Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

1) Identification of Target Group & Demographics Locations

The initial step is the identification of your target group - who is the recipient of your message? The end user, or perhaps resellers? How is your target group expected to use the search engines? An experienced Internet user will search the Internet differently than a less experienced user.

Once the target group is identified, we can decide in which market/country this group is most effectively targeted using SEO. The language on your website must be the language of the market in question.

2) Keyword Research

Extensive research into choosing your target keyword list is essential to every search engine marketing campaign.

Choosing the right keywords is the most important aspect of successful search engine optimization. Not only do you want to see your site get to the top, you need that high ranking to be on keywords that people are going to actually search for and who are interested in what your web site has to offer.

3) Search Engine Compatibility

A web site architecture that is search engine friendly will improve both the search engine rankings and site traffic. Rank Visibility's search engine compatibility review results in a list of recommendations that are powerful and yet simple to implement.

Depending on the complexity of a web site, a search engine compatibility Review may be required before we can accurately provide a quotation for the full search engine optimisation of your site.

4) Internal Link Structure Building

Internal link structure is another important factor for good search engine rankings, Search engines like the internal structure to be theme based to determine the relevancy of a site. By having a good navigation structure you will not only make it easier for the search engines to browse your website but, you will also make it easier for human visitors, too. A good internal link structure also helps share the Google Page Rank value equally among all the sub pages, meaning more of your pages appear in the search query results.

5) Manual Search Engine Submission

Optimized pages are hand-submitted to the search engines and directories with detailed attention to unique submission guidelines. Some search engines levy a submission or inclusion fee, which is in-addition to our optimization fees.

6) Pay Per Click Campaign Management

Pay per click advertising (PPC) is a search engine marketing technique that requires you to pay a fee every time someone clicks to your website from an ad you've placed in a search engine's results. The more you agree to pay per click (or bid) for a specific keyword and the more effective your ad, the higher your site will rank in the paid search results.

Google and Overture Pay Per Click programs are the most sought after for Internet marketers for their sheer reach and excellent ROI.

7) Link Popularity Building

Link Popularity is one of the most important features of any search engine optimization process and it is the "Off-Page" Optimization of your website. We search the internet for relevant high ranking category websites and get you linked within them. Our Link popularity building services helps increase Google Page Rank and Improve Search Engine Ranking.

8) Continuous Website Ranking Management

Unfortunately, even if you have a top placement now on search engines there is no guarantee it will be there tommorow. Promotion on Search Engines and their ranking criteria constantly change. One year they are on top of the world and next year they are bought out or shutdown. The field itself is an ever changing world. Our strategies involve planning for search events so that your business sales improve and stay up ongoing over extended periods of time.

Anand Nadar- Design and SEO Consultant- http://www.kreationstudio.com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing can help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche by simply writing and syndicating your articles. However, with so many webmasters using this technique, it becomes harder and harder to get online users' interest much more to keep a hold of it. If you are an article marketer who is wishing to get ahead of the pack, these 4 nifty methods will help you breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Use catchy titles. To give your articles an edge, you must learn how to give them titles that will instantly spark an interest among online users. You can easily do this by making sure that your titles are attention-grabbing, keyword-rich, concise, brief, and most of all they must be able to communicate the benefit they can offer the potential readers and the central idea to which the article revolves.

2. Provide only unique and original content. To stand out from the rest, make sure that you offer information that is not commonly found on other sites. By doing so, you will instantly be regarded as great source of information and you will surely establish great readership in no time.

3. Be consistent. In order for online users to acknowledge your existence in the World Wide Web, they must constantly see your name on various websites that talks about your specialized niche. You can easily do this by consistently writing articles and posting them on sites that are frequented by your potential readers.

4. Be accurate. One of the qualities of an expert is his ability to deliver factual information. You don't want to mislead your readers, do you? So, it is of outmost importance that you have sources to back up all your claims so your articles will appear more credible and believable.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Regardless of your market, industry, or business size there are many great ways to make money online. Of course, everyone wants to expend as little as possible, while generating as much as possible. Well, it is your lucky day because I am going to explain to you a way to spend nothing unless you are making something.

