Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Article Marketing - Your Answers To Questions On Article Marketing

The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Article Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Internet Marketing. All of the articles are based on real experiences and research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. They are also written in response to questions which I have been asked as well as address common challenges that people have with affiliate marketing, article marketing, internet marketing or running an online business in general. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value. One idea, one tip, one clue can make all the difference.

Article Marketing - Your Answers To Questions On Article Marketing

Article marketing is probably the most effective list building and link building strategy in existence. Article directories allow you to include a resource box for every article you will submit. Inside this resource box, you could include a link to your website and specifically to your newsletter subscription form. If you submit just one article to 100 article directories, you'd immediately receive 100 back links to your website. There are thousands of article directories on the 'net today!

Now, lets say you submit, for example, 5 articles to a hundred directories, you'll get 500 back links easily! The best part about this strategy is that quite a number of article directories have high page ranks. We're talking about PR4, PR5, and on occasion, PR7 websites! Having a link to your own website in a website which has a high page rank would give a significant boost to your own pages' search engine standing!

All seems terrific with article marketing, but as with everything else, there are growing concerns as to its real value.

Let's take a look at five of the most common questions which are asked about article marketing...

If I submit the same article to many article directories, won't it violate a search engine's policy against duplicate content?

No, it won't. Since we're dealing with high ranking websites, the search engines would assume that the submitted content is their original work. This is the reason why a lot of article directories are pretty confident about the articles they display. The problem that they encounter, really, is with regards to the credibility of their services.

They don't want to be known as a repository of junk content, that's why they have outlawed the posting of PLR articles as well as articles full of affiliate links.

If you always submit quality, informative content that readers are looking for, youll never have a cause for concern.

Does this mean that I could submit articles which I have already posted in my own web pages?

You need to take care here. The search engines will assume that the higher ranking websites are the originators of the content, your web pages would be distinguished as duplicates, and this could possibly lead to the de-indexing of your website or, at least, that particular article page. You wouldn't want this to happen.

Affiliate, Article and Internet Marketing in general isn't as easy as many would have us believe. I fully understand (through my own experiences) that it is a lot easier said than done. However, you are here, right now, because you have a desire to improve your business, grow your business, and be more successful. These articles are here with the sole intention of helping you to make the whole process a lot easier.
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Can I submit as many articles as possible to as many article directories as possible?

Yes, you could! In fact, this is very much advised, to build up your link popularity and secure for your website a great page rank.

However, please bear in mind that search engines, and Google in particular, become quite wary about a website that suddenly experiences a great increase in the number of its back links. It is advised that from the outset, you decide how many articles you can submit and at what intervals, then stick to it. Consistency is the key here.

Does article marketing really work?

Yes, definitely, article marketing does work! If your article's page views remain in low levels, ask yourself

  • Is your article title compelling or intriguing enough to want to read the whole article?
  • Is the actual content of your article interesting enough? Does it cater to a wide audience?
  • Is your article informative enough to consider recommendation?
  • Is your article readable enough to give your audience an easy time in digesting the information you want to share?

These are the factors that contribute to low page views. Doing some necessary editing to correct these problems will dramatically increase the number of times your article will be viewed.

Additionally, some article directories really attract a few visitors only. But the popular ones like www.ezinearticles.com , www.goarticles.com, www.articledashboard and www.isnare.com should give you hundreds of readers in a month's time.

How sure can I be that my article and resource box will be kept intact by people who will use it in their own websites or Ezines?

Unfortunately, you can never be sure. This is why you have to run your own check from time to time. Search for unique phrases in your article, and click on the results. Determine if the webmaster honored your resource box. If he or she did not, you could ask them to include the resource box, or you could file a complaint with the article directory so that they themselves could act on the matter. As always, Persistence and Vigilance are the keys.

Andrew provides a focused problem solving approach and his overriding goal is to provide you with the right solutions to meet your needs. Andrew's website is content rich with value-added information, articles and resources. Into Niche Marketing, then Grab Your Free Copy To Niche Marketing That Pays Right Now

Stop struggling with your Article Writing, pick up a FREE copy of 101 profit pulling headlines and titles and discover How To Succeed As An Article Writer

Article Marketing - Discover 3 Proven Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Driving traffic to your website cannot get easier these days. With the advent of article marketing, you can just write and distribute your articles online and watch quality traffic going to your site. Is there a catch? There is none - as long as you are able to create useful, informative, and content-rich articles, you will easily build trust among online users and effectively convert them to potential clients.

