Friday, June 27, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are many that used to believe, and some who still do, that once their website was up and running an endless stream of visitors would immediately come flocking, eager to look and even keener to buy; if that were true then every Internet-based business owner would be a millionaire many times over. Nice thought, but hardly ever the case.

Having a website built and going live is only the first part of what should be an ongoing process of marketing the site and letting potential customers know it's there. The World Wide Web is an extremely vast place filled with millions of websites all competing for prominence in search engine listings where the top spot is king and reaching it can very much depend on choosing the right marketing strategy. What follows is a quick look at some of the more popular methods of Internet marketing and what are perhaps the most effective to date.

Affiliate Marketing

Very simply, affiliate marketing is where you as a website owner agree to advertise another company's products or services on your website in return for a percentage of any purchases made by a buyer who arrives at the seller's site via your own. This can be a rewarding option but only if you choose the most suitable affiliate scheme for your business and market your website effectively.

Email marketing

Email marketing is probably the most efficient method of marketing available today. Numerous software programmes allow businesses to create fully-automated marketing campaigns at a fraction of the cost of most other methods. Speedy customer feedback and detailed campaign results data are just two major benefits of this type of marketing.

Banner advertising

Banner advertising is all over the Internet. Similar to the affiliate scheme insofar as a company will have a banner advertising their services or products on a third party site from which they hope to attract potential customers to their own site. Banner advertisers will generally pay another website owner to let them advertise, or alternatively, agree to a banner exchange, where in most instances no fee changes hands.

PPC (Pay per Click advertising)

Pay per click or PPC advertisers 'bid' on keywords and search phrases they believe their target market will use when looking for particular products or services. When a user types in a keyword or phrase on an advertiser's list, the advertiser's ad is shown and appears either next to or above the natural listings on search engine pages. PPC can sometimes be expensive depending on the popularity of the chosen keywords.

Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimisation or SEO, concentrates on making a website more visible to search engine robots by taking into account how search algorithms work. A few of the many methods used are making sure that the site is appealing to visitors, adding unique content to the site and paying detailed attention to coding, structure, presentation, and of course keywords and search phrases. One of the alleged drawbacks of SEO is that some search engines tend to alter their rules from time to time so sites may need regular tweaking to keep them up to date with search engine requirements.


There are of course other methods of Internet marketing available such as the use of articles and blogs for example, but because all of the methods mentioned are obviously much more involved than described here, future articles will look at each of them individually in more detail.

This article is the property of the author and may only be reproduced in its original form.

John Sheridan is a professional proofreader of hard copy items and website copy. He also writes web copy and occasionally accepts small copy-editing assignments. He can be contacted via:

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Seth Godin developed Squidoo because he was dissatisfied with the quality of information often provided by search engines. He wanted to create a space (a lens) where internet marketers could provide in-depth information about a topic, program or area of interest.

He set up Squidoo so that internet marketers could create a lens that had a number of modules that brought together information from other sources such as Article Directories, YouTube, Flickr,, EBay and other websites and blogs. He wanted to integrate RSS feeds as well.

Each Squidoo lens represents an in-depth focus or window on a topic. People have created lenses on affiliate programs, products, services, singers, hobbies, sports, personal development, entertainment, parenting, pets and charities. The topic of your lens is only limited by your interest and imagination.

Squidoo lenses are very easy to develop and you can develop a lens (in-depth, focused web page) on any topic. You can have as many lenses as you like. It is a chance to be highly creative, have fun, brand yourself and your expertise and generate traffic to your website or blog.

The growth of Squidoo

Squidoo started in October 2005 and now has over 100,000 lenses and has a Google ranking of 7. The Alexa ranking of Squidoo is 747 at the time of writing (up 424 places in 3 months).

Leading internet marketers like Joel Comm have recognised the value of Squidoo by creating their own Squidoo lenses to promote their e-books, programs and resources on specific topics such as Google Adsense.

Squidoo has now reached a critical mass and is beginning to grow exponentially as the established lensmasters promote the program and others write books and articles about its benefits. Many people wished they had got in early on YouTube or MySpace. However, the opportunity to get in on the ground of an accelerating trend has come around again with the advent of Squidoo.

