Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fast Article Marketing - Announcing 5 New Steps to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is proven to be one of the most important aspects of internet marketing and search engine optimization as it provides online users what they truly need - information and make your website more valuable to eyes of search engines. That is why it is currently the number one marketing and product promotional tool that is being used by millions of online entrepreneurs and marketers worldwide.

Here are the 5 new steps to amplify your article marketing:

1. Offer useful information. In order to generate the right kind of attention online, your articles must contain information that will be truly appreciated by your readers. These can be potential solutions to their pressing issues, information that will help them understand their current situation or their areas of interest, or answers to their burning questions. When you are able to help you readers through your content, you can be assured that they will trust you and treat you as someone who is very knowledgeable on your chosen niche. This can promote customer trust and loyalty.

2. Multiply the number of your articles. You might have heard this before, but I'll say it again. Article marketing is indeed a game of numbers. Thus, you must strive to boost the number of your articles so you can easily augment the number of your inbound links and strengthen your online presence by giving your readers more quality information.

3. Consider your readers. This is one of the most important elements that can guarantee you success in this marketing tool. You have to consistently keep your readers in mind when writing your content. Strive to give them everything they want so you can easily convert them to potential clients. Offer them the information they need, write your articles using their own language and preferred terms, and connect them to your content.

4. Avoid making your articles sound like sales letter. Instead of giving your readers blatant ads, which can be downright annoying, strive to give your readers the information they need and save your sales pitches for your resource box.

5. Proofread and revise. Check the general flow of your articles and make sure that they are focused and coherent. Eliminate grammar, spelling, and factual errors to give your potential clients great reading experience. In addition, strike out fillers and fancy words that can make your articles confusing and lengthy.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Powerful Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Effective Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Are you thinking of using article marketing as your advertising tool in promoting your business and marketing your products in the World Wide Web. Well, I'd say you have made a wise decision as it is the most efficient and cost-effective marketing tool in the internet today.

Here are the 4 effective secrets to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Use striking titles. Your headlines are one of the elements that can either make or break your marketing efforts. These can be your greatest tool in getting online users to open and read your articles. Thus, it is very important that your titles are attention-grabbing, interesting, direct to the point, and communicate the readers' benefits.

2. Content. This is what will be the deciding factor of online users if they will read, pick up, and republish your articles. If your content is well-written, useful, interesting, fact-based, and direct to the point, you can be assured that your articles will be widely distributed.

3. Target market. You also need to make sure that your articles are targeted and relevant to your potential readers' needs. After all, they will be the one who will read your articles so you might as well make your content beneficial for them. If you can consistently do this, your readers will not only support your other articles but also, they will most likely to consider doing business with you.

4. Article submission sites. In writing your articles, you need to consider the rules and terms of service set forth by publishing sites to increase the chances of your articles being posted online. Some of their requirements are the following: your articles must run 300-500 words, they must be free from blatant advertisements and sales pitch, they must not have hyperlinks on the article body, they must not contain inappropriate content, etc.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Best Article Marketing - 4 Incredible Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you want to attract more people to your website, you need to figure out some effective ways on how you can offer them with what they really need - information. The best marketing tool that can help you achieve your goal is article marketing. Through this, you will be able to impart your knowledge to your target market to build rapport and trusting business relationship.

Here are the 4 incredible methods to energize your article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. To make your articles highly targeted, useful, and focused, you need to keep your potential readers in mind when writing your content. Consider their needs, their demands, their language, and the solution they require to resolve their pressing issues.

2. Choose your topics. The best way to ensure that you will benefit from your article marketing campaign is to write topics that are closely relevant to your products. Simply put, writing articles about clothes when you are selling food supplements will not drive interested parties on your website.

3. Use powerful resource box. In this section, you can make your call to action to move your readers to either visit your site or join your email marketing list. Whatever is your objective in publishing your articles, make sure that your resource box is compelling enough to maximize your chances of realizing your marketing goals. Don't forget to include your name, your photo, your expertise, and the problems you solve to make it more enticing.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Post your articles to all possible avenues that can give them exposure online. Submit to article submission sites, directories, and social bookmarking sites. You can also post them on blogs, forums, and even on your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

The Biggest Secret To Selling On The Internet

One of the single biggest mistakes most Internet marketers make is trying jump right into a sales pitch without warming up first.

