Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sam's Club Wants to Be Your Search Engine Optimization Company - Should You Let It?

If the buzz is to be believed, Sam's Club is now a search engine optimization company that is targeting the local search market aggressively. The fact is, this isn't something new; it's just recently come to the forefront. Sam's Club has partnered with a company called Innuity to offer a program that is primarily targeted at small businesses looking to get noticed in the local search results.

Many people are screaming that this is a "worthless" service - but I disagree. It's not worthless, but it also isn't close to the service a comprehensive search engine optimization company can offer. Let's take a closer look - with the caveat that I am assuming that the service listed on the Innuity page for LeadConnect is the same service being offered through Sam's Club (also called LeadConnect).

What They're Offering

For $25 a month for Sam's Club members (and $39.95 a month for non-members), you can sign up for the LeadConnect service from Innuity. You'll get access to a dashboard that you can update with all of the necessary details about your business - name, address, phone number, types of products you offer, and so on. Once you've completed your dashboard, Innuity will submit your site to various local search engines such as Yahoo! Local, YellowPages, Pricegrabber, Google Local, and more. Then, if you update your dashboard at any time, Innuity will update your information at all of those local search sites, just like any search engine optimization company being paid a retainer fee might.

Innuity also claims on its website that this program includes having them submit your website to the major search engines (not to be confused with the local ones). This part is largely window dressing, as any good search engine optimization company knows. The major engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.) all find sites on their own, and "submitting" sites won't do anything to influence rankings.

My Opinion

If you don't have the time to do it manually and you don't have the budget to hire a search engine optimization company, paying $25 a month for a company to handle the submission to the local search sites isn't a terrible deal. The ongoing fee also makes sense if your business changes frequently, as again it will save you time from needing to update your listing on each local search engine each time you make a change.

The big question is what happens when you disengage from the service. Will your results remain on the local sites after you stop paying the monthly fee? Or will they be dropped the day you stop paying? In my opinion, it would be somewhat unethical for them to actively remove you from local search sites if you disengage, and I'm betting that they don't. I tried to reach them directly to ask but was unsuccessful (well, I called twice and was put on hold for an inordinate time in each instance without ever reaching a human being - you can draw your own conclusions from that).

Why This Is Good for the SEO Industry

Having a large, recognizable chain like Sam's Club acting as a "search engine optimization company" and offering this type of service has several benefits for the SEO industry. People in the SEO industry often forget that most people do not even know what SEO is, so this initiative is bringing awareness of the industry as a whole, even if it is focused on local search.

Additionally, the Sam's Club name gives SEO a bit of respectability. Search engine optimization has long been considered some voodoo science or, at best, a fringe discipline - but with this offering by a household name, it's now something that the average person might want to investigate. This may help the mainstream accept the idea of hiring a search engine optimization company in general.

Why This Could Be Problematic for the SEO Industry

The problem with this offering is that it is rather limited in scope, focused only on local search initiatives for local businesses. Because it is more common for people to use the general search engines over the local search engines, this may not bring in a large volume of new business. Yet at the same time, it is advertised in such a way as to seem to the average person as full-service search engine optimization. Nothing in the description online or in any of the literature I've gotten my hands on indicates that Innuity is letting people know that local search is just a part of a larger, more disciplined approach that another search engine optimization company might provide.

As a result, businesses that use LeadConnect rather than a search engine optimization company may find the results are not what they were hoping for. And they then may dismiss SEO in general because they don't understand that the LeadConnect service is limited. Local search is important, but there are many other ways to target a local market online that this service is not tapping into.

In addition, to see really great results from a local search initiative, your business must appear in the top few results in the local search engine - because those are the ones that will also appear on the main search results page. Any result beyond the top several will be more difficult for the average searcher to come by, whereas a first or second-page result on a main engine, which a full-service search engine optimization company might be able to garner, can be of great benefit to increasing exposure.


What Sam's Club is offering cannot directly compete with the services provided by a search engine optimization company - and it's not supposed to. This program is reasonable for a company with a small budget looking to boost its local exposure. Plus, it can bring the SEO concept to the masses. Unfortunately, it could also give people a false sense of what SEO is and what it can do for them. And it remains to be seen if people really want to buy an SEO package from the same vendor that sells them giant jars of mayo and bulk toilet paper.

(C) Medium Blue 2008

Scott Buresh is the founder of Medium Blue, a search engine optimization company. His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including MarketingProfs, ZDNet, SiteProNews, WebProNews, DarwinMag, ISEDB.com, and Search Engine Guide. Medium Blue has local and national clients, including Boston Scientific, Cirronet, and DS Waters, and was recently named the number one search engine optimization company in the world by PromotionWorld. Visit MediumBlue.com to request a custom SEO guarantee based on your goals and your data.