Only on the internet can you deploy a marketing campaign that allows you to brand and reinforce your corporate identity with money generating possibilities without spending a dime unless you make significantly more than a dime. Only on the internet can you spread your marketing reaches to new, untapped resources to expand your business without reaching into your pocket until it's time to put money in it.

How the hell is this? I know you are asking yourself that very question... well, I have an answer for you: Affiliated Marketing.

What the hell is that? Well, open your mind, read thoroughly and learn something.

Affiliated Marketing (AM) is the future of online marketing, and perhaps the future of all marketing. People are typically very unsettled about incorporating new methods of marketing into their current campaigns because there is a risk to lose money before you make it. With AM you don't risk losing any money and you only pay out when you make money. Yes, you make the money first and then you pay.

Very simply, as an affiliate, you place your advertisement on web sites that agree to publish it. That advertisement will sit their branding your business and your site until someone clicks on it. Do you pay when someone clicks? NO. In fact, you only pay once a site visitor purchases a product or service from your website. If somebody purchases a product or service from your site as a direct result from clicking on that advertisement, then you pay the advertiser a commission of that sale. That level of commission would be previously decided upon between you and your publisher(s).

This is great isn't it?!

Here are some tips for successful Affiliated Marketing:

1) Enroll in Affiliated Marketing Networks, which will provide you very easy access to thousands of business already involved in these sort of programs enabling you to contact them to potentially publish your ad. Some great Networks that I have personally seen great success through are CommissionJunction.com and LinkShare.com. They will not only help you become successful by aiding in your networking, but they make billing and commission payments an automated sinch.

2) Target websites that fall into your market sector but are NOT competition. For example, if you are a computer wholesaler, you wouldn't want to place your advertisement on other computer wholesaler's sites(and they probably wouldn't publish you anyway), but you would want to place your advertisement on a video gamer website.

3) Be creative when looking for publishers, don't go for the obvious because so is everyone else. For example, if you are a title company of course you want to be on every mortgage banking website, but what about being on a Divorce Attorney's website? These newly separated individuals will be looking for a house soon.

4) Keep excellent track of your analytics. Nobody wants to publish an ad for a company that doesn't have documented proof of their unique visitors, page views, and ultimately their sales. Keep very detailed history reports to showcase to these potential publishers that they can make money off you too. That is ideal, for both parties to make money.

5) Don't have those records because you lazily lost track or perhaps you are a new website? Don't worry. Start off small. There are other companies in the same position you are who are looking to get involved as a publisher but don't have a history report or are new, as well. Give them a chance, and they may give you a chance. You both stand to gain experience, knowledge, and money!

6) Offer discounts to these new markets. You are extending your marketing reach to a new area outside of your current campaign reach. With that said, incentively encourage new clients or consumers to try your product or service. what do you have to lose? This is market you otherwise weren't reaching anyway. Also, this will encourage publishers to carry your product. Sales sell better.

7) Use this an opportunity to test new products, services, discounts, or anything for that matter. Remember these ads can run on contract without payment until the ad produces revenue. With that understanding, use this as an opportunity to get creative to explore your limits and to introduce new things to consumers. Who knows, you may discover your next big hit without paying a cent to test the market.

8) Do your best to make the ads profitable! Remember, you don't have to pay to run your ads, but the publishers also don't have to continue carrying your ad if it doesn't produce results for them. So, design aesthetically pleasing ads that will generate revenue for your publishers. Change your advertisement often, and offer great discounts to help make your publishers money too. You can also offer sales contests or limited time additional commissions for your publishers to encourage them to sell more for you. As long as they are making money so will you.

9) Keep an eye on your ads, how they are being presented and how they are placed. If your ad is located in a less than profitable area on a website, ask that it be moved. If you realize your publisher is behaving in a way that you do not want your service or product associated, then remove your ad entirely. As much as advertising can help you, it can hurt you, as well. Keep a close eye on your ads.

10) Ask local companies with websites, that are not necessarily active in a Affiliated Marketing Network, to publish your advertisement. To make it easier, encourage them to get involved in the same network you are. if they refuse but are still interested, then have them publish your advertisement anyway, but the billing and commission payments will have to be done manually.

