Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest Profitable Steps to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

When expert marketers say that article marketing is the best tool to generate traffic to your site, they were not lying. In fact, this technique has become so popular that almost all webmasters and even blog owners have started writing and submitting articles to publishing sites. The reward that you can get from utilizing this method is truly amazing. Aside from improved traffic, you can also expect higher page ranking and better profit as long as you are consistently writing and submitting quality articles.

Here are the latest steps to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Widely distribute your articles. Contrary to popular belief, you can also market your articles to other avenues aside from article submission sites. You can post them on your blog, on your website, or turn them into an eBook. By doing so, you will be able to reach more online users and draw more visitors to site.

2. Focus on one niche. Specialize and choose a field that you are an expert on and write articles about it. Make sure that all your articles are directly relevant to your main topic so you can make your content more targeted to your potential readers.

3. Write more. As you know, the quantity of your article submissions determine the number of links to your website. In order to get the maximum exposure, I suggest that you write at least 5-7 articles per day.

4. Promote your articles. One of the most effective ways of enticing your potential clients to read your articles is through forum posting. You can join online discussion and offer solutions to your target market's problem through your article content.

5. Make your resource box enticing. Remember, one of your main goals in utilizing article marketing is to drive readers to your site. You can easily do that by making your resource box powerful and compelling.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Unsubscribe To Keep Your Sanity

We all remember the days when we opened our email accounts for the first time and then felt so special when we received emails from people we did not know. If you were anything like me, you probably spent hours opening emails, just to be sure that you did not miss out on an important message all the while getting lassoed into purchasing things I did not know I even wanted.

As years went on, somehow getting on other people's lists was easier than bringing the sun up every morning. Inevitably I, the reader, became slowly sucked into joining new marketing programs and purchasing new tools. The newfangled 'one time offers' take more will power than most people have, to say no. Never mind reaching a 2nd page where the one time offer is now at half price. It seems that the credit card never gets put back into its slot.

Is email marketing a good thing?

If you are currently already committed to marketing a program, having your time diluted with external offers like more marketing materials, more software and webinars means you have less time to devote to the program you have spent good money on. And time does equal money.

The more time you spend reading sales letters, visiting sales pages and purchasing new marketing products, the less time you are spending promoting your own business, which you have promised your internal partner that you were committed to it when you first joined.

The solution is simple. Do not sign up for more autoresponder series. If that is not possible, then sign up for the report you can not live without , read it and then hit the unsubscribe button. This will free up your time, will make you more productive and success will come sooner.

One tip I use when I become distracted with email offers, is to get out my copy of 'Science of Getting Rich' and refocusing. I become instantly more productive.

You can do it. You can break the habit of clicking on those email offers. Every day, hit one of those unsubscribe links and just see how empowered you can feel. Or just wait a few weeks and you will more than likely find the program/book/software being sold on an auction site for less.

Entrepreneur Maria Porter has been Online since 2000 specializing in Coastal Vacations Business Opportunity full time since 2001. She is also the creator of Coastal Vacations website. You may contact her on 866-629-3806. Visit her website for free advertising advice on how to promote your online business.

Article Marketing - Marketing Your Articles

If you want to really market your great articles, you need to flood the market with your articles. This is the best way to get the highest results that you can possibly get. Flooding the market with your articles is the only way to do it.

When you flood the market with your articles, people are going to be reading your articles, I promise! If you flood the market enough, you will get the high results that you want! If you just write one perfect article, your not going to see great results from this. I promise that. You really won't. Think about it. If you had only one great article and put that article on the market with thousands of good articles, who do think is going to win over the market?

Who would you rather go to for help, someone wrote a thousand page book on cell phones. Or someone wrote a thousand books on cell phones? You have to truly flood the market if you want to see fast and good results.

To flood the market, you have to just keep writing. You have to pump out at least 5 articles an hour. This is how your going to win the market. Whoever can flood the market with their articles the fastest and the most, wins the market over. That is how the game works people! You can't just rely on one perfect article! You have to have hundreds of articles!

Make articles and have them flood your keyword, you'll soon get the traffic you want.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Popular Secrets to Advance with Article Marketing

Everybody would like to advance in article marketing so they can maximize the benefits that this tool can offer. If you are one of them, these 5 popular secrets can help you realize your goal:

1. Bank on your content. The best way to increase the chances of your articles being read and widely republished is by offering high-quality content to your readers. Your articles must be content-rich, well-written, keyword-rich, short, scannable, and highly relevant to the needs of your target market. When you are able to incorporate all these elements on each of your articles, you can be assured that they will become instant hits online.

2. Make your titles attention-grabbing. The online competition starts when online users searched for your keywords and they are presented with numerous articles on search engine result page. To give your articles an edge and increase their open rate, use titles that can stir the right kind of attention online. They must be striking, interesting, and compelling. So, instead of using "Article Marketing Tips", you can use "10 Fresh Secrets to Excel with Article Marketing"

3. Carefully choose your topics. If you are trying to build quality traffic to your website, you should write about topics that are highly related to your business, products, and target niche. That means, if you are selling diet pills, stick with topics about weight loss, weight gain, and obesity.

4. Use numbers. People are proven to respond better with numbers as they communicate precise information. Use graphs, statistics, etc. when appropriate.

5. Widely distribute your articles. To generate more inbound links for your website, don't' be contented with article submission sites and post your articles on forums, social networking sites, blogs, or on your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Aggressive Article Marketing Strategies That Will Automatically Create A 6-Figure Income

Article marketing is one of the very best ways that you can build a six figure income. I am sure if you have just read that previous statement you will want to read it again.

You may have written a few articles and gotten some results, but not realized how powerful this method of marketing actually is. However, it is a numbers game and the more articles that you have out there the higher your number of subscribers and sales.

So let us look at how you generate money from article marketing in forensic detail. You need to write articles focusing on your niche market and submit them to all the article directories. Here you will get free search engine traffic because these directories have a very high page rank. You will include a link to your squeeze page in your resource box. When somebody reads your article and likes what you have to say they will click through to your website and subscribe to your newsletter. Using your autoresponder you can follow up and convert them from a subscriber into a paid customer.

