Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Search Engine Optimization and Affiliate Marketing Success

Why does search engine optimization helps you in achieving affiliate marketing success? Before we discuss this topic, let me explain briefly to you what is search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization is a process of choosing appropriate and targeted keyword phrases that are related to your website, and ensuring that these keyword phrases achieve high organic listings in search engines. High ranking in organic listings of major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN will bring a lot of targeted traffic to your website when people search for the keywords that you have optimized. This will in turn drives more targeted and eager traffic to your affiliate product sales page.

As you are in the affiliate marketing business, it is always a good practice to develop your own landing page to promote an affiliate product. Some people call it "squeeze page", whereby you will capture their email address and name for future promotion. Be it a landing page or squeeze page, you will need to apply search engine optimization on it. This is to ensure that it appears at the top of search listings when someone searches keywords that are related to the product that you promote.

One very important thing you must note is that people searching for the affiliate product that you promote want information. Therefore, it is always a good idea to entice them with some free information on your landing page, either through your own website or blog, articles, or squidoo lens. If you have a landing page with information, do make sure that you update the content regularly. Sites which provide content that are interesting, well-written and regularly updated create highly engaged visitors who are more likely to return to the website in the coming days. Moreover, with fresh content, you will score well with search engines and able to be rewarded with good organic rankings for your webpages.

To successfully ensure that your webpage ranks well for the keyword that you wish to optimize, you need to include keyword phrases within your content. One thing to note is not to overdo it. By "stuffing" lots of keywords within your content, you may get penalized by search engines and lose your chance to achieve good organic ranking.

One technique I love to use is to write articles to promote affiliate products. For each article that I write, I will make sure it is keyword optimized, and stand a chance to rank high for a particular niche keyword in search engines. Then through my article, it will drive traffic to my landing pages, and in turn bring visitors to the sales page of the affiliate products that I promote. This is a combination of search engine optimization and article marketing to achieve affiliate marketing success.

You can now get more updated affiliate marketing tips from my blog below...

Click here: Affiliate Marketing Tips at

Please feel free to republish this article on your website, or distribute it to your friends or clients, as long as you leave the resource box intact.

A Review of the Uppercase Living Income Opportunity

If you are interested in an multilevel marketing opportunity that can fit into an otherwise busy day, or one that will allow you to get out and communicate with people, take a look at the opportunities offered by Uppercase Living! This charmingly named business offers positions as Demonstrators to individuals that show an active interest in their product, and with a little bit of preparation, you will be in a good place to do exactly that!

Essentially, Uppercase Living is a company that creates text-based wall decorations. They are aimed at people who are looking for something a little bit different to hang up on their walls, whether that is a child's name, a quotation, or text that is underlined with lovely scrolling. They have several pre-made products, but one of their top sellers are custom made wall decorations. Depending on the taste of the purchaser, the text can be elegantly feminine or bold and striking. Their designs are also ideal for children, and some of the most charming decorations come from the relation of children's book quotes in a little girl or little boy's bedroom.

One of the things that might make you a little leery of this company is actually one that it proudly holds up as an advantage. Uppercase Living doesn't try to pretend that it's not a older company; as a matter of fact, it states that now is the best time to get involved. They essentially say that now is the best time to get on the ground floor of a good thing. Becoming a Demonstrator for Uppercase Living seems fairly straightforward; the company is looking for a great attitude and good communication skills first and foremost.

As a Demonstrator, a representative you will host or direct parties where Uppercase Living goods are shown off and sold. A Demonstrator's main goal is to make the participants of the party comfortable and familiar with what this company has to offer. Typically, this company is introduced in a convivial atmosphere among parties who are already at least a little interested in what the Demonstrator has to offer. It is fairly plain that Uppercase Living relies on the Demonstrator being able to sell to friends and family, so make sure that you do consider that aspect thoroughly.

With the build-your-own schedule aspect, the party set up and the low pressure sales atmosphere, Uppercase Living might be providing you with a great business opportunity. Check their comprehensive website to see if this position might suit you. As with any venture, make sure that you know what you're getting into before you lay your money out!

Learn the Lemons from the Straight MLM Winners and read about Trivita from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at MLM Review Kings.
This article may be used royalty free provided Bio & Links remain intact.
Copyright Mission Billion, Inc. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Article Marketing Success!

If you want to be successful in article marketing, then you have to only do one thing. That is, to flood the market with your articles. No matter what your trying to market, you need to flood it with your information. This is the best way to do article marketing, and it's the best way to see some great results. You need to flood the market!

Flooding the market should be your article marketing goal. Whenever you have a topic, squeeze as much information as you possibly can, out of it. Suck that topic dry, then move onto the next one. And you have to do it quickly. Time is money! Writing an article isn't Shakespeare people! You don't have to create a work of art, just good content. That's all you need for success is good and valuable content. It doesn't have to be terrific, it just needs to have good information inside of it.

Flooding the market with your articles can be a long process. It really can be. But just stick to it, and keep at it. The more articles that you make, the closer you get to that slot on Google's first page! As an article marketer, your time is your most greatest asset, so don't waste it by thinking. Write everything you think of. Your backspace button is your enemy! Never touch it! The moment you do, your losing!

Write your articles, and don't stop! You'll soon get onto Google. I promise!


Want to learn how to make some serious online income? Sign up for my FR-EE online money making ecourse by Clicking Here Now, and I'll teach you how to do it step by step!

My Astonishing Thousand Dollars Profits Article Marketing Strategy!

If you are really serious about promoting your business writing and submitting articles, you need to have a plan. Most occasional bum marketers will submit ten articles and will not see any results.

Who said that article marketing was easy?

Step 1: Write and submit more articles.

