Friday, May 23, 2008

Global Resorts Network and the GRN Teambuilder - What's Up With That?

Having spent the majority of my life in marketing and advertising, selling everything from radio and television air time to fine imported chocolate, I'm always intrigued by new and interesting approaches to the process. Long ago, I learned that creativity is plagiarism with a flair. You simply can't reinvent the wheel. But, along the road I did discover that thoughtful tiny adjustments make a big difference in how that wheel moves.

Global Resorts Network has an extraordinary product that requires less hard selling and simply making the offer. Everyone goes on vacation and if they don't, they want to. Good. An excellent product is paramount. But when the GRN Teambuilder came into focus, what I found was a beautifully efficient wheel; one that not only smoothly rides the road but clearly maps out where you want to go.

Just imagine a clear route to success? One that has taken into consideration every bump and pothole along the way? I find this an amazing approach, as most home based opportunities are laced with so much fancy adornment I could hardly find the meat of the matter. I wanted not only a good, smooth wheel, I wanted a vehicle surrounding it that could point out the road signs and make sure I get to my destination.

What's up with Global Resorts Network and GRN Teambuilder is that the answers to all the detours and roadblocks are pointed out. An explanation to what goes wrong with other home based businesses. The tools are there and success is not only possible, it's probable. Don't you just hate when home based business opportunities take your money and disappear? Or worse yet, just hand you a list of leads you had to pay for and a prewritten script? Sometimes you even forget what you're selling, it's so deeply buried under the guise of making millions and living like the Donald.

I've searched the internet for something that made sense to me. I found Global Resorts Network and GRN Teambuilder ... a marriage that efficiently and effectively put together everything I know to be sound marketing prceedures ... and they've done it with a flair; something truly extraordinary in a world where everyone wants to find the easy way and keeps ending up with a few tires in the ditch.

I'm Debbie Riley-Magnus and I'm thrilled to know I can brush off the road grime and really find my way.

For more information about Global Resorts Network and the GRN Teambuilder, pop by and take a look at

Do You Wear A White Hat Or Black Hat?

When someone mentions the phrase "Organic SEO", they mean the optimization of a website to appear in the non-paid, search algorithm driven results in search engines. However, it is useful to understand that there are two "clans" for organic SEO experts, and these two clans use very different strategies in getting results.

The first clan is called white hat SEO, the other one is called the black hat!

Here are the differences between the strategies used by the two clans.

Quality Content versus Exploiting Algorithm Loopholes

White hat SEO experts build quality content. As the adage goes "Content is King" on the Internet. Quality content is the best bait for targeted incoming links - people who find your article informative and interesting will recommend you by putting a link on their site.

The Black hats SEO clan, instead, constantly looks for technical loopholes in the search engine algorithms to "game" the search engines, such as cloaking sites, nasty redirects, keyword stuffing and many others. When the search engines algorithms are reviewed, these site are very often kicked out of the index, but these black hat SEO experts simply get though this by searching for another loophole.

Attracting Links versus Participation in Linking Schemes

As we all know the number of incoming links to a particular website is one of the key factors that determine the success of the website. When you have more incoming links, it would mean to the search engine that you "have been recommended" by more people, so naturally you should appear higher in the search listings.

However, again the two clans use different strategies to get their incoming links. The white hat SEO experts often looks at a website and ask themselves "How do I get people to link to want to link to this site willingly?" The eventual result can be the using the best link bait as mentioned above - using quality content, or more applying a more creative strategy by providing a viral service that people would want to recommend to friends.

The black hats, on the other hand, simply thinks of "How do I get links to the site?" They pay no consideration to whether the links provide value to the visitors and readers. The eventual strategy that emerges usually turns out to be schemes like link farms and reciprocal link schemes.

Learning about the search algorithms to follow them versus learning about the algorithms to exploit them

Both clans of SEO expert do a massive amount of research, except that they do their research for different purposes. Search engine algorithms change frequently, and research is done to learn about the changes in algorithms - which strategies work, and which doesn't.

The white hat SEO clan uses this way of thinking - "How can I use the algorithm to help me rank well?" The black hat SEO clan thinks using - "How do I bypass this meddlesome algorithm and rank well?"

Again, because the search engine algorithms change very frequently, the black hat clan will find their rankings to drop once the algorithms change to cover the loophole. White hat SEO techniques will often stay high in rankings.

So, are you wearing white hat or a black hat? Will your rankings continue to stay where they were if you stopped optimizing it daily, or will it drop drastically?

Tan Kian Ann is an advocate and mentor for creating sustainable home based eMarketing businesses. To claim your free eCourse worth $147 on how to get create a sustainable eMarketing business, and live the "money rolling in while you sleep" lifestyle, check out Kian Ann's eMarketing Lifestyle project

When You Want It Done Right The First Time, Do It With Outsourcing Keyword Research

One of the most common mistake that website owners make is not properly researching the keywords that they are using for their site. The result? Poor search engine rankings and less traffic coming in. In the end, all the hard work in creating the best design and the money spent on promotion will not bring in the result you want.

Over the Internet, there are already a lot of keyword research tool that site owners can use to come up with the right keywords to use. These are the tools that can produce the combinations that can bring the most visitors and profit to your business. Having an aggressive keyword sets or phrases will make it easy for the search engines and the people to find you when they need you.

Answering to the need for keyword research are the numerous keyword tools that can be found online. Along with these are the persons that cater especially to keyword generation, gathering and sorting.

Not all businesses have with them the skilled individual that are capable of keyword research. This is why most of them have turned to outsourcing keyword research in order to find the person and the tool to do it for them.

With outsourcing keyword research, you will be be provided with the persons to:

1. Get to know more about the clients you want to visit your site. This is done through surveys or queries that visitors will put on your website.

2. Study your competitions. A vital part in search engine optimization is understanding who your competitors and what they do in relation to what you are doing.