Five Reasons Why People Fail In Bum Marketing

If you are in Internet marketing, you are probably familiar with Bum marketing. Bum marketing techniques are proved and extremely effective techniques that can get you generate income over a period of time without any investment. However despite the popularity of Bum marketing techniques, not everyone is successful in it.

In this article I will talk about the reasons why people feel in bum marketing.

1. Trying to write the perfect article- Often people spend too much time thinking and analyzing what to write. In the process they spend way too much time and effort in writing an article. Over a period of time, they lose faith in article marketing primarily because they do not get the expected sales for their endeavors. Remember that you should not spend too much time in crafting an article. Allocate some time every day to write articles and target completing at least five articles every day. These articles should be informative and related to the niche you are targeting.

2. Spending too much time on keyword research- While keyword research is important, spending too much time on key words to write articles is not wise. You should rely more on common sense than keyword research when you write your articles. Instead of spending time on keyword research, you could better use the time to write articles on a popular affiliate product.

3. Give the prospects a reason to buy-When you are writing articles ask yourself what you are conveying in your articles. For example if you're trying to promote and affiliate product you must give the readers the reasons to buy the product. Walk through the advantages and the features of the product. Explain how the product would help them achieve their needs and how does that product stand out from the competition.

4. Create multiple accounts for the article submitting websites- To get the best results, have multiple accounts on ezine and goarticles. By having more than one account, you are increasing your chances of having your articles ranked by Google. Writing two articles with the same set of keywords will improve your rankings and sometimes you can have both the articles listed in the first page of Google.

5. Submitting the same articles to different websites: DoN'T submit the same article to different websites because it affects the ranking of your articles in Google. Instead work around your articles and create similar content and submit them to different websites.

Bum Marketing certainly works. What is very important for it to work this that you have to consistently produce articles every day. By writing five articles and a Squidoo lens everyday, you are giving yourself the best chance to succeed in Bum Marketing.

To grab a free copy of Bum Marketing Methods along with 4 other killer ebooks, visit my website.

Sri is an independent reviewer of the Top Internet Marketing Programs. Learn more about Affiliate Marketing at Internet Money Marketing.

Introducing A Killer Way Of Generating 100's Of Article Ideas In Just Minutes! (Part 1)

I was trying to come up with article ideas one rainy Sunday afternoon when I came up with an idea: I looked at salespages and their bullet points. These places are a goldmine of potential article topics!

Just by looking at one salespage, you can easily come up with dozens of article topics that you would not have thought of.

As an example, I was looking to write an article on acne and was getting short on ideas. I visited an acne solution salespage. How did I find it? Simple, I simply searched the Clickbank marketplace, where there are hundreds of direct marketing salespages for you to mine.

Direct marketing salespages are the best places to get ideas, simply they generate the best responses. Instead of concentrating on branding, their idea is to grab attention and sales.

So I found an acne site. And found a bullet that said something like this:

How To Eliminate Acne And Say Goodbye To Worthless Over The Counter Products Forever!

By reading that bullet point, it is easy to tell that the solution is a natural one, or something unorthodox. So I simply began to search for natural acne solutions on Google and read the articles that came up. I extracted the main points into Notepad and began writing my article. In less than 15 minutes, I had a brand new, unique article. Thats the power of bullets on salespages.

This tip alone can be worth hundreds of new articles, and more money in your bank account!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before its gone!

How To Use Forums To Get Backlinks For Your Webpage

Have you been thinking of ways to gather backlinks for your webpage so as to increase the ranking of your page? One way that is guaranteed to get you lots of backlinks is through forum postings.

Creating backlinks via the utilization of forums is more than just posting in the forum.

You need to come up with an awesome strategy in order not to only get backlinks to your site. You should also try your every means to drive the forum users who have seen your forum postings to your webpage.

So how can you make the forum users click through your signature links at the bottom of your forum postings? Simply create an inducing headline that makes anyone who saw it want to click on it to see what is shown in your site.

Below is a strategy that is guaranteed to create more backlinks to your site. Moreover, it will also increase your own web page's page rank if you follow it closely.

First, go to a search engine and do a search for a keyword phrase such as 'niche forum' whereby niche can be replaced by the niche site you had. From the list, go through the top 5 forums listing and go to their site.

Register for an username and password at the 5 niche forums and start posting replies or answers to people who are asking questions in the niche forums. Gain the trust of the people in the forums first before putting your signature.