Here are the 3 proven secrets to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Always start your articles with attention-grabbing titles. Your articles, no matter how well they were written will be left unread if they are unable to stir attention at first glance. You see, online users have so many articles to choose from when they are searching for information online making it quite challenging for writers to stand out from the rest. But you can get ahead of the pack by utilizing titles that are irresistible, intriguing, and striking.

2. Bank on your first paragraph. Your task in grabbing the attention of online users doesn't end with your titles. You need to learn how to hold their interest to compel them to read on until they reach your resource box. How? By making your first paragraph meaty and informative as much as possible. Throw in all the juiciest details on the first 100 words of your articles to keep your readers engaged.

3. Your articles must be well-written. Online users are not only looking for valuable information when they read articles online. They are also looking for something that is coherent, easy to understand, and flows well. Thus, you need to make sure that your articles are free from run-on sentences, inconsistency on your tenses, grammar and spelling errors, and lots of fillers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How to Use Article Marketing to Get Prospects to Come to You

The way I do it is with article marketing combined with list building. Now, the beautiful thing about article marketing, is that I don't have to go where they hang out. All I have to do is write articles that make sense to them. Upload them to the article directories, and then the article directories because of their own high search engine ranking ability, their high pay rank, the article directories themselves will get my articles where people hang out.

Not necessarily where people hang out but where people look. So for example if somebody's looking for information about natural health, let's say somebody's looking for information about natural health, I'm into natural health. Well, I can go about this 2 different ways, number 1 I can go hang out on all the natural health forums and the natural health blogs, and all of that. I can kind of hope I can pick up some visitors. Or I can write natural health articles, I can submit them to the online article directories.

The online article directories have the page rank to get me ranked high in the search engines, and then what happens is when somebody goes in and they search for a term like natural health or alternative health or natural health for my knee, or whatever they're thinking about, natural health, for example, then my article is going to come up really really high. So I'm not going to necessarily get them where they hang out, but I'm going to get them when they're looking for information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Secrets Your Competitor Doesn't Want You to Know

Article marketing is one of the best ways to boost your business. In fact, many business people already know and are experiencing the benefits of article marketing. If you don't know, you are about to realize just how great article marketing can be when utilized to boost your online business. The goal of this article is to let you in on the article marketing secrets your competitor doesn't want you to know!

How Article Marketing Can Help Your Business

The reason so many business people are utilizing article marketing is because it really does work. It has become one of the best ways to get information out to the public. When you submit quality articles to article marketing directories, you are able to build your credibility and expertise within your particular niche. Not only do potential customers learn to trust you, but you are able to generate a lot of new traffic to your website!

Secrets That Your Competitor Wants to Keep Quiet!

One of the biggest secrets that business people are trying to keep quiet is their writers. Most of these business individuals use freelance writers or ghostwriters to handle their article marketing campaigns. The truth is that you could probably write your articles yourself; however, freelance or ghostwriters are accustomed to churning out a lot of articles in a small amount of time. Also, these articles are quality, keyword-rich articles that are optimized for search engines. This means that those articles have a better chance of being displayed first in the search engine pages when specific keywords are searched. Sure, you have to pay a freelance writer or a ghostwriter, but with a good one, your return on investment can be huge!

Another thing that a freelance writer or ghostwriter is able to do for your article marketing campaign is bring the articles to the customers in the right way. See, customers don't want to read a lot of sales-type articles or hype. When the potential customer reads your article, they have to want to go to your page and see your products. It should never be suggested to them and, in fact, the service

or product that you are trying to sell should only be one of many that are included in the article. When this is done in the proper way, your potential customer will always want to click on the link and visit your page. This is a subtle and fine art that many people aren't able to pull off the way a professional ghostwriter can.

There are many other benefits that come from using ghostwriters that your competitors don't want you to know. They are hoping that you attempt to write the articles yourself, and take up all of your other time in order to format the articles in the correct way. Better yet, perhaps you have no idea how to format the article, so you will fail and that is certainly better for them! Don't let your competitor get one over on you! Talk to a ghostwriter and find out about article marketing and the truth of how to accomplish success with it.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit http://www.internetmarketingwriter.com and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Article Marketing Secrets Your Competitor Doesn't Want You to Know

Article marketing is one of the best ways to boost your business. In fact, many business people already know and are experiencing the benefits of article marketing. If you don't know, you are about to realize just how great article marketing can be when utilized to boost your online business. The goal of this article is to let you in on the article marketing secrets your competitor doesn't want you to know!

