Thursday, May 15, 2008

8 Essential SEO techniques

1) Title Tag - The title tag is the most powerful on-site SEO technique you have, so use it creatively! What you place in the title tag should only be one thing, the exact keyword you used for the web page that you are trying to optimize. Every single web page should have it's own title tag.

2) ALT Tags - ALT tags were meant to be for text browsers because the images didn't show in text browsers and the ATL tags would tell the visitor what it's about. You should put your main keyword(s) in the ALT tags, but don't over do it because you could get dropped in the results or even worse banned for life!

3) Link Popularity - Link popularity is the most powerful SEO tool out of all them. Most search engines don't even consider web sites if there is not at least one or two links pointing to the web site. Having another site(s) link to your web site is important when it comes to getting your site a good ranking. Your keywords should be in the links you get and keep the keywords short. When you receive requests for a link exchange, check the site out before linking with them, check for spam (Repeat keywords, hidden text, etc.).

4) Keyword Density - This is also vital and should be used with research. You should use the keyword(s) once in the title tag, once in the heading tag, once in bold text, and get the density between 5% to 20% (Don't over do it!). Also use your keyword(s) both low and high on the web page, keyword(s) should be in the first sentence and in the last one.

5) Page Size - Your web page's speed is important to your visitors and the search engines. Why? Because the robots will be able to spider your web page faster and easier. Try your best to keep your web page over 5k and under 15k in size.

6) Rich Theme - Search engines are looking at themes more and more. Build content (Articles, FAQ, tips, etc.) much as possible and keep the web pages around 200 to 500 words. Create content that's related to your market and link them out to other related content on your site. Try to get 200 web pages or more.

7) Web Site Design - This is also important, if you want to get indexed! Text content should out weigh the HTML content. The pages should validate and be usable in all of today's leading edge browsers. Stay away from flash and Java Script, search engines dislike them both a lot.

8) Insite Cross Linking - This will help you get all of your web pages indexed by the search engines. Your web pages should be no more than three clicks away from the home page. Link to topic related quality content across your site. This will also help build you a better theme through out your web site. On every page you should link back to your home page and your main service(s).

Matt Colyer is the owner of the Superior Webmaster. He also is a php, CGI and ASP developer.

Internet Article Marketing - Questions & Answers About Article Marketing Online

Promoting your products and services can be achieved at no cost using articles that contain quality content. Mastering the art of internet article marketing can help you bring tons of traffic to your web site. Below are some questions and answers that will help you understand how powerful it could be to your marketing campaigns.

How does internet article marketing work?

This works by writing articles involving your niche and submitting them to free content sites. This is easy to accomplish with little time needed. More importantly it can boost your web site traffic and income.

How can article writing boost traffic and income?

Traffic and income can increase when you submit articles to these free content sites because they allow you to add a link and sometimes two at the end (in what is termed a "resource box"), which is your opportunity to have those links lead to your web site.

If you submit quality articles, the chances readers will choose to click on the link after they have read your article will increase and they will subsequently pay you a surprise visit especially if the content is interesting enough for them to want to know more about you and your site.

Another amazing reason for having your articles on these free content sites is the availability to other webmasters who may want to publish a specific article you wrote on their web site. If they do, your article will include a link back to your site and anyone who reads the article will have the opportunity to click on the available links you provided.

How many articles should be submitted?

There should never really be a cap on how many articles you submit. As the list of your published articles increase the more of them will appear on different web pages and the total number of links to your web site increases which is money in the bank.

Major search engines are placing a lot of importance on incoming links to web sites so they can establish the importance of a certain site. This will increase your site's placement in the search results which should be your goal at all times.

Search engines not only index web sites, but they also index published articles as well as any article that is written about your own web site's topic. Once someone searches for that same topic, the list of results will have your site or may even display the articles that you have written.

What content should you have in your articles?

With mandatory quality in your content you must also write about subjects that people are searching for. Providing valuable information without a sales pitch will help you gain respect and eventually customers. Do not write expecting a sale. Write to help others.

Provide tips and solutions to the problems your readers are experiencing. If you write a strong headline and ensure that you are giving the reader what they came for based on that headline you will have taken care of 2 key elements in article marketing. The third of course is leading them to click on your links at the bottom of the article.

When should I start writing and submitting articles?

You should begin writing and submitting articles immediately and you will be certain of a sudden surge in web site traffic, link popularity and attention. Before you know it, you will be doubling and even tripling your income.

Mastering the art of internet article marketing can help you get heaps of traffic to your site effortlessly if you follow the information provided above and begin taking action right away!

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Article Marketing - How Do You Motivate Yourself Everyday to Write Articles?

Q: How do you motivate yourself to write articles everyday?

A: You know what? That is a really good question. As I think about it, you are really asking two questions -

1. How do I get motivated to write articles everyday?


2. How do I stay motivated to write articles everyday?

Fortunately the answers to either question apply to both questions.

How to get and stay motivated to write articles everyday

I have several tips for you which I will share in bullet point form -

  • You need to write regularly to get and stay motivated. Writing regularly keeps you in the flow of article writing and makes article writing much easier.
  • When you are writing regularly, you see article ideas everywhere.
  • Keep a pad and pen with you or a voice recorder to capture your article ideas as they come. One of the most de-motivating things that can happen is to have a great idea, not capture it, and then not remember the idea when you sit down to write about it.
  • Keep in mind at all times the results of regular article writing and marketing. You may even want to write the results down somewhere that you can see everyday. In addition to the pure pleasure of writing, the results are the most motivating factor for me. I don't hope - I don't think - I know that the more articles I write, the more traffic, prospects, subscribers, customers, fun and profits I am going to have.

Keep all of these tips, especially the results, in mind to get and keep you motivated to write your articles.

And with your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates that will help you write everyday. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and GreatArticleMarketing

Article Marketing - Is Article Marketing A Surefire Way To Make Money Online?

Article marketing is a very easy foolproof model to follow. There's so many article marketing models to follow online and many people's whole business model is transparent. Most people don't see this and remain blind to this. If you open your eyes and model someone (note, not copy someone! But model their business model), then you are suddenly in business!