After a week, insert a signature in your forum username setting and post replies to questions raised by forum users as usual. However, this time round, the signature that you have created which includes a backlink to your site via anchor text for the keyword or keyword phrase that you are trying to optimize for your site will appear in every forum posting you made.

Do this daily for 3 weeks and you will see your site get ranked higher.

Vincent Seah is a SEO specialist. He enjoys doing optimization of websites. He is currently a student of Ambatch Master Publisher Program and is participating in the ambatchmasterpublisher SEO contest organized specially for the students. To find out more, please visit http://ambatchmasterpublisher.blogspot.com

Lucrative Article Marketing - 5 Keys to Make More Profit With Article Marketing

Article marketing is the most talked about marketing tool in the online arena today. Some webmasters are still stunned when they realized that they actually generate more traffic, improved their search engine ranking, and increased their sales by just using this technique. Because of this, a lot of people are joining the bandwagon. Well, who wouldn't want to make more profit by just writing and submitting articles online?

Here are the 5 keys that can help you succeed in article marketing:

1. Write as many quality articles as you can. The success of article marketing relies on the number of your articles and their quality. When online users see that you have so much quality information to share, they will tag you as an expert on your chosen field. This can lead to increase number of your following.

2. Fill your articles with relevant keywords. To make your articles highly visible on search engines, sprinkle just the right amount of keywords on your content. Make sure that the keywords that you use are those that are being search for by your target market.

3. Provide your readers with powerful summary or conclusion. Provide your readers with a recap on important points that you have raised on your articles. This will make them remember your ideas for a longer period of time.

4. Cross reference your articles. Make it easier for your readers to access your other articles by inserting their links on the current article they are reading. This is the best way to "upsell" your other articles.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from publishing sites like ezinearticles.com and goarticles.com, syndicate your articles and post them on ezines, blogs, or compile them to create an eBook. To reach more audience, I suggest that you make this eBook available for download and ask your readers to share it with their friends and family members.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Profitable Article Marketing - 4 Great Steps to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

If you have recently launched your website and currently looking for ways on how you can drive quality traffic to it, I suggest that you use article marketing as your traffic-generating tool. This is a free, reliable marketing solution that can help you increase your page views.

1. Perform a keyword research. Before you write your articles, you need to know the keywords or keyphrases that are constantly searched for by your potential clients. You can do this with the help of a free reliable keyword suggestion tool. Jot down all the keywords and keyphrases and create at least one article for each. Sprinkle relevant keywords all throughout your content to make your articles search engine-friendly.

2. Submit to the best publishing sites. There are hundreds of article submissions sites in the internet today but only few of them are being accessed of online users. Some of these are ezinearticles and goarticles dot com. Prioritize these sites when posting your articles online as they can easily give your articles the exposure they need.

3. Write from the readers' perspective. Always keep in mind the information they need and how they want the information to be presented to them. Whenever possible, put yourself in their shoes to better understand their profile so you can be more effective in addressing all their needs and demands.

4. Be determined. Although article marketing is considered one of the best traffic-generating and product promotional tool over the internet, it cannot guarantee you success overnight. That is why perseverance and determination play crucial roles in succeeding in this field. Don't be discouraged when you don't see noticeable results after a couple of submissions. Once your articles were read and massively distributed, you can be assured that a lot of people will flock your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Uncover 4 No-Brainer Steps to Impact Your Article Marketing

There are millions of people who are making huge money through article marketing. They use this off-page SEO solution to either generate massive traffic to their sites or promote affiliate products for commission. This is also the preferred method by marketers when building their email marketing lists and in showcasing their expertise on their chosen field.

1. Improve the quality of your articles. The idea in writing your articles is to have them picked up and republished by webmasters so you can easily multiply the number of inbound links for your website. If you are targeting massive distribution, your articles must be well-written, offers valuable information, and useful to your target niche.

2. Multiply the number of your articles. Just like quality, the quantity of your articles is one crucial element that can guarantee you success. Every time you submit an article, you obtain one quality inbound link for your website. The more links you generate, the more quality traffic you can attract to your website. The better the traffic, the more online revenue you can generate.

3. Learn the basic of SEO. Article marketing doesn't require you to learn complicated HTML codes or programming languages just to have a better page ranking. However, it is crucial that you know how to pick and position relevant keywords and key phrases on your articles so they can be easily indexed by search engines.

4. Choose the best article submissions sites. Not all publishing sites are created equal. Some of them are not even indexed by Google. Identify the sites that are highly visited and can give your articles greater chances of being massively distributed.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Maximum Steps to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article marketing is becoming more and more popular to millions of webmasters all over the globe. Due to its proven ability to drive quality traffic to one's website, almost every webmasters are using this technique to make sure that they will get their fair share of online visitors. What makes it really appealing is the fact that it can be used for free and it allows you to communicate your knowledge to show your readers that you are really good on what you do, so they will come to trust you.