You can't submit 10 articles per month and except to see results. This form of advertising is only effective if your articles are consistently in front of potential publishers.

I mean that you should submit articles weekly. In fact, every single day, you need to get at least 10 articles out there.

I know, it's a lot but it's the price to pay for success. If you want to see tremendous results and increase your profits considerably, submit more articles.

Step 2: Submit to more directories.

You can't rely on a single article directory like you don't need to submit to hundreds and hundreds of them.

The right strategy is to submit to the best one. It's counter intuitive since everybody teach that you need to use services like or to get results.

I don't follow this advice because my results are the proof that my strategy works.

Here is a small sample of my results:

1. Top 10 rankings for my websites In Google

I get top search engine rankings because I use the right anchor text in my resource box.

2. Thousands of monthly visitors to my webpages

The targeted traffic comes from three different sources:

* The article directories themselves

* The different search engine results pages

* Potential customers researching information about me or one of my products

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing"

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

EDC Gold - Use SEO To Rank on First Page

The number one advertising promotion today is to utilize the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) method to get businesses like EDC Gold listed on the first page of search results. For Internet users seeking to find a related website, search engines are the only way to go. It is by far the easiest and quickest way to get any subject that you are interested in. Of course the main point is understanding what search engines are. Then, this helps understand how and why they are used.

When you type in a word or phrase in the search window, the search engine then scans the Internet to locate that word or phrase. Already having that information stored in its data base from when websites were originally submitted, the search engine then matches the word or phrase with those websites.

The next step for the SEO is to determine which websites are most likely to match the word or phrase you are looking for with its content. This is done by a ranking system that varies depending on which search engine you are using. This ranking system is extremely important to both the person searching and the owner of the websites because linking the two together is what both parties are seeking. The better the website ranking by the SEO, the better the chances are for getting the search results to include the website on the first page of results.

For online businesses like EDC Gold, it is extremely important to get the website ranked high by the search engines. So when you create your website, you must use keywords that relate directly to the content in order to get it ranked high enough to be included on the first page of the search results.

Doing your homework and preparation into knowing what words and phrases that the person searching the Internet is looking for will pay off with great success. Utilizing those words and phrases will get your website ranked high by most search engines. This in turn will generate more success for you. As a result, with some research and knowledge of keyword usage, you will be able to get your EDC Gold website listed on the first page of any SEO.

I am a single stay at home Dad by choice. I fired the boss because I was sick and tired of the corporate rat race and all of the baggage that comes with it. I started my online business to generate my own income and build my personal unlimited wealth program. Teaching others to do the same with great success is a dream come true. Not only am I in control of my own results, I am able to make a difference in other peoples lives with a very powerful marketing strategy that is second to none. Discover for yourself and go right now to to start your path to financial freedom.

Tasting the Prowess of SEO Dynamic Content

SEO dynamic content is fast becoming the order over web, because what is dynamic is fresh as well. And who doesn't like fresh things. Not only this, search engine spiders out there want to feast with such type of posts, and any time they find one you are the ideal gainer. By such text, I don't mean that your website will be showing animated content to grab the attention of online visitors! Well, if you've thought that way then stop here immediately. You need an instant dose about the role of content.

As compared to static content, dynamism keeps you always in the business. SEO dynamic content changes with every page load at the time interval as set by webmaster. The time frame of the text over the web is decided on various factors such as number of hits registered against the article; link popularity and information contained in it.

This fresh text piece can be placed on portals or websites in variety of forms viz, RSS feeds, pages/scripts, guest comment boxes, blog posts/comments and much more. The best part of SEO dynamic content is that you can easily create multiple static pages from one dynamic page and post them at your own free will

SEO experts follow the strategy to bring the Rank at good level, which helps them in boosting the sales of their online business. This is really done with the help of placing SEO dynamic content, which keeps changing on and off. The text, rich in keywords and content titles, is written on any title after comprehensive research and combinations. But guys wait! Remember that you don't over burden your portal or website with such text, rapidly changing. Give some time for the readers to get the real feel of your content. For making this to happen, you create static pages, which gives ample of time and space for the visitors to your site.

This technique works innovatively and smartly for you and gives your website a reputable Page Rank. SEO dynamic content is written by content writers with a primal objective lurking in mind-to be a successful online marketer.

Visit Content Writer and get seo content writer and seo copy writing in $4.

Fastest Way To Make a Million Dollars

The fastest way to make a million dollars (legally) is to sell a product or service of value to the widest customer base possible in the shortest time span allowable. The best tool that we have available at our disposal to achieve this is the Internet.

There are millions of niches through which you can make tons of money on the Internet, without having to spend a dime on advertising or without even creating or managing a product, a service, or an inventory.

All you have to do is join an affiliate program, join a drop shipping program, or set up a blog, and kick off an advertising campaign it using one of the many free advertising venues that exist today, such as article marketing, participating in discussion forums, and free online classifieds.

The more traffic you can drive to your website, the more money you will make. For example, if you have a goal to earn $100,000 this month (which is about $1.2 million per year), and you join an affiliate program for a product that pays you 25% of each sale of a $100 product. That means that you will earn $25 per sale. At that rate, you would need to generate 4,000 sales in one month in order to make a net profit of $100,000.

How much traffic do you need to generate in order to get those 4,000 sales? Assume that for every 100 people who visit your website, only 10 people actually click through to your affiliate advertisement and buy the product. That effectively means that your odds of getting a sale are 1 in 10.

This is not unlike a traditional retail store at the mall. Not everyone who stops by in your store will actually buy something. Some people are only there to window shop.

So, if you need 10 visitors in order to make 1 sale, and you need to make 4,000 sales, therefore you would need 40,000 unique visitors to your website every month in order to reach your goal of $100,000 per month. That's about 1,333 visitors per day.