Speaking of that, I do use a pseudo name for marketing articles in niche markets. Many other Internet marketers do that too. So if you don't want people to spy on your niche marketing, use a pseudo name.

Why do so many people write a few articles and then call it a day?

People see 5 views over 3 days and think their 30 minutes spent writing article was a complete waste of time.

The article goes on to get 100-200 views or even 1000+ views after a year or so. Multiply that by 100 articles, or even 1000 articles, and imagine the traffic.

Most people hate writing, would rather spend their money on 'quick fix' traffic rather than outsourcing, or just hate the thought of contributing to an article directory's content bank. The truth is, we rely on authority sites to get traffic! That's the way it works online.

If you hate writing (and that's the excuse I often hear), then outsource your articles! It's not difficult. You don't have to do everything yourself if you want to make it online. Find a good article writer at a good cost and get your army of articles out there.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

7 Steps to Launching a New Product, Program, or Service for TONS of Sales

When I teach one of my Online Success Blueprint Workshops, the section that gets my attendees most excited is when I walk them through an actual product launch.

What's a launch?

It's when you release a new product, program, or service for the first time to your mailing list. A launch is a super opportunity to rack up a TON of sales in a short amount of time.

I basically have seven steps to a launch. In my workshops, I walk through them in great detail and include actual examples and results. But to get you started, here's a brief description of each step and how it works. You can do a launch for any service, product, or program, but for the sake of this article, let's assume we're talking about a product.

1. Drop hints in your ezine beforehand.

Before your product is even ready, start getting your readers curious and excited! Drop hints that something big is on the way and what the benefits are. For example, "I'm working on a brand new product that could help you easily double your sales this year. I can't say anything about it just yet, but you'll know the full story on October 1."

2. Create your sales letter and thank-you pages.

Again, you can do these steps even before your product is ready. In fact, many experts recommend you write your sales letter BEFORE you even create the product. (For my own step-by-step formula to writing a web page that SELLS, see my quick-start guide.) After your sales page, you will need a page to send people to once they purchase -- the "thank you" page -- where they can also download your product if it is digital.

3. Set up the product in your shopping cart.

Log-in to your shopping cart program and set up your new product name, price, and the thank-you page URL. Don't forget to add on shipping or sales tax if applicable. I hope you use a shopping cart with all these capabilities! (I use, love, and recommend Then stick the product link on your sales page.

4. Send out a solo mailing to your customer list.

When everything is ready, it's time to start your promotions! The first people I alert about any new product are those who have already bought from me. It's my most responsive list, and this will be your most responsive list, too. Keep this email short and sweet. Your only objective is to drive them to your sales page, where they can get the full story. (For my own step-by-step formula to writing an email that SELLS, see my quick-start guide.) To make your customers feel special, give them a special discount or bonus that's just for them. And give them a deadline to respond by.

5. Send out a solo mailing to your ezine list.

I do this a few days after I promote to my customer list. Same idea, different list. Got it? Good.

6. Let your affiliates know how to promote this new product.

After I launch my product to my own lists, I let my affiliates know that I have a new product they can promote! Send them an email with the details, their individual affiliate link that gives them credit on any referred sales, and even ad copy they can paste into their ezines or websites. Don't forget to mention how much commission they get per sale. (I do this all through

7. Promote in your ezine on an ongoing basis.

Once your launch is over, don't let your product wither away and die! Keep the momentum going. Make sure you highlight it on a regular basis in your ezine via ads or articles, and that it's also easy for visitors to find on your website.

BONUS TIP: Give them a reason to buy today!

People are so busy these days that they will put off ANY decision possible. So, you will ALWAYS get more sales when you give people a reason to buy NOW and not later. For example: Put a time limit on your offer or have a limited quantity available.

2005 Alexandria K. Brown

Online entrepreneur Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," publishes the award-winning 'Straight Shooter Marketing' weekly ezine with 20,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have more fun in your small business, get your FREE tips now at

Article Marketing Bootcamp: Resource Boxes That Work

At the end of each Article Marketing submission is a bit of author information and marketing copy known as the resource box or bio box. This is the key to turning the potential energy of interest you've created in your article into the kinetic energy of sales, name recognition or website traffic - whatever you're engaging in article marketing to achieve. There are three main components of a resource box:

  • Author name and brief professional information.
  • USP (unique selling proposition), laser marketing statement or some other form of short and snappy sales copy.
  • A call to action with links.

In addition to being finely tuned individually, each component of your resource box needs to be an integral part of the overall finished product, pull it's own weight and move the reader steadily toward taking whatever action you want him or her to take. In total, your resource box should be no more than 2 or 3 sentences long. Less than that and you risk leaving out important information. More than that and it becomes a solid mass of text that will be skimmed over by the reader.

Here are 5 tips to help you create an effective resource box:

1. Know what you want from your readers. What do you want your readers to do once they've read your article? There is no right answer to this question, but there are wrong ones. And the worst possible wrong answer is "I don't know." The whole point of Article Marketing is to generate content that results in a specific action. Have a clear purpose in mind when you write and make sure that purpose is reflected in your bio box copy. And don't forget to update your box as your offers and information change. An out-of-date bio box is better than nothing, but not by much.

2. Know why your readers should care. Your readers are busy. They have jobs, families, hobbies, friends, a 3-month TIVO backlog and the attention gravity well that is the Internet, all vying for their time at once. If you want them to initiate any action on your behalf, whether that is clicking through to your site or downloading a resource, you have to give them a reason to bother.

3. Ask for the action. Don't just put a naked link out there by itself. And don't use boring, "Click here for blah blah blah" link text. Yawn. Instead, create descriptive link text that clearly indicates what's at the other end of the click and that compels the reader to click through. One marketing truism is that pain has a stronger effect than reward on the human psyche. So a pain-point call to action like, "Are you flushing money down the drain by overlooking these 12 commonly missed deductions? Find out in this special free report!" will always outdraw the reward-based version, "Drop by my site and download my free report on 12 commonly-missed tax deductions." (PS - don't put a period/full stop after a link. It can mess up auto formatting of the link on the user end. Just double space and start the next sentence normally.)