How Article Marketing Can Help Your Business

The reason so many business people are utilizing article marketing is because it really does work. It has become one of the best ways to get information out to the public. When you submit quality articles to article marketing directories, you are able to build your credibility and expertise within your particular niche. Not only do potential customers learn to trust you, but you are able to generate a lot of new traffic to your website!

Secrets That Your Competitor Wants to Keep Quiet!

One of the biggest secrets that business people are trying to keep quiet is their writers. Most of these business individuals use freelance writers or ghostwriters to handle their article marketing campaigns. The truth is that you could probably write your articles yourself; however, freelance or ghostwriters are accustomed to churning out a lot of articles in a small amount of time. Also, these articles are quality, keyword-rich articles that are optimized for search engines. This means that those articles have a better chance of being displayed first in the search engine pages when specific keywords are searched. Sure, you have to pay a freelance writer or a ghostwriter, but with a good one, your return on investment can be huge!

Another thing that a freelance writer or ghostwriter is able to do for your article marketing campaign is bring the articles to the customers in the right way. See, customers don't want to read a lot of sales-type articles or hype. When the potential customer reads your article, they have to want to go to your page and see your products. It should never be suggested to them and, in fact, the service

or product that you are trying to sell should only be one of many that are included in the article. When this is done in the proper way, your potential customer will always want to click on the link and visit your page. This is a subtle and fine art that many people aren't able to pull off the way a professional ghostwriter can.

There are many other benefits that come from using ghostwriters that your competitors don't want you to know. They are hoping that you attempt to write the articles yourself, and take up all of your other time in order to format the articles in the correct way. Better yet, perhaps you have no idea how to format the article, so you will fail and that is certainly better for them! Don't let your competitor get one over on you! Talk to a ghostwriter and find out about article marketing and the truth of how to accomplish success with it.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit http://www.internetmarketingwriter.com and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

6 Article Marketing Tips That Will Cause Your Website Traffic to Explode

If you put the following article marketing tips into place, you will see a steady flow of website viewers.

1. Target long tail keywords for your articles by utilizing a good keyword research tool such as the one at inventory.overture.com By targeting long tail keywords you have an increased change of conquering that keyword whereas more competitive keywords would be very hard to conquer.

2. Use the articles main keyword in the article title and use very few stop words such as in, the, and, your etc.

3. Provide useful information in the article body. Many people just stuff the article body full of useless info just to reach a word count. Remember, the article body is where you give and the signature is where you take.

4. Take the time to create a catchy signature. Never place your link in the signature without telling a little about yourself and your service/product. This is your chance to take and you should capitalize on the opportunity. Think of the signature as a free advertisement. Would you just place your link in a paid advertisement, or would you utilize every opportunity provided?

5. Once your articles are accepted, bookmark them with all of the popular social bookmarking sites like dig.com and del.icio.us. These sites are extremely popular and they are growing in popularity every single day.

6. Submit as many articles as possible. A few articles a month will not bring in many site visitors. In order to effectively market with articles you absolutely must maintain a high frequency of articles submissions. If you can submit an article a day you will see huge results. Just write and submit as often as you can and do not let procrastination get the best of you.

If you were not doing any of these suggestions in the past, I highly recommend doing so from now on. These are a few of the more important aspects to article marketing and they can really make a difference in your article marketing campaign.

Joshua Spaulding is an Article Marketing vet, providing the #1 Ebook on Effective Article Marketing at http://www.articlemarketingdomination.com Joshua uses strictly article marketing to bring in thousands of visitors to his Websites on a daily basis and he invites you to learn his secrets.

6 Article Marketing Tips That Will Cause Your Website Traffic to Explode

If you put the following article marketing tips into place, you will see a steady flow of website viewers.

1. Target long tail keywords for your articles by utilizing a good keyword research tool such as the one at inventory.overture.com By targeting long tail keywords you have an increased change of conquering that keyword whereas more competitive keywords would be very hard to conquer.

2. Use the articles main keyword in the article title and use very few stop words such as in, the, and, your etc.

3. Provide useful information in the article body. Many people just stuff the article body full of useless info just to reach a word count. Remember, the article body is where you give and the signature is where you take.

4. Take the time to create a catchy signature. Never place your link in the signature without telling a little about yourself and your service/product. This is your chance to take and you should capitalize on the opportunity. Think of the signature as a free advertisement. Would you just place your link in a paid advertisement, or would you utilize every opportunity provided?