How do you get those 40,000 unique visitors to your website every month? You can use free advertising methods as described above, or you can use pay-per-click advertising in which you link directly to the affiliate product you are trying to sell, instead of to your own blog. For example, if you could pay 5 cents per click such that every time someone clicks on your advertisement as seen in the search results for services such as Google, then it would only cost you $2,000 per month in advertising costs. That $2,000 investment in advertising costs would yield $100,000 in profit!

Does it sound too good to be true? No it is not. People are making tons of money on the Internet all the time. Is it as easy as it sounds? No it is not. That is where thinking outside of the box, coming up with a good product and a good marketing strategy come into play.

If you are relatively inexperienced at internet marketing, you can expect your costs per click to be much higher and your clicks-to-sales ratio to be much higher as well.

Of course, you do not have to spend money in order to make money on the Internet. There are ways to advertise for free and get the same broad exposure as well.

Will you ever become a millionaire the way your current job is going? Will your college degree help you become a millionaire? Get your degree online from Wealthy Affiliate University and you will get hands on experience doing what it takes to become an Internet millionaire! Sign up at

How to Make a Title Tag that Search Engines Will Love

Making the following changes to your title tag can help improve ranking and increase targeted traffic to your website:

Include keyword phrases in your title tag:

Think of a title tag as the name above a shop. Imagine you are walking down a busy street with shops on either side of you. However every shop window is boarded up and all that is visible is its name. You mean to purchase a new Hi-Fi system and need to locate a suitable store. You look at all the names but are getting confused as to which one is for you. All of a sudden you see a store with 'Hi-Fi and Electrical' in its name. You enter and purchase your spanking new Hi-Fi system, but it is a bit expensive. And little did you know but the store next door also sold Hi-Fi systems but for a lot cheaper. However its name did not indicate this. In fact its name sounded more like a jewellery shop than an electrical store.

A search engine is rather like the shopper in the above example. It sees the title on each web page and determines whether this would be a good result to return based on its text. If you search for 'Hi-Fi' it is highly likely that some of the results returned will have 'Hi-Fi' in their title.

To be found using the search engines you should optimize your website for a set of keyword phrases. These keyword phrases should be included in your title tag. Suppose I was a website selling Hi-Fi systems, then I would like my website to appear in search engine results when searching with the phrase 'Hi-Fi systems'. If I include 'Hi-Fi systems' in my title tag I will increase the chances that the search engines will find the page and my ranking will be higher. Of course you are not limited to adding only one keyword phrase to your title, I would recommend two perhaps three but be careful not to make it too long. Also remember make it easy to understand and descriptive for a human.

Order these keyword phrases effectively:

Placing a keyword phrase at the start of the title tag allows it to be seen better by the search engines. Look at the following examples:

* ABCDEF Electrical - Hi-Fi Systems
* Hi-Fi Systems - ABCDEF Electrical

Both of these two examples are acceptable to human eyes but in the eyes of the search engines the second is see as more relevant if 'Hi-Fi Systems' is searched for because it appears at the start of the title. Generally it is best to place company name or the name of website to the end of your title tag.

Make your title enticing to the eye:

Although this point does not make a lot of difference to the search engines it can help to get people to click on your link in search results.

Which is easier on the eye?

2. XYZ CoMpUtEr HaRdWaRe
3. XYZ Computer Hardware

I imagine that most people would say that (3) is the most pleasing. (1) and (2) are harder to read because of improper captilization. In (1) you see that using all capitals detracts the importance of any words you actually want to draw attention to and also some search engines may penalise this practice. (2) is simply a nightmare to read.

Try to keep title tags as unique as possible:

As each page on your site should be unique so should your title tags. Not only do unique title tags make the site more descriptive and navigable to a person they help search engines answer queries more accurately and allow more penetration of your site's pages in their databases.

Common title tags mistakes:

* Do not leave your title tag blank, ever!

* Do not use 'Untitled' or default text in your title tag. If you are using a web page editing application it may place some default text in the title tag. Make sure you always check your title to make sure this doesn't happen.

* Do not write title tags that are not relevant to the content on the page. Search engines compare text in the title tag against actual textual content on your page to rate relevancy. If the two are not related this will decrease your ranking. Also it is annoying to a person who visits your page when the title tag they saw going into your page does not relate to the content on the page. This will ensure that this person leaves your site and maybe never comes back.

* Do not stuff your title tag with repeating keyword phrases. This may be looked upon by search engines as spamming and they may penalise your ranking.


Ignoring title tags is definitely a mistake if you aim to achieve high rankings. Although it takes a lot more than the title tag to propel you to the top of the search engines it can be very effective in making a search engine more secure that your site's content is more relevant than a competitor's.

Frank Kilkelly is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Expert and Webmaster at, a complete search engine optimization resource. The highlight of the site is an SEO forum for discussion of the latest techniques and tips to improve the ranking of your web site.

Fast Article Marketing - 5 Great Ways to Start Your Article Marketing

Article marketing has undoubtedly surpassed all other traffic-generating techniques in terms of bringing favorable results to webmasters. As such, every webmasters are now making this method their primary marketing tool to better promote their products, ideas, and websites. Below are 5 of the great ways to start anew with your article marketing:

1. Develop a good sense of rapport with your potential readers. This is highly possible by giving them not only useful but also engaging articles. When you are able to connect your readers to your content, it is more likely that you will develop good personal relationship with them which is crucial when you need to pitch in your products later on.

2. Capitalize on your articles. Although the marketing plans are equally essential, the articles that you create are the forefront in this marketing plan. Therefore, it is just right and best that you make a good investment on the articles that you make. Make sure that they are made on the basis of what is high in quality and relevance.