3. Look for the keywords your site will appear under. This is based on the product or service that you provide.

4. Identify specific keywords that are related to your business. Usually done using online keyword tracking tools. To know best what people are clicking on when they are looking for a specific product or service.

Keyword research may just be the ingredient that is missing in your website. When you do not have the person to do it, you can always outsource it to people who really knows what they are doing.

For more info and inquiries, visit us at: Keyword Research Outsourcing

Powerful Article Marketing - 4 Effective Methods to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Article marketing, as millions of webmasters would agree, is currently the best website promotional tool that aims to drive huge, quality traffic to your website without the need to spend a single dime. As this marketing tool is easy to use and proven to deliver great results, it is currently the most used traffic-generating and advertising tool in the internet today.

Here are the 4 effective methods to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Quality. This is the most important element in your article marketing campaign. You have to make sure that all your articles are of high quality and well-written to increase your clickthrough rate and convince more people to widely distribute your articles online. As you know, the more people publishing your articles, the more inbound links you will be able to obtain for your website.

2. Title. Most new marketers ignore this element as they think that the quality of their articles is enough to stir attention online. This is but plain wrong and could be deadly for your marketing strategy. You need to understand that even before online users can check on your content, they would consider your titles first. If they are not intriguing and attention-grabbing, there is no way that your articles will be opened and read.

3. Optimize. Make your articles search engine-friendly so they will become highly searchable online. Download a reliable keyword suggestion tool to figure out which keywords are usually searched within you target niche and sprinkle them all throughout your content. Don't forget to include your main keyword on your titles too.

4. Publishing sites. Consider the page ranking and quality of traffic of article submission sites before you post your articles. Do not waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google as these cannot help you realize your article marketing goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Secrets You Should Know To Rank High In SEO Optimization

You've probably created an awesome looking website, perhaps spent good money at it too. You may also have submitted this beautiful website to a few search engines and prayed and hoped that people would mysteriously show up at your side and buy whatever it is you were selling.

Well this may well be what many marketers did 10 years ago, but not anymore as you've probably found out by now, hopefully not through the hard way. This is the reality today and you might even know that to optimize your website around your main keywords helps you to rank well in thousands of search engines.

There are just too much to cover in this type of optimization but for interest of space and your time in deciphering what I have to impart to you, I will share with you some good tips and focus only on some important aspects of on-page optimization and off-page optimization, which are essentially the two types of search engine optimization, that you can immediately practiced and benefit.

On-page refers to things you can do to your own website. Off-page refers to the things that happen to your website from other sites (usually referring to incoming links from other sites), and therefore you may not have much control over this if you don't have good knowledge or strategy.

On page optimization essentially refers to:

Header tags - use and placing specific keywords within those tags

Title tag - your title tag, should contain your main keyword in the title tags

Bolding, italicizing, underlining your keywords that are found anywhere in the body of the webpage.

One misconception people sometimes have is putting too many keywords in the Meta Tags. This may not help in SEO optimization at all. In fact it might even hurt you. Many people do not know that ideally the title tag should contain fewer than 100 characters while the keyword and description tags should contain fewer than 256 characters each. Most search engines will only consider data within these character ranges when indexing a web page.

On the contrary, some SEO experts even suggest combining your keywords in the page title. Combining keywords to cut down on the total number of keywords displayed in the title is a great way to boost the strength of each individual keyword. This will greatly have an immediate impact on your SEO ranking.

Having said all the good things about on-page optimization, and I agree that it is something every marketer really ought to do, you may still not see dramatic changes in the seo ranking. It's the off page optimization factors that will drive this eventual result.

It's for this reason that you should focus more on off-page optimization. While this is far more important of the two types of SEO optimization, it is also the harder of the two. Off page optimization basically consists of all off page ranking factors like:

Which websites and how many of them link to you

The Google page rank of the website linking to you

The page title of the website linking to you

The anchor text used in the link linking to you

The number and type of links linking to the website that's linking to you.

The number of outbound links on the website that is linking to you

The total number of links on the website that is linking to you

Whether or not the websites linking to you are deemed by Google as an authority website.

Link popularity and link development are related to off page optimization and there is just too much to go over in this article. What I can share with you here and it comes from many SEO experts too, is that getting links from webpages that contain your main keyword in the page title is extremely powerful and is something many people often overlook.

I hope that I leave you with some good seo tips which you can immediately use, and be convinced that SEO optimization, link development and keyword optimization are instrumental in bringing you free, natural and organic traffic to your website.

To find the best Work At Home Ideas and Opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Building Up Your Internet Business With Article Submission Software

Article submissions are a great way to promote your Internet Business and drive in targeted traffic. There are literally thousands of ezines, websites and newsletters you can submit to in order to increase your website traffic.

The problem with this practice is that you will often times spend more time re-working your articles and filling out forms than you did in writing them!

This practice is not only very time consuming, but also lends to a duplicate content dilemma.

If you submit an identical article to multiple websites, search engines rapidly identify the duplicate content and you do not receive the maximum benefit of incoming links from your article submissions.

Imagine having to manually create a different version of every article you write for every website you submitted it to - what a headache!

This is where article submission software comes in handy. It can make the job of submitting articles much easier. Most of the article submission software packages submit to their own list of publishers. Top quality article directories e.g. Ezine Articles, Go Articles, Article Dashboard and the like only accept manual submissions, so article submission software is out of the question with these quality directories.

You can expect that you will typically pay per article or for a set number of articles per week or month. The fees themselves, are generally cheap, but they add up swiftly since you want to publish a constant stream of articles to drive targeted traffic to your website.

While article submission software programs are not cheap, the cost is well worth the time you save and more quickly ensures increased website traffic and promotion to your Internet Business, the end result of which is more money in your pocket.

