Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories
This is going to sound so fundamental, so simple, so brain-dead easy, I'm almost ashamed to tell you what it is.
But OK, here goes.
The very, very simplest way to make money on the Internet is by selling people something they're desperate to buy.
Got that? Just sell them something they're desperate to buy.
Didn't I say it was going to sound brain-dead simple?
But it's where the vast majority of novice Internet marketers go wrong.
Instead of selling people something they're desperate to buy, they try to sell them information about something.
Here's an example of what I mean. Let's say you have a problem with back pain. It's been bothering you for the past week. It has gotten to the point where you would give almost anything for that pain to go away.
So which would you pay $29.95 for ... a report titled Back Pain from A to Z or How to Get Instant Relief Form Back Pain?
See what I mean?
The fact is, a report titled Back Pain From A to Z, is just not going to sell as well as the one that promises what the reader wants - instant relief.
So, what should you do as a novice Internet marketer?
First, find a niche like the back pain example, where people have a problem and are almost literally crying for relief. Next, write an 8-10 page report on the relief you're offering, for example, "Five Ways to Get Instant Relief from Back Pain."
Then create a mini-site (i.e., website with four to six pages), built around your topic. Put an opt-in box on every page of the site where people can request your free report. Finally, write three or four decent ezine articles on the subject with a resource box linked to your website. Be sure to include some variation on the terms fast relief in these articles.
When your visitors opt-in to get your free report, you will have captured their names and begun building a mailing list. Next thing you know, you have several hundred or maybe even several thousand of people to whom you can send regular emails selling products related to their problem.
Didn't I say it was simple?
I provide other free advice about internet marketing on my blog, "Dairy of a Crazed Marketer," along with stories about my adventures and misadventures in internet marketing. Plus, I tell it the honest way - what has worked for me and what hasn't. Just Click here to come along on the ride.
Hey, did I say it was free?
Douglas Hanna is a retired marketing and advertising executive living in a suburb of Denver with his wife, a Cairn Terrier named Jake and Emma Lou, a Wheaton Terrier. He has written more than 200 ezine articles on a variety of subjects and is the the publisher of a half-dozen web sites.