Here are the maximum steps to make money through article marketing:

1. If you are a freelance writer, you can promote other websites through this technique. Write quality articles and submit them on publishing sites. Just make sure that all articles are highly relevant to the products and services that your clients are offering. Since not all webmasters have the knack for writing and most of them do not have much time to do all the website promotion tasks, you will surely land a good article marketing project.

2. Promote affiliate products. You can write articles about problems or pressing issues that are being faced by your target niche and recommend an affiliate product as a solution on your resource box. By doing this, you will be paid commissions for every sale that you make.

3. Promote your own website. You can drive traffic to your own website through this technique. You can then use that traffic to sell your own products or sell ad space to advertisers. Either way, you will surely earn money.

4. Make use of a great resource box. Don't just leave your website's URL on your resource box. Make a call to action and give you readers a reason to act ASAP.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Is The Bridge Between You and Your Customers

With information technology on the rise and gaining relevance in the world today, article marketing has become a significant tool to promote businesses on the Internet. While it is well-known that articles make consumers understand a product better, a well-written article can be one of the main reasons why any product sells. These days, article marketing is so advanced that it has become the foremost advertising strategy for many online businesses.

Central to the effectiveness of article marketing is the implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The primary function of this form of article writing is to achieve prominent rankings on the search engines by utilizing keywords which are popular among Internet users. When a user enters a search term which is identical to your keyword, the web page of your article will be displayed as a search result. With effective SEO strategies, you can rank among the top search results and benefit from a steady flow of incoming traffic, which will ultimately lead to increased sales.

Due to the fact that SEO article writing involves a great deal of research and expertise, most website owners prefer to employ SEO experts to manage their web content. These specialized professionals will provide you keyword-rich articles that will dramatically improve the visibility of your website and win customers over with their convincing content. SEO article marketing is such a proven success in the world of online business that many website owners are willing to hire the services of top SEO experts to help them launch their businesses into greater heights of profitability.

Other than its overall contribution to the betterment of sales, article marketing also brings professionalism and prestige to your website. With comprehensive articles that offer expert information about your products, your website will be widely regarded as an authoritative entity. It will assume a position as the favored destination for consumers seeking specialized knowledge pertaining to your products. As your reputation grows, your brand will be established as a trusted name in the business and this will in turn translate to a long-term influx of web traffic.

Compared to other forms of online advertisements which incur quite a substantial amount of financial investment, article marketing is basically free advertising. Since your articles are included in the information base of search engines, they will automatically show up whenever a search term coincides with one or few of their keywords. In a way, an article is a living advertisement implemented on the Internet and it grows in recognition from time to time, without you having to pay extra for each and every appearance. Web owners who understand the full potential of article marketing will also post their articles in directories and ezines to boost their chances of drawing more visitors to their websites.

As the Internet continues to extend its influence into our livelihoods, article marketing will prevail as the most important means to distribute information, whether for a product or a mere matter of general interest. There is no website that can communicate effectively without web content, and articles are indeed the most significant bridge between webmasters and users. By adopting an elaborate article marketing strategy, you can be sure that your business will achieve new heights of success.

Need quality articles? Contact Allen Taylor at http://www.articlecontentprovider.com

Where Are Your Potential Customers Searching Online?

Customers search habits are rapidly changing to the Internet. Now your fingers are using the keyboard not the Yellow Pages. Businesses must gear up for this NEW REALITY.

Local Search Marketing Is the Next Tsunami. As a local business, you can no longer ignore these facts. If you want to compete and survive, you must have a presence where your customers are searching. Local search marketing is vital to the future of your business. Here are a few important areas to consider:

1) The Major Search Engines Search Engine Optimization for higher rankings and pay-per-click advertising for more targeted web presence.

2) Internet Yellow Pages This growing service is rapidly replacing the traditional yellow page directories.

3) FREE Local Directories and Portals Identifying these online resources and taking advantage of these valuable opportunities is a must for your business.

4) Regional and Industry Specific Directories There are numerous directories that focus on specific types of businesses and services and will list them geographically or by industry as well as national directories that will offer localized business information.

5) Paid Listings There are paid listings in local resources, yellow pages, search engines and directories, but you must be selective since most will waste your money. Deciding factors will be if they target your prospective customer base and have significant qualified traffic. In all cases, you must track and analyze your results.