Now one of the biggest problems with article marketing is that you need thousands of articles to generate a six figure income. Also writing and submitting them to directories takes a very long time as this is extremely time intensive. So for most people they simply do not do the volume that is required to achieve a six figure income.

Now the expert article marketers outsource everything. They may have started doing everything themselves to get everything going and generate a profit, but once they start earning a decent income they hire people to write the articles and submit them to the different directories. Using sites like Elance you can easily find people to do all of this and I know of one article marketer who pays a dollar for every article that gets written.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing Tactics and Misuse of Trickery in Titles Discussed

So often article marketers who author online articles and post them to online article submission sites use misleading titles, which have nothing to do with what the article is about, but rather attempt to trick the reader into clicking on the link. You know many people feel it is okay to embellish "titles of articles" because the evening news does it every day.

"Late Breaking News - New startling information in the Natalie Holloway unsolved murder mystery"

Then the media baits you into watching 7 minutes of commercials and two more un-related news segments where they cut of the interviewees mid-sentence, then they tell you something you already know, do not care about or is simply irrelevant.

The print media is just as bad. So much "fluff" and leading embellishment that it has trained most in the society to act and write like that. Of course it has also trained people to become numb to the news and leery of purported trickery in article titling. Using such tricks and tactics often works, but a stupid person may not be your target market, so article marketers should be thinking here.

Additionally, if you trick your good potential clientele they will be somewhat upset, although some marketers use this to lure them further and further, as their desire grows to seek the real information, then they pitch them with an offer: "buy this information" click here to buy, with a low price of $19.99 and throw in free ginzu knives? These are all tactics of the get-rich-quick crowds.

Whereas most non-marketer article "writers" do not use this tactic, their book editors or publishers often do overdo the titles in order to sell their books, or at least push the socially acceptable limit too often. Publishers are always looking for a hook or an angle to sell their works. It seems everyone attempts to use titles to entice readership. Yet we are told never judge a book by its title, that goes for online articles too unfortunately.

Some article marketers realize that even an underwhelmed reader who does not like an article will "click a link out" perhaps a slight percentage of the time rather than hitting the back button on their browser. The Internet Marketer will often have an enticing byline to get them to do just that.

Writers of articles, who are not engaged in marketing, might be trying to convince someone of their opinion or trying to get them to do something else, thus in a way some of these writers are in fact marketing - no, not a consulting job, product or service, but rather an idea, opinion, trend or concept.

Some article marketers imitate other media and consider it business as usual think that it is okay when in actuality it is somewhat pathetic. Article marketers often mimic what they observe on the Internet, in print, on the radio or on TV or perhaps a combination. It would behoove online article authors to consider these facts as they promote their writing on the the Internet. Think on this.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Article Marketing - A Powerful Tool

Article marketing has many benefits which may include establishing yourself as an Author, lead generation, more traffic to your web site, improved search engine position and is becoming a necessary tool for doing business on the World Wide Web. Article marketing has become a proven strategy for raising your link popularity. It can also be a cheap way to compete with larger companies in your field.

It's best to write on topics that are closely related to your business type, while making sure that the article provides good content for the reader, no one wants to read a sales page. Every article that you write will need a resource box section that will contain your sales info including an (anchor text) link or two pointing to your Web site. You could have a terrific product and a wonderful sales strategy, but without the targeted traffic your online business could be going no-where.

You can take advantage of a ton of free article submission sites on the internet, where you can submit your articles for free, some also offer software and services to help in the process. Once approved, the sites will make your articles available for distribution and publication to ezines, webmasters etc... Now there is no more need to beg for reciprocal link exchanges, pay for text links, or spend hours posting free ads to link farms that no one will read anyway. Articles, written yourself, are becoming the fastest and cheapest way to see results from your efforts.

When done properly, article marketing can be a very powerful tool to drive loads of targeted traffic to your web site. Whether your business is brand new or you have been in business for a while, you can gain new customers from marketing your own articles. To be the most effective, article marketing should just be part of a larger, more comprehensive SEO strategy. Remember, the goal of successful marketing is increased business and most importantly profit and this can be achieved with the help of article marketing.

The Author is the owner/operator of several successful article submission service sites. Also offering a completely automatic article submitter More info and resources can be found at

7 Must Have Web Site Advertising Strategies

Let's face it, we all need a little more traffic in our life, right? So how do you get loads of traffic to your site, web site advertising. Yes, we have to advertise our business in some way, shape or form to get traffic to our sites and products.

Sometimes this can be very tricky and expensive at the same time. Luckily, your reading this article or you might fall prey to ignorance. With all the different sites and people online promising you to notch advertising, it can get a little confusing. You have to watch out for scams at all times. Take it easy, I have some great tips below you can use when looking for advertising avenues.

Tip #1 Get your name or brand out there by writing reviews on products or services in your industry. Over time and if done correctly you'll establish trust within your industry.

Tip #2 Write press releases on a regular basis about your business and anything pertaining to the field your in. This is more brand recognition than anything else.

Tip #3 Put up an opt-in form on your site to collect the names and email addresses of potential clients. Offer them free advice via a newsletter.

Tip #4 Write your own e book or report related to your industry and give it away to establish good will and trust with people in your market.

Tip #5 Continue to keep your company name visible in your market via article submissions and blog commenting.

Tip #6 Keep your name and brand in the minds of the people in your market by being where they are. For example, visit and contribute to the top forums in your market.

Tip #7 Use surveys to gather information on exactly what your customers wants and needs are so you can give it to them in the future.

These are just a few tips you can freely use that have worked for many companies online. The key with advertising on line is to keep your face or brand in front of the people so they become accustomed to it thus building familiarity and trust. This should be core responsibility of your business. There will always be competition in your market and if you don't stay relevant, you'll lose market share quickly. Your competitors are always looking for an advantage to take market share from you, don't give them the satisfaction.

Be sure to visit today for our complete list of web site advertising reports. We have done all the research so you don't have to. If you want to save a lot of time and money then you need to visit us today at

Profitable List Building - Latest 6 Intermediate Methods to Impact Your List Building

One of the major keys in growing your online business is knowing how to build your own email marketing list. In this article, I will discuss the 7 intermediate methods that will help you build a strong, robust list to strengthen your email marketing campaigns.