The Squidoo Opportunity

Squidoo provides the opportunity to establish yourself as an expert and to create traffic and income to your website or blog. Ironically, Google ranks Squidoo lenses very highly and even more highly than blogs. I have a Squidoo lens that was ranked in the top ten results for my keyword within two weeks.

Google will continue to value Squidoo lenses because they give the community the results they are looking for when they use a search engine. NOW is the time to act and grab your share of the very valuable Squidoo internet real estate.

This article is written by Ron Passfield, PhD, affiliate marketing coach, and author of the Squidoo Marketing Strategies e-Book:

Get your fr^e 7 day email course on how to create and market your Squidoo lens:Squidoo e-course

View Rons Squidoo lens, affiliate marketing coach, at:

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Search engines use a number of criteria for ranking websites. No one can say exactly how the search engines weigh their criteria, since the search engines protect this information as a trade secret. But SEO experts are able to give us a reliable picture of what we need to do to get the highest visibility in Internet search engines.

The three keys to search engine ranking are content, keywords, and back links. Ultimately, a high ranking in search engines is the result of high traffic. How do you drive more traffic to your small business website? Content, keywords, and back links.

The content of your website must be chosen carefully and with plenty of research. A lot of websites look pretty with flash designs, detailed artwork and pictures. If you have a small business, then concentrate on that with your website. You are not trying to impress prospective clients with all of your fancy technology on your website. Use your website to find leads, entice customers, and make long lasting relationships.

Content, meaning the text and descriptions of your business and your services, should be chosen carefully. You can choose the right content by doing keyword research and using many keywords in your web pages filled with facts, portfolios of your work, and newsworthy information.

Don't try to trick them! A small business website with 50 pages of hot air won't fool the Internet community. Keyword-stuffing will only work temporarily. When visitors find nothing but fluff on a website, they won't go back and they won't create word of mouth in their own blogs and websites. When your traffic drops, the search engines find out in a hurry and the bottom falls out of your ranking.

What are backlinks? Back links are backward links. Basically they are links that point back to your website, blog, etc. They are somewhat like trail markers that you can leave, pointing passersby to take the path toward your homebase.

How are they created? Back links are created whenever someone has a link for your website on their website. The easiest way to make back links is by submitting your web content to article directories, websites, and blogs.

For instance, if you post an article on, the smart thing to do is fill the article with links back to your website. Sometimes websites have restrictions on how many links you can have in your article, so a link to your website in your bio or signature is good as well. The search engines find this "back link" to your site on another web site, which tells them that your article is popular.

Successful backlinking is like a word of mouth popularity game. Whomever has the most links pointing to their site helps determine who gets the best ranking on the Search Engines. Also, a back link is better than a reciprocal link because if someone links to you, but you don't link back to them, it's like you're cooler than they are. Reciprocal linking is still a valuable tool to be utilized smartly, but back linking will bring you the most juice. The more back links you have, the more popular you are with search engines, and the higher you rank. Literally.

Article submission is widely recognized as one of the most effective strategies for optimizing search engine ranking. Creating plenty of back links with quality content is the single best strategy for driving traffic to your Small Business website and boosting your search engine ranking. In order to get more people to hit those links is to write articles and post newsworthy, keyword rich postings. Research which keywords people might search for to find your business, and use them in your articles. This will ensure that people who could be interested in your business' services will find you.

Always remember the first principle of search engine optimization: Rich content is the single most important determinant of search engine ranking. Write high-quality web content and blog posts, submit your content to article directories, and the search engine rankings will come.

Brett Miller, the founder of HoopJumper WebSystems, is the creator of Webepreneur, an easy-to-use website building program for small business owners and individual service professionals that makes it easy to get your website visible and popular engine-wide. If you're a Small Business Owner and you want to get back links, go to or to see the other services offered.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Working online has got to be the best way to work. I will not lie. I absolutely love not having to answer to a boss, manager or 'upper management'.

But what happens when you fail to become a "Super" Affiliate? Is it time to go back to the J.O.B.?