The trend is clear and backed up with some marketing stats from the Kelsey Group.
74% of U.S. households use the Internet to find local shopping information.
45% of local searches had intent to buy.
16% decline in Yellow Page directory usage, shifting to online.

Local search marketing is the next big marketing push on the Internet. Act now and stay way ahead of your competition. Help your business open the door to this growing Internet market.

TeamWork Builds Web Success

The Web Success Team specializes in building and marketing direct response websites that take full advantage of the latest developments on the Internet. The Team has an arsenal of effective web strategies, online tools and proven techniques to promote your products and services. And well show you ways to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your site through the expanding social web and how to convert visitors into buyers at a high rate of return.

Your website can become an effective marketing hub for your business. To learn more about the power of Direct Response Web Marketing, log on to http://www.websuccessteam.com/whydirectresponse.htm

Contact the Team today for a complimentary consultation at http://www.websuccessteam.com/contactus.htm or email Bob Speyer at bob@websuccessteam.com To your web success!

Article Marketing - Uncover 5 No-Brainer Steps to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is a great way to impart your knowledge to your readers and earn quality inbound links for your website. It is the most favorite marketing tool of millions of marketers worldwide because it is cost-effective, hassle-free, and it really works!

Here are the 5 no-brainer steps to amplify your article marketing:

1. Offer unique content. Copying somebody else's work and claiming it your own is deadly to your marketing techniques. This can result to penalties from major search engines and this will surely make you lose the trust of your potential clients. Strive to give your readers unique content by putting your ideas into writing using your own words.

2. Write and submit more articles. Article marketing is indeed a game of numbers. If you want to earn more quality inbound links for your website and further strengthen your online presence, you must be willing to multiply the number of your submission.

3. Use striking titles. This is the first step to get online users to read your content. Make your titles keyword-rich, attention-grabbing, intriguing, and thought-provoking by incorporating humor, emotion, fear, and exaggeration.

4. Your articles must be interesting to read. You must be able to put your readers at ease when they read your content. They must also feel delighted that they are spending their precious time reading your articles. You can do so by offering your information in a very light and easy to understand manner.

5. Offer valuable information. To make your articles worth reading, give your readers what they truly want - useful and valuable content. Fill your articles with information that they will find helpful in their current situation or will provide answers to their burning questions. This is the key to compel them to click on your resource box and check out your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

The Secrets To Using Article Marketing To Generate A Powerful List Building System

I am sure that if you are reading this article then you would like to be a successful internet marketer. Let us look at the make up of a successful internet business.

If you are look at all the super successful internet marketers like Mike Filsaime, Ewen Chia and Derek Gehl what makes them so successful is that they have very big lists. I know that Derek Gehl has a list of more than 800,000. So if he were to email his list with an offer and the product for example costs $200 and converted at 1 percent I am sure that you could do the math for yourself. This would be a lot of money.

So let us look at the various aspects of your article marketing that you need to do to get the whole cycle of making money on the internet right. You need to write good quality articles focusing on your niche market. After you have written your articles you need to submit them to the major article directories.

In your bio you need to have a link to your squeeze page so that you will convert visitors into subscribers. Then you need a very good email follow up system to monetize your subscribers. If you get any of these parts wrong then it is unlikely that you will make money.

The analysis that I provided really simplifies things quite a lot. However, you need to spend a lot of time tracking and testing your web site systems so that you are maximizing the performance.

You can do this in many ways. Track different bios to see which produces the best results. You can test different squeeze pages to determine the best converting ones. Lastly you need to test your autoresponder messages to determine which are the best performing ones that will maximize your income.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Almost Criminal Technique To Build Your List Using Free Advertising

For most people that are starting an internet business they are very limited with their advertising budget. There are free advertising sources that you can use.

I have tested these free advertising sources with varying results of success. The first one and probably the easiest is forum marketing. Based on my own personal testing I found that about fifty percent of people would remove themselves from my newsletter. The second was web 2 advertising like articles on Digg. However, I found it extremely difficult to get this traffic to actually convert. The only method that I found to convert leads into customers consistently was article marketing.

I promote my internet business using the following method of article marketing.

Choose a niche market to focus the articles that you are writing for. Create an attention grabbing headline first. Write the introduction and conclusion next. Brain storm ideas for the body encapsulating each idea in a bullet point. It is very important that you share a slice of your expertise. Make sure that you help your reader. If you do this correctly then they will want to subscribe to your newsletter and learn more.

In the resource box you can offer a free report for download from your squeeze page. When your reader actually clicks on the resource box they will go to your squeeze page. You need to ensure that the squeeze page submits the name and email details to your autoresponder. I suggest that you use a professional service like Getresponse.