5. Once your articles are accepted, bookmark them with all of the popular social bookmarking sites like dig.com and del.icio.us. These sites are extremely popular and they are growing in popularity every single day.

6. Submit as many articles as possible. A few articles a month will not bring in many site visitors. In order to effectively market with articles you absolutely must maintain a high frequency of articles submissions. If you can submit an article a day you will see huge results. Just write and submit as often as you can and do not let procrastination get the best of you.

If you were not doing any of these suggestions in the past, I highly recommend doing so from now on. These are a few of the more important aspects to article marketing and they can really make a difference in your article marketing campaign.

Joshua Spaulding is an Article Marketing vet, providing the #1 Ebook on Effective Article Marketing at http://www.articlemarketingdomination.com Joshua uses strictly article marketing to bring in thousands of visitors to his Websites on a daily basis and he invites you to learn his secrets.

3 Three Traffic Boosting Strategies for Your Website

Every day, on line marketers are dreaming up new ways to gain targeted traffic to their websites; and, almost every beginning marketer will take any kind of traffic to their website because the sign of traffic helps build confidence in the practice of learning to market products, goods, or services over the Internet. Be it SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to boost the ranking of a website, trading reciprocal links with complimentary websites for link popularity, or compiling opt-in email safe lists for direct marketing, the Internet marketer is sure to succeed when following in the footsteps of those that possess the tools and techniques of money making websites.

Now, when one implements a complete marketing plan that entails all three of these strategies: SEO, Links, and eMail, 'What must one do to stand above the other marketers and really hit pay dirt?'

In strategy one, SEO, there is not much to do once you've optimized your site with the proper description and keyword list entered as Meta tags. You set it up and submit it to as many search engines as possible. You can submit it one-by-one by yourself, multiple submits through a submission site, or use PPC (pay-per-click) inclusion by paying for keywords that consumers may use to find your website. This strategy only takes minimal time and effort to maintain or edit, leaving you time to concentrate on swapping links and email (direct) marketing.

Strategy two, reciprocal links, is a way of networking with other websites to maximize popularity with the search engine industry. The more links pointing to and from your website, the higher the ranking and listing in search engine results which leads to more targeted traffic visiting your website. A webmaster can spend 100 of hours locating, contacting, and then trading links with other websites; or, they can utilize a linking management website to pool together websites that are eager to trade and give a way to link with each other in a simple and easy format. If you use a link management site, recommended, then it too frees up some time to devote to other strategies of marketing, like email marketing.

Strategy three, eMail (direct) marketing, is the medium that seems to get the most response for your effort, but finding people to send emails to is a enormous undertaking in itself. A way to capture multiple email addresses is to simply ask the visitors of your website to sign up to some kind of list, either for a contest, freebie give-away, newsletter, or site update report.

You could go the avenue of paying for your advertisement to be placed on someone else's list, and then you could capture the names of the people who responded to the ad. Having your own unique list is the most effective form of Internet marketing possible. This list gives you the ability to pass your message to these people immediately and many times over. Because whenever you need a rush of traffic to your website, you can just send a message to the list and know that you are sending the message to people who have opted to receive it. These people are the ones you are trying to convince to become your cash-paying customer.

These three strategies must be implemented to gain a tremendous amount of traffic to your website. The process is always an ongoing thing; however, certain areas need more attention than others, such as email (direct) marketing being the most profitable of the three. Most successful marketers will tell you that the 'money is in the list,' and you better believe it. As with all marketing strategies, nothing happens over night unless you have spent many days laying the ground work toward success. Your daily attention to these three principles or strategies, SEO, reciprocal linking, and email (direct) marketing, is the ground work that you must do before, during, and after your success on the Internet because if you blink the website behind you has passed you and are now capturing the customers you were after.

Internet marketing is a cruel game if you want to play, but all the rewards cannot be put into words.....however, $$, cash flow, and assets are a few words that do come to mind!

Always pay attention to detail, watch and learn from others, and believe in yourself!

Written by eRixonline 2007


3 Three Traffic Boosting Strategies for Your Website

Every day, on line marketers are dreaming up new ways to gain targeted traffic to their websites; and, almost every beginning marketer will take any kind of traffic to their website because the sign of traffic helps build confidence in the practice of learning to market products, goods, or services over the Internet. Be it SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to boost the ranking of a website, trading reciprocal links with complimentary websites for link popularity, or compiling opt-in email safe lists for direct marketing, the Internet marketer is sure to succeed when following in the footsteps of those that possess the tools and techniques of money making websites.