Here's the bottom line - building up and promoting your Internet Business, increasing your website traffic and driving in targeted traffic are much more easily and quickly accomplished with the benefit of article submission software.

Do you want to learn how to write explosive author bios to get tons of traffic?

Download it FREE here: "How To Write Explosive Author Bios For Maximum Results!"

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Do you want to learn how I make a lot of money with articles every day? Click Here: Article Pro Software

How We Actually Threw Away 30 Visitors to Our Blog

We threw away 30 visitors to our blog. It was real easy and you can do it too. (I hope you see me smiling)

We posted an excellent content filled article on collage making to several article directories. We had allowed several weeks to go by without checking the statistics.

Finally, late one evening, I decided to look at all the statistics in all the article directories. Well, knock me over, the article on collage making had over 2,000 views on one of the largest article directories on the internet. It also had also been published in 16 E-zines.

We were excited. Then, I decided to peek at the website we used. There had been additional sites created that might fit in the resource page of that article. We were horrified to see a broken link. That means that those 30 clicks on that bad link were trashed. But wait it only gets better. Remember those 16 E-zines that downloaded and published the article? We wonder how many visitors tried to reach our blogs after viewing those articles all over the world.

The morale of this story is to check your links and review your article statistics on a regular basis. You don't want to throw away potential visitors to your sites. Learn from our mistake and errors. After all once you make a mistake you usually will not make it again unless your brain cells are not functioning.

The other lesson is to avoid posting an article to the directory late at night when you are tired. Write it, review it, and go to bed.

We invite you to visit and Hope these links work!

Lucrative Article Marketing - Latest 5 Turbo Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

Writing and syndicating your articles is currently the best method in dominating your chosen niche. If you are able to provide your potential clients with quality articles that are filled with relevant and useful information, they will instantly regard you as an expert who has great answers to their questions and needs.

1. Strengthen your writing skills. Well-written articles can attract the kind of attention you need to boost your ebusiness. Brush up your grammar and vocabulary, strike out run-on sentences, make sure that your ideas are coherent, and be particular with your spelling and punctuation marks. These will make your article easy and enjoyable to read.

2. Pack your articles with useful information. Before you write your articles, identify the needs and demands of your potential readers. This can help you select and present the best information that will be focused and targeted to their needs.

3. Do your research. Make it a habit to read at least 3 reputable websites about your chosen topic before you tap on your key board. This is to gain more information to make your articles content-rich and to validate your ideas to make your content accurate and fact-based.

4. Use simple language. You can't expect everyone online to be well-versed with highfaluting words especially those who are not using English as their primary language. To get your message across easily and to avoid confusion, stick with words that are easy to understand and very common to your target market. Remember, you are writing to inform and not to impress.

5. Pick the best article distribution sites. Go with the ones that are not only popular but trusted as well. These sites attract the right kind of people who might be interested in picking up and republishing your articles to increase your inbound links and online exposure.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How to Create Your Own Article Writing and Article Submission Strategy

Do not let your worry that you are not a professional writer prevent you from using article marketing, one of the most reliable ways of increasing web site traffic.

You are not writing articles to be graded on like a college exam, you are looking to learn to implement an article submission strategy to start creating profits online.

Here are 7 steps to get you started article marketing:

  1. Select your target market category, choose a topic, create your title, and write your article content, and an effective resource box with anchor or text links to your website
  2. Provide good quality, highly relevant content and you'll be helping the search engines, and in turn, you'll gain legitimate back links, your readers will be able to easily find you, and you'll be able to maintain a long term presence online.
  3. Create a call to action in your article that will encourage article readers to click on the link in your bio or resource box that will take them to your desired web page
  4. Create separate web pages for each key word phrase and optimize that page for that specific keyword - use a content or squeeze page with an autoresponder opt in form.
  5. Submit all your articles to a short list (5-6) of high ranked (PR 5-7) article directory sites to get immediate indexing by search engines. I recommend doing this step daily, or at least weekly. Remember search engines like to see regular updating.
  6. Submit selected articles to a long list of 100 -150 (PR 2-5) article directory sites to generate back links over a period of time. I recommend doing this at least monthly
  7. Test various approaches and directories and carefully document what you do and the results you get. Learn to use your autoresponder to track your results by creating separate web forms for each of your traffic sources or article directories.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new e-book, a guide to creating profits online successfully - "How to Breathe Life into Your On-Line Business"

- Download it here - Free: Learn How Article Marketing Starts You Creating Profits Online

Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your sagging profits online again? Discover the Art of Creating Profits OnLine with Article Submission Strategy

Leo Hanes is full time internet marketer, writing and publishing over 100 articles and four books primarily focused on the core principles of creating profits online.

Article Marketing For Better Search Engine Ranking

The key elements to obtaining a higher ranking at major search engines are:

1.Valuable, regularly updated and Search Engine friendly content. This inclusive of the first stages of design, assignment of proper tags and keywords, and web page content, for both humans and Search Engines to read.

2.And the quantity and quality of links, preferably one-way, pointing back to your website.

To Search Engines, a well-linked web site has more value than those with less or none at all. Search Engines tend to rank websites with higher number of quality incoming links (links found at other web pages with high ranking that would direct clicks to your web site).

One way increase your web site's incoming links is through article marketing. It is a marketing strategy that has been more popular in its online advertising form. By doing article marketing, the author or company gains authority or have their expertise make known within the market that they are operating in. The marketer provides valuable information on a certain niche in the form of articles. These articles are then freely distributed to different article directories.

Article Marketing entails time and knowledge or money. Businesses owners/ professionals could also opt to do the writing themselves if they lack the money. Having the money, and not so much time or having poor English, a company or professional could choose to hire ghostwriters who would be willing to give up copyright of their work for a price. Or it could also work with the combination of the factors given depending on what suits the entrepreneur best.