1. Target market. Effectively identifying the people who are most likely to buy from you is the first step you need to take in building your list. By doing so, you can make your marketing efforts more targeted in getting these people to sign up.

2. Quantity over quality. Your might have huge number of subscribers but if these people are not interested on what you offer, you are only wasting your time on your marketing campaigns. That is why is it of outmost importance that you only attract those people who are interested on what you offer.

3. Make use of squeeze page. This is one of the most widely used list building tools that help webmasters "squeeze" contact information from online visitors who would like to receive further communication from the webmasters.

4. Verify registrations to avoid spam complaints. Send email to your new subscribers to verify their intention of receiving newsletters from you to combat spam complaints. You can easily do this through the use of autoresponder that automatically send confirmation email to anyone who subscribe to your list.

5. Make your sign-up form visible on your website and blog to make registrations much easier and hassle-free to your potential subscribers.

6. Avoid spamming. Never send unsolicited email messages to people who have not signify their interest in becoming a member of your list. Spamming is the easiest way to lose your online credibility that can greatly hurt your online business.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

4 Article Marketing Reasons Why Numbers In Your Articles Title Can Give You More Clicks

Using numbers in your articles title can be truly powerful and can actually get more people to click on your title. It's true. Articles with numbers in their titles can get more clicks. Why?

The 4 reasons why putting numbers into your articles title can get you more clicks in your article marketing:

  1. When you write numbers into your articles title, it attracts the readers attention since they are so used to seeing words. That means that if you just put a small number like 2 into your articles title, it will give the reader more curiosity and actually give them a push into clicking onto your article.

  2. People are looking for information fast. They don't have enough time to read a bunch of stuff. If you put in a number into your articles title, your reader will automatically think that your article will have fast information that can read quickly and get the answers that they want. This idea will give your readers that special push to click onto your article.

  3. Numbers in your articles title show professionalism. When a reader looks at your articles title and notices that it has a number in it, your reader may think that your aricle is professional and you know what your talking about. All just from putting in a simple number into your article!

  4. It makes the reader think that your article has the answer that they're searching for. Rather than words, your numbers can actually make a reader think that your article has all the answers that they're looking for.

So for article marketing. Numbers can sometimes speak louder than words. But don't go overboard and start putting numbers everywhere in your article's title. This can be viewed as amateurish and won't be as appealing. So please stick to one number per article title.

Looking for new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons! Check out my website at

Article Marketing - For Those With Eyes To See, Real Opportunity Awaits

I want to be honest with you; my goal is to build a massive responsive opt-in email list. So why am I writing all of these articles on article marketing? Because I know that if I master this, it will be the foundation I will be able to build my entire online marketing career.

How is that possible? Let's think about this for a minute. Isn't it words that determine and measure the course of everything that happens on the Internet? It all started with a bunch or research done by college professors and students at the major universities around the United States.

This research was stored on hard drives connected together by an information dissemination system created by the United States Military to enable them to maintain a wide area network in case of nuclear attack.

Doesn't that sound like something out of an old science fiction novel? What's funny to me is that the reality of today has exceeded all of our wildest fantasies of our yesteryears.

Today we have algorithms that are so complex they are able to determine and predict patterns not only in language, but in languages so specific they create thousands of different groupings which help us all find the information we are looking for out of billions of web pages all over the world.

I guess it is more accurate to say that Google helps us find it about 64% of the time, and on the high end, Yahoo helps us find it just above 70% of the time.

The amazing thing for those that have eyes to see, the opportunity is in the gap. A gap that will be narrowed someday I am sure but will probably never be closed. What do I mean? In that window of 25% to 35% of the time when the information people are looking for is not to be found, is the gap that is waiting for some enterprising individual to fill. And all they have to do is write something. Is that someone going to be you?

The most interesting thing to me is that there are clues and maps leading whoever is looking right to those unfilled gaps. Those clues and maps are found in the key words of those searches that go unsatisfied. For example, if the key words *Travel to Forest Lake Minnesota* was searched for 300 times a month, and the major search engines show zero results for that key word phrase, then this is an opportunity for someone to create content for.

By doing that, they now have an audience of people that they know are interested in travel to that location. The question they should ask themselves is what does this group of people want or need, and then find a product, service, or affiliate program that fills that need, and they can start to market to that group. An example might be, a hotel and campground guide for that area.

So let this be the call to action for those that have ears to hear. Write; write your way into the opportunity created by the information age and an insatiable appetite for more information -- more specific information, more personalized information, an appetite which only grows each time it is momentarily satisfied. Because the more answers we get, the more questions we have.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

On-Page SEO Tips For Wordpress Blogs

SEO (search engine optimization) & blogs (especially wordpress) go very well together. Because the link structure of wordpress is optimum for search engine spiders to crawl & regularly updating nature of blogs is what search engines love.

On-page SEO means the way the site or blog is being built, such as the layout, the linking structure, the title text, meta description. This may sound like basic information but without it, it's like a building with a weak foundation - which won't last long.

Using SEO title plugin, you can put the title of your blog in your title text automatically, right in front of the name of your blog. This is important as the search engines read from left to right, just like humans.

Putting the name of your blog post in title text makes it easier for them to crawl & know exactly what your site is about.

So when you post on your blog, remember to put the keyword in the name of your post & it would automatically appear in your title text.

Link structure is another thing that search engine spiders & even human visitors would use to determine what your blog post is about.

A neat link structure would tell the search engines clearly what the post is about & for humans, it would be easier to remember a neat link structure. vs Just look at these 2 links & determine which you'll remember easier. Obviously the second link, right?

So just put yourself in your visitors' shoes, when a visitor remembers a link, even if he forgot to bookmark it, he can still come back to it. Repeat visitors will eventually build you a more loyal reader base.

After you build a really strong following of reader, advertisers & merchants will chase after you to pay you for advertising. There'll also be more ways you can monetize your blogs as you build more readers.

"Build it & they'll come!" - that's a half truth! The reality is "build it well & the targeted visitors will come."

