Monday, May 5, 2008

Lucrative Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 New Ways to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Article marketing continues to wow both new and seasoned marketers as it never fails to deliver great results. It has been the preferred marketing technique of webmasters who would like to augment their website's traffic and increase their online revenue.

Here are the 5 new ways to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Article submission sites. Register with the best publishing sites over the internet. While you are at it, make sure that you carefully read and understand the terms set by each site. It would help if you can note them down so you can review them when writing your articles.

2. Search engines. You need to know how to please the search engines so they will properly index your articles. Optimize your content by identifying relevant keywords within your niche through the use of keyword suggestion tool. Then, use major keywords on your titles and all throughout your article body. Be aware about acceptable keyword density to avoid being penalized for keyword spamming.

3. Articles. Your articles are your best tool in this marketing strategy. You need to make sure that all of them are well-written, content-rich, easy to understand, scannable, short, direct to the point, keyword-rich, and targeted to the needs and demands of your target market so they will be read and republished by other online users.

4. Submission. To easily increase your inbound links, strive to widely distribute your articles not only on publishing sites but also on forums, blogs, and on your website.

5. Resource box. This is the part where you have to tell your readers who you are, what you do, and what problems you solve. Your resource box must be compelling so you can drive online users to your website. Communicate your expertise, your desire to help, and the reasons why online users should trust you and check on your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Latest 5 Challenging Steps to Energize Your Article Marketing

A lot of online entrepreneurs and marketers have made article marketing as their primary marketing tool because of one, simple obvious reason: it delivers! It can easily drive quality traffic to your website, help you position yourself as a key person in your chosen industry, and increase your sales potential and online profits in no time.

Here are the latest 5 challenging steps to energize your article marketing:

1. Optimize your content. Learn how to please various search engines so they will properly index your articles. This can be done by identifying the keywords that play crucial roles in your target niche and using them all throughout your content. You must also be familiar with appropriate keyword density so you will not be tagged as a keyword abuser or spammer.

2. Your articles must be easy to understand. Don't leave your readers puzzled or wondering what you are trying to get across after they have read your articles. They must be able to understand your ideas by just reading your articles once so you will not waste their time. Avoid using offbeat acronyms or unfamiliar terms all throughout your content. Instead, stick with simple terms that are usually being used by your readers so they can easily understand your message.

3. Make each word work for you. Make sure that all the words you use in your content can help you educate your readers or make them understand your points. If any of the words do not serve this purpose, they are considered fillers and they must be removed from your articles to make them concise and direct to the point.

4. Use anchor texts on your resource box. Based on researches and various studies, people online respond better to anchor texts compare to absolute URLs because they are usually based on relevant keywords that readers can easily identify with. Take advantage of this and use up to two anchor texts on your resource box to easily increase your conversion rate.

5. Insert a powerful call to action on your resource box. Direct your readers to act on your favor by learning the art of persuasion. Do you want them to visit your website, sign-up on your email marketing list, or fill-up a survey for you? Whatever it is that you would like them to do for you, communicate it directly by using powerful words that can evoke action.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How To Write A Resource Box That Delivers Massive Traffic To Your Website

Your resource box is the heart and soul of what makes article marketing stand out as the most efficient, most effective way to drive traffic to your website.

The concept is simple, write a few dozen, short articles that average 300 to 900 words in length, on a topic that is useful to the people you want to do business with, publish these articles online at any of the hundreds of "article submission sites" or "article banks."

Under the terms of service of these article banks, you permit other webmasters or newsletter publishers to reprint your articles under certain conditions. These conditions include the requirement that they reprint your article with no changes and give you proper attribution as the author of the article. This includes your resource box at the end of your article.

Your resource box is the only place you may sell in your article. The body of the article should have a low key, helpful flavor to it so that readers will feel that they are receiving valuable information on a topic of interest to them. But the resource box, is where you can tell about your self, about the services you offer and contains a link to your site that they may click in order to visit your website.