The key to getting articles accepted by the directories are quality content, no advertisement in the article body and no links or if any, just those directed to helpful resources. You also have to work on a resource box that urges the reader to take action to gain business leads.

In need of a ghostwriter? Settle for nothing but the best, even on a budget. Why wait?

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A glimpse at Aweng's thoughts--a personal blog.

We Must Stamp Out the Crappy Articles for More Serious Online Article Content

More than one online article author has said that on the Internet in online article submission websites there are some really "crappy articles" out there. This is their direct words in describing less than acceptable content. Of course there are also some really good "serious" online articles too, so let's not jump to too many conclusions here.

Myself, I have written thin content articles for the pop culture crowd with little if any real substance and I have written some very serious articles as well. Yet, I totally see it too and understand the dilemma myself since I often write some of both types of articles. But if this is a push-pull thing then perhaps there should be two websites for each top online article submission website?

One for "trite" articles and one for serious articles, with a section for full-on "white papers" or borderline "research papers" with serious eBooks available splitting sales with authors?

It seems that those who write the better more serious articles would have a thing or two to say about the garbage articles, I cannot blame them and have complained myself. Of course like most, I have adjusted my content downward slightly to:

A.) fit in and;

B.) meet the expectations of the Internet Surfers who are shallow often in their thought processes.

Then there is the issue of quality such as punctuation, spelling and sentence structure. Indeed, I myself have worked hard to watch the spelling etc, and make sure to bring one decent point at least to the reader in every article.

The endless "get rich quick" or "Get a Date" articles are prolific, but not just on the top online submission websites, actually all over the Internet. Apparently because people like them, that is the average populi or teenager surfer. They are humans and that is what the masses are, happy humans doing their thing, procreating more of the same?

You know there is a market for serious articles and excellent content, I am a reader who likes the good stuff, but realize if you write for that market, that yiu are writing to 5-10% of the population and the other 90-95% seems to enjoy at least some of the fluff, BS articles and 50% just love them?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

How To Maximize Every Article You Write By Thinking Outside Of The Box!

It pays to think outside of the box in business. If you utilize every resource you have to its maximum, it only means larger profits! This article will discuss several ways to advertise your articles for maximum exposure all over the World Wide Web.

1) Post your articles to article directories

This is the common one. But do not only post to one article directory like many article writers do. Find three popular directories and post all your articles to them. Thats right, all of them! You want to get as many visitors to your website as possible, dont you?

2) Post them to your blog

A blog needs content, and what better way to add content to it then by using your existing articles? Instead of spending time on the keyboard struggling to come up with new content, simply use the articles you have already written.

3) Post them on forums

Forums are a great way to brand yourself as an expert in your niche. You can start new threads that encourage discussion by using some of your more controversial articles. People will start to pay attention to you if you post interesting content.

4) Create e-reports

You can compile a set of related articles that you have written into an e-report. This is an awesome method to create an instant product! E-reports can be given away or sold and they are great for establishing credibility. In fact, if you have many articles, you can create dozens of these small reports.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before its gone!

Article Marketing - Your Headline Do's And Don'ts

Article marketing is a very powerful way of generating traffic and reputation for your affiliate marketing business. But you must work at it and do it right to get the great short and long term results that you hope for.

In this article, we will discuss crucial tips for writing your headline that will help increase your readership.

Whether you are writing articles for your affiliate marketing website, blog or to submit to other sites, your article will only attract attention if your headline is worded properly. The first thing that your potential readers and hopefully customers will see is your headline.

Write a great headline and they are hooked, write a dud headline and no-one will read your well thought out, informative copy.

Headline Do's

  • Targeting: Your headline must reflect what your article is about. Imagine coming across a great headline, you click on the article and find it is totally off topic. You would be really disappointed. Also the next time you come across an article by the same author, the trust is no longer there and you would probably pass. Make sure that your headline is related to the content of your article.

  • Teaser: Structure your headline in a way that tells the reader what they are about to read without giving too much away. Try to arouse their curiosity on the topic, make them want to click on your article to read more. A headline ' SEO can dramatically improve your website's traffic' will not have the same pull as 'Discover 3 crucial SEO changes you can make to increase traffic to your website today' Same meaning, different delivery

  • Tone: Hype is a rampant disease on the internet. As with most infective diseases, over-exposure has led to the development of immunity or resistance in the population. So many headlines are so over hyped that they tend to ensure your article will not be read. How often do you take time to read the article with a headline like this? 'How to make $50000 while you sleep, in just 2 weeks'. You want your article's headline to generate excitement but be credible. That way you present yourself as a credible business.

  • Keywords: Try to include your keywords in your headline. Don't overdo it. Including your keyword is good for SEO, and tells your reader what your article is about
Headline Don'ts

  • Tricks: Tricks will just irritate your readers and may offend them. It may come across as you insulting their intelligence. Your business should be presented as a serious business and resorting to trick to get readers will erode your reputation. There are all sorts of tricks eg keyword stuffing that may work in the short term, but in the long term will seriously hurt your business

In a future article, we will discuss tips on writing the body of your article to increase your click through rate.

Internet Marketing Articles for newbies and Affiliate Marketing Tips for newbies at

Trans Atlantic SEO: Is A Call Centre The Same As A Call Center?

"We (the British and Americans) are two countries separated by a common language."
G.B. Shaw

There is a patina of friendly competition that spans the north Atlantic, and misunderstandings can be humorous and worthy of retelling many times over a whiskey. As an American replied when asked, by an Englishman, why he pronounced words in such a curious way, he said perhaps we went to different schools.

Well, different schools it may be, but language is changing on both sides of the Atlantic, and anyone with a website that wants to take advantage of two of the biggest markets in online business, should know exactly when search engines find it important.