4. Be specific. Unless you only write in one exceedingly narrow topic targeting the same, equally narrow market, don't create a one-size-fits-all bio and slap it on every article you write. Have several resource boxes that target specific niches within your Article Marketing strategy. For example, if you specialize in tax advice for small businesses and solopreneurs, then create a bio box for both markets plus one for general interest pieces, and use them according to which market the topic of your article is targeting. Doing this means that you can prescreen readers and direct each prospect to precisely the right web page, resource or product for them.

5. Less is more. Mark Twain once wrote, "I'm sorry this letter is so long, but I didn't have time to make it shorter." It takes time, skill and lots of practice to turn 200 words of rambling information into 3 sentences of tightly coiled laser-marketing copy. Nonetheless, it is a skill you should work hard to perfect. Don't make your reader sift through a ton of chaff to find a cup of wheat. Present them with an already prepared, warm-from-the-oven marketing cookie in a perfect bite-sized portion.

All of the quality writing and insightful content in the world won't do you a bit of good if you don't follow through with a dynamic and compelling resource box that leads to a specific call to action. Without it, your article is just so much dead-end copy. Interesting, sure, and probably quite informative. But not much more than that.

Take the time to craft your resource box with care and intent. Remember to go back and update it regularly with new offers and fresh information (see if your directory will do a "find and replace" to exchange the old resource box for the new one on existing articles). Make your call-to-action clear, compelling and specific. Then finesse and trim and tighten it all up until all you have left is a pure, concentrated shot of Article Marketing rocket fuel, ready to boost your business into the stratosphere.

Author Info:
Soni Pitts is a professional freelance writer and editor, with experience that ranges from short web articles to full-length ebooks and beyond.

"Need professional quality writing, but hate to write - or just don't have the time to do it all yourself? Don't let less-than-perfect writing skills or a tight schedule leave you at a loss for words. Query writer (at) for a free consultation, samples and a quote."

Article Marketing - Attention Grabbing Brand Specific Articles Market Your Business

Are you still looking for a great way to market your online business? There isn't a better way than to add marketing articles to the internet and wait for them to do their job - whilst you write more articles.

You know, the most embarrassing part of article marketing is when you think you've arrived and you stop. Oops, what'd you do that for? You still have more to say? Get out there and say it with articles that snap heads and grab attention. Brand your Market with articles that drive traffic to your business. But don't stop.

When you stop, the traffic slows down, you run out of products, and you lose ground. Keep writing. It doesn't take much. Three or four articles take only an hour or so in the morning, and you can easily multiply your article marketing treasure trove with 15 new articles a week. But then, why would you? Why not learn to write those articles faster?


Nab a topic, whatever your keywords are works for the first two words, and then add a line that minces no words. It must grab your readers attention and glue their eyes to the screen. Everyone wants to know something about your topic. Tell them!

Ask Questions?

Yeah, ask. You won't know the answer if you don't ask, and you know your reader is asking the questions. So ask questions as an intro to your article. Then ask them again. You might even magnify the option by allowing your reader to find their own solution. Have you asked them recently?

Answer the question.

No, you don't have to answer every question you ask. Some will be rhetorical and your reader already knows the answer. But be sure you offer enough solutions in your article to give the reader a reason to click on the link below. You might even ask a question that drives the reader to your website to find the answer.

How would you ask a question like that?

Jan Verhoeff loves the process of building business, so much so, that she helps others build their businesses and drive traffic to online money making opportunities, for that purpose. Go by and learn how you too can Make Money Online with Article Marketing and Brand Recognition.

Click on ADvertiZe and sign up for a FREE copy of my ADvertiZe eZine and you'll learn the answer to that and more questions. I love to find solutions, and they're easy to use as motivation, marketing tools, and much much more. Are you headed my way yet?

Lucrative Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Easy Ways to Excel with Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered the best way to generate search engine traffic to your website. And excelling in this method is relatively easy for as long as you know the following tips:

1. Produce original content. Strive to give your readers unique, fresh articles by not copying other writers' work. Communicate your ideas and your knowledge using your own words to avoid content duplication. When you provide your potential clients with unique content that cannot be found elsewhere, you will be instantly regarded as a great source of information and building your readership will come easy.

2. Your articles must be well-written. They must be free from run-on sentences, complicated paragraphs, and incoherent ideas which are all confusing to online users. Instead, your ideas must flow well and must be presented in a logical manner.

3. Your content must be relevant and useful to your target market. The information you present on your articles must be geared towards addressing your potential readers' need. They must either solve their pressing issues or improve their knowledge about their areas of interest.

4. Your titles must be attention-grabbing. This is the element you would like to focus on if you would like to improve your clickthrough rate. Make your headlines enticing by making them direct to the point, keyword-rich, and truly compelling.

5. Your topics should be related to your products and services. If you are offering signature bags, articles about shoes and mobile phones will not help you drive targeted traffic to your website. Make sure that your topics are relevant to your offerings so you can easily pitch in your products on your resource box.

6. Be direct to the point. As you are serving audience with little time to spare, it pays to make your articles concise, short and direct to the point.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Strategies - Tips to Enhance Web Site Traffic

There are two things in common amongst network marketers, internet marketers and online business owners. The first one is the need to make money online. The second one is that, it needs website traffic to achieve success.

Through his personal experience in online business, Craig believes that some proven set of article marketing strategies help increase the web site traffic drastically. In addition to this, such strategies also increase conversion rates of visitors. This brings in more prospects for a website.

Below mentioned are the five basic steps through which budding entrepreneurs can create article marketing Strategies on their own:

1. Search for a target market and create a personal niche in it.

2. With the help of logical keywords, make a search in Google. With this, marketers can have a check on their market competition.

3. Keyword research: Use Google keyword tool and overture keyword research tool to drill down specific target phrases.

4. Write content articles and Submit them to minimum of five major article directories. Marketers can do this by utilizing the keywords in their title.

5. Resource Box: The primary goal here is the call to action. Here, the marketers can sell their information to the visitors, the moment they click on the link indicated in the marketers bio on their capture page.