If you're wondering how to become a super affiliate, you should definitely keep reading.

"Super Affiliate" sounds like an insane title that only the "elite" can hold. You know... guys like Jeremy Palmer. But this is simply NOT the case. A Super Affiliate is someone who dominates a specific niche market. It does not mean you have to be "the man". Truthfully, NOBODY is "the man" in any given Niche Market.

Becoming a Super Affiliate takes time, though. It does not happen overnight. It does not mean you have to go out and find 37 products on Clickbank and start linking them on every blog. That type of stuff is not productive. Sure, I'm sure "so and so" made a few sales while unethically spamming blogs... but it's counter-productive in the long run.

Research is the key to success. Research is why 90% of Affiliates fail to be successful in their Affiliate Business. Research is the x-factor in becoming a successful affiliate.

So why are you failing as an Affiliate? Because you're not doing your research. Shake your head, stomp your feet, think of rebuttal's. But the fact is - if you had done your research properly - you would not be reading this article, right? Right... so let's get a little more in depth here.

How is your research being performed? Are you using Keyword Tools and that's it? If so - shut them down and follow me.

Pick up a magazine. Look through all of the advertisements throughout the magazine. See anything DIFFERENT from the norm? Something not so competitive? Or do you get one of those "gut feelings"?

Good... pick a niche and now let's head over to Google. Do a few "creative" searches by choosing a Keyword that YOU, an unknowing searcher, would search with. What are the results? Does the Market seem to be too competitive? If so, no worries. We can continue our research just to be sure.

Find out if there's forums for that niche. If there are, do they seem to be fairly active? What are they looking for inside those forums... as far as solutions to problems?

Give Google Trends a shot and see how the Market looks on that tool.

Also try out MSN AdLabs, it's a great tool with many options.

The bottom line is - you have too much research to do before you start doing your Keyword Research. You need to learn about the Niche before you begin throwing out "what you think" are benefits. If you are not aware of the real benefits - how do you know how to pre-sell?

Pre-selling is an art form and you need to understand that just because you've read the Merchants sales page does NOT mean you now know your niche.

Study and learn. Focus on the beginning research and you will notice how quickly your Keyword Research begins and ends. Keyword Research is nothing without knowing... it's meaningless without understanding long tail keywords to choose from.

Research is the reason you will succeed. Lack of research is why you will fail.

Find out what it takes to get better Search Engine Optimization Results

Discover new ways to get massive amounts of traffic with a little extra effort and Monetize your Website

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Writing and submitting articles on publishing sites is one of the greatest sales lead generation techniques today. However, there are marketers who fall short in their effort to pull their readers to their website and their connection to the readers instantly end there. You wouldn't want this to happen to your article marketing campaign, would you? That is why you need to supercharge your marketing efforts to make sure that your readers will be converted to clients.

Here are the advanced steps to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Include a "bait" on your resource box. You would like your readers to click the URL on your resource box and you have to make it happen. You can easily do that by including irresistible offer that will excite your readers. Some of the effective baits that you can use are free special reports, free eBooks, vouchers, discounts or even free articles.

2. Establish your credibility and expertise. Briefly tell your readers about your experiences or your achievements so you can prompt them to visit your website and get more information. Make sure that you make your call to action statement strong and impacting, otherwise you will lose a potential client.

3. Do not bore your readers. Make sure that your resource box is no more than 3 sentences. Remember you are not writing another article. Make it brief, concise, enticing, and powerful so your readers will not have reason not to click your website's URL.

4. Maximize your resource box. Most publishing sites allow you to use a maximum of 3 URLs. Take advantage of this and include at least 2 anchor texts using the most relevant keywords to your target niche. By doing so, you make it a bit easier for your readers to get to your website quickly.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you are really serious about promoting your business writing and submitting articles, you need to have a plan. Most occasional bum marketers will submit ten articles and will not see any results.

Who said that article marketing was easy?

Step 1: Write and submit more articles.

You can't submit 10 articles per month and except to see results. This form of advertising is only effective if your articles are consistently in front of potential publishers.

I mean that you should submit articles weekly. In fact, every single day, you need to get at least 10 articles out there.