Samuel has always been making money from wordpress blogs using his unique Automatic Blogging Income System. He wrote Strategic Blogging Manifesto & it is available to you at zero cost. On top of that, he is always giving away unique yet practical tips on topics such as blogging, affiliate marketing & ppc on his blog - The Ultimate Publishing Blog

Link Popularity - Ways to Improve Web Site Page Ranking

Link popularity is an important barometer that search engines use to determine your web site ranking. Links to your site from other web site owners is seen as a "vote" towards the quality of your site. Each web site gains link popularity depending on the (outside of the current site) pages that link to it. Google and other search engines consider link popularity strongly they evaluate the web pages that they include and rank in their databases. Google has a tool bar where you can see the page rank of web sites you visit, so you can use the tool bar to get a good snapshot about your web site's popularity. There are a number of very good "free" link popularity tools on the net that give you a better overall view of your ranking to include other major search engines and one my favorites is link popularity (put this term in your favor search engine block and you will find it). The more links, the higher your ranking will be on most of the major search engines.

Okay, you are now thinking, "how do I get more links"? The answer, you work at it but there are some ways that you "supercharge" your linking actions and in the following paragraphs I'll explain the how-to.

The easiest link is called "one-way link" that is pointing to your web site from someone else's site with no return link from you to them. The second type is called "reciprocal" and that is where both web site owners agree to add a link that will point to the other. Obviously, reciprocal links require a great deal of emailing and hoping that the other party will agree. With all of the spam and other nonsense that goes on the net, you may not be successful using this technique. The best option is go after "one-way links" and here is how you do it:

A webmaster who places a link to your website on his/her page believes that their visitors will benefit from the CONTENT of your site. Great content insures that these links become long term and provide continuing value to the sites that are linked to you.

Here are some tips on how to obtain One-Way Links:

Remember, the most important thing to keep in mind is that to get more links you must offer something of value. Think of what you can give that viewers/site owners will want to link to:

  • Natural links from sites that are similar to your theme (example: travel to travel site(s))
  • Free access to e-books, articles, and other content
  • Directory links, listed under category related to your theme
  • Blogs, submitted to a blog directory or archived online
  • Business or Professional associations listed under your category relative to your topic/theme
  • Newsletter text ads promoting your businesses or theme
  • Original press releases that you submit to online related web sites

On each of the above options, make sure you add an active link pointing to your site. It is always a good idea that when you change the content on your site that you archive the old content on your site this assures that your link popularity to grow as your site increases it' pages.

When you provide a link make sure that it can be followed by the search engine robots. It can be a plain text link or image link. Usually, JavaScript links are not recommended because robots can typically follow the link. The simpler linking code you provide the better. A technique you can use is to conduct a search for the page where the link to your web site will be located. You can search via the entire web site or by individual page(s). It the page is listed in the search engine results, this means the page was indexed by the search engine robots and viable for indexing and that your link will be found.

While I have just scratched the surface of link popularity in this article, there are many web sites that provide a wealth of information on this important SEO action and I suggest you spend some time on studying and practicing link popularity management.

Visit Chuck at his blog at . Chuck St. Arnaud is the Chairman & CEO of a the oldest and largest ISP in Coastal Georgia. A frequent writer and speaker on the Internet, he is considered a local asset when it comes to understanding the potential of using the Internet. Chuck is also an adjunct professor of Marketing at a local university.

How To Start An Online Business When Your Budget Is A Big Zero

Everybody needs to have something extra to do in order to earn a little more than his or her 9 to 5 job entails. Most people choose the Internet as a tool since this provides a way out without the hassle of finding a office or shop space and it cost relatively less than setting up a real life business.

How Much Does It Cost To Set UP An E-Business?

Well, let us look first at what it entails. The first thing you would need with e-commerce is a website which you may design yourself or have a professional do it for you. This would be your virtual shop - hence, it needs to be presentable, inviting, and easy to navigate. Simplicity would work fine, just as long as the website is attractive enough to get the surfer interested in looking around and functional enough to get him or her what they want when they want.

Then, you would need a domain name and web hosting services. A domain name is or edu, org, or whatever which would be your address on the Web. In order to have a good 24x7 presence on the web, you would need a good web host which would give you sufficient bandwidth (meaning space to spread your website) so many people could watch and use the website at the same time. You need to have a server uptime of at 99.8% and that would cost some funds as well.

Once you have a great website and an excellent web host, you would need to concentrate on getting people see and visit your 'shop'. For this you would need to advertise online and offline with whatever means you have. There are many, many ways to draw customers to your website, but in order to make the effort count you need to concentrate on attracting only those people who are in some measure interested in what you have to offer. This is called targeted advertising, i.e. you target your dragnet to only those surfers who would be most likely to buy something.

There Are Excellent Alternatives

The above procedure would at the minimum cost you about US $500. If you insist in getting outstanding quality in everything you endeavor, the cost might go to US $1000. This means that unless you have this capital, you might not get the returns you would have planned to get. So, what happens if you do not have this cash ready to invest?

Do not worry - there are some great alternatives to set up a very profitable business. It is called affiliate network. What you need to do here is find a great affiliate network - some of them charge a huge fee to allow you to become a member, while yet others offer you all kind of help for free + offers you an excellent commission for every item you sell for them. The Click2Sell.EU ( ) is one of such super affiliate networks which offers you an excellent platform to launch your business, even if you do not have your own website. They help you with everything for free + they offer some mind blowing returns for the promotion of their products. You can easily add your products to the marketplace and start selling online within minutes by accepting payments. Moreover, an army of affiliates will be there waiting for your product to promote. You can easily make money this way. So if you want an excellent business with zero capital - check it out today.

Egidijus Andreika is a creator of Click2Sell.EU Affiliate Programs Network. Click2Sell allows you to sell your products online and start your online business easily. Track all aspects of your website visitors, sales, websites referring sales. Sell products online with Click2Sell.EU now. Visit Click2Sell affiliate network.

Article Marketing - Self Promotion is Valuable Content

The first time someone told me I should write articles and post them for FREE, I nearly died of shock and shame. Aren't my articles worth money?

Of course they are!

Articles you market yourself with are ADS you do NOT have to pay for? How can that be?

What else would they be?

* You show your readers your expertise with informative content you create.