Finally, you will have a series of opt in emails that will follow up with your prospects, build a relationship and sell them products.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing Online

Article marketing is an inexpensive venture and can dramatically increase your pool of leads. It can even help you increase your bottom line by adding new streams of income. Article marketing is the absolute advertising technique if you are promoting affiliate products. I bet you think that I am going to list all of the standard reasons, right? Article marketing is one of the best ways to pre-sell a product because it allows you to gain enough credibility with your reader that they are more apt to click on your resource box link to find out more.

Article marketing is one of the best traffic generating strategies and it's easily picked up by the search engines if you chose the right topic, keywords and of course the correct site to submit. I'm am just starting out after read a lots on the internet. and it seems that ezinearticles.com is the best. I would like to generating some qualified traffic to my site. Article marketing is one of the new, Hot ways to generate traffic, because you are meeting the needs of search engines and the needs of your human website visitors as well. You can distribute articles to submission websites like www.ezinearticles.com, and they will be published all over the Internet, with your contact information. Article marketing is by far the most misunderstood form of online marketing there is. It is many different things to many different people.

Article marketing is a tool whose time has come: You can write free articles about your area of expertise. Those articles are distributed across the internet, generating exposure and positive publicity about your business as they are used as free content on various websites. Article marketing is one of the best ways to build free traffic, build your link popularity, build your contact list .

Article marketing is the best content-based marketing solution in the internet today. That is why; every webmasters would like to excel in this technique to get ahead of the pack. Article marketing is a great way to promote your affiliate product or affiliate program. By writing an article that delivers value and offers a subtle mention of your affiliate product, you're well on your way to getting the proper exposure for your promotion. Article marketing is the process of writing articles and submitting them to other web sites to promote your web sites and article pages. This is often referred to as syndication.

Article marketing is a critical part of any successful internet business plan. It is an amazingly effective way to get traffic-building backlinks and a reputation as a reliable source of knowledge.

by William Roberts

I am the owner of several Blogs and websites. I live in South Georgia. I am also just getting started at writing articles.

2008 all rights reserved

Amazing Article Marketing - Discover 5 Authentic Ways to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Did you know that you can generate more money online by just writing and submitting your articles to various publishing sites? You see, this process which is commonly called as article marketing can easily drive quality traffic to your website and help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche so people online will trust you and consider doing business with you.

Here are the 5 authentic ways to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Bank on your content. If you want online users to read your articles in their entirety and click on you resources box right after, you need to give them valuable content that they will find useful and valuable to their lives. Your content must also help you communicate with your readers that you are truly good on your chosen niche so they will consider transacting with you. Make your articles informative, content-rich, easy to understand, and direct to the point and you'll surely earn the nods of your readers.

2. Use keywords. The first step that you need to take in order to connect with your potential clients is to make your articles highly searchable online. This can easily be done by properly using the most popular search terms within your chosen niche on your articles. Observe appropriate keyword density to minimize the chances of your articles being rejected by both search engines and article publishing sites.

3. More articles mean more inbound links. Article marketing is the easiest way to generate backlinks for your website. For every article you submit, you can earn one inbound link for your site. Take advantage of this and multiply your submissions to easily boost the number of your backlinks in no time.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Check the internet and identify article submission sites that have impressive page ranking and heavy traffic. These are sites that can give your articles the exposure they need. Don't waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google as these cannot help you connect with your target audience.

5. Proofread. Before you make your articles available online, make sure that they do not contain any type of errors that can easily throw off your readers. This can be done by manually proofreading your articles or asking a professional editor to do the legwork for you.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

5 Top Ways To Improve Your Article Marketing

In this article I would like to share with you some of the best ways that I have used to improve my efforts from article marketing. Hopefully these ideas will help you as much as what they have helped me.

1) If you were anything like me then there is a good chance that you struggled to write your first few articles. A lot of people when they first start doing article marketing want to write about anything. To succeed with article marketing you need to focus on a very narrow topic. Get rid of your limiting beliefs. Also unwind and listen to some relaxing music to get your creative juices flowing. So often we struggle to write because our minds are not trained to do so.

2) Repeatedly people over emphasize the use of keywords in the articles and it hurts the search engine rankings and also the readability of the article. The search engines can easily make sure if the article is relevant to the keywords by the words that are being used.

3) It is significant that you build an electronic system for recording your ideas. Often you will get an idea for another article while you are writing an existing one and you will forget about the new idea. Now when you start writing an article from scratch you will wish that you recorded your original idea to save a lot of time. You will struggle to come up with original ideas when you need to deliberately think about them.