3. Revolutionize with your choices of topics. You need to at times be bold and daring with what you write. Although there may be some few people who would opt at conservative and renaissance topics, but generally of your potential readers are modernized and enterprising, thus the need for a more revolutionary topics.

4. Do not be faddish. There are topics that are good for one reading and these are what we call the faddish stuff. Maintain boldness but refrain from giving into the fad as they will not contribute to long term success.

5. Learn when to modify and enhance. There are sections in your article that may need some enhancements and modifications. Be open to the possibilities of having your works modified and redone.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - The 3 Most Innovative Techniques to Uplift the Quality of Your Article Marketing

As many writers would attest, article marketing is never an easy task especially for first times. You will be undergoing a lot of thinking and re-thinking, writing and re-writing, research and investigation just so you can reach the perfection of a single article. A lot of writers have developed and re-designed their own paradigms of effective article marketing just so they can be able to have a more solid and dependable theories on how to improve the craft of article marketing. Below are the three most innovative and inventive techniques to uplift the standards of article marketing:

1. Come up with as much topics and sub-topics as you can. Trim these down into what you may consider as topics which you are most passionate about. After having these topics trimmed down, make sure that you make a list of priorities from among the topics that you have selected. Number them in accordance to your interest and the availability of resources to support your ideas when you begin writing them.

2. Draft the article. Prior to commencing your article writing, make sure that you are able to come up with a concrete draft of the article material that you are going to write. The draft may contain a structure on how you plan to write it down - an outline. Create the draft based on the free flow of your own ideas first and have these ideas supported by your textual references.

3. Write down the final article material. Make sure that you do not deviate from the draft that you have made to ensure that your ideas are anchored from the same direction. The actual writing will be a lot less burdensome when you basically follow what you have drafted at first. You can make some necessary revisions however; do not go overly exaggerated in revising things.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Massive List Building - 3 Easy And Massive List Building Tips

When you build are first starting out building your list, you need to be able to add as many new and fresh subscribers as quickly possible. Using the tips that follow should put you on the road to massive list building and give you the best possible results for your efforts.

Tip #1 - One of the best kept secrets to massive list building is purchasing subscribers. This is also called "co-registration".

What you do is place a small powerful ad for your ezine or newsletter along with other similar ads by other publishers. Visitors then have the choice to check a box if they like your ad and subscribe to your list. This is a very powerful way to build a massive list very quickly.

If you want to use this method of list building, then I suggest you check out "" and read through their website.

Tip #2 - Another massive list building technique that is often not taught but used by many successful online business owners is to buy a list of compiled leads.

This is another variation of "co-registration" but instead of actually subscribing directly to your newsletter, these leads have signed up to receive information on a variety of topics. You then take the lead list, upload it to your autoresponder and send them valid information and offers.

You can find lead vendors who sell fresh, affordable, lead lists on many topics. Normally these leads will be around one day, to thirty days old. If you can get them when they are fresh, you have a better chance of success.

For a listing of lead vendors, just use Google and type in the word "leads" or whatever your niche is then follow it with the word "leads".

Tip #3 - You can join in a "lead co-op" where you and others split the cost of the leads or subscribers and then each of you also get to use the leads.

This is a very powerful massive list building method and can add subscribers and leads to your list within days. Try and find two or three other people who are in your niche and split the costs of getting a batch of leads.

This way you build your list and do it for a fraction of the actual cost.

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Gary has been a successful, full time internet marketer for over 11 years. He has created internet businesses that have earned as much as $22,000 in a single day. If you want to know how to build a real money making internet business and squeeze it for every penny you can, then listen to what Gary says.

Fast Article Marketing - Latest 4 Targeted Methods to Make Money Through Article Marketing

If you have the knack for writing, you don't need to look very far for a great traffic-generation method that you can use to build quality traffic for your website. You can simply write and submit articles to publishing sites to improve your page ranking, obtain numerous inbound links, and increase the number of your page views.

1. Plan ahead. Devise a workable plan where you can schedule all the smaller tasks that are associated with article marketing. Set your writing time and schedule your submission. Allot at least one day every week for your performance check and for improving articles that are not receiving impressive click throughs.

2. Match your goals with the amount of time and effort that you are willing to invest on this technique. If you aim to get additional 100,000 page views every day, you must be willing to multiply the number of articles that you submit on a regular basis or devise a better plan on how you can reach your goals. Some marketers hire ghostwriters or articles submitter so they can post more articles to get improved traffic.

3. Be patient. Some article marketers quit when they don't see noticeable improvement in their page views after a couple of submissions. Article marketing doesn't offer immediate results and based on researches, you need at least 100 quality articles before you will feel the improvement. So, be patient, keep writing and submitting articles and you'll surely reap great rewards in the long run.

4. Submit only to the best publishing sites. Some article submission sites are not even indexed by Google. Don't waste your time on these sites as they do not have steady readership that can potentially pick up and distribute your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How to Increase Your Article Page Views

Are your articles getting as many page views as they deserve? Are we submitting our work to the best sites for the niches we write for? Many of us who write articles tend to be a little lazy when it comes to submitting our work. We submit articles to the same sites over and over because weve always used those sites. Or maybe we read somewhere that the sites we use are the best out there. Do a little research and take a fresh look at your submission sites; you might see a substantial increase in your page views.

If you are writing less than five articles each day, you should submit them to at least 30-40 sites. Of course, to do this efficiently, you will need to use one of the article submission programs. There are many available and some are quite reasonably priced or even free. If you are writing five or more articles each day, you may only have time to submit them to ten or twelve sites.