But how do you motivate readers to click on your link and go to your website? Here are a few ideas to include in your resource box that will greatly increase the number of visitors you get from every article you write:

  1. Offer to solve a problem. This should be easy since anyone reading your article is probably interested in solving a certain type of problem. In your resource box, you just spell out the solution more specifically and promise that they will find the solution when they visit your website.

  2. Make a promise. All benefits are promises. Promises to get something in exchange for clicking your link. Think through what you do and come up with some very clear and specific promises you can make. These are not always promises your services can deliver on, but promises they will get just for visiting your site.

  3. What changes do your readers want to realize? Benefits are simply solutions or changes. Make a list of all the changes you can offer someone and choose the most concise, most emotional change you can think of to put into your resource box.

  4. Use words like "find out" or "learn how" to get people to visit your website. People who read your online articles are looking for more information. "How to" type articles dominate article banks for the simple reason that people are looking for ways to solve problems and create changes, as we've already learned in the examples above.

  5. Use the words "you can." People may want to solve problems or create changes, but they also have doubts that they can bring these things to pass. "You can" phrases are strongly motivating and help readers picture themselves enjoying the solutions and changes your article promises.

  6. Put yourself in the minds of your potential visitors and make a list of "I wants" form their point of view. For example, if you are a lawyer, put yourself in the mindset of your potential clients. The I wants" you come up with may be: "I want to be compensated fairly for my pain and suffering," "I want to erase an unfair criminal conviction from my record, "I want to be paid for my lost wages from an employer who unjustly terminated my employment and then spread untrue rumors about me in the workplace."

Writing an outstanding resource box takes a lot of work. Often it is more work to write the resource box than it is to write the article itself. But remember you aren't selling yourself in the article, you are in the resource box. Make it shine and you will be rewarded by increased traffic and increased clients who want to do business with you.

Charles Brown is a copywriter and internet marketer who teaches entrepreneurs how to create superior marketing campaigns, write compelling web content, capture more leads, build huge email lists and use autoresponders to turn casual website visitors into buyers. His popular newsletter, Tightwad Marketing Ideas is a must for any entrepreneur wanting to successfully market any business without spending a fortune.

Article Marketing - How to Use Article Marketing to Get Prospects to Come to You

The way I do it is with article marketing combined with list building. Now, the beautiful thing about article marketing, is that I don't have to go where they hang out. All I have to do is write articles that make sense to them. Upload them to the article directories, and then the article directories because of their own high search engine ranking ability, their high pay rank, the article directories themselves will get my articles where people hang out.

Not necessarily where people hang out but where people look. So for example if somebody's looking for information about natural health, let's say somebody's looking for information about natural health, I'm into natural health. Well, I can go about this 2 different ways, number 1 I can go hang out on all the natural health forums and the natural health blogs, and all of that. I can kind of hope I can pick up some visitors. Or I can write natural health articles, I can submit them to the online article directories.

The online article directories have the page rank to get me ranked high in the search engines, and then what happens is when somebody goes in and they search for a term like natural health or alternative health or natural health for my knee, or whatever they're thinking about, natural health, for example, then my article is going to come up really really high. So I'm not going to necessarily get them where they hang out, but I'm going to get them when they're looking for information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

High Ticket Sales Article Marketing Traffic Strategy

Sometimes I get asked, you write so many articles that are very similar in nature, why would a publisher pick one of your articles over another one of your articles, or why would you get more traffic since you are writing multiple articles on the same topic.

Actually I'm not writing these articles so anybody can go to EzineArticles and pick them. I'm writing them so that the Google search engine will pick up the article.

For example, if you type in lots of different keywords in the article writing niches, in product creation, in website traffic generation, if you type those in you'll see that my articles in EzineArticles tend to come up relatively high in the Google search engine. That's what I'm targeting.