* You share your information in a way that leaves them searching for more (at your website).

* You give your reader a reason to visit your website.

* You share links and content.

* You take up real estate online and offer something of value.

IS marketing yourself a valuable and cost effective project? OF course it is.

How much better it is to prove your ability through content provision with your own bio at the bottom than an ad you pay someone to create for you, and pay to post? Can you imagine a more feasible manner of marketing your business than to give your reader a sample of what you do in content format that magnetically attracts targeted traffic your way?

Most articles I write are viewed at least 20 times a week, and reposted at least 10 times. I don't have a clue how many time's they're viewed on other sites. But my lists are steadily growing, which says they're popular.

Writing is what I do to earn my living. I have to promote myself. I'd rather do it with my own copy than to pay someone else to do it for me. Promotion is income!

Are you ready to Advertize your business?

Get two free Article Marketing Templates at and learn to market your own work online.

2007 - Jan Verhoeff

Article Directories For Building Quality Traffic To Your Site

Article directories are one of the best kept secrets for getting top Google rankings quickly and are exploding up almost everywhere. Article directories are HOT and getting tons of traffic every day for doing nothing but being there. They have become one of the critical tools in your SEO strategy. However, not all article directories are equal. Articles listed on the article directories are indexed by the search engines and show up on searches. Most article directories are free to submit to. I understand that links from article directories are very good. Mind you, its our duty to mention here that not all article directories are going to accept your article or not all publishers are going to publish your article. As you well know Article Directories are one of the primary places article publishers (like yourself) go to submit their articles!


Nearly every professional search engine marketer considers article submission as one of the main part in their link building process. To do this, you can use link building directory submission services or promote link building by submitting to article directories manually. While there are pros and cons to each method of creating inbound links, you will find that using link building directory submission services is very different than promoting link building by submitting to article directories.


Link popularity is crucial for search engine rankings. Linking campaigns can be boring, repetitive, and, if done correctly, incredibly successful. Link to your pre-existing pages if only they add value (so you write your article in that way) to the current article and use the anchor text specific to your website or web page. By submitting articles to announcement lists,directories and directly to websites looking for fresh and unique content is a fantastic way to build your "authority" in the market you have chosen and also build links back to your website. You need to have one-way links pointing back to you, and submitting articles is the key to get these valuable links.


Submitting articles to Article Directories can be an effective part of your marketing and publishing plan. When it comes to running a home based business you can concentrate at least 90% of your marketing efforts on writing good articles and submitting them to article directories, this is how effective this marketing method is. The TRUTH is: Article Submission will definitely BOOST your Internet Marketing Campaigns by generating backlinks and traffic both. This information should provide you with a good start on researching articles and submitting your online marketing articles to some of the better directories. Like any effective practice for search engine marketing, webmasters all over the world have abused this system, and many directories are flooded with poorly written articles designed for no purpose other than building links.


Quality articles get lots of publication credits. Getting quality articles written will be expensive up front, but they will pay for themselves in no time, either through affiliate sales or selling your own services, and everything from then on is pure profit. Steve Moore, who has become an online friend, tells me that he turns away a lot of articles because he specializes in quality articles for readers and publishers. These directories can be a powerful method of getting quality inbound links. By writing & submitting a quality article, you are not just informing your potential customers about your service, but are also sharing your knowledge with them. They also provide you with quality link backs. A quality article with good information goes a long place over the Internet ensuring loads of one way incoming links, high position in SERPS and permanent traffic propelling your website to new heights. Many inferior article directories have sprung up that serve no purpose other than to spread low quality content in the hopes of building inbound links. Submitting quality articles to trusted directories, using effective link text pointing to well chosen URL's on your website cannot be automated. Apart from creating quality content, one of the key to SEO is Link Building.

Article directories are the hottest thing right now in the web content business! Article directories are set up not just for us to submit our articles to, but it's also there for us so we can get tons of articles to beef up our website's content. Article directories are like free link brokers. Article Directories are hungry for content and are always looking for fresh NEW content to add to their databases for their readers, webmasters and for newsletter and e-Zine publishers. Article directories are one of the main ways that people create a successful Internet presence and build their businesses.

There are many article directories on the internet today - some good, some not so good. Just be sure of one thing: to submit to QUALITY directories - don't worry so much about PR with an article directory - that will come with time, and many times it's advantageous to submit to low-PR directories in order to build stronger long-term backlinking with those sites that will be a higher PR in the future. Visit the Free Articles Directory at to see a quality example of a new & upcoming article directory that only accepts worth-while articles in order to give you the best possible theme-related backlink in return! :-)

Money Article Marketing

Articles get really high page rankings with search engines. By just spending no more than a month writing articles, you can use them to create residual income. That means that the articles that you wrote, that only took 10 minutes to make, will be making you income even though you haven't even been on the computer. So how can you make some money from articles? Here are some easy ways that you can make money using article marketing.

  • Using the bum marketing method is the most used income generator for article marketers. This is the money making tactic of signing up with a free affiliate program and writing articles in order to get people to your affiliate website. This is the most effective way to make some cash online without spending any amounts of money!
  • When you have enough articles written, you can put all of your greatest articles together, and make an ebook. Ebooks sell well in the online market, especially if they have reseller rights. You can make an ebook with your articles and sell them on ebay, amazon, or even your own shopping cart. Mind you, in order to do this, you will need your own website domain.
  • Selling off your own articles is a viable way to make some money through your article marketing efforts. If you can create an article that gets a high amount of web traffic, you can sell it off to someone and they can input their link in your resource box instead of your own.
Keep in mind these are just some simple ways to make money online with article marketing. I hope you the best of success!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Multiple Path Link Building

In just about any form of marketing, when something works it gets repeated to death until the strategy is no longer effective. Good product tag lines get over used (got milk?, got sand? got Jesus?), TV shows have to get more and more "cutting edge" (NYPD Blue, Family Guy, CSI), and movies have to be bigger and better than their predecessors (Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean). It's not long until yesterday's big thing is today's normal thing.