Marketers can use the articles for many purposes within their overall marketing strategy. To do this they have to:

1. Put up their options in email lists.

2. Offer content to major article directories and create direct traffic to the website and affiliates.

3. Submit the articles to many article directories and create web site links.

4. Use the content in the blog to drive traffic to their websites.

5. Sell the article rights for cash and

6. Combine and bundle the articles in an e-book or e-report to sell or give away.

Discover How To Properly Structure A Blog In Order To Harvest An Ultimate Income! Download it FREE here: How To Properly Construct A Blog

Do you want to learn how to develop a successful Internet Business with more profits, less work and true freedom? Click Here: Craig S

Do you want to learn how I make a lot of money with articles every day?
Click Here: Article Pro Software

Article Marketing 5 Steps to Easy Article Marketing

Article marketing might seem hard when you first think about it, but once you have written and submitted a number of articles, it does get easier. Follow these simple steps to help you get started, quickly and easily.

1) Narrow down your web site topics and perhaps make a list of them. When you are trying to write articles, sometimes it is easy to feel like you do not have anything to write about. One easy way to counteract that is to write a list of 10-20 things that you can write about main topics. Then, write a list of questions that can be asked about your topic. Once you have those lists, you now have a large number of mini-topics you can use to write articles about. Just answer each one of the topics in an article you should never run out of fresh ideas using this method!

2) Write the article. Use a structure similar to this one for your first few articles. Just write out a few main points that can answer the article questions. Then for your introductory paragraph, write an introductory sentence and then summarize the main points. For your conclusion, the same idea holds just summarize everything, and perhaps give an action point something your reader can do that will be helpful to him.

3) Add your link to your web page to the end of the article. Offer an incentive, such as a free ebook, to get them to visit your web site.

4) Go to a search engine and find a list of article directories that are accepting submissions.

5) Submit your articles to the article directories.

Although that list is quite brief and short, if you literally do each of the things in those steps, you are well on the road to article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 500 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 7 Ways to Make Money with Article Marketing

Article marketing continues to dominate the World Wide Web. With its proven power, it's definitely here to stay.

1. Strive to produce high-quality articles. They must not only be content-rich but they must also be well-written to give your potential audience great reading experience.

2. Attention-grabbing titles do make wonders. Give your articles headlines that are not only descriptive of what the whole content is all about, but also compelling. Don't settle for mediocrity when writing your titles because they are your powerful tools in getting online users to read your articles.

3. Make your articles publisher-friendly. They must conform to the standards set by various publishing sites so they can easily be posted online.

4. Keep your articles short. Based on researches, articles that run between 300-500 words are well-read and highly visited. You can easily shorten your articles by eliminating fillers on your content and using active voice instead of passive voice. It would also help if you present your information upfront without using too much introductions.

5. Your articles must be search engine-friendly. Aside from your potential clients and publishers, you must also know how to please the search engines so they will index your articles. Getting your way around keywords, keyword density, title and meta tags, and anchor texts will usually do the trick.

6. Make your articles interesting to read. Sharing of information doesn't have to be textbook-like. Make it more enjoyable by writing in a conversational tone and inserting humorous texts whenever appropriate.

7. Write and submit articles on a regular basis. To strengthen your online presence, you must be willing to produce and post more articles online. The more articles you create, the more inbound links you will obtain for your website.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How To Use Articles In Search Engine Optimization

In the World Wide Web, content is king. But you would not want just any kind of content; what you need is quality content. More importantly, you want them in a good number. Articles are one of the best options that you can rely on when you need your websites up and moving.

Articles are keyword-rich articles that you can put in your website to serve as its content. These are articles that you can buy in bulk or one at a time at a rather cheap price.Articles are ready-made content that you can use. You can edit, reword or even add your name as the article's author. You can pretty much do anything with articles. Webmasters can buy articles in volume and at an amazing low price too. To give you more idea on the pricing on articles, you can buy one article for as low as $4.00. For the price offered, investing in articles is a good deal.

The importance of search engines in the Internet world is immeasurable. People who wanted information or looking for something or wanted to buy a thing but do not know where to find those merchandise, would go to the search engines to direct them. Because search engines are the most important tools in the worldwide web, webmasters do all they can to get on top of the page ranks. This process of getting ranked up in the first few pages of search engines is also called search engine optimization.

How can you use these articles to improve your page ranking in search engines? All articles are made to be keyword-rich. Keywords are words or set of words that are commonly typed in by online users when they are using search engines. For instance, if a user is looking for a diet which appropriate for her and key in "south beach diet" then the websites with the keywords "south beach diet" optimized accordingly will most probably on the top of the list.

Articles are written in a way that keywords are strategically scattered though out an article. If keywords are repeated in a non-redundant way, then these articles can be easily crawl search engines and consequently put your site on top page ranks. Most freelance article writers have guidelines to have at least a 2% keyword density.

Articles are categorized according to keywords. For instance you can buy the articles under the category "south beach diet", rest assured that these articles are optimized with your chosen keyword. To give you a clearer picture on how you can use articles for search engine optimization let's look at this example. A webmaster purchases a set of articles and one article has a keyword density of 2%. If you multiply that with 30 articles, then the entire website definitely would have a better standing against competitive website under the same keyword.

You can also use article to submit to article directories. Since you can do anything with articles, you can imbed a link to your website when you submit your article to article directories. There is no limit on how many article sites where you can post your article, if for instance you submit your article to about a hundred article websites, then that amounts to 100 back links for your site. This means a higher spot for you in search engines.

Online readers wanted information fast and easy. If you have a site and offer your visitors only one or two article, then chances are, your visitors would go on to the next site. But if use articles then you can use several articles for your sites and your website would look so rich with information and would surely attract more visitors to your site.

Darryl Power
I have been writing articles, seo, marketing for 9 years.

Article Marketing - Your Headline Do's And Don'ts

Article marketing is a very powerful way of generating traffic and reputation for your affiliate marketing business. But you must work at it and do it right to get the great short and long term results that you hope for.

In this article, we will discuss crucial tips for writing your headline that will help increase your readership.

