Sunday, June 22, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

This is going to sound so fundamental, so simple, so brain-dead easy, I'm almost ashamed to tell you what it is.

But OK, here goes.

The very, very simplest way to make money on the Internet is by selling people something they're desperate to buy.

Got that? Just sell them something they're desperate to buy.

Didn't I say it was going to sound brain-dead simple?

But it's where the vast majority of novice Internet marketers go wrong.

Instead of selling people something they're desperate to buy, they try to sell them information about something.

Here's an example of what I mean. Let's say you have a problem with back pain. It's been bothering you for the past week. It has gotten to the point where you would give almost anything for that pain to go away.

So which would you pay $29.95 for ... a report titled Back Pain from A to Z or How to Get Instant Relief Form Back Pain?

See what I mean?

The fact is, a report titled Back Pain From A to Z, is just not going to sell as well as the one that promises what the reader wants - instant relief.

So, what should you do as a novice Internet marketer?

First, find a niche like the back pain example, where people have a problem and are almost literally crying for relief. Next, write an 8-10 page report on the relief you're offering, for example, "Five Ways to Get Instant Relief from Back Pain."

Then create a mini-site (i.e., website with four to six pages), built around your topic. Put an opt-in box on every page of the site where people can request your free report. Finally, write three or four decent ezine articles on the subject with a resource box linked to your website. Be sure to include some variation on the terms fast relief in these articles.

When your visitors opt-in to get your free report, you will have captured their names and begun building a mailing list. Next thing you know, you have several hundred or maybe even several thousand of people to whom you can send regular emails selling products related to their problem.

Didn't I say it was simple?

I provide other free advice about internet marketing on my blog, "Dairy of a Crazed Marketer," along with stories about my adventures and misadventures in internet marketing. Plus, I tell it the honest way - what has worked for me and what hasn't. Just Click here to come along on the ride.

Hey, did I say it was free?

Douglas Hanna is a retired marketing and advertising executive living in a suburb of Denver with his wife, a Cairn Terrier named Jake and Emma Lou, a Wheaton Terrier. He has written more than 200 ezine articles on a variety of subjects and is the the publisher of a half-dozen web sites.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Depending on your nature you probably look at Internet marketing, all marketing for that matter, as a numbers game. You send "x" number of letters, faxes, or emails and you get "y" results. So you concentrate your efforts on activities geared to increasing the percentage of replies. It's a numbers game to you.

Others place the vast majority of their effort on why they are marketing what and to whom. While their counterparts above will blast the message to a wide audience hoping for a few sales of leads, these marketers will send very very few messages to the precise individuals they want as customers, expecting that they will be able to move every one of them from suspect to prospect to first level customer to key account.

In fact the most effective Internet marketers combine the art and the science better than the unsuccessful marketers - because it takes both to achieve optimum results. And that is why we collected several hundred articles by experts from both camps.

Our mission is to provide resources for business owners and professional solution providers and it occurred to us that offering the widest range of opinions makes more sense than trying to tell you that we have all the answers.

In the nav bar on our web site we have a link to our "Internet Control Panel" where we describe how we are using the Internet to grow our business, but your business is likely very different and you have different goals, objectives, strengths, weaknesses, contacts, etc. If you visit that page and those connected to it you might find a tool or strategy you can integrate into what you are already doing, or not I don't know.

One reason we have so many articles about Internet marketing, in several different article sub-directories, is because of the discussion going on hot and heavy between those who believe in push marketing and those who prefer pull marketing.

Pull marketing is about having such a compelling offering in such an attractive package and available especially for people like them that they can't resist. If you want to know what pull marketing looks like check out a fly fishing video.

In fly fishing the "fly" at the end of an incredibly long fishing line connected to a very long fly rod, never seems to touch the water. The fish keep looking up as the "fly' dances tantalizingly just above the surface. Eventually they can stand it no longer and leap out of the stream and grab the "fly" in mid air.

That's how your pull marketing should work too. And since there are so many ways to approach it we've collected many different explanations in numerous articles.

When people think of push marketing they usually think of email marketing. That's because it is an economical, compelling, and direct marketing tool. If done right it will drive responses in impressive numbers and with today's technology it can be personalized endlessly. But that doesn't make it easy or simple to do.

Email's just a tool and so it is only as effective as the person or company using it. And the same elements to consider as any other direct marketing tool still apply before you send the email, during the process itself (delivery issues for example) and after the campaign is over - when you work to figure out what went right, what went wrong, and what you'll do differently next time.

Among the articles in the Internet Marketing article directory are various examples and strategies that will make your next email marketing endeavor more effective.

And because there are so many articles, 2,500 plus, you will save time by using the keyword based internal search engine in the nav bar. That's also true because often articles written about something other than Internet marketing contain just the nuggets you are looking for.

Finally, we all tend to look for other people's opinions to support our own. Then when things don't work we have someone else to blame. I encourage you to resist that temptation here and read articles on both sides of whatever strategy you are considering. Then make a well considered business opinion based on the whole story.

Remember, it is easier (and more cost effective) to do it right the first time, than it is to do it over!