There are some nice websites out there that can assist you in choosing your article submission sites. is an excellent source. For each listing, they provide you with the Google page rank and the Alexa rating along with the year of inception. If you are looking for largest sites, their rating system makes it very easy. The larger, more popular sites have high Google page ranking and low Alexa numbers.

In addition to selecting large sites, you may want to consider sites that concentrate in the niche you write for. This could be especially important if you write for a small, specialized sector. There are some excellent sources for this type of information. provides links to over 500 article submission sites. Many of them are small, niche type sites that specialize in a particular area.

After developing the list of new sites that you selected, add them to the list that you are currently submitting to. You shouldnt eliminate all of the sites on your current list because you may have readers that look for your work on those sites. So, be careful when eliminating submission sites. However, if you are only getting four page views per month from xyz site, you should probably eliminate them.

Submit several articles to your new list of submission sites. After a week or so, research the page views that your articles are achieving. Are you getting as many (or hopefully more) page views than you were getting previously? Where are the largest numbers of page views coming from? If your niche sites are giving you more page views, look to add additional similar sites. By making these changes to your submissions, you should see some significant improvement.

Visit for FREE DOWNLOADS and learn how to make big money by writing articles! We offer tons of free reports, articles and ebooks that teach you how to Make Money with your articles!

Article Marketing - For Those With Eyes To See, Real Opportunity Awaits

I want to be honest with you; my goal is to build a massive responsive opt-in email list. So why am I writing all of these articles on article marketing? Because I know that if I master this, it will be the foundation I will be able to build my entire online marketing career.

How is that possible? Let's think about this for a minute. Isn't it words that determine and measure the course of everything that happens on the Internet? It all started with a bunch or research done by college professors and students at the major universities around the United States.

This research was stored on hard drives connected together by an information dissemination system created by the United States Military to enable them to maintain a wide area network in case of nuclear attack.

Doesn't that sound like something out of an old science fiction novel? What's funny to me is that the reality of today has exceeded all of our wildest fantasies of our yesteryears.

Today we have algorithms that are so complex they are able to determine and predict patterns not only in language, but in languages so specific they create thousands of different groupings which help us all find the information we are looking for out of billions of web pages all over the world.

I guess it is more accurate to say that Google helps us find it about 64% of the time, and on the high end, Yahoo helps us find it just above 70% of the time.

The amazing thing for those that have eyes to see, the opportunity is in the gap. A gap that will be narrowed someday I am sure but will probably never be closed. What do I mean? In that window of 25% to 35% of the time when the information people are looking for is not to be found, is the gap that is waiting for some enterprising individual to fill. And all they have to do is write something. Is that someone going to be you?

The most interesting thing to me is that there are clues and maps leading whoever is looking right to those unfilled gaps. Those clues and maps are found in the key words of those searches that go unsatisfied. For example, if the key words *Travel to Forest Lake Minnesota* was searched for 300 times a month, and the major search engines show zero results for that key word phrase, then this is an opportunity for someone to create content for.

By doing that, they now have an audience of people that they know are interested in travel to that location. The question they should ask themselves is what does this group of people want or need, and then find a product, service, or affiliate program that fills that need, and they can start to market to that group. An example might be, a hotel and campground guide for that area.

So let this be the call to action for those that have ears to hear. Write; write your way into the opportunity created by the information age and an insatiable appetite for more information -- more specific information, more personalized information, an appetite which only grows each time it is momentarily satisfied. Because the more answers we get, the more questions we have.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Profitable Article Marketing - 4 Profitable Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

If you are thinking about using article marketing in promoting your products and your website, I'd say you have made the right choice. This is one of the most cost-effective and efficient tools that when used properly can bring you enormous traffic, great placements on major search engines, and great sales potentials.

Here are the 4 profitable methods to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Be familiar with the terms of service set by various article submission sites. Before you write your articles, I highly recommend that you read and understand the rules and regulations of publishing sites so you can design your articles in a way that they will conform to the set standards.

2. Promote your products. In article marketing, it is of outmost importance that you understand that blatant advertisements are not allowed on your article body. However, you can still promote your products to your readers by writing topics that are directly related to your offering. If your readers become interested on what you sell, they can just click on your resource box to give your website a visit.

3. Know how to please the search engines. One of the keys to succeed in this technique is to make your articles highly searchable online so you can better connect to your readers. You can easily do so by identifying the most searched keywords and keyphrases within your target niche and use them all throughout your content.

4. Make your articles scannable. There are few people who are willing to read your content word for word. Most of them would simply skim through your article to find specific information. To help them out, make your articles scannable by using sub headings, bullet points, and numbered list.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Professional SEO Companies - When's The Time To Hire Them?

The process of Search engine optimization (SEO) can at times be very tough, particularly if you do not have the enough knowledge, understanding and abilities that are needed in making use of it in order to make your online business successful.

SEO can help you improve your business' website, by enhancing your website's search engine results and by making your website easily be found by Internet users. Majority of online business owners are not prepared or do not have the know-how tools in order to make sure of SEO to make their website successful. So if you really want to make use of SEO for your online business' success, you have to make use of professional SEO Company.

Look For An Expert Who Can Help Increase Your Traffic

In searching for a good SEO company or expert, look for a SEO company that can assist you in improving your website by letting you gain traffic, and will make use of keywords and link building. You definitely know that through SEO, your business will benefit hugely, so you have to make sure to find the right SEO Company that can help you gain your goals

Professional SEO Experts Help You Gain Top Ranking

By working with professional SEO company or expert, an online business owner could be on the top rank of the search engines results effectively, because most SEO firms have the knowledge and tools to make sure that you would have a solid foundation for your business.