Whether you are writing articles for your affiliate marketing website, blog or to submit to other sites, your article will only attract attention if your headline is worded properly. The first thing that your potential readers and hopefully customers will see is your headline.

Write a great headline and they are hooked, write a dud headline and no-one will read your well thought out, informative copy.

Headline Do's

  • Targeting: Your headline must reflect what your article is about. Imagine coming across a great headline, you click on the article and find it is totally off topic. You would be really disappointed. Also the next time you come across an article by the same author, the trust is no longer there and you would probably pass. Make sure that your headline is related to the content of your article.

  • Teaser: Structure your headline in a way that tells the reader what they are about to read without giving too much away. Try to arouse their curiosity on the topic, make them want to click on your article to read more. A headline ' SEO can dramatically improve your website's traffic' will not have the same pull as 'Discover 3 crucial SEO changes you can make to increase traffic to your website today' Same meaning, different delivery

  • Tone: Hype is a rampant disease on the internet. As with most infective diseases, over-exposure has led to the development of immunity or resistance in the population. So many headlines are so over hyped that they tend to ensure your article will not be read. How often do you take time to read the article with a headline like this? 'How to make $50000 while you sleep, in just 2 weeks'. You want your article's headline to generate excitement but be credible. That way you present yourself as a credible business.

  • Keywords: Try to include your keywords in your headline. Don't overdo it. Including your keyword is good for SEO, and tells your reader what your article is about
Headline Don'ts

  • Tricks: Tricks will just irritate your readers and may offend them. It may come across as you insulting their intelligence. Your business should be presented as a serious business and resorting to trick to get readers will erode your reputation. There are all sorts of tricks eg keyword stuffing that may work in the short term, but in the long term will seriously hurt your business

In a future article, we will discuss tips on writing the body of your article to increase your click through rate.

Internet Marketing Articles for newbies and Affiliate Marketing Tips for newbies at

Linking to Sites

Outbound links connect your site to others in a one way fashion. After reviewing your content, visitors will appreciate the benefit of being recommended to other sites with relevant content. Using outbound links can help your web pages obtain better page rank in the search engines. When creating outbound links, you should include your keywords and give some form of description. Using a click here phrase is not going to help gain a higher rank with your web pages and will not help people know where you are attempting to direct them. To get the most benefit from outbound links, you should be linking pages that contain content you have written or created.

Reciprocal links

Reciprocal links are when you exchange your website link with someone else who has a website. The exchange of links will help to drive traffic to each other's site. Using reciprocal links is an extremely effective way to promote your website. Reciprocal links help to drive traffic to your site and improve your search engine ranking. It is imperative to accept only quality links that will potentially benefit your visitors. Look for sites that have similar interests and content with yours and that you would like to trade with. Your main focus is to try and exchange links with other popular and quality web sites. When contacting another site's webmaster, inform them that your site has a similar topic and you would like to exchange links. You should also give them a description about your site so when they provide a link, this description can be included with the link. Do your homework when looking for reciprocal links. Find the right site to do a reciprocal link exchange with. There is an abundance websites available on the internet that you can potentially get links to and from. Potential sites have content that appeals to the same visitors as your site does. Your goal should be to exchange as many quality links, without going overboard, as you can. While you are looking for links, be sure to see how much traffic the reciprocal site gets and what their page rank is. After agreeing to exchange links, check the sites that say they contain links to you. If your link is not on the site, then contact them and ask why. If there is no response, delete their link and carry on. Search engines are more receptive to text links as opposed to graphics, but you have the choice to use either one or both. Another good idea is to look at the links on the reciprocal partner's site. There is a good chance that you can link with them as well.

Pat L. started out creating a few niche sites and during that process gained huge amounts of knowledge in the website development process. You can visit for more information about developing and creating a website.

6 Top Most Effective Link Building Tools

Almost every webmaster and Internet marketer who is serious about his online business cares of driving more traffic to his website. We all know that the closer to the top in search engine results the site is, the more it is visited by Internet users. But how to get that cherished place on the first page in the search engine? The answer is link building.

Link building is the process of getting links pointing to your site from other websites. The more incoming links your site has, the more value it represents for search engines. The quality of incoming links does matter too.

In this article I'd like to suggest the tools you can use to build quality links to your website:

1. Articles. Write the articles about the products or services you offer on your website and submit them to article directories. The idea is to include a link to your site into every article. Each article listed in many directories has the potential to build thousands of links for you.

2. Bookmarks. A great idea is to bookmark your articles. Every time you bookmark an article, you are linking back to your website. You can bookmark the web pages with your articles with popular bookmark sites, for example and, these sites are growing in popularity by the day. Also, adding social bookmark links to your articles makes it easy for readers to save and share your content. You can use this Social Bookmarking Tool to bookmark your articles with more than 50+ social bookmarking sites.

3. Forums. You can search for forums related to your business and leave the posts on them. Include the link to your site into your signature and every post you make will become an inbound link.

4. Blogs. An off site blog is a great means for building links and gaining traffic because every post you make is a separate web page. Link to your website and you'll have some good inbound links.

5. Social networking. With social networking link building comes in when you set up your profile. You'll make friends and drive traffic to your website.

6. Web directories. Directory submission is one of the best ways to get natural quality links for your website. The more directories you list your website with, the more inbound links you have. The easiest and quickest way to submit the site to web directories is to use a directory submitter tool. Directory submission software already has a large database of directories included within the program and automates the process of site submission. So, it is also the more time saving method of link building because you don't waste your time by searching the Internet for themed directories. You can find many companies offering fast, easy and free directory submission software on the Internet. Conduct a search for "Directory Submitter" or "Link Directory Submitter" in Google, Yahoo or MSN and you will find many websites that offer these types of programs.

Free directory submission software is absolutely the best SEO technique because it allows you optimize your new and existing websites as frequently as you would like and doesn't cost your anything.

I've just scratched the surface in the article presented. You can find a lot more valuable information about how to increase your site popularity by building quality one way links here: Link Building Guide

A Free Technique To Make More Money Than You Thought Possible

In order to make money online, you must have traffic. Without traffic, there is no business. But, unfortunately for those just starting out, traffic costs money. You can pay for clicks, you can buy ads in ezines, you can pay for reviews, etc. Most of these techniques can be quite effective, but they can cost you a fortune.