It was Noah Webster who changed many words to their present form. Slowly he Americanised spelling. He chose s over c in words like defence; he changed the re to er in words like centre; changed traveller to traveler, and although at first he kept the u in words like colour or favour, he changed them in later editions of his dictionary.

So what are the ramifications of for SEO.

Let us take as an example

OPEX are a provider of call centre solutions in the UK, so on the face of it would use key phrases like call centre, or contact centre, with the 'er' ending as they are spelled in the UK.

It is not, however, quite that simple.

A tool that says it provides results depending on what market you are aiming at is the yahoo search marketing keyword tool (Overture).

If I type in call centre in the section designed to exhibit UK results, I find that the UK spelling does not come up at all in the singular spelling of the word. It seems that the UK spelling of call centre has dropped from the radar entirely.

Are we getting confused about spelling in old blighty? It wouldnt be the first time. We might drive 60 miles, but then run 100 metres, a hot day can be over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, but it is cold at sub zero degrees centigrade, cars are filled in Litres, but a car that does 50 miles to the gallon is doing its bit to save the planet.

Not giving in I went back to my trusty keyword tool and tried again with catalogue, and it came back with results spelled catalog.

Smelling a rat I popped across to the overture bid tool, and found that the bids were exactly the same for the US and UK spellings. It seems that yahoo search marketing (or what used to be overture) bundles US and UK spellings in the same pot. I was not going to get any meaningful data here.

I then took a look at the keyword suggestion tool at which finally gave me some recognisable results. Using its own database of searched for terms, It told me that 570 people per day were searching for call center (US) and 92 were looking for a call centre (UK). So UK English is, most probably, still being used in England.

But how do search engines react to the different spellings?

Google does take notice. If we type Contact centre into Google we get different results to contact center, as we do for color and colour, so Google does not just bundle the results into one big lump.

How do the results differ? Well for a start in the US version of Google, which seems to get from 70% to 80% of Google traffic even in the UK, call center gets 947,000,000 results, and call centre gets 157,000,000, which is a very similar ratio to the wordtracker results at around 6 to 1 US to UK spellings.

If we look at results are, of course, biased more towards UK results, including spelling. But with many UK websites reporting only 25% to 30% of Google traffic coming from the UK version its search engine, we find ourselves in a quandary.

If we do a search on call centres, in Googles US version, using the English spelling, the number two slot is a website that does not have the UK version of the word in it.

Put simply.

If you are an American or an English site, with any keywords that require different spellings for each side of the pond, and you want to either capture the other market or even, in the case of UK sites, be sure of covering all angles in your own market, best optimise for both.

So how do we do that.

One way is to maintain a (or etc) and a .com site. This risks tripping over Googles duplicate content algorithm made popular in the jagger update, and marketing efforts, like link building, would have to be for two separate sites.

Another possibility is to use both UK and US spelling in the same site content. But how does this look in a site that is trying to tell its visitors that they are an eloquent business proposition. Well, it is possible to put alternative spellings into things like meta tags and image alts. Its perfectly legal, although Noah Webster might turn in his grave.

Dominic Reid is a Search engine optimization analyst who runs OpenG SEO.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Latest 4 Latest Steps to Advance With Article Marketing

Generating traffic for your website cannot get easier these days due to the advent of article marketing. Today, you don't need to shell out money to cover for your advertising cost or launch link building campaigns to augment your page engine ranking. All you need to do is write and distribute well-written and content-rich articles to submission sites to gain quality inbound links for your website and establish your expertise on your chosen niche.

Here are the 4 latest steps to advance with article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients when writing your content to effectively determine the kinds of information that they would like to see on your articles.

2. Deliver quality content. Make sure that your articles are worth every second of your readers' time by making them all useful and relevant to their lives or pressing issues. Your articles must also be well-written and free from any kinds of errors to give your readers great reading experience.

3. Pay attention to your titles. The best way to increase your clickthrough rate is to use titles that can effectively grab the attention of online users to get them to read your content. Your titles must not only be intriguing and interesting, but they must also be able to communicate the readers' benefits to further compel online users to read on.

4. Strive for excellence. Consistently offer your readers with nothing but the best and continuously learn the process of article marketing to increase your chances in advancing in this field. Read tutorials, articles, ebooks, and ecourses on a regular basis that can teach you the most advanced methods to maximize the benefits you can get from article marketing.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Revealing Article Marketing - 7 Strategies For Shocking Profits with Article Marketing

It's your job to provide your readers with profound information if you're going to have any success online with article marketing or anything else online today.

I'd like to offer you a fast condensed, brief crash course on article marketing and writing and quickly demonstrate to you how these little "viral cash generating machines" can quickly increase your traffic and sales.

Stay focused on your niche topic and provide useful information and you will have mind-blowing results...

Here are 7 very effective strategies for explosive article marketing:

1. Quality is most important! Do your research and write your marketing articles to educate your readers.

2. Folks like it when you're specific... so give them specifics. Offer links to additional resources if needed.

3. Use popular search engines like Google and Yahoo to read over similar articles and find websites focused on your subject to research your topic.

IMPORTANT: There's nothing illegal or unethical about using information you've discovered from another article or website to create an article of your very own. Just remember -- NEVER copy someone else's work word for word. This is copyright infringement. You can take notes from an informative article you've read and use that information to write your own article just as long as you put things into your own words.

4. List everything you already know about this subject in an easy to reference list.

5. Next, go to Google and do a few searches on the topic. I'm sure you'll find several listings related to the subject. Yes, you might have to be clever in your search, but rest assured -- you'll find the info if you dig deep enough.

6. Then, read over the best of those articles and websites you find and make yourself an ultra-resourceful list on your topic.

7. Finally, take your notes and construct your own marketing article in a simple, easy to read format.

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Grab your free 10 page PDF Ebook from his "Secret Bum Marketing Golden Article Writing Formula" loaded with tactics and secrets at:

Please Explain Bum Marketing To Me!