Now, when one implements a complete marketing plan that entails all three of these strategies: SEO, Links, and eMail, 'What must one do to stand above the other marketers and really hit pay dirt?'

In strategy one, SEO, there is not much to do once you've optimized your site with the proper description and keyword list entered as Meta tags. You set it up and submit it to as many search engines as possible. You can submit it one-by-one by yourself, multiple submits through a submission site, or use PPC (pay-per-click) inclusion by paying for keywords that consumers may use to find your website. This strategy only takes minimal time and effort to maintain or edit, leaving you time to concentrate on swapping links and email (direct) marketing.

Strategy two, reciprocal links, is a way of networking with other websites to maximize popularity with the search engine industry. The more links pointing to and from your website, the higher the ranking and listing in search engine results which leads to more targeted traffic visiting your website. A webmaster can spend 100 of hours locating, contacting, and then trading links with other websites; or, they can utilize a linking management website to pool together websites that are eager to trade and give a way to link with each other in a simple and easy format. If you use a link management site, recommended, then it too frees up some time to devote to other strategies of marketing, like email marketing.

Strategy three, eMail (direct) marketing, is the medium that seems to get the most response for your effort, but finding people to send emails to is a enormous undertaking in itself. A way to capture multiple email addresses is to simply ask the visitors of your website to sign up to some kind of list, either for a contest, freebie give-away, newsletter, or site update report.

You could go the avenue of paying for your advertisement to be placed on someone else's list, and then you could capture the names of the people who responded to the ad. Having your own unique list is the most effective form of Internet marketing possible. This list gives you the ability to pass your message to these people immediately and many times over. Because whenever you need a rush of traffic to your website, you can just send a message to the list and know that you are sending the message to people who have opted to receive it. These people are the ones you are trying to convince to become your cash-paying customer.

These three strategies must be implemented to gain a tremendous amount of traffic to your website. The process is always an ongoing thing; however, certain areas need more attention than others, such as email (direct) marketing being the most profitable of the three. Most successful marketers will tell you that the 'money is in the list,' and you better believe it. As with all marketing strategies, nothing happens over night unless you have spent many days laying the ground work toward success. Your daily attention to these three principles or strategies, SEO, reciprocal linking, and email (direct) marketing, is the ground work that you must do before, during, and after your success on the Internet because if you blink the website behind you has passed you and are now capturing the customers you were after.

Internet marketing is a cruel game if you want to play, but all the rewards cannot be put into words.....however, $$, cash flow, and assets are a few words that do come to mind!

Always pay attention to detail, watch and learn from others, and believe in yourself!

Written by eRixonline 2007


Best Article Marketing - 4 Powerful Methods To Breakthrough With Article Marketing

Article marketing is undoubtedly one of the best and cost-effective marketing tools today. It is being used by millions of online entrepreneurs and webmasters from all points of the globe to increase their website's traffic, improve their page ranking, strengthen their online presence and credibility, and improve their sales and revenue.

Here are the 4 powerful methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Don't place your ads on your content. Blatant advertisements should not have a place in your articles as these can easily throw off online users and even publishers. To increase the chances of your articles being read and republish, focus on giving your readers quality information that they will find relevant and useful to their lives. Save your sales pitches for your resource box.

2. Do your research. To succeed in this marketing technique, you must offer your readers content-rich articles that offer complete, detailed information about the topics that they would love to learn about. You can do this by doing a research before you write your content. Check the internet or interview an expert on your chosen niche who can give you interesting side of every story that you write.

3. Be determined. In article marketing, determination and perseverance can take you a long way. Never give up even if you don't see noticeable change in your website's traffic after you have submitted 20-50 articles. Continue to write and distribute well-written and informative articles. Once people started to read and pick them up, you will enjoy not only huge traffic but impressive page ranking.

4. Submit to all article submission sites. To easily multiply the number of your inbound links, submit your article to all leading submission sites on a regular basis. Prioritize those which are frequented by online users and marketers like goarticles dot com and ezine articles dot com.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Best Article Marketing - 4 Powerful Methods To Breakthrough With Article Marketing

Article marketing is undoubtedly one of the best and cost-effective marketing tools today. It is being used by millions of online entrepreneurs and webmasters from all points of the globe to increase their website's traffic, improve their page ranking, strengthen their online presence and credibility, and improve their sales and revenue.