Now that you see the awesome potential of Affiliated Marketing, get involved! Start making more money!

And next week, I will address how to be a successful publisher. And yes, you can be both!

If you have any questions or comments, I love to hear from our readers and will promptly respond.


Scott L Clark - Director of Sales and Marketing
ATILUS | 21301 S. Tamiami Trl. | Ste. 320 | Estero | FL 33928
Office: 239.567.9743 | Direct: 239.362.6784 | Fax: 239.236.0847

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Many people who are interested in article writing success do not consider themselves particularly capable as writers themselves. If you are such a person, you may be interested in finding a ghost writer who can assist you in the creation of copy to further your own article marketing efforts. There are five tips that you should keep in mind when looking for a capable ghost writer to assist you in achieving your goals.

1. Experience matters. Always look for a ghost writer that has experience in the field.

2. Get recommendations. You should get references and recommendations from a ghost writer before you settle on selecting that person to assist you. A capable ghost writer will be more than happy to provide you with references.

3. Check out the portfolio. Just as a capable ghost writer will be willing to provide you with references, a solid and professional ghost writer will be more very willing to provide you with samples of his or her prior work. You absolutely must see what the writer has done in the past before you select that individual to assist you with article marketing.

4. Deadlines. You need to make certain that any ghost writer you select actually has the time to devote to your project. The fact is that quality ghost writers are few and far between and these individuals can be overbooked.

5. Communication: You need to make certain that you pick a ghost writer that is comfortable with communicating with you regularly. You will want to select a ghost writer that will keep you up to date on the progress if your project

Want to learn how I do it? Download my free guide here: Article Marketing Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing. http://www.secretstointernetprofits.com

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

With information technology on the rise and gaining relevance in the world today, article marketing has become a significant tool to promote businesses on the Internet. While it is well-known that articles make consumers understand a product better, a well-written article can be one of the main reasons why any product sells. These days, article marketing is so advanced that it has become the foremost advertising strategy for many online businesses.

Central to the effectiveness of article marketing is the implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The primary function of this form of article writing is to achieve prominent rankings on the search engines by utilizing keywords which are popular among Internet users. When a user enters a search term which is identical to your keyword, the web page of your article will be displayed as a search result. With effective SEO strategies, you can rank among the top search results and benefit from a steady flow of incoming traffic, which will ultimately lead to increased sales.

Due to the fact that SEO article writing involves a great deal of research and expertise, most website owners prefer to employ SEO experts to manage their web content. These specialized professionals will provide you keyword-rich articles that will dramatically improve the visibility of your website and win customers over with their convincing content. SEO article marketing is such a proven success in the world of online business that many website owners are willing to hire the services of top SEO experts to help them launch their businesses into greater heights of profitability.

Other than its overall contribution to the betterment of sales, article marketing also brings professionalism and prestige to your website. With comprehensive articles that offer expert information about your products, your website will be widely regarded as an authoritative entity. It will assume a position as the favored destination for consumers seeking specialized knowledge pertaining to your products. As your reputation grows, your brand will be established as a trusted name in the business and this will in turn translate to a long-term influx of web traffic.

Compared to other forms of online advertisements which incur quite a substantial amount of financial investment, article marketing is basically free advertising. Since your articles are included in the information base of search engines, they will automatically show up whenever a search term coincides with one or few of their keywords. In a way, an article is a living advertisement implemented on the Internet and it grows in recognition from time to time, without you having to pay extra for each and every appearance. Web owners who understand the full potential of article marketing will also post their articles in directories and ezines to boost their chances of drawing more visitors to their websites.

As the Internet continues to extend its influence into our livelihoods, article marketing will prevail as the most important means to distribute information, whether for a product or a mere matter of general interest. There is no website that can communicate effectively without web content, and articles are indeed the most significant bridge between webmasters and users. By adopting an elaborate article marketing strategy, you can be sure that your business will achieve new heights of success.

Need quality articles? Contact Allen Taylor at http://www.articlecontentprovider.com