However, there are a few advertising traffic building techniques that are absolutely free. They cost you nothing more than a few hours of your time. Many who are just starting out would much rather spend a few hours than spend their hard earned money. Among all the various ways of promoting an Internet business, article writing is among the most effective and affordable ways to advertise your online business. In fact, it can make you more money than you thought possible.

Fresh content is the lifeblood of the Internet and articles make up a large percentage of that content. Webmasters are always looking for new information that is related to the content on their sites. Search engines love sites that regularly renew their content and reward them with high page rank numbers. These higher page ranks result in better placement in search results.

For that reason, there is a constant and eager market for your articles. With each article you write, you should include several links to your own site, your own products, or affiliate products that you recommend. This information is included in your resource box.

All of your links should be related to the information in your article. If the article is about vacationing in Tahiti, links for dog grooming are of little use. Few people would click on them. Links that are related to discount hotels, and airfare would get much better results.

If you are just starting an Internet business, generate traffic using articles. To maximize traffic, you should write articles on a regular basis. One or more articles per day is best. If you intend to write just one a week, you will not get good results from your article marketing efforts. You need to write at least one article each day to be successful. But if you are ambitious and can write three or more each day, you can make more money than you thought possible.

Do you want to learn more about making money online? Get my free ebook on how make money every day!

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Write Your Own Ebook And Make Money!

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Great Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is a great off-page SEO solution that can help you build quality inbound links for your website without the need to resort to link building campaigns. You just need to write and distribute your articles online to impart your knowledge, gain the trust of your potential clients, and drive them to your website.

Here are the 4 great methods to improve your article marketing:

1. Supercharge your titles. This is the first element that online users will see online. Thus, you need to create a strong impression to compel them to open and read your articles. Make your headlines short, direct to the point, and descriptive of what your article is all about. Employ emotion, logic, exaggeration, and anything that will push your potential clients' buttons. Remember, to be successful in this marketing technique, you need to be desperate for attention.

2. Power up your author's bio. Introduce yourself to online users by giving them sneak peak on what you do, your hobbies, and your willingness to help. Avoid making your short biography a blatant advertisement and just make it personal. This is your first step in building rapport with your readers so they will learn to trust you eventually. Don't forget to include your most friendly-looking picture to make your bio more interesting and visually appealing.

3. Do keyword analysis. Know what keywords are ranking better on search engines and use them on your content. By doing so, you will make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Carefully choose your topics. If you don't know where to get great topic ideas, I highly recommend forums and article submission sites. These can give you great insights on what your potential clients might be looking for on your articles. Just stick to those topics that are relevant to your products so you can attract qualified traffic to your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

List Building: Why Blogs Work

Now that your list building page is up and running, you need ways to drive traffic to it, right? What's the easiest, fastest way to get that traffic? A blog. Why?

Actually there are many reasons, but the primary one is because a blog is a traffic magnet. That traffic filters down to your squeeze page, and BANG! You're list building.

Here are some ideas for ways to get traffic to your blog:

  • Search engines will bring tons of traffic, since they love blogs. After about 6 months, a blog can be ranked highly, if it provides the content that search engines are looking for. Any site that ranks highly ends up where? On the first page of search results. If you've done your homework before choosing your niche, you'll know just how many searches there were for your keywords. Hopefully, you've chosen a term that gets a lot of searches. If you rank highly, you'll get that many eyeballs looking at your listing right there on the first page. They can't escape it!
  • You can get traffic to your blog by joining places like, Blog, or, for instance. These are communities of bloggers, and you may find some people who are interested in your niche. They'll read your blog religiously and probably sign up for your list..
  • Exchange blog links with people. Invite them to put your link into their "blogroll," and ask them to put your link into theirs.
  • Write guest columns in other people's blogs, or ask people to write guest pieces in yours. Be sure your guests let their blog readers know that they've put an article on your blog, too, so you get the benefit of their subscriber bases, while they get the benefit of yours. You'll both be list building.
  • Write a press release about a blog entry and submit it each time you have something important to tell people. By important, I mean earth-shattering, not that your baby just lost its first tooth. A guest columnist would be a good example of something to write about in a press release.
  • Advertise in an Ezine, just as you would a product or service.
  • Use pay-per-click to advertise your blog, and get the benefit of a wide range of viewers. If you're able to make money with your blog, then, PPC may well be worth the price.
These are just a few of the many ideas that might come to you about advertising your blog, which will breed traffic and enhance your list building efforts. The end game, though, is getting people to click on your links and to opt-in to your list.

You can use your blog as a secondary list building page, too. Put an opt-in box at the very top. If people enjoy your blog, they'll probably opt-in to your list without even going to your list building page.

The whole key to making your blog effective in driving traffic to your list building page is to make your blog worthwhile. If you think you'll get anything by throwing together a pile of junk that nobody wants to read and that's only updated once a quarter, you're wrong. But if you write a great blog, you'll be building a great list in no time. Blogs are just the fastest, easiest way to get things done.

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. Learn how to build a powerful and responsive list quickly through his premiere list-building course,

Competition Freebies and Sponsorship For Free Advertising and Link Popularity

How many competitions are there running on the net at this time? 1000 maybe? Nah, 100,000 is more than likely and when they pass their closing date there will be just as many to take their place.

So, why are companies so desperate to give away free stuff just for answering a question or two? I'll tell you why...

...because it is an INCREDIBLY effective and very INEXPENSIVE way to get your company name mentioned on hundreds, if not thousands of websites, message boards, forums, blogs and conversations both in the online and offline world, not to mention the good PR it generates - that's why!

Who doesn't want their company name-dropped all over the place for what amounts to mere peanuts when compared to the costs of traditional advertising?

There are thousands of specialist competition and freebie sites whose sole purpose is to inform the rest of the internet when a new competition or freebie offer hits the internet. There are as many mailing lists, newsgroups, message boards and blogs on the same subject and YOUR company name could be plastered over all these when you add a competition giveaway to your site.