Bum marketing, a type of internet marketing, is gaining popularity among those who love to live in a virtual world. And it targets many people who want to be writers, even those who enjoy penning down a thought or writing diaries are some person's favorite pastime. For those who have an iota of writing skill have the opportunity to make money now, thanks to the internet. The ultimate bum marketing technique helps you to market your stuff.

You see the Internet is always flooded with plethora of information. So, it is imperative to carve a space for yourselves in the world there via article marketing. Keep in mind the following points about bum marketing.

Bum Marketing Tips

1) The ultimate bum marketing techniques are very simple; even a novice writer can make fortune. The most important aspect of the ultimate bum marketing technique is the proper use of the keywords. The keyword which you select should not have a lot of competition. It is always better to go for a niche segment; select that keyword which has minimum competition on the web. Use the keyword in your title once and in your article few times.

2) A user while looking for any information always types the keywords on the search engine. So, appropriate keywords ensure more number of viewers for your article. You can post your article to or or USFreeADs.

3) Provide a link in your article's resource box so that the person reading it will visit your personal website. If you do not have a personal website, then you can send them to your blog. Thus after the reader reads your article, she or he might be tempted to follow up, visit your site and purchase your products or services sold there....of course making you all smiles.

Viral Marketing Using Free eBooks

You can also adopt the viral marketing using free ebook techniques to market your articles. The positive word of mouth technique helps you to promote your product in the real world, but when the same technique is adopted for the virtual world, the term is called viral marketing. It spreads like a virus and grows exponentially. Viral marketing using free ebooks can help you to generate traffic to your webpage or blog.

The viral marketing using free ebooks technique is simple to follow; just create an ebook and distribute it among say two or three people. Grant them the authority to give your ebooks free to whomever they want. And within no time your ebook will reach everywhere; and you did not spend a penny for it. Just make sure to create a proper link to your web-page or blogs which you want to market. The user will follow the link and may even purchase your stuff linked through it and you can make good money.

The viral marketing using free ebooks technique can boomerang if others start modifying your link and promoting their own product. Software is available in the market place that will prevent miscreants from modifying the link.

The bum marketing and viral marketing using free ebooks techniques when used intelligently will help you to make fortunes. The content that you provide should be original, and the sales copy straightforward; i.e. never try to manipulate people or things (no hype) in order to get quick money. Remember once you earn the trust of the customers, your readers, you will become a brand; you then do not follow the money but money follows you.

Tanya Alston is an internet marketer who believes the only way to make real money online is to spend nothing on marketing. She firmly believes the best viral marketing methods are free and just happen to be the most effective. For more FREE info about how to break into internet marketing, even if you've never made a penny online, go to

Link Building Strategies For A Website Owner

Link building is the first marketing strategy every website should go for soon after submission of their site details to search engines. The popularity of a website is measured by search engines by way of calculating how many links pointing towards it. Some powerful links from popular website can help your website rise to the top of search engines without much waiting.

One-way link building from websites having page rank worth 3 or more can help you to get attention from search engines immediately. These links are worth paying for. These links serves two fold purposes. Apart from being just a link, it also serves as an advertisement of your website. Create attractive links, which are not only rich in keyword but also serves as a good advertisement.

Reciprocal link building is another strategy adopted by many webmasters. But these links tends to be less powerful, since these links are placed in a separate links page which many not have a higher page rank.

Identify a range of keywords which is best suitable for your website and also matches the content you have in your website. These keywords should be related to your kind of business. Crafting a website link is an art, look at how different websites prepare their links with different set of keywords. Seed same set of links in some good websites and soon you will start reaping its rewards by way of higher search engine ranking and an increase in traffic to your website. These links will definitely help your website to get itself exposed to many prospective buyers of your product or services who depends search engines to find a website.

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Change Prospects to Customers with B.I.A.S. Marketing Program

Driving targeted prospects to your website, capturing their contact information and closing a sale can be difficult without four basic elements of marketing: 1) building the relationship, 2) keeping clients informed, 3) aligning your brand and 4) selling (closing the deal). When these segments are implemented properly, you have developed a B.I.A.S. towards your company, resulting in an advantage and influence over prospects that sets you apart from competitors.

What is B.I.A.S. Marketing?

B.I.A.S. Marketing drives prospects to your website, increasing your ability to capture important contact information for future sales. When implemented correctly, you leverag your chances to identify, attract and capture targeted prospects and then turn them into loyal clients.

Elements of an effective B.I.A.S. Marketing campaign include:

Building and maintain relationships. Develop an unfair advantage over competitors. Provide products and services that create two-way communication between potential prospects and your business. To accomplish this, first know who your target customers are. You can identify these individuals by breaking your ideal target audience into the smallest category possible of individuals who specifically want and need your services.

Once you have matched your product or service with the right prospects, focus on the problem that troubles them on a daily basis. Present your workable solution that solves the problem, and viola, you become their go-to person and problem solver. You have created the beginnings of a potentially profitable long-term relationship. Continue solving problems and you will have clients for life.

Inform. Provide general information or resources for your customers. Become passionate about your clients customers and products. Gain their attention by supplying information that demonstrates your interest and commitment to their success.

For example, keep abreast of new technologies that may impact their industry, send informative articles, monitor trends, and introduce them to your network of non-competing clients, which may open doors for joint venture opportunities or affiliations. Take it for granted that clients memories are short. They may not even remember you even when they need your services. Strengthen the relationships by communicating frequently and the doors for profitable business opportunities with remain open.

Align. Stay in tune with your branding or overall business objectives. Never forget your ultimate goals: creating long-term profitable relationships and loyalty between you and your customers.

Ensure that every time you touch your client, i.e. communicate in some manner, the connection advances your objective and can be easily associated with your companys mission and purpose. In other words, stay true to your own business objective and personality and at the same time, become a valuable asset in the clients mind.