An SEO expert has the skills and methods that can be useful and helpful in gaining good rankings, as these skills are web analytic skills, copywriting and link building skills. While these may be a bit hard for ordinary individuals to fully grasp, or they may not know anything about it, this is one reason why you really need to work with a professional SEO who will do the work for you to make your business successful.

SEO Experts Help You Attain More Web Visibility

In acquiring the services of an SEO expert, you would be aided in gaining more Web visibility. The SEO expert will provide contents that are necessary for Internet users and search engines as well, which makes it easier for your website to be located and found.

Through the methods and strategies that the SEO firms employs, you will be able to achieve the top ranking that you desire. The important thing to note about being on the top rank is that, your website will easily be found and you will probably not only gain a lot of customers or acquire heavy traffic, you can also generate lots of profits.

Working with an SEO company may be a bit costly however, but getting the services of one would be definitely worth the expense, since it can aid you to effectively improve your business' profit, gain extra added visibility, and give you the success that you want for your online business. - SEO Company

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

How to Use Article Services for Improved Search Engine Listings

If you know how to use article services for improved search engine listings, henceforth called SERPs (search engine result positions), for specific targeted keywords by seeking a good article ghost writer and having your articles written professionally, then you can rapidly give your website a kick up the rankings.

Article marketing is currently a very popular means of generating website traffic, and also of improving the Page Rank of specific web pages. Google Page Rank is determined by the number of links back to a specified web page from other ranked web pages relative to the number of links leaving that same web page. By choosing highly ranked article directories, it is possible to use article marketing to increase your page rank in addition to attracting highly focused visitors to your website.

In order to achieve this you have to use the right strategy, make sure that your article is well written and relevant to the keywords that it is optimized for, and that it is designed more as a teaser that leaves the reader wanting to read more, than as a complete product that answers all the questions.

The authors resource box, or bio, must also be well designed, not only to attract the click, but also to provide the most appropriate target page on your website that will bring you most benefit. Lets have a look at how to do that, and explain what an article services site can do for you.

You either know your topic or niche well or you dont. If you know it well, and write your own articles, you might just overcook it and either provide information at too high and complex a level, or write on and on and bore the reader with far too long an article. An article should be short and snappy, but not so short that it gives nothing. It all depends on how it is constructed and written.

A 300 400 word article can be sufficient, or it could take 800 900 words to whet the appetite of the reader. It depends on the niche. You must leave readers wanting more, and compel them to click to your site.

This is where a good ghost writer can do a good job for you. One article can be worth a lot of money to you and you should not worry about paying for it. No articles should cost more than $15, and most services price them lower. It is easy to calculate the cost against potential benefits by tracking the effectiveness of your articles. Your website tracking analysis should allow you to determine the source of visitors to your website, and how many from each source made purchases.

In this way, you can carry out a cost analysis on your articles and any other marketing technique used to sell your products. What is difficult or even impossible to quantify is the contribution made by individual articles or authors to your Google Page Rank, and hence SERPs for each of your web pages. What you could do is to run specific article marketing campaigns, one at a time over a period of time, checking the dates that the search engines crawled your site, and determining any changes in your listings over each period.

You can then determine whether to write your own articles or employ an article services website to do it for you. The site could also probably submit the articles to appropriate article directories for you, and also write your bio box. The bio, or resource box is a very important part of your article that many authors fail to use to its best advantage. Here are some tips for you.

Write in the third person, but use your first name. Be positive and dont hesitate to promote your personality or outlook. You are selling yourself and your website so approach it with a sales attitude. For example:

Sue is experienced in article marketing, and has a very positive attitude to the topic that she loves. Her ability to express any customers requirements in a visual form from her web page Article Services gives her great satisfaction. She is very approachable and you can contact her at her website if you are planning to give your own website a kick up the rankings.

The anchor text should be linked to a web page within the website that relates to the topic of the article, rather than the home page. That is a more powerful link than a home page link. However you also have the home page link after, if you are allowed two links.

That is much better than More information on Sues article services can be obtained from her site

That is how to use article services for improved search engine listings, rather than try it yourself. You might very well be successful, but the resource boxes written by professionals tend to be a lot more productive that anything that webmasters produce themselves.

Peter is an experienced freelance article writer whose zest for article marketing is surpassed only by his ability to bring success to his customers from his website More information on his approach to article marketing is available from his Article Marketing web page.

The Secret Resource List To Skyrocket Your Sales And Profits!

It's no secret that every successful person uses resources to help them along the way. Resources help you reach your goal faster, or they can delay your success, depending on the resources you use. In this article, I'm going to talk about a few of the resources top Internet marketers use to skyrocket their business...

1. Paypal

Paypal is one of the easiest ways to receive instant payments online. What's more, its totally free to use. There are few better merchant account solutions out there today that contain as much flexibility as Paypal. Your customers can pay with all the major credit cards, as well as any funds stored in their Paypal account. Customers also feel safe with the Paypal brand.

2. Aweber

Aweber is the leading autoresponder service on the Internet today. What is an autoresponder? It's a system for collecting your subscriber's information (for example, name and email address), so you can follow-up with them with more recommendations and information. It's well known by many expert marketers that it takes 7 exposures of a product before a customer buys. An autoresponder system allows you to create a system that works on autopilot for you to promote your products.

3. EzineArticles

Article marketing is one of the most effective and cost effective ways to promote your website. And EzineArticles is the top article directory on the web. Write informative articles and write an attractive resource box with your website's URL in it, then submit it to a top article directory like EzineArticles.

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Article Marketing - 6 Step Guide To Making Article Titles That Sell!

Your article title is your catch. Your title is what makes your reader actually read your content. Your title must show what your article is about, and also catch them into reading it. When readers look at articles, they only read the title, they hardly read the teaser copy. This is a fact. So to get your readers attention, you must have a good article title that sells! Here are some strategic ways that you can do it.