I know, it's a lot but it's the price to pay for success. If you want to see tremendous results and increase your profits considerably, submit more articles.

Step 2: Submit to more directories.

You can't rely on a single article directory like you don't need to submit to hundreds and hundreds of them.

The right strategy is to submit to the best one. It's counter intuitive since everybody teach that you need to use services like or to get results.

I don't follow this advice because my results are the proof that my strategy works.

Here is a small sample of my results:

1. Top 10 rankings for my websites In Google

I get top search engine rankings because I use the right anchor text in my resource box.

2. Thousands of monthly visitors to my webpages

The targeted traffic comes from three different sources:

* The article directories themselves

* The different search engine results pages

* Potential customers researching information about me or one of my products

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing"

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Generating traffic for your website cannot get easier these days due to the advent of article marketing. Today, you don't need to shell out money to cover for your advertising cost or launch link building campaigns to augment your page engine ranking. All you need to do is write and distribute well-written and content-rich articles to submission sites to gain quality inbound links for your website and establish your expertise on your chosen niche.

Here are the 4 latest steps to advance with article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients when writing your content to effectively determine the kinds of information that they would like to see on your articles.

2. Deliver quality content. Make sure that your articles are worth every second of your readers' time by making them all useful and relevant to their lives or pressing issues. Your articles must also be well-written and free from any kinds of errors to give your readers great reading experience.

3. Pay attention to your titles. The best way to increase your clickthrough rate is to use titles that can effectively grab the attention of online users to get them to read your content. Your titles must not only be intriguing and interesting, but they must also be able to communicate the readers' benefits to further compel online users to read on.

4. Strive for excellence. Consistently offer your readers with nothing but the best and continuously learn the process of article marketing to increase your chances in advancing in this field. Read tutorials, articles, ebooks, and ecourses on a regular basis that can teach you the most advanced methods to maximize the benefits you can get from article marketing.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Join With The Top Earner And You Will Make Money!

Well, from a different point of view I beg to differ. You see, the EDC Gold home business opportunity for any reason or whatsoever have been on the radar for quite awhile now.

Its just that it was not in the screens of the 'good radar'. Why? Is this because the founders Craig and Mike had slipped by marketing this program themselves too? Or is it because too many people were buying and only 1 or 2 was selling?

What Happened?

No one knows for sure what is the correct answer but all of the statements are true. Now, there is something you need to know about the easy daily cash opportunity.

They are EDC, EDC Gold and EDC Diamond. The priciest one goes up to more than $2000 in its price tag. Unless you have more than $3500 for a small business then reconsider.

Great Training And Products?

Anyway you look at it you have to admit that the company does provide a variety of things. Such as learning basic to advanced marketing techniques and strategies.

One EDC Gold rep even mentioned in a well known forum, "...not just to promote easy daily cash or these products but can be used to promote anything else out there". Think about it, the reason why you would ever join is the opportunity. Enough said.

Nothing Is A Secret

That being said, nothing is ever a secret especially when it comes to marketing effectively online. Even in the EDC Gold home business opportunity. You must be able to have a conscious feeling that it takes both effort and time to grow your income online.

About The Author:

This article is the property of - you may freely publish it on a website as long as it is not modified in any way. It must include the author bylines; all hyperlinks and URLs must be made or remain active.

Vern How has been earning online since 2006. He is an Internet marketer who believes in giving back by helping others.

Find out the hottest online marketing musings and tips at Online Marketing Business

For more information your a proven secret to profiting massively on the Internet, check out more Truths About EDC Gold!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

There are many great benefits to submitting your articles to article directories. Adding articles to article directories is becoming an extremely popular tactic that many are using to gain the traffic they need. Nevertheless, authors that submit their articles to directories build their credibility, which helps to create an expert level. Additionally, writing and submitting articles to article sites develop long lasting one-way links back to your business and over time a steady flow of free traffic to your home business. Importantly, submitting articles can increase the back lines to your website and therefore, increase your Google ranking. Another huge benefit of an offered article is the article may end up as content on another site, which is good exposure for you. Moreover, an added advantage of suggested articles to article sites is once the articles are there in the directories it is not archived as time goes on.