Online marketing, especially link building, is similar. While there is no replacing the concept of building a good site worthy of links and letting people know about it, there are actually numerous strategies available for attracting good links through solid marketing efforts. In any kind of marketing its good to have multiple strategies, or multiple paths, which one can travel to get to the goal. Putting aside the whole concept of persona marketing which understands that you need to reach different people via different means, it's a good idea not to put too put all of your time, money or effort into a single marketing approach. Again, this is especially true with link building.

Over the past few years we've seen the rise and fall of single-path link building practices: automated reciprocal links, link swapping, link buying, link spamming, etc. I'm not suggesting that all of these methods are dead or useless, but their use as a quick and easy solution is extremely limited. Many times, when one finds a link strategy that works, they drop all else and run with it. This tactic gets broadcast on the online forums, others jump on the bandwagon and soon enough, that strategy becomes moot to the overall process of search engine optimization. It's no longer effective, but out of habit (and ease) people continue to follow that single-path, until the next great path is discovered.

With online marketing there are many paths to the same goal. There may be well over 100 paths of link building alone but not all the paths lead to the goal for every client. You can't just find one that works and run with it, you need to find several that work for one client, and several others that work for each other client.

For example, paths A, D, F and G may be great for client X but not for client Y which needs paths H, L and P. Then you might have client Z that will best be suited for link building paths D, P, S and V. Client Z's link paths overlap with X and Y a bit but also has a couple paths unique to it as well.

That's why link building isn't so easy. Most people are comfortable working within their own boxes. They like to develop strategies and checklists that take them from point A to point B, but start to get confused when each client needs to take a slightly different path that hasn't yet been mapped by the marketer, a path unique for that particular client's needs. Well hey, that's just like real marketing.

This is why single-path link building just isn't very effective anymore. Each client can have a dozen link building paths that are unique to them alone. The job of the SEO is to determine which paths are right for which client. This can take some trial and error but ultimately each client should have a good handful of link building paths to choose from.

Be cautious of any new link building path you learn about. All paths may be legitimate, but not all paths are legitimate for every client. Each new path you learn, consider carefully whether its for you or not. Most of all, if you find a link building path that works, great. But don't put all your links in that one basket. Find the other link building paths that work for you because you never know when one or more paths will become obsolete from overuse or abuse. Multiple path link building helps you keep your linking efforts on solid footing achieving a variety of link types. Too much of a single type of link looks like obvious manipulation, something the search engines don't like and you should avoid.

Stoney deGeyter leads a spectacular team of seasoned marketing experts at Pole Position Marketing, a Search Engine Marketing Company. Stoney started PPM in 1998 by finding the brightest minds in the industry and nurturing within them an intense desire to become leaders in their respective fields. With this team of professionals, he has built a wildly successful website marketing company that succeeds through both personal and professional integrity.

You can read Stoneys blog posts at the E-Marketing Performance blog and more of his work on several well-known SEO and marketing news sources including Search Engine Guide and Web Pro News. Stoney has authored two website marketing books: E-Marketing Performance: Effective strategies for building, optimizing, and marketing your website online and Keyword Research and Selection: The definitive guide to gathering, sorting and organizing your keywords into a high-performance SEO campaign.

How To Get One Way Links?

Once you've managed to build your own website you are facing a huge dilemma: how to get your site indexed by search engines and how to get those one way links so valuable for SE.

One important way of getting one way links to your site is doing slow manual directory submissions.

You might ask why 'slow'?

As anyone may know, a site is not immediately listed by a directory. It all depends on their human editors and on their availability to check all sites submitted to their directory. It may take up to 2-3 months for a directory to accept a site, as they're all having a huge number of pending links each day.

Even if it takes quite a while for a directory to list a link, it is way better to spread this manual process over a few months period. This way the process will seem much more natural by search engines. No search engine will trust a large number of links of a new site being listed in a short time.

You may also ask why 'directory submissions' and why 'manual'?

Directory submissions are still significant as major search engines like Yahoo and MSN still use directories in their search algorithms. In case you activate in a really competitive field, you should know that links listed in various directories help stabilizing your rankings when algorithm changes happen.

The 'manual' feature of this process is essential, as there is no software to pick the right category in each directory, fill-in the captcha and submit the site. Submission softwares having the same results as manual submissions are just an illusion of their creators.

Another way of getting one way links is doing manual article submissions. This process should be done in the same slow motion as directory submissions. The submission process should be spread over a longer period of time in order to get that natural aspect that search engines like a lot.

Except the fact that you get 2 links out of each listed article, the main advantage is right in front of your eyes (you, the one reading this) - there is a lot of people reading these articles.

There are a lot of debates regarding article submissions. Rumors say that listing the same article to more directories, that may be duplicate content and search engines don't like that. However, nobody seems to have 'felt' such a penalty and no one knows for sure if that really exists.

One thing's for sure - search engines will only return the article that is on the most 'relevant' site, the rest of all those articles you submitted get tossed into the duplicate content 'filter' - never to be seen by search engine users.

Alex Harper is the manager of OneWay-Links.NET and he is leading an experienced staff providing one way link building campaigns by helping websites get quality one way links

WARNING - Reading this Article Can Result in Phenomenal Search Engine Positioning

Search engine positioning is imperative for gaining online visibility, credibility and website traffic. Call it common sense, ego gratification or simply human nature for individuals, businesses, or bloggers alike to aspire to carve their name into the #1 spot in the SERPs (search engine result pages) and firmly establish bragging rights in Google, Yahoo, MSN and countless secondary search engines.

Aside from the traffic and exposure, there is nothing quite like that top 10 feeling, even more so, if you're feeling lucky and play your cards right, you may in fact lay claim to multiple high ranking positions with tremendous daily search volume as a result of these website positioning tactics.

The sad truth about this is, working hard to achieve a competitive term can be short lived as you may celebrate your top 10 victory before going to sleep, only to wake and find your site punted to a less than satisfactory 12 positions into the nether regions of the 2nd page. Just be prepared, if you aren't defending your keep, all is fair in love and war, and as you know, the competition never sleeps.

Being at the top of the food chain has its advantages, whereas in this instance its the top of the organic listings in Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Ask, MSN and the other top tier search engines that is the prize sought by millions of proud online participants. The advantages are obvious, so without digressing into the reasons why it is important to be in the top 10 organic search results, lets take a brief look at the two types of search engine positioning that can either be (a) the greatest sense of elation you have ever felt in your adult life or (b) the reason why you lose sleep at night thinking about all the traffic you missed, from one slip off the rung.