How to get your article noticed by just using the title!

  1. Putting your articles keyword into your title's first three words will get your article a higher page ranking, and make it more successful. It also tells the reader what your article is about quickly, and accurately.
  2. Having numbers in your article title can increase your amount of views. If your article says "5 ways to increase your web traffic" people will click on it more. When readers look at articles, they usually see words, if they see a number, their mind automatically makes them think that the article has fast information that they can get.
  3. Using the shock tactic can work well with your article title. Saying something like "Your Internet Marketing Tactics Suck!" will quickly get your readers attention and get you more article views.
  4. Using punctuation marks can make your article look more exciting and will give the reader the impression that your article has important information in it.
  5. Putting in worthless words in your article title will destroy it's clicks. If your article say something like "no other way is better than this marketing strategy" your wasting too much of your articles title with words that won't help your page ranking. Don't use useless words too much.
  6. Saying that your article is a guide can increase your amount of viewers. If readers see that your article will work for them as a guide, they will click on it, and distribute it to others to help them.

These article marketing secrets to creating an article title that sells will help vastly help you with your titles. Use this guideline whenever you write an article. Your amount of viewers will increase!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Building a List? Its Fun With a Joint Venture Giveaway

Want to have fun while building your list? Try a joint venture giveaway. You give away now to make money online later.

But first, are you convinced of the need for building a list? Experienced webpreneurs tell us that building a list is the foundation of a long standing online business.

Not only can you sell directly to our subscribers, but you can use your list in so many other ways. You can generate feedback on new product designs before you launch them. You can find people to beta test your products. You can ask for testimonials to use in your marketing materials. You can conduct surveys and plan market research. You can even find joint venture partners for other undertakings.

Are you convinced that you need to start building a list?

Joint venture giveaways are one way of building a list, and theyre fun to boot. You join with a group of other joint venture partners, all of whom donate a free gift to site visitors. Each of these partners is obligated to send traffic to the site during the events lifetime. You collect the email address every time someone accesses the gift you have provided.

No gift and no traffic to send? No problem.

The best gifts when you are building a list are often ones you create yourself. Ideally, they are items, products or services that can be delivered over the Internet. If you dont have an ebook or other electronic item to donate, you can get one quickly. Run a Google search for public domain ebooks and see what turns up. If an item is in the public domain, you can give it away. Alternatively, surf on over to eBay and buy a package of PLR articles or ebooks. You can often get these for two or three dollars a bundle. You can give away PLR products, rewrite them, or even add your name as the author.

To find traffic for the giveaway, consider your circle of friends, acquaintances, business colleagues or your contact list at Facebook or Squidoo. You might also post a message to an Internet forum or to an email group if the rules permit. If not perhaps you can include the information in your signature.

Now, back to collecting the email addresses since the whole point is building a list. The whole process is simple when you use a good autoresponder service. You set up the autoresponder so that when a person clicks through the giveaway site to collect your gift, they encounter a squeeze page. The squeeze page contains a form that asks for their email address. When they provide the address, the system takes them automatically to another page where they view the download information for their gift. In the meantime, the autoresponder saves the email address to a database. You are now building your list.

The autoresponder you use is vitally important when you are building a list. Please avoid the free ones. They lack the features that you need, plus the email messages they send contains other peoples advertisements. Instead, look for a reliable autoresponder service that automates the entire process. It should allow you to send follow up emails at intervals you determine. Building a list moves from daunting to simple when you use the right tools.

One last tip about building a list: Always remember your subscribers are a valuable resource and treat them accordingly.

Find out how the best autoresponder on the Internet just got better
and why you should care

The Truth About Global Marketing With Article Marketing

Thanks to the vast reaches of the internet, global marketing is now possible for the average business owner, either the large corporation or the small privately run entity, to narrow the geographic divide.

The main point of search engine optimization (SEO) and reaching a global audience is not only to drive traffic to your site, but also to then convert those visitors from all over the world into paying customers. Web traffic and the ensuing exposure are nice, of course, but if those hits don't improve business and increase sales, what purpose do they really serve?

The Prime Components of Global Marketing With Article Marketing

Creating a Website

For article marketing to have even a chance at being effective, it's imperative for all businesses to have their own websites to link back to when submitting articles to search engines and article directories. Also, having your own domain name is always preferable over using a free site, as it lends an authentic feel that tells people they're dealing with a real company that's serious about their online business ventures.

Be sure to include your website address on all of your marketing materials, both online and off. Your business cards, banner ads, forum and blog posts, as well as every article you submit for publication should all have your site's URL, which should be something easy to spell and remember.

Global Promotion Using Articles

Successful global promotion must include a set plan that features a number of effective methods for spreading the word about your business or products. The distribution of press releases announcing important details and providing a newsworthy story about your business, as well as submitting your articles to article databases and posting them on blogs, will also help to get your name recognized quickly.

A well-written, full-length article on a particular niche or topic is a perfect addition to the innumerable snippets of information the many popular blogs feature. But wherever you decide post your articles, don't forget the all-important resource box for providing the pertinent details people will need to do business with you. This, of course, will include your website and email addresses, but may also include a brief biography about you or your company, along with other bits of contact data such as location and telephone or fax numbers.

Providing Accurate, Useful Information

By providing accurate information in your articles along with an irresistible or enticing offer when people arrive at your website, the chances of converting the casual visitor into a paying customer dramatically increase. It definitely pays off in the long run to take the time to explore and thoroughly research all avenues when it comes to expanding your business globally using article marketing and the various related techniques for increasing customer base and revenue.