4) The primary purpose for your article is to capture your visitor's name and email address when they visit your web site. You need to capture a segment of the market that you can market to over and over again. Without a list of possible prospects for your business that you can sell to you will struggle to be successful with your internet business.

5) Submit your articles to all the main article directories. These will serve as backlinks to your website and will also increase your link popularity as the articles become viral in nature and get published by other websites.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

What Are The Criteria For Internet Marketing?

As simply as it sounds, Internet Marketing is simply the marketing of products or service on the Internet.

The concepts of Internet marketing might be very simple, but to execute the strategies effectively, can be extremely difficult to implement. Regardless of one's level of experience, this can be difficult even for those who are experienced in the world of Internet marketing.

Within this article an attempt will be made that explains some of the basic concepts of Internet marketing geared for beginners and will touch on some of the basic strategies that can help a beginning business owner to launch his/her own Internet marketing campaign.

The first item to be tackled and one of the most important steps for your Internet marketing campaign is that of creating your own website. If by chance you don't have a website or you have one that is poorly designed, then you should take the time to create one or re-design the one you have, to market your products.

In the event, you do not have the experience or time to design your site, there are numerous software packages which simplify the process and make it easy for those with little or no design experience, to create a functioning website. Also keep in mind that hiring a web designer can also be worthwhile because he/she can create a website for you which is attractive, functional and suitable for the products or services that you plan on marketing. He/she can help you include some of the more advanced features, that you might desire on your website.

Banner ads are also a popular option to advertise your business on the Internet. They are simply advertisements that can be placed at any point on your website, but they usually near the top or bottom of a website.

These types of ads usually include graphics and/or text that you hope will entice the Internet users to click on the ad. When a user does click on the ad, they are then taken to your website.

Banner advertising seems to be most effective when the advertisements are placed on high traffic websites that attract a lot of traffic, who may have an interest in your products.

An e-newsletter or ezine can also be a part of your Internet marketing strategy. E-newsletters are basically emails in which you provide information that might include articles, product announcements or any other type of information that might be worthwhile for the recipients.

The main importance of the newsletters is that you can use them as marketing tools, which are not viewed by the recipients as advertisements. The best way to do this is o include links or other sale approaches into what you write in the e-newsletters. Keep the references to a minimum, so your e-newsletter is not looked at as spam.

Email is another tool that you can use in your marketing campaigns. With Email marketing, you essentially compose something and send it out to a group of individuals who have requested information from you and who may be interested in products or services you have to offer.

It is very important that you do not send out emails, unless the individuals have this is through the use of a signup page on your website and using an autoresponder.

Visitors to your site sign up for your newsletter or promotion. They are then sent an email from your autoresponder that they respond too this acknowledges that they in fact want to receive emails from you. You should only send out emails to those users who have requested to be included in your email mailing list.

You should try to provide some type of value in the emails, rather than just including advertisements. You can do this by offering any relevant advice or other useful information, which could be of interest to the recipients of your email.

Finally, you need to optimize your website for search engines and this is a critical aspect of your Internet marketing campaign. Basically, the Search engines rank websites as to the quality and relevance of the content as it relates to a particular search term.

Most Internet users rely heavily on the search engines and use them to find the best websites on a particular topic or subject. This means that in most instances, Internet users are usually going to visit only those websites that rank well with the various search engines.

Keep in mind that if your website does not rank high, you will probably not generate a great deal of traffic to your website. The top ranking websites are the ones most likely to obtain the traffic from search engines.

Mickey Lieberman is a Computer Consultant with over 30 years of experience working with both IBM mainframes, in various capacities and PC's. If you are looking for resources to help with your website marketing and promotion or products you can buy, you can find them at at http://www.mklbiz.net

Search Engine Optimisation: Black Hat or White Hat SEO?

If you are looking around for a search engine optimisation company to carry out some SEO work on your website, then make sure you choose the right colour hat. There are a large number of companies that adopt a fast and unethical approach to SEO, known as black hat SEO, while there are a smaller number or companies that implement ethical SEO work, known as white hat SEO. The key to choosing the right colour, which is obviously the white, is as follows

Before you even think of taking on a search engine optimisation company, the first thing is to shop around and see what is out on the market. The same principles would apply if you were to buy a new computer. You would look at a few models, prices and what each model has to offer. If an SEO company was to offer a service that would guarantee you top ranks, there is a very good chance they are wearing a black hat. No SEO company can guarantee top ranks since they have no direct control over the search engines and their ranking algorithms. They can however mention that top ranks are highly achievable due to their previous success with other clients.