The Two Types of Search Engine Optimization

In essence there are only two types of optimization, intentional optimization (the words and key phrases you aspire to attain) and the unintentional key phrases (otherwise known as long-tail) optimization. The first typically occurs through meticulous keyword research, building backlinks, link hunting (browsing through your competitors links and looking for patterns, similarities, tactics, etc.) as well as employing various website promotion strategies to catapult your site into the top 10.

The other type of optimization comes through semantic relationships of the keywords your pages are optimized for (or your competitors) triggering responses from search queries and giving the one with the most relevance (or backlinks with the keyword in question in the anchor text) the vote of higher search engine positioning.

One example of intentional optimization are when companies strategically purchase or use a URL with the keywords in the name. Although this is slightly off topic, it deserves a sentence or two to at least bring the tactic to light.

For the sake of elaboration, a website with a keyword in the URL typically has precedence over sites that do not have those keywords in the name (title or description). For this reason strategically it makes sense that if you wanted to rank for a term from the start, then you may wish to consider purchasing a domain with the keywords in the title. Owning the URL and not hosting your site there (just pointing at your current domain through domain forwarding) is not as effective as actually hosting your old site there and performing a 301 redirect at a new keyword-rich URL to give the new address a dose of link love and juice from your previous link building efforts. This is only one of many types of intentional optimization utilized for website positioning.

Another example of intentional optimization is through the use of deep links to give your internal pages more ranking potential from using the key phrases that comprise those internal pages as the anchor text (the text used in the link) for link building when you are developing backlinks from related or authority websites. This of course is nothing new, and when applicable you can control what is in the link instead of click here, depending on the website, if it's a directory, a press release or article. The ideal method of course is writing an article and using the author's resource box to add your leading keyword as a hyperlink to you site or in the instance that it's a blog post, you ultimately get to control the hyper link, the page it points to and the text used to link. For this reason, blogs are the hands down best choice for building links using a platform like word press which by default works wonderfully for optimization purposes if employed correctly.

In any case, this revolves around intentional optimization. The icing on the cake comes later when you realize that if you optimize enough terms that are less competitive, your site begins to move up the tail (the rungs of associated keyword combinations) so to speak and starts to rank for terms with higher relevance and traffic over time as the process gestates.

As a result, it is not uncommon to begin toppling associated key phrases, based on the strength of your content and optimization method. In laymans terms, if you are targeting a category for search engine positioning, the logical thing to do is use "exact match phrases" in the description and body copy when applicable. This creates an association with your site when those same queries are searched for online, much like a signal flare calling in the search and rescue team.

The glue between on page optimization and off page optimization is the volume and quality of the backlinks your pages receive from other websites. Controlling how your website is linked to can mean the difference between you ranking for "click here to visit" or "your main keywords", so if the links pointing at your pages happen to have those same "exact match phrases" your pages are geared toward, then guess who is going to rank higher (at least in some search engines, mainly Google based on personal experience) which is great, for intentional search engine positioning.

Another by-product is, since you know that this process is the underlying basis of ranking higher in search engines (at least for the time being, until other methods are in place to determine relevance). Then choosing the right words for link building are far more important than just making an assumption and using any old text for link development.

As an example, according to word tracker (a keyword research tool), the term search engine optimization for example has a daily search volume of 14,329 per day (which is an extremely high search volume). However if you add one word to it like search engine optimization company or search engine optimization services for example the daily search volume is 323 a day and 292 a day respectively, quite a decrease from the root phrase.

In addition to that, the competition for those terms is also proportionately less than the root phrase. So say for example that you wanted to get a piece of the action and optimize that keyword for your website, the last place you would want to start is at the top of the food chain. Its almost like a newborn hatchling trying to take on the king of the jungle, at very best its amusing and typically results in a frustrating exercise in optimization.

However, on the other hand, if you start at the bottom of the chain and work your way up, chances are you will amass numerous top 10 positions, grow your traffic organically within the realm of that keyword and unintentionally optimize several keyword combinations as a result of covering the pivotal terms (through exact match, anchor text link building) which would later be used in unison during long-tail or more specific queries from prospects performing searches.

So, ideally one should always try to start small and work your way up the chain but also try not to overuse the secondary lesser terms too much otherwise you may only be able to rank for them specifically in that exact order. One remedy is (a) use the root phrase in the descriptions and on page (b) build links with the secondary terms to cover your bases. This becomes apparent later if you try to optimize the less popular terms first and then attempt to go for the main meat and potatoes which is in my opinion more difficult.

By keeping your descriptions and titles lofty with the supreme goal in mind, when you do hit the appropriate digital density to topple the equation in your favor, your pages are already-ready-already as you grow your site into those proverbial key phrases / shoes.

So, remember, dont think like a hatchling, trying to take on a lion at this point is futile, grow your keyword list and strategically acquire rankings (one key phrase at a time) and eventually you will attain the top ranking keywords in your niche.

In the meantime, aside from discouraging others trying to figure out just how you climbed that ladder, your job is to stay ahead of the pack and keep abreast of the next emerging high search volume keywords that can rank all the way to the bank. Catch the wave in time, and you can ride it all the way to the shore and have just enough time to capitalize on it before it spirals down the chain.

Jeffrey L. Smith is an seasoned search engine optimization strategist and founder of Seo Design Solutions Seo Web Design Company in Chicago. Jeffrey has been involved in developing Internet Marketing Solutions since 1995 and brings unique optimization methods and search engine strategies for businesses seeking organic search engine positioning.

Selling Search Engine Optimisation to Potential Clients: The Do's and Don'ts

Is it fair to say that a large percent of website / business owners have little or no knowledge of what search engine optimisation is all about and what it can do for them. We as SEO specialists know the benefits in terms of increased website traffic and sales, and it is for this reason we are out there to help website owners take advantage of this.