Again, writing and submitting articles is a very effective way to boost traffic to a website, so it is worthwhile spending some time perfecting the process to gain the maximum benefits. You need to post unique high quality content to your websites to keep your visitors and search engines attention.If you write articles or interested in writing articles, then there is a great application called "Instant Article Wizard" that can help create high quality articles in minutes. "Instant Article Wizard" can:

  • Create multiple niche web sites and continually post new content to them!
  • Get into the business of writing articles for other webmasters on any topic they want!
  • Create articles to submit to free article sites and get hundreds of back links to your web sites.

For further information about "Instant Article Wizard" Go Here

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Spend my valuable time writing articles only to give them away? Why would I want to do that?

If you believe that the articles that you write should only be shown on your site you are missing the whole point of Article Marketing. Article Marketing is the process of writing articles and submitting them to article directories for others to use free of charge. To some that may sound somewhat counter productive. Take it from me it is one of the best ways to increase traffic flow to your website. More traffic equals more profit

Publishing your own articles on your blog, website or in your newsletter is not enough. You need to have your name and website link spread across the web. Article Marketing can and will do that for you.

When you contribute articles to the article directories you will be give a resource box. In this resource box you can inform the reader of who you are, what you do, and where your website can be found. As part of the agreement with the article directories publishers may not remove or alter the resource box.

If you limit your article to being published on your own site the only people who will see your articles are the ones that somehow get to your site. There are literally millions of other sites out there who have visitors and these visitors have no idea who you are. Writing articles and allowing others to use them allows your name and website link to be seen by huge number prospective buyers.

With each article you write more links are created which lead back to your website. When a publisher chooses to include your article on their website, ezine, or newsletter more links are created. More links back to your website can result in higher search engine ranking. With higher ranking comes even more traffic.

Yes you should be writing articles and giving them away left and right. In fact you should be writing them as fast as you possibly can, submitting them to article directories, and being rewarded in more traffic.

Would you like to know how to use Article Marketing to drive traffic to your website?

Get my complimentary Report HERE and start the stampede today!

Strategic Internet Marketing - How I Started From Scratch With A Simple Business Plan!

What is strategic Internet marketing? It's a way to grow your online business with a long term plan. You need to have a clear vision from the beginning. Where do you want to be after five years? Do you want to take care of your business or do you want it to take care about you?

I think the second option is that you want. Instead of working in your business, you need to take care of the general vision. I learned from Brad Fallon that it is one the only three things a business owner should do.

Let's take my own example. The first part of my strategic Internet marketing plan was to start with free resources and tools because I was on a budget. I couldn't pay for advertising, and even paying $8 a month for web hosting was difficult for me two years ago. I decided to start my online business career with affiliate marketing.

That was the first part of my plan. I carefully selected affiliate products proven to convert visitors into sales and I quickly started to make money.

I started with article marketing and forums because these are two low cost ways to generate targeted traffic to your website.

I then decided to start with safelists and traffic exchanges sites. After two months, I realized that the return in terms of subscribers and sales wasn't worth my time. I continued to submit articles because I was making sales and capturing leads into my autoresponder.

From this time, my goal was to develop my very own products. That's why I was building my list of loyal subscribers. I knew that when I am ready to launch my own product, I would be able to get sales right away with a list.

I forgot to say that I started with a blogger blog because it was free. I started with a free domain at and I also had a free autoresponder web based software with and get response.

When I started to earn $300 per month consistently, I immediatly got all the paid tools to go further in my business. I got a web hosting, I registered my domain and immediatly switched to wordpress blogs.

I was setting up the foundations for my online business.

Another element of my success is the fact that I got a coach because every successful mind has a mentor.

Franck Silvestre specializes in providing a successful Internet marketing plan right from the start. To learn more about you can master Internet marketing, please visit his blog today to start right away

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article writing is one popular method Internet Marketers use to promote websites or products. There are many different experts who suggest using this method to be highly effective, easy and inexpensive technique to adopt, especially for those working on a small budget.