Most of EzineArticles traffic - my understanding is that it comes from the Google search engine and not from people who are just searching around EzineArticles itself, so I'm attempting to go for that one unique page that is going to pique someone's interest.

The second thing is we've done multiple tests on this, and of course the more articles that we write then there's a marginal decrease in the number of visitors we get per article, but it still increases the total volume of visitors.

We've kind of found that this number between 600-800 articles submitted per month is kind of an optimal number. It gives us a good number of visitors per article and this doesn't go over the board. We've actually gone as high as 2,000 in one month and found that at that level we didn't increase our visitors much past the level that we're at with about 800.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Almost Criminal Article Marketing Technique To Automatically Create A 6-figure Income

In this article I would like to go over a technique that you can easily use to build a six figure income. Now when you read that statement you may be thinking that this is impossible.

The biggest problem with this method of promotion is actually writing enough to be successful. The higher the volume of articles, the greater the number of your subscribers will be and sales. Lets face it writing a large number of articles can be a real challenge and this is primarily the reason that you are not earning more.

On some days you just won't feel like writing and that will be when your sales are hurt the most. The solution to this common problem is to hire a ghost writer. Look on sites like Elance and set a bid for a project. I suggest that you pay no more than 5 dollars per article. If you pay anymore then it will be difficult to turn a profit.

Now this is the important part. Before you start doing this you need to know how much money you will earn per subscriber. I suggest you start out by writing articles yourself until you have built about 500 subscribers. You need to have a very good backend system in place to monetize your subscribers. You will then be able to calculate how much a subscriber is worth.

Based on this information you can work out how much money you can spend. So for example if 300 articles a month produces six hundred subscribers then you can work out how much money you will earn.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

3 Powerful Article Marketing Tactics To Increase Your Monthly Income By 469 Percent

Are you using article marketing (also called bum marketing) to promote your products online and your own website? Let me show you how to increase your article marketing efforts by more than 469%.

Whether you are just a bum marketer or you only write articles for your own web pages, if you are not using the amazing power of leverage marketing, you are leaving a lot of money on the table. Why you wouldn't profit again and again from something you've done only one time? Know that the secret of highly successful online business is that they use leverage.

Whenever you write a new article for your website, be sure that to research the right keywords before everything else. Because if you don't do this, nobody is going to find your site, and it will be hard to make any money. Then, you need to add the article to your autoresponder serie. Like this, when someone subscribe to your list, you will earn money from him because he will automatically see your article.

Imagine that you can squeeze $1 from every new newsletter subscriber. Let's say that your list grows at a rate of 50 subscribers a day. that's 1500 subscribers a month. Now, doing almost nothing, you've just added a new stream of income to your business. $1500 per month, and even more annually!

When you are done, just add your new article to your website with the keywords). Search engines will spider it, and send more traffic your way.

When a surfer land on your website from the search engines, they subscribe to your newsletter...

Even if they don't take the time to read a single article on your site, they will immediately receive an email in their email inbox with a link to visit your money making web pages. Now, let's see how to monetize your web pages for maximum profits:

There are several options to monetize an article: links to your own products, contextual advertising, affiliate programs, cost per action offer, auction... You see the picture.

Now, you have a great money making article marketing technique in place because almost all the visitors who will visit your article and click on your links. If you monetize with cost per click advertising, every single click will make you money. If you choose cost per sales, you will make a profit when the visitor buys from your website.

If you choose cost per action affiliate programs, you will make money when your visitor take an action like filling in his name and email address for more information, etc... This article marketing technique is really easy to implement, and it shouldn't take a lot of your time. Plus you can outsource this strategy for even more profits.

Do this today, and watch your monthly income increase with the power of this affiliate marketing strategy.

Franck Silvestre is the creator of the Search Engine Marketing Guide. He also give awesome advices to increase your affiliate marketing income. Learn how to design a great site optimized for maximum sales and turn it into a powerful money making machine in no time.

Go to his website right now and grab a free report on sales page design secrets.