Sell. Supply methods to close the deal. Your ultimate goal is to make the sale. To accomplish this, create a clearly defined Value Positioning Statement (VPS), or as it is sometimes called Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and include the following as part of your B.I.A.S. Marketing strategy:

Market your solutions and benefits, not features, and integrate that core marketing message into everything you do. Assume your customers are unaware of everything you do

Communicate your capabilities regularly with a well-defined stay-in-touch program

Maintain an up-to-date customer database, regularly telling prospects what actions you want them to take

Make it as easy as possible for prospects to conduct business by eliminating risk

Make your website assessable and pull them in for the sale. Provide several ways for them to contact you and/or purchase your product.

By implementing this B.I.A.S. Marketing strategy your target prospects will come, purchase and return. You will achieve your ultimate business objective of gaining loyal customers and creating profitable relationships.

Sharon Williams is president and CEO of The 24 Hour Secretary, an administrative, secretarial, marketing and internet-based business support firm open 24 hours a day. Her company helps busy and often overwhelmed executives and entrepreneurs achieve their goals by giving the gift of time. Subscribe to Smart Business = Success, which is stocked with tips for busy professionals and located at The 24 Hour Secretary.

9 Killer Strategies To Run A Successful Home Based Business

The combined application of several effective successful home based business strategies working together can create a foundation of unstoppable, targeted web site traffic, that leads to being able to stop working on your web site alltogether and start enjoying life-time of automatic residual profits.

This is the ultimate goal of all successful home based business marketers.

All internet marketing tools and tips are already invented. There are a lot of internet marketers, who have already done the success and reached their goals. When you now want to run a successful home based business, just pick the strategies, that fit for you. You can reach the success by only one strategy or combining a few of them.

Pick from these successful home based business strategies

1.Know your web site. This is the starting point. The affiliate must know the details and the culture of the web site, which is his online store, to be able to promote it in the right way and to the right target audience.

2.Select an email automatic responder. An effective idea is to automate your actions as much as possible, because it will give you more time to run more actions for your successful home based business. Make sure your affiliate program`s principal can offer a well-written and long lasting direct email marketing campaign. Select an email automatic responder with a rich selection of features, for instance a possibility to send broadcast.

3.Tell all your friends. Distribute the word to all family and other friends, that you have started and will run a successful home based business and ask if they can help a little bit".

4.Collect optin email leads. The fortune is in your optin email list. That`s true! The best way to build the optin email list is through a form on the web site, where web site visitors can type their name and email address. Now your email automatic responder starts to send direct email marketing campaign during a long period of time. 5.Post to internet marketing forums. If you want to run a successful home based business, go to internet marketing forums, like The WarriorForum, where you`ll meet the most successful internet home business marketers and will get the tips you need.

6.Advertise with Google AdWords. Over 100 million people all over the world use Google on every day. Google AdWords is the best way to get targeted web site traffic to your successful home based business with a modest budget.

7.Write affiliate marketing articles. Why? Because affiliate marketing articles, when they are SEO articles, will bring two effective things to your successful home based business: pre-sold and targeted web site traffic and they will increase search engine ranking by building links,i.e. Backlinks from article directories and related web sites. And affiliate marketing articles work long term.

8.Blogging for business. A blog is like a web site but much easier to start. No domain name is needed and it`s free. To start a blog takes only a few minutes and you can publish the same kind of material as in your affiliate marketing articles.

9.Build links with the related web sites. The links are your internet business relations, which will bring targeted web site traffic and a possibility to increase search engine ranking. Residual links means links between two sites. Even more important are one way or backlinks, i.e. links from other web sites to your site. I want still to emphasis the importance of internet marketing forum, when you`select the strategies for you. When you have done that, then JUST DO IT!

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Viral Marketing - 6 Astonishing Viral Marketing Strategies That Will Get the Word Out Quickly

Viral marketing or some may refer to it as buzz marketing, provides some of the most amazing results to almost any online business, products or services. It is a vast source of "one-way" links, sales leads and targeted website traffic. Surprisingly, several marketers are either not familiar with these particular strategies or do not recognize their capabilities or are not taking complete advantage of what they call the "viral factor" in their online marketing efforts.

Viral marketing pertains to the method of giving away something for free then allowing individuals to distribute or send it out to others. Viral marketing's main purpose is to circulate your message or promotion to as various individuals as possible yet not spending any money for promotion or advertising. Although a very profound marketing tool, this method is probably the least used by many marketers online.

Generally, viral marketing strategies can be utilized by any online business or web site, be it small or big. Any online marketer can use such strategies provided that they are willing to devote some time to set up certain criteria to become positioned effectively. Viral marketing strategies done the right way will produce numerous benefits.

Simply put, the basic concept of all viral marketing strategies is to include a freebie in your ad that people can use or giveaway. The best benefits of viral marketing are:

* Increase link popularity

* Increase or improves targeted traffic

* Builds brand recognition

* Generates targeted leads

* Automates marketing efforts

With that said, here are 6 astonishing viral marketing strategies that will get the word out quickly about your business, product, or service.

1. Writing articles with a resource box. Write articles pertaining to your service or products. Allow your recipients to reprint or copy your articles in their newsletter, website, ezines, magazine or e-books. Your article must include or display your "resource box" as well as the option for reprints of articles at the bottom.

2. Using forums and discussion boards. When you are capable of setting up a bulletin board or a forum, then you actually have a very effective marketing tool. You can invite and permit online users to utilize your "discussion board" on their website since many internet users do not have these tools. 3. Providing free website. When you are making use of a "dedicated server", you are able to permit internet users to register for a web site for free on your own server. And because you gave away some space, you can oblige them or demand that they display your "banner ad" at the uppermost potion of their site.