Here are the 4 powerful methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Don't place your ads on your content. Blatant advertisements should not have a place in your articles as these can easily throw off online users and even publishers. To increase the chances of your articles being read and republish, focus on giving your readers quality information that they will find relevant and useful to their lives. Save your sales pitches for your resource box.

2. Do your research. To succeed in this marketing technique, you must offer your readers content-rich articles that offer complete, detailed information about the topics that they would love to learn about. You can do this by doing a research before you write your content. Check the internet or interview an expert on your chosen niche who can give you interesting side of every story that you write.

3. Be determined. In article marketing, determination and perseverance can take you a long way. Never give up even if you don't see noticeable change in your website's traffic after you have submitted 20-50 articles. Continue to write and distribute well-written and informative articles. Once people started to read and pick them up, you will enjoy not only huge traffic but impressive page ranking.

4. Submit to all article submission sites. To easily multiply the number of your inbound links, submit your article to all leading submission sites on a regular basis. Prioritize those which are frequented by online users and marketers like goarticles dot com and ezine articles dot com.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Don't Waste Your Time with Ineffective Article Submission

Are you confident in your article marketing campaign? Many article marketers are not! The reason for this is simple - They write and submit articles only to see little or no results.

If you are one of many who find themselves wondering how the heck they can really get the most out of article marketing then you need to realize a few things.

1. Obtaining hundreds or even thousands of one-way links pointing to your site from low-quality pages will not do you much good. These links do help a little but the fact is the true value of article marketing is of a much greater parallel. What does this mean? It means that mass submission is not as good as it seems. Pick a few of the top article directories, authority Websites in your niche and Ezines. Submit to only these sites and your articles will get much better Search Engine rankings.

2. The most important factor in any article marketing campaign is writing in a way as to spark an interest with the viewers. If your articles are on "rehashed" material most people will move on. Whereas new interesting or even controversial subjects will keep the viewers eyes glued to the screen until they get to your signature box.

3. With the recent implementation of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) by Google and possible other SE's, it is very important to write for the future and not the past. In the past an Author could write his or her articles and Website content based around one of two keywords. This is called "keyword density" and it is on it's way out the door. This means you have the chance to get one up on your competition by writing good LSI based articles, as most still write with a keyword density in mind. The main thing to remember with this is that the SE's are looking for pages that were written for humans, not robots.

Of course there are other factors that you need to consider when marketing with articles but if you can follow the above three you will be able to increase traffic, conversions and your income!

For more information on how to Effectively market your Website, Blog or Product with articles visit http://www.articlemarketingdomination.com/ where you'll find my extremely popular article marketing ebook, where I provide the exact blueprint of how I use articles to conquer every niche I touch!

Article Marketing - Don't Waste Your Time with Ineffective Article Submission

Are you confident in your article marketing campaign? Many article marketers are not! The reason for this is simple - They write and submit articles only to see little or no results.

If you are one of many who find themselves wondering how the heck they can really get the most out of article marketing then you need to realize a few things.

1. Obtaining hundreds or even thousands of one-way links pointing to your site from low-quality pages will not do you much good. These links do help a little but the fact is the true value of article marketing is of a much greater parallel. What does this mean? It means that mass submission is not as good as it seems. Pick a few of the top article directories, authority Websites in your niche and Ezines. Submit to only these sites and your articles will get much better Search Engine rankings.

2. The most important factor in any article marketing campaign is writing in a way as to spark an interest with the viewers. If your articles are on "rehashed" material most people will move on. Whereas new interesting or even controversial subjects will keep the viewers eyes glued to the screen until they get to your signature box.

3. With the recent implementation of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) by Google and possible other SE's, it is very important to write for the future and not the past. In the past an Author could write his or her articles and Website content based around one of two keywords. This is called "keyword density" and it is on it's way out the door. This means you have the chance to get one up on your competition by writing good LSI based articles, as most still write with a keyword density in mind. The main thing to remember with this is that the SE's are looking for pages that were written for humans, not robots.

Of course there are other factors that you need to consider when marketing with articles but if you can follow the above three you will be able to increase traffic, conversions and your income!

For more information on how to Effectively market your Website, Blog or Product with articles visit http://www.articlemarketingdomination.com/ where you'll find my extremely popular article marketing ebook, where I provide the exact blueprint of how I use articles to conquer every niche I touch!