Be sure to look at a companies portfolio page (if they have one on their website or simply ask them) and carry out some research on their clients. This can be done by looking at the clients website performance within the search engines for the selected keywords they have been optimised for. Another good idea would be to write a courtesy email to the client asking for a reference on the SEO company they have used to optimise their website.

The most important giveaway on a black hat SEO company is the way they would describe their services. If a company cannot go into detail on how they carry out their work (meaning they are very vague), and this involves justifying each step of their work, then it would be best to avoid their services. A proper SEO firm will be more than happy to explain their services in detail and justify their reasons for using such techniques. If you cannot quiet understand the techniques they use then be sure to do some research on the internet and read SEO articles that explain each technique. If you find that their work fits along the lines of your research and that it is all ethical, then they are a company you should put on your list.

A last point to mention, a company should stress the phrase patience is the key to success with SEO. If a company claims that they can achieve results very fast, then it is time to start running. In theory, SEO that is carried out correctly on a website will take time until the results start to show (most cases 3 to 6 months but could be longer).

Would you like to know what could happen to your website if you hire a black hat SEO company, regardless of how big or small your website is in terms of brand recognition? An example would be the story of the BMW German website. They hired a black hat SEO firm to carry out some work on their website and that resulted in their site being banned from the Google ranks. So it is best to do your research on SEO by reading articles such as this one and question a companies approach on search engine optimisation. This will ensure that you have selected the clean white hat and that your website will not be tarnished from the black.

About the Author: David Touri works for SEO Sydney Search Engine Marketing, the SEO Consultants. He has worked on various projects and offers search engine optimisation in Australia.

A Marketing Strategy In Its Simplest Form

Marketing strategies come after the objectives and vision and mission statement and before the action plan and tasks. The marketing strategy is how you are going to carry out the objective.

Tasks contain the detail. Tasks are what you want to list and keep track of in your day timer system not your marketing plan. Whether that is in Outlook, a Franklin-type system, or in your electronic appointment system like a Palm Pilot. It doesn't matter if you prefer to start with a task and work your way up into the objective or work from the objective down. Both should accomplish the same result.

After creating the objectives, and making sure they are S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, action-oriented and achievable, realistic, and timely), focus on one and progress to the Action Plan and Tasks. Completing one at a time in this manner will expose any gaps or duplicates.

Occasionally, there may be several strategies to one objective or several objectives for one strategy. If this occurs look for duplicates. Duplicates say the same thing in different words. This review will keep the plan clear and concise.

In my consultant role, I consistently see two mistakes made during the strategy clarification process. Keep these in mind as you define yours:

1. Timeframe not considered or matched so that it can deliver the results desired.

2. Choosing what is comfortable but doesn't reach a large enough profitable target market.


Strategies need to be designated as short-term, medium-term, or long-term. The length of time for each depends on the business focus, market, and its maturity stage. For a new business owner, maybe all you can handle is a 3-month plan -- short term. Whereas an established business may state theirs in longer times: short-term 1 year, medium 3 years, and long-term 5 years. A mature business may be 3, 5 and 10.

Operating in a 30-day vacuum for too long creates flash fires that consistently need to be distinguished. When this occurs the business is running you. At day 31 its a scramble to create the next 30-day plan and the cycle repeats. After so many of these cycles even the most patient person will give up on planning.

Balance for a new business will have more short-term objectives and strategies and less medium and long-term. This normally occurs because testing and finding what works is still a big part of their process and the marketing system is still in flux.

Balance for an established business (5-10 years) would have more objectives and strategies under medium-term. Whereas a mature business (ten years up) would be striving for more smoothness in their long-term strategies except for new product or service development which begins its heaviest set of strategies in the short-term.


Choosing the right strategy isn't always about setting a strategy comfortable for the solopreneur. The correct strategy is one that is right for the prospects. The best one delivers the results desired. Normally, one that reaches the market in the fastest and easiest manner using the least amount of resources.

I hear comments from solopreneurs like this: "I don't like to do that." "I simple can't possibly do that." "I refuse to do that." "I don't have the time." This closed mind just because its uncomfortable is their saboteur to success. Afterwards they justify it with, "Money isn't everything." They logically know that its natural to justify any decision we make but they don't see the connection. Some figure this out years later, others never get it and go out of business, and others finally get themselves to that comfortable place.

The perfect strategy services both the comfort level and the broadest market possible so it may deliver the desired results.

Don't waste time doing what you are comfortable with that doesn't reach a profitable enough market. This wastes valuable and limited resources and creates failure.

Once you incorporate these important features into your strategy development you will your plan easier to follow and implement.

Catherine Franz is a master business coach, author and speaker. For the next week, there is a 2 for 1 sale on her books. http://www.Abundancecenter.com