A new dawn has arisen, the dot com bubble has burst, competition on the internet has become very fierce and simply having a website out there is not going to cut it! Websites and their businesses need to be found and offline marketing is no longer the only option available. Knowing this all to well and what SEO can do for ones business, it is up to all SEO specialists to spread the word and make businesses see the light. Having said that, what is an SEO specialist to say to a potential client? What words of wisdom can he use to sell SEO to the business leaders? Bear in mind these same business leaders only remember too well the dot com bust and the false hopes and promises that IT would present their company to the world. The point that had been overlooked is that they needed SEO to help bring that exposure. Be careful in your approach when preaching SEO, plan and think carefully about what you might say.

Below are a few pointers on what to say and what not to when selling search engine optimisation services.

The Donts

1. Dont guarantee top ranks - A big no-no. Many SEO consultants guarantee their clients top rankings in search engines only to later realise that the task is not that simple and might not be achievable for competitive keywords. This often leaves the client frustrated, disappointed and in demand of a refund for their investment.

2. Dont offer an exact timeframe for results Achieving top search engine ranks, and search engine optimisation in general, requires a lot of time and in depth work. There is no exact time or way of predicting when a clients website might hit the free listing top ranks. One thing is for sure, SEO consultants need to emphasise that time, together with quality SEO work, is needed to achieve high rankings.

3. Dont show any doubt and do your research beforehand Just like an interview with a prospect employer, be prepared in your first meeting with a client. Do your research, study the company and its website and note its good and bad points. You will be expected to express your views on the clients website and make a brief analysis. Dont be afraid to be critical and offer some constructive criticism. Landing a contract is based primarily on building the clients confident in you and your services.

4. Dont agree to unethical SEO practices Certain clients may be in a bit of a hurry to get listed and may ask you to use SEO practices which are considered unethical. Such practices include using link farms, IP cloaking, hidden text, etc. Spam techniques can not only hinder your clients performance in the search engines but can also result in a possible ban. It is in yours and your clients best interest to keep away from these futile and harmful practices. Strongly emphasise this point to your client.

5. Dont overdo on your SEO knowledge Stick to what you know best, there is no point selling spin on SEO. Be honest with your clients and try building an honest and trustful business relationship. If you are not too sure about certain practices, do not exaggerate or use them as you will be caught out sooner or later if the final results do not eventuate.
The Dos
1. Emphasise that SEO will increase website traffic and sales The first and foremost thing a client wants to hear is that you are going to show them the money, in other words, show that the website exposure is going to lead to a better ROI (Return On Investment). Explain the basic nature of search engine optimisation and the benefits it can bring companies i.e. increased traffic, visitors and contacts / sales.

2. SEO is a very effective and extremely targeted form of marketing Unlike expensive TV, radio and press advertising, SEO marketing is relatively cheap and cost effective. There is less money and effort spent on broadcasting and trying to appeal to an audience that may or may not be interested. In search engine marketing, the users are already present and know what they want and where to get it.

3. It wont happen overnight Patience can be a problem when optimising a website. You may be asked numerous times by your client is it there yet?. You should point out that search engines take time to evaluate and show results. It is recommended that you declare a period of at least 3 to 6 months to see any real gains.

4. Offer a free short website analysis for your clients Freebies always go a long way. Create a free assessment on your clients current website status, show him / her what the site is lacking and how you would go about enhancing the sites optimisation in order to achieve a higher ranking in the search engines.
Selling SEO to a company is never too easy. The clients may see it as a luxury they cant really afford or just another internet gimmick they can do without. It is up to you to make them see the light and the vast benefits that SEO can bring them, as a cost effective and extremely powerful marketing solution.

About the Author: Ilan Touri works for SEO Sydney, the SEO Consultants. He has worked on various projects and offers search engine optimisation in Australia.

SEO on a Shoestring Does Pay Off

Literally, millions of dollars are spent each month to have search engine optimization techniques applied to websites in the hopes of garnishing a top ranking.

These top rankings are obtained rather quickly, in some cases the site is recognized by the major search engines within a month. A top 10 ranking for the primary keywords are still months out, if at all. Yet, millions of dollars are still being spent in the hopes that a top 10/page 1 ranking will result.

SEO on a Shoestring

Then you have the little guy who creates his own site and has no marketing budget to speak of. His site looks good as he used one of the free shopping carts available on the Internet and selected an attractive template for his vertical market. His total outlay at this point is a big fat $0.

The great thing about the Internet is that it is truly a level playing field. A little guy such as the one described above can truly compete with the big mega sites for traffic if he approaches SEO correctly.

There are no tricks or gimmicks to being successful in obtaining top search engine rankings. "Black Hat" SEO will only get you blocked by the search engines so don't try any of those tactics. Stay clean, above board and you will be successful in a relatively short period of time.

Cover all of your Bases

SEO on a shoestring means that you are doing the work yourself and not paying someone else to do it for you. Fortunately, the work isn't hard and only requires a portion of your time.

SEO on a shoestring means that you gain favor with the major search engines by providing them what they are looking for. That is they are looking for relevant content to display in the body of their results so that they can then display their paid advertisements across the top, side and bottom of the page. It is as simple as that. They want to use your website to help them have a place to display their paid ads.

I have no problem with that. As long as I understand the rules I can play the game. I just have to make my site more attractive than the paid ads.

By all means, give them what they want! Give them relevant content that is optimized to rank higher than your competitors. If they are willing to send a software crawler/spider to your site to "read" your site then by all means give them something to read.

Make sure that your page title, keyword tag and description tag are also optimized for your keyword phrase. The first thing a crawler/spider will read is your page title. The keywords and description are next followed by the body of your page. Make sure that each of these has your keyword phrase as the first thing listed.

Also, make sure that your footer has your keyword phrase in it as well. In this case, make it the last thing on the page. This way the crawler will see your keyword phrase as the first thing on the page (Page title), throughout the body and then the last thing on the page. In essence, you are covering your bases.

By following these steps and keeping the keyword phrase somewhere around the 2 - 2.5% saturation point on the page the search engines will see your page as optimized. Do this over and over again on your site and the results will be an optimized site that is seen as very favorable by the search engines.

Nathan Lewis has earned a solid reputation helping small to medium sized businesses expand their reach through niche market websites such as My POS Printer New receipt printers from Epson Receipt Printers and Star Micronics Receipt Printers