In theory, a well distributed article will create tremendous exposure when published to various Ezines, newsletters blogs etc. If the writer's articles are of sufficiently high quality the author will be seen as an expert and their sites will gain authority from back links and resulting traffic.

Opinions vary on the best approach to use when creating articles. Some authors, experienced in this kind of marketing, suggest that creating articles that stir controversy is a good strategy. This however is a point with which others take exception.

It is sometimes recommended that by adopting a controversial writing the author can become more visible and creates buzz. Obviously this would then stir interest and perhaps generate traffic to a site. However using such an approach can also have a downside, which should be carefully considered.

Newspapers and magazine thrive on articles about topics which are current, newsworthy and of interest to their readers. Using articles as part of a marketing campaign is not the same as writing as a journalist, a reporter or even a blogger; it is a type of advertising.

The saying, there are two sides to every coin" is apt when it comes to controversial subjects. If an author creates a piece which is seen to be unfairly biased towards a particular point of view it may so alienate those with the opposite view that it will do more harm to a marketing program than good.

Further to that point, publishers might be reluctant to pick up articles which might offend some of their readers. Worse still, such articles might create a negative reputation for the writer which would impact their ability to get published in the future.

Some subjects might in fact have different aspects which can't be easily confined to a single point of view. By nature topics such as these might be more controversial than others and writing about them requires skill and a keen eye for balance and fairness.

Writing to be controversial is not a good idea as an article marketing strategy. However, writing about a controversial subject is not always a bad thing when certain caveats are observed. Bear in mind that readers will have their own opinions about your topic. The objective of such an article should be to inform not to confront or convert. Write about the nature of the conflicts or differences as a means of offering readers information that makes the issues clear.

The secret to an effective article writing program is no real secret at all. Write effective compelling, entertaining or enlightening pieces that provide readers with valuable and useful information.

If there are several opinions, points of view of ideas which the readers should consider, offer them in a fair balanced manner. Writers need to apply care and judicious use of the tools of their craft to create work that informs rather than inflames.

Many authors openly declare personal preferences or biases so as to prevent accusations of having a hidden agenda. They will also clearly point out where there are conflicts or differences of opinion among experts or as noted in the media on a given topic. This approach could be dubbed writing about controversy and not to cause it.

If you wish to take a strong position on something there are various other forums where one can express opinion and write with inspired passion. When writing specifically for the purpose of promoting a marketing campaign keep in mind the objectives of the piece and the intended reader.

Marvin Double is an experienced author who writes about internet marketing, e-commerce blogging and a variety of related and unrelated topics of interest. He brings over 30 years experience as a business entrepreneur off line to the internet marketing community. For additional articles or resources for internet marketers please visit

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The whole point of article marketing is to establish yourself as an expert in your market niche as you want the reader to visit your web page. That is a given.

So, you work hard to write article, but if your resource box is poorly written. You will have a very very low click through rate. But that is no big deal because I am going to show you how to create an awesome resource box that will skyrocket your click through.

So the first thing you want to do is understand your market in niche. What is the underlying psychology that will drive the reader to visit your web page?

Let's take the dating niche for example. In your resource box you do not want to say "visit my webpage for more dating tips" because that is too general. But rather if you want to make it more specific and beneficial to the reader. Such as "I am a dating coach and I would like to invite you to my website where you can get a free five day mini-course on how to approach women"

That the more detailed and more benefit your resource box, the higher your click through rate. Sounds good in theory but in reality. You have to constantly track how good your click through rate is by installing a stat code into your web page (such as Google analytic)

Another tip is to write a short three to five page report in .PDF format and offer to give it away free to your readers in order to entice them to visit your webpage. This works very well because if the reader's interest in your article. He will naturally, visit your webpage, because of the awesome report.

So in order to have article marketing success you have to have a killer resource box that has a high click through rate, Otherwise you're a whole article marketing attempt this is just going to be one big flop.

If you are new to Internet Marketing, you don't have to be alone. I can help you out and make your first $1000 online -- and it won't cost you a penny. Visit my website to get my free Make Money Online With Ken Nubo at