven ways to supercharge you article marketing:

1. Generate attention for your articles by giving them compelling and striking titles. As a marketer, you need to fully understand the role of effective titles on your article marketing campaign. As you know, there are billions of articles that are currently posted online. When people search for information they need, they are usually presented with numerous articles. You would want to give your articles an edge so online users will favor them over the other articles, right? You can make your articles more attractive by giving them attention-grabbing and enticing titles.

2. Know how to keep your readers interested. Grabbing the attention of your potential clients doesn't end with your titles. You have to make sure that your content is worth reading and informative so your readers will be enticed to read your articles in their entirety. Strive to make each of your articles content-rich, well-written, easy to understand, short, scannable, direct to the point, and fact-based. By doing so, you will be able to provide your readers with great reading experience that can lead to continued patronage of your other articles and subsequently your products.

3. Make a strong call to action. What would you like your readers to do after reading your articles? Do you want them to visit your website, subscribe to your email marketing list, or purchase your products? Whatever is your objective, make sure that your call to action is powerful enough to move your readers to act in your favor.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.