Email Marketing

Email marketing can be an excellent way to globally promote your business, either through legitimate lists of email addresses that you can purchase, or through lists that you've collected yourself from visitors who've been to your site, or through some other means of internet marketing. Email marketing is similar to the direct mail type, but without the need to spend money on postage and mailing expenses, and is also the perfect extension to article marketing.

Global marketing utilizing the benefits of article marketing truly is the easiest and most cost-effective way of expanding business and your contacts, as well as reaching new and impressive sales records that may not have been possible before.

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How to Build and Maintain a Powerful E-mail Marketing List for Your Small Business

Everyone has an e-mail address. In the ever-changing world of technology, e-mail appears to be the easiest form of communication. Offering the most convenient form of staying in touch with friends and family, e-mail is also the primary way for your small business to maintain a steady list of loyal customers.

Standard postal mail is a product of the past that most consumers view as another weight that belongs in the trashcan, and telephone calls can feel invasive. Because of this, building a long-term e-mail list for your small business is one of the best ways to ensure your success.

The first obvious step is having an easy way for potential clients and customers to subscribe to your e-mail list. A large bold SIGN UP FOR OUR E-MAIL LIST! should be one of the most prominent features on your website. Include information that e-mail list members will be the recipients of special information and discounts. Few people turn down the opportunity to save money. If your business also runs a store, include an e-mail sign-up at the cash register. If they are already buying, chances are they will want to continue.

A poll conducted by Harris Interactive recently showed that the "majority of adults welcome marketing e-mails from familiar sources." The survey polled 2,541 adults over the age of 18 and found that 74% found e-mail communications from companies they do business with to be valuable.

"Savvy consumers have come to rely on e-mail marketing communications as a resource to help them get the best deals possible," said Kevin Johnson, president of Acxiom Digital, adding, "This poll demonstrates that e-mail marketing has evolved over the years to bring more value to consumers while proving to be a more effective medium for retailers than ever before."

Ok, so building is easy. Maintaining is the hard part. This is where so many businesses, both big and small, lose control of their customers. An e-mail update every three days is not necessary. Customers do not want to receive a barrage of messages about information that does not matter to them. Rather than clog their inboxes, consider a weekly or bi-monthly coupon offering. Customers will appreciate the opportunity to save money without having to read useless information each day. Be sure to keep these e-mails short. A reader's time is just as valuable as yours, and he or she does not want to read six paragraphs of fluff.

In the Harris Interactive poll mentioned earlier, 60% of those respondents who had received marketing e-mail cited substantial offers and discounts as motivation to respond, and 55% said that e-mails that were personalized to their interests and lifestyle were important to them.

Depending on the type of business you run, an e-newsletter may be a great tool to use to keep your long-term e-mail list. Send a monthly update that includes any new successes, product releases or changes in your company. Always remember your audience, too. Writing for e-mail subscribers is a much different task than writing press releases or technical business information. Keep the writing conversational and fun.

In your e-mail signup, give customers a chance to include their birthdays. Customers who receive birthday messages or special offerings for their personal holidays are likely to remain avid readers of your business newsletter. Think of your small business e-mail list as a list of friends the closer you become, the better your business.

Do NOT add e-mail addresses without the request of the recipient. This is an automatic way to get identified as a spammer and lose credibility in the on-line world. The last thing you want for your small business is to end up in the junk e-mail category.

With an understanding of what readers want from e-mail updates, your business can keep a long list of devoted customers who appreciate your efforts to give them relevant and valuable information. As your long-term e-mail list continues to expand, you can enjoy watching your business grow, too.

Entrepreneur and outdoor photography adventurer Caroline Melberg is President and CEO of Small Business Mavericks, a division of Melberg Marketing. She has over 20 years of experience creating marketing communications materials and writing copy for some of the largest and most successful companies in the world. Her small business columns are syndicated online, and she publishes the popular eZine, "Small Business Maverick Secrets." Learn insider Maverick Marketing secrets you can use immediately to find new customers and increase your sales. When you subscribe, you'll also get a FREE copy of her e-Book, "Local Small Business Internet Marketing Secrets" - learn insider secrets to marketing your local small business on the Web today! Get your FREE subscription at

Want to use this article in YOUR eZine or business publication? You can, as long as you include the complete article along with my bio above!

My Article Marketing Process, From Beginning to End IV

What probably happens--and I don't keep good track of it, I'm getting enough subscribers in, I focus on writing these new articles over focusing on every individual statistic. My conversion rate when somebody clicks through--if it's been an Article-Marketing article--is probably twenty-five percent, if I've used that Bio and I wrote an article on Article-Marketing. If I wrote an article on List-Building and used the same Bio, I'd probably only get a five-percent opt-in rate. On average, I'm at around ten-percent. If I write on traffic-building, and then I have an Article-Marketing link, I probably only averaging five-percent.

If I were to go in and write original Bio's for every single one, that opt-in rate would be higher. If you're only writing one or two articles per day, you really need to be writing original Bio's for each and every one. Until you find something that really works well for you, at least have that Bio--make it congruent with the article itself. In my case, writing fifteen or twenty articles in a day--frankly, a lot of times after writing that many articles I just don't have the creative juice to write fresh Bio's. Especially when I know that I've got a good one that works.

Number four, you're going to take these articles and you're going to submit them to the article-directories. To find a list, go to Google and type in: "Article-directories." You'll get tons of lists.

Those are really the four steps to article marketing. If I were writing this about web business using article marketing, then the fifth thing would be, build a list instead of sending people to a Squeeze-Page. The sixth thing would be, build a relationship with that list. The seventh thing would be to create your own products, and to sell those products that you create to your--sell those products to the people that are on your list. So those would be five, six and seven. List build, build relationships and then create your own products.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.