But it doesn't stop there.

If you are reading this as a webmaster then you obviously know all the major search engines look upon inbound links as being one of the main deciding factors in deciding which pages rank where in the organic search engine results. All these free, one-way inbound links pointing directly at your website are pure gold dust in terms of increasing your link popularity and thrusting you up towards the top of the search engines.

Whilst everyone else is rushing around participating in link exchange programs, renting links on websites, buying their way into search directories and more costly measures to help get the jump on their competitors, you could be flying up the rankings by giving away something as cheap as a $20 DVD once a month.

Of course, you can also make your generosity work extra hard for your business as well and really milk that competition freebie... Rather than just give one lucky visitor a chance to win something when they leave their details at your site how about some of these ideas to get a double hit from your freebie:

1) Newsletter Competition

A competition give-away to everyone who signs up with your newsletter. Draw an email address from the hat every month and announce it in the newsletter and you'll treble your subscription rate and keep them reading. Want to ensure they really read it? Ask a question about a specific aspect of the newsletter and get people to email it in and draw a winner from one of the entrants. You get more subscribers AND you ensure they're reading!

2) Newsletters again...

Add a checkbox to your competition entry page, order page etc. offering people the chance to sign up for your newsletter (making sure to offer the hook of exclusive newsletter give-aways, freebies, coupons etc. of course) and you've got a bunch of new subscribers. This is a less effective means of building your mailing list but it still works.

3) The Scavenger Hunt Competition.

Get people to browse around your website to give you the answers to a question or two you propose. Think "By how much is the Super Megatron 2000 reduced by this month"? and use these questions to direct people to your latest promotions and offers. Not only do you get all those extra visitors from blogs and comeptition sites like you wanted, but you also show these extra visitors the highlights of your site which will either encourage them to buy there and then or bookmark you for future reference rather than hitting and running.

4) The Repeat Competition Hook

Giving away different freebies in your competitions each month ensures two things. Firstly, competition addicts (of which there are many) will hit your site every month giving you a chance to market your offers to them at least once a month. Secondly, you ensure those search result boosting links continue to multiply every month...

...and so on. If there is any aspect of your website or business you feel is a real hook and worth promoting to customers then a decent competition used correctly is the perfect way to highlight it to a wide audience without spending a fortune on advertising.

But hang on, this isn't the ONLY way to use competitions to your own advantage. Another great way is to not run your own competition at all but to simply SPONSOR a competition on another site. Getting into a small competition sponsorship deal with a high traffic site in a related (but non-competiting) subject area can bring some awesome targetted traffic your way. If they archive their competition results and past sponsorships, then that's another one-way link you got into the bargain as well.

The possibilities here are endless and it's not going to cost you anything more than a few bucks each month in order to start the ball rolling.

So what are you waiting for?

Mark Falco is the webmaster and owner of DVD Rental Services and Just UK Freebies.

Don't Make This Mistake With Your Keywords!

Been working on your website? I hope so. This powerful information I'm giving you will only be useful if you're applying it to your website. Don't make the mistake of 90% of people out there trying to make money online but failing to do so.

The methods I'm teaching you work! I've used them with countless clients across many different industries. And, time and time again, they worked! These methods got websites ranking on the first pages of the search engine results.

Don't you want to be there too?

Check out this free tool from Yahoo. Yahoo has one of the best free keyword tools available for conducting keyword research. Search for this phrase: overture inventory tool. You should be able to find it quite easily.

It is such a popular tool that occasionally the Yahoo keyword server can't handle all the requests. So if you load the page and get an error message, simply hit refresh on your browser until you get to the keyword selector tool.

Now enter one of your keyword terms in the box and hit the blue triangle key. After a brief time, you'll be presented with a list of similar keywords and the number of times that keyword phrase was searched for during a specified period of time.

If you combine this info with a manual search on the search engines, you get a pretty good idea what your competition looks like for any given keyword phrase. Start with the less competitive keywords and, as your website builds in popularity, move on to the more competitive phrases. What do you do with this information? When developing the content of your website, you want to focus each page around two or three different keyword phrases. Simply pick the most popular keyword phrase that fits your website's purpose. Then, as you compose the text of your web pages, include those phrases naturally throughout your content.

The most crucial places to include these keyword phrases are in the title of the web page in the headings (h1, h2, etc), and in the regular content. It's good to make the keyword phrases bold when they appear in the content. Also, when you create your links from page to page, make sure you the link text is one of your keyword phrases as well.

Don't simply repeat the phrase over and over. Google will actually penalize you for such repetition. Include the phrase as smoothly and naturally as possible throughout the page.

Good luck, and keep at it!

Darren Barkett is the president of Creative eMarketing Solutions, a leading provider of website marketing services and training. Visit his website to learn more about what you can do to start directing traffic to your website now! Sign up for the free SEO Tips and Tricks Newsletter and learn the secrets of how to get your website on the first page of Google! Learn more at

Top 10 Link Building Tips For Beginners

The original purpose of building links was to promote your web site at other sites and bring in visitors. These days only high quality can bring you targeted visitors. Another is to build links for search engine purposes. So, if you want to attract visitors from the search engines build as many links as possible. Aslo, If your site is not Indexed by the search engines, just build several links, and the job is done.

Link Building is not an easy activity, especially for beginners. These tips will help you build initial links and will give you further references.

1. Forums

There are many forums that allow links to your site in the member list, signature and/or profile. Find forums that match the topic of your business/site. Check if they allow links, sign in, embed your link, and start posting comments, questions, or answers. Do not spam, it is not polite :) and you can get banned. Focus on a few forums and post regularly. Forum links will not help you much with the search engine rankings but they do have some value. At least you will get indexed and also they can bring some visitors.

2. Blogs

Open an account at Blogger or WorldPress. Post regularly. If you can write something related to your original site great, if not, write a journal. Comment or ask questions at other blogs that you are interested in or are related to yours. Try to include links in the signature and also be sure that your blogs profile is public. Do not spam! The value of blog links is not very high, especially the ones embedded in the comments. If you are a beginner they could be helpful.