Wayne Messick, author, consultant, and peer group facilitator is the publisher of articles to help you grow your business at If you are a business advisor wanting to maximize your potential,here are strategies we are using to generate record revenues. If you are a business owner wanting to leverage what you are already doing right visit the Peer Groups area of our website.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The reason so many webmasters fail at article marketing is because they do not know the key points to the strategy. If you are writing with no proven direction then you are just wasting your time. It is imperative that you follow these proven steps if you want to start succeeding in your article marketing campaign.

- Providing your viewers with valuable information is essential. But alone it will not pave the way to article marketing success. Valuable information must be implemented by a personalized, eye-catching writing style. If you are not doing this then you are most likely losing loads of valuable clicks to your signature block.

- Create an eye-catching title. It is a proven fact that the title of your article is what makes it sell. There are so many webmasters simply wasting their time by creating a quality article only for it to sit in place and collect dust because of poor title writing. I find that using your keyword in the first three words of the title provides the best results.

- Take time when creating the signature block because this is the time to sell yourself and your product. Second to poor title creation, poor signature block writing is sure to point your viewers in other directions. When you write the signature block do not just place your name and the URL to your web site. You need to convince your viewers that they need to click on that link or they are missing out on something big.

- Now that you have created an eye-catching article with a signature block that tells your viewers they better click or they will miss out; you need to find places to submit it to. Many people believe that mass distribution is the way to go. What they do not know is that laziness does not pay off. Search engines do not like to find the same content over hundreds of sites; most being low ranking. What they do like to find is the same content on five or six high quality sites. This says that the content is worthy of high search engine placement. Find the top five or six article directories and submit to them only.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster providing Proven ways to Make Money Online and Write a Quality Article. Joshua would like to invite you to join in on the Free Training at

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

When shopping online for Link Management Software that can help create and automate your links directory, some important features that you should look for are as follows:

The software should,

  • Create the links page based on your own template.
  • Allow addition or removal of links at the click of a button and have the links page rebuilt.
  • Allow webmasters to submit their site.
  • Notify you when a webmaster has submitted their site and give you the option of accepting or rejecting their submission. .
  • Automatically check whether link partners linked back to you.
  • Help to automate the process of finding new partners.
  • Be easy to install.

The key to success for a website or online business is good search engine ranking. All of the major search engines use link popularity to determine how well a site will rank so the more high quality, relevant links that lead to your site, the higher it will rank.

There are a number of link management software scripts on the market but the one that I really enjoy using is LinkMachine. This is a relatively new link exchange management software that does not require an mySQL database and is very extremely to install. This software makes it very easy to find and contact quality link partners, generate custom link pages that match your site, and keep track of reciprocal links. LinkMachine automatically updates your link pages the instant they're changed - no uploading required. Link exchanges increase a site's targeted traffic, search engine ranking, and sales.

LinkMachine finds hundreds of popular, relevant sites to potentially exchange links with. Invite the webmasters of these sites to exchange links, using LinkMachine's fast e-mail templates. Generate custom link pages that perfectly match the look of your site. And keep track of each reciprocal link to your site.

LinkMachine is a Php application that runs on your web server. So it can automatically update your link pages the moment a change is made - no need to upload files each time a new link is added.

There is a free 10 day trial and a 30 day money back guarantee.

Ken Austin
Install LinkMachine Free
Take your internet marketing to new heights

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

It appears to that there are some professional writers who wish to have the online article submission sites that the post on upgraded and to only list extremely well-written articles. They would at very least request that they receive a preference so their articles are not lost in the masses of all the articles submitted.

Why do they request this? Because it will help their article marketing efforts and they feel they are much better writers and their articles have much more worthy information in them. Their hopes are to get their information displayed in such a way to help the reader find them over all the others.

Of course we know that people come in from the Google, MSN, Yahoo search engines directly to the article and that these search engines spider sites like this constantly. So in reality all articles whether they are marked "Excellent" or Editor's Choice in the end will be seen fairly equally as the reader clicks into the site.

A few expert authors have made comments that better articles might be available for browsing the list and reiterated the concept of "Editor's Choice" a concept which has been bantered about for almost a year now at the top online article submission site. It appears that many others online article authors like this idea?

For me personally as a reader and seeker of information, I know when I find a great article with good content, I look up the author and read all their articles on the subjects I am interested in learning about at that time and surf their various websites too, so all that makes sense to "me" personally, although others might disagree.

A software system with Artificial Intelligence that might be able to pick out great articles is intriguing because it could go thru all the 580,000 articles on let's say the top online article submission that are already posted and put a "star" or something by them to help readers more easily find them.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you have been marketing articles for a significant length of time or if you are new to the game and it is a game then there are a few things you can do to give yourself an edge. Some you already know about, such as writing material that people actually want on their site while others may not be as apparent to you. Lets take a look at some behind the scenes marketing you can do so that your articles get the circulation they deserve.