4. Distributing free software. Permit your website visitors to distribute your software for free. Simply include your online business ad within the software. The internet provides numerous available tools that permit you to "brand" your software with messages and your contact information.

You can pay for the rights and then you have your own software for free! Or, there are programs available that permits you to make your very own software. Just search the internet!

5. Offering free graphics, banners, templates, etc. If you have the skill and talent for web design, then you can be able to make graphics, templates, banners etc., upload all to your website and allow your visitors to pass on your fonts, graphics, templates, banners etc., for free, of course. Simply display your ad onto your designs or oblige recipients that they "link directly" to your site. Also be certain that you incorporate a "link back" to your website in your "copyright notice" and oblige your recipients to hold intact your "copyright notice".

6. Free redirect service. Permit your web visitors to impart your "free online service" to their visitors, web site, e-zine or newsletter subscribers. It can be a free e-mail, "search engine submissions", e-mail consulting, etc. Let your imagination soar and think of things that you can offer for free.

Keep in mind that your marketing message that will be relayed or transmitted by any type of viral strategy should be brief and clear; likewise it should be simple for your visitor to obtain your free offer.

In the same way each free item should carry a very simple course through which a recipient is able to inform his links or friends about it, in order that they also can obtain your free offer and simultaneously be able to view your message then supply you with their email address and names.

Viral marketing strategies are very powerful marketing tools; however, these are tools that are required to be carefully used with substantial thought. When you are offering something for free, note that it needs to be of good quality, of good value, and targets the needs of your prospects.

Ontarian Hawkins is an established internet marketer, mentor, and business coach that teaches various pillars of marketing. To find out how Ontarian can help you with your marketing efforts go pick up his FREE Zombie Marketing Report on how he does it here =>

Article Marketing Insights by a Real Article Marketer

Article Marketing Insights by a Real Article Marketer

Dont take offense to that if you are a real article marketer. And I will let you determine what a real article marketer is.

But one of the things I have observed online is that there are roughly 100 people or less who make a full time income online using article marketing. I call them real article marketers. Then there are people who are actually article marketing, but just do it part time and I dont know the number of this group.

But I can tell you this. At the time you are reading this, I have over 1300 articles published online, and all of them are set up in such a way that I get traffic to my web site from them every single day.

The articles are my lifeblood they drive the traffic that makes me a living.

In the process of writing and publishing 1300 articles, I have developed some insights. The first insight is that there are two purposes to article marketing.

One purpose is that of generating backlinks to your web site. To do that you need to write a few articles and submit them to hundreds of article directories.

The other purpose of article directories is to write multiple articles and submit them to a few directories, the top few directories in terms of traffic.

Another insight I have had is that you cannot accurately measure article marketing results after 20 articles, or even 100 articles. I have been article marketing for over 8 months now, and I still get traffic from the very first articles I published over 8 months ago. This means that there is a cumulative effect of time on my articles. If I had measured the success of my articles that first month I would have only been measuring 1/8 of the total time that my article is online. And if I try to do a complete measurement right now, I would only get half of the result that I will if I measure in another 8 months. What about 5 years from now?

It is impossible for me to even imagine the total impact of my articles after 5 years on the internet.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Build Your Online Business Using Viral Marketing Techniques

Viral marketing has emerged as an unstoppable marketing tool to reckon with in businesses. It is a system that makes use of networks that have existed from before for the promotion of a service, idea, or a product. The term viral gained currency because this marketing method spreads very fast among people by passing information.

Given below are some superb viral marketing techniques and characteristics:

1. Give away something of value away for free

One of the most powerful marketing terms is none other than "free." When you plan to use this term for your enterprise think about what you want to give away as a freebie. A few of the common things are research reports, e-zines and books, free samples, or an email auto-responder course. All of these items can be provided for "free" through various means. Put opt in tools on all the pages of your website for any or all of the above.

Opt in functions should also be installed in your current e-zines, in your article or blog signature file, in your email signature file and cross referenced with each marketing tool.

2. Provide a way to easily transfer an idea, image or concept to others

Viruses spread only when they are easily transmitted, otherwise they stay inside their host subject. It is very important to create a marketing system that can be forwarded easily. Attachments, HTML emails, podcasts and website links are some of the techniques that can be sent to recipients. Internet users also forward to others website links of articles, blogs and forum posts that they like themselves.

3. Make it scalable

Your business as well as website should have the strength to tackle a large flow of queries when you start on viral marketing. For instance, if large number of people show interest on your freebies that you have put up, do you possess the technology to deliver what you promise? If not, then you should contact a provider that can do the needful on your behalf. Becoming thoroughly acquainted with this marketing tool before you introduce a campaign and getting used to the supportive technology that you will require to execute the plan are a must as requests pour in.

4. Make use of the motivation and natural instinct of others

Opt ins and permission email lists are instances of marketing skills that make explore the natural instinct of people to want things for free. Affiliate programs make use of businesses by generating a high volume of links from persons searching for a place to put high quality ads on their sites.

5. Utilize current and existing communication methods

Once you decide to launch a viral marketing campaign, make sure that you explore the most recent internet marketing tools and trends. Right now email autoresponders, podcasts, nanocasts, article writing, blogs, and instant messenger are the most popular communication and marketing tools the Internet has to offer. To become a successful business owner you will need to acquaint yourself with all of these methods and also newer techniques that come up so as to build a real viral marketing potential.

By making the most of the above ideas, your business will be in a prime status to generate small and even big scale viral effects as you create quality materials for your business.

Paul Majestyck is the publisher of EZ Affiliate Profits :Great Articles Top Notch Resources Free e-Courses Product Reviews & Videos To Help You Shorten The Online Learning-Curve And Start Generating Income visit=> Also be sure to visit his Digital MegaWebstore eNetMall :The #1 Digitital program and product store on the internet =>