3. Ask friends.

Friends that own or edit websites will be happy to help you. Just ask them to put your link at their web pages. If you dont have friends online, then make them! Register an account at MySpace. Make your profile rich, contact other people and make friends.

4. Link Exchange.

Link exchange is relatively easy way to build links. Send an e-mail to related sites and ask them to include your link, most likely they will ask you to link back to them. Some sites practice this and have ready links to embed in your site before you ask them for a reciprocal link. Reciprocal links may not have much value for Search Engines but they could be useful. Exchange links only with related sites and link to 20 or 30 partners. To find link exchange partners type in the search box: your keywords + add url. Do not link to a bad neighborhood. (See tip No. 10)

5. One-Way Links

Since reciprocal links have lesser value, its more practical to focus on one-way links. I found a website that offers a one-way link exchange program for free There are about 10 different categories you can join in. The concept is simple. You place 5 + 1 links on your index page (copy paste given code) and you wait other site owners to join the program. For a certain period of time you should gain 5 links from other related sites (in the same category). This strategy seems very easy. But there are some buts. There are only 10 categories you can join. You have to wait too long for the first links to come. The process is fully automated so there is possibility for abuse from some users. You have to be careful to whom you link; otherwise you can get penalized from the Search Engines. (Outgoing links are important, Incoming links cant hurt you) If you are lucky you could get high quality links in about 6 months. If you are not, leave the program.

6. Review Products and Sites

If you buy a product from review it there. Write something like: "I liked it very much" or something like that. Dont forget to include your link in the review. See how others are doing that. You could review any products you bought (or not) at Review related sites on Dont rely only on these sites because reviews carry quality one-way links valuable for search engines. These links can also bring targeted visitors.

7. Submit and syndicate Articles.

This is the easiest way to gain free, high quality links. If you think you cant write an article just see what and how other people did it. I bet you can do it better. Write an article related to your topic and submit it to Article sites like :, and At the beginning submit your articles manually at as many as possible Article submission sites. Later, you can learn to use automated submission. Writing and syndicating articles is not only great for a Search Engine purposes but also will bring in targeted visitors.

8. Buy Text Link Ads

Regardless if you are a beginner; if you want to build a successful home based internet business you should seriously consider to buy Text Link Ads for starting. These text links are important primarily for the Search Engines but also will bring you high quality visitors from the sites they are posted on. Buying links will enable you to control the sites that link to you and the Anchor Text of the link (The blue text you see). Both are very important factors for high search engines rankings.

9. Free Sub Domain hosting.

There are many sites that provide free Subdomain Hosting. You could create one or several sites for linking purposes. This activity is similar to blog building. The difference is that you have much more control over the site appearance, its structure, and the links themselves. After you build subdomain site do some or all of the tips above to get indexed by the search engines. If you manage to raise the Page Rank of the pages you would have an excellent linking resource in your hands. Some WhiteHat webmasters would argue that this technique could be abused or considered as spamming, but dont worry, you cant harm your original web site. The worst thing you could do is to get the Subdomain banned but only if you exaggerate. At the moment the best choice for free subdomain hosting is

10. Dont DO

Be careful, link building is not harmless. If you make mistakes you could be penalized or completely thrown out of the search index. You certainly dont want that. Search Engines could bring you good traffic if you practice Search Engine Optimization. If you dont want to get penalized or banned by search engines follow the simple rule: only things you do at your site can get you banned, like linking farms or bad link neighbors (banned or penalized sites). Anything your competitors can do to harm you can not be penalized by the search engines.

It is not easy to be a beginner. Take it step by step. You dont have to do everything but remember, the more links the better.

The full version of the article with embedded links and tricks could be founded at Starting Home Based Internet Business Blog

Seo Elite Review Of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) uses a patented concept of retrieval which overcomes most of the problems currently associated with the more popular word based retrieval systems. It is an automatic software application that can return 30% more effective relevancy to text based databases than the current standard search word matching techniques used by search engines.

LSI is particularly beneficial when large amounts of data are to be processed and where information needs to be retrieved in multiple languages and translation needed. Current retrieval match words contained within text or documents in a database. while this system is popular they are far from perfect, and if you have ever used a search engine search box you will know what I mean.

The main problem lies in the lack of precision, and on average 50% of the information that is returned will be irrelevant to the end user. there is also the question of retrieval failure whereby only 20% of the relevant information available is returned. In other words, do you know what you are missing?

The main reason for this missing information lies in the fact that there are many ways to describe the same idea or concept. On non-LSI models, if a writer such as I use one word to describe a particular thing, and a searcher such as yourselves use another then you are quite likely to not get all the relevant information available.

An example of this would be if i were to use the word 'laptop', yet the searcher looks for 'notebook' or 'portable computer' it will be more likely to be missing from the search results for that elusive 'laptop' keyword. Authors and searchers alike find it increasingly difficult to anticipate the many ways in which a concept can be described.

LSI on the other hand enables the user to find relevant information even if the search query shares no words in common. LSI uses a very powerful and fully automatic way of statistically associating words of description to one another. LSI will learn that "laptop" and "portable" occur in many of the same contexts, and that queries about one should probably retrieve documents about the other.

LSI is 30% more effective than the current word matching methods used in retrieving relevant information to the user. (e.g., Deerwester et al., 1990; Dumais, 1995) LSI can handle many differing types of text based applications such as multimedia descriptions, marketing brochures, email messages or WWW urls all with equal ease. In addition LSI is unique in it's application to improving information whenever the retrieval rate necessary is high. e.g. multimedia information, advertisements etc.

Because LSI does not rely on direct word matching it finds more relevant information at a breeze.even in differing languages without any necessary changes to existing algorithms. No wonder the likes of Google are now heading in the LSI direction, it's search results can only improve on the relevancy to it's clients. i.e you and me.

David 'Goldie' Edwards is a search engine optimizer and website designer working from his UK office. His GoogleTips website gives clients the opportunity to further enhance their SEO & Website Design Skills.

He also invites you to a Review Of SEO Elite the seo software designed to keep you in front of your competition.