Market Everywhere Well, mostly everywhere. There are plenty of ezines, article directories, and the like on the internet. If you are limiting your exposure to just one site, then you are missing out on something big. Market your articles to at least five sites; however be careful of bad neighborhoods where the directory manager isnt doing a good enough job marketing his or her own site. The best site example of a well marketed site is Ezine Articles. Chris Knight, the manager of the site, has a blog and a forum, and he keeps his members informed with the occasional email. In addition, this particular site has RSS feeds and is considered by many to be the cutting edge article directory site on the internet. I wont name bad sites by name; rather just taking a look at them speaks volumes. If they neglect their site, they will neglect your articles.

Market On Your Own Sites If you dont have your own site, then you are missing a terrific opportunity to list your own articles. One big advantage of having your own site is that you arent don't have the restrictions you have with many article directories. No one will strip out or limit your URLs, therefore you can add many additional links to your articles [which is something that Google loves]. The more Google loves your site, the higher the page rank, and the more likely you will get what you really want: more customers!

Market On Handpicked Sites The best marketing practice is to aim for the moon. In other words, if there is a major site that you want to feature an article you wrote, then design your article to the level that the site manager wants and submit directly to them. Just think of it: if just one of your articles is picked up by a site that has several hundred thousands visitors per day, you stand to gain an awesome amount of traffic. If they pay you for your article, then that is an added bonus. At the bare minimum, one high quality link back to your site will drive traffic your way.

You can also supplement your article marketing campaign via emails to your members with links to your latest articles; posting your information on a site such as Craigs List; and changing your signature on quality forums to which you belong to include a link directly to an important article.

Some prognosticators and pundits are insisting that the internet is reaching critical mass and that article marketing will soon peak. Do not believe them. High quality articles containing relevant and useful information will always find a home online. Write well and they will come... the terrific back links, that is!

Copyright 2005 -- Matthew Keegan is the owner of a successful article writing, web design, and marketing business based in North Carolina, USA. He manages several sites including the Corporate Flight Attendant Community and the Aviation Employment Board. Please visit The Article Writer to review selections from his portfolio.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Here is an article marketing strategy for you to follow which will outline some techniques you can use immediately and dramatically profit from. If you have been online for some time you are probably aware that article submission or article publishing is one of the most effective and profitable ways top Internet marketers utilize. The reason why is because it works so well.

Writing and distributing articles is my #1 way to drive pre-targeted traffic to my sites. Besides that, search engines love fresh content and what better way than submit articles and to post or archive your articles on your own article directory which you should have implement on your own sites. Better yet, writing and submitting unique content articles rather than submitting the same articles will produce more traffic, back links, and higher rankings. Although this can be difficult and time consuming writing hundreds of versions of unique and different articles, most of the article submission software available can only submit the same article to different article directories. Article Pro Software is one piece of software I can highly recommend that will automatically submit unique articles saving you valuable time. It is not an article spinner or content creator that submits gibberish. You write the articles and it does the rest.

Sometimes writing articles can be intimidating and you may feel that this is really not your cup of tea. One option is to buy PLR or Private Label Write articles or have ghostwriters write articles for you. Both are fee related services. From my experience PLR articles can be a great source of content for your website to build content and feed those hungry search bots looking for fresh edible content. There is one catch to these articles, which I will cover next.

If you do decide to go the PLR route, it is highly recommended that you go through and alter them or modify them in such a manner that they do not read the same as the original article. Keep in mind that these PLR article are being bought by many other would be "content seekers" so you need to make them different or else you will be submitting duplicate content. If you have been following my blog and articles you will know the suffering that follows.

The major keys to profiting from article submissions are to write articles filled with useful information and are of great quality. Adding your resource box to the end of your article is where you develop your traffic and back links. A simple, catchy one-line phrase will do the trick. For example "Click here for the latest hot article marketing strategies!" should do the trick. Do not overlook trying a few longer resource boxes; say 4 to 5 sentences long. I have had great success with those as well.

Before publishing your articles, be sure and do a spell and grammar check on them. It does not convey professionalism when your articles are loaded with spelling and grammar errors. Some of the major have a spell check already built in, but I usually draft my articles in notepad and then copy and paste into Word where I can run a check on them before submitting. This is somewhat of an extra step, but a valuable one that does not take long to complete. Not only that, but you can learn a lot form going through the spell checks yourself.

Publishing your articles to the top ranking article directories and to your own Website or Blog are two great ways to get your articles exposed on the Internet. If you do not have a blog yet you may want to look into it. They are usually free and can serve as another Website for your own self-promotion. As previously mentioned, unique content articles are a major advantage over your competition. Article Pro Software can create unique articles for you to distribute not only to it's internal list, but you can also use those unique articles to copy and paste into the major high ranking article directories e.g. Ezine Articles, Isnare, and Go Articles which require manual submission.

In closing, article writing and submissions is a great article marketing strategy that can yield huge profits if done correctly. There are other important factors that also contribute to article success which I will cover in future articles, but if you follow this article marketing strategy you will be ahead of your competition separating you from the field.

To Your Success!

-Craig S. Andrews

Click here to get your articles working fast! Get top results for your article submissions. Gauranteed 100%.