By that I mean, they try to sell a complete stranger who lives maybe 5,000 miles away on a product or service, without any kind of warm up or finesse.

And unless you are the first person in your market, this can spell disaster for you.


Because selling is mostly about relationships. Your relationship to the person you are asking to spend money on what you have.

And personal relationships and business relationships start off the exact same way.

For example, if you are going to ask a woman on a date, are you going to walk up to her and ask her to marry you?

Or are you going to say something like, "lets go out for a cup of coffee or a movie."

You see, marketing online is just as much about building and maintaining a relationship as offline marketing is.

Thats why on my own sites, I always give people good, solid information they can use up front. They can spend hours on my site getting to know me, who I am, what I have to offer them.

And when it comes time to buying, they already trust me and my opinion. I'm not some criminal out to steal their identity or money.

And if you sell anything on the Internet, you should seriously consider doing the same thing. Give a little information up front before asking for the sale. Whether it's in a sales letter, newsletter or anywhere else.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

Offline Marketing Strategies for Targeted Traffic to Your Website

People think that getting traffic to a website is a difficult thing. It really is not, but it could be expensive unless you use tactical strategies. Driving traffic to a website really is simple. There are many ways to accomplish this from an online perspective.

Online you can do several things like writing articles like this one. You can also generate traffic by doing press releases, creating content rich blogs and getting link partners and the like to back link to your website. And of course we have all heard about the quickest and easiest way to drive traffic to our website being the all infamous joint venture partner to send out an email to their list. Last but not least online you can always use pay per click advertisements for getting not only traffic but instant traffic.

I am not covering any of these online techniques in this article. I am covering a simple and inexpensive technique any one in any niche can use to drive targeted traffic to their website.

First you need a widget. This can be obtained from many different sources. It can be a private label right product pertaining to the niche market you are trying to reach. Believe me there are tons of private label rights on many different topics. Just do a search on any of the major search engines and you'll see what I mean. You can also get valuable and little known information from free government sources. There is also a ton of information on the public domain that can be obtained on a number of topics. And of course you can use articles from article directories like this one you are reading this article from. This widget can be distributed in the form of a report sheet, or e-book that can be downloaded for free on your website in Adobe PDF format. This is important; make sure that this PDF has back links to your website since this will make your widget viral.

Now go to your local print or copy shop and get a set of simple business cards with only the website address on it in a 14 point or larger font. If you can get them printed on a bright yellow paper with black ink, this I've found works best for curiosity. Hand this card out to as many of your likely prospects as possible. This method will just about guarantee you will get targeted traffic going to your website. If you want to get really good traffic and you have good copywriting skills write a good headline such as "Want to Get To The Heart of Valuable Information on Yourtopic At No Cost Instantly?" If your answer is "YES," then please visit:

Even without using the headline in your business cards the curiosity factor will get people to visit your website. I know this because I have used this technique for several customers of my marketing and printing business and they have reported excellent results in driving traffic to their websites.

When you have determined who your targeted audience is all you need to do is conjugate where this target audience may be located. Here is an example, if you are targeting dog lovers. Find out where the dog shows may be in your town and attend. Go to dog parks and mingle, be friendly. When you are a pet shop this should be your target market heaven. Hand out the cards to just about everyone at the pet shop. On your way out at the check out the person in front on you on the line and the one behind you should get a business card. Now hand out those business cards to them with only the website address or the headline and website address and watch the traffic being driven to the website being more specific to who you want going to your website in the first place.

In summary, driving traffic to your website is just a matter of thinking creatively and not just sticking to online tactics which in many cases will limit the type of traffic to unqualified prospects.

Juan "J.R." Durruthy is President of the Xeucis Media Company, parent company of a marketing, publishing, printing and web development business. He is the author of the book "HUGE Profit Killing Mistakes Businesses Owners Make" and is the designer, writer and creator of several niche driven persuasive direct response marketing packages and loyalty programs. You can visit his site at

Sizzling Idea Hangouts For Article Marketers

No matter what kind of article writer you are, finding new ideas for articles is always a challenge. Well, here are some resources to help you accelerate your topic research:

Authority sites

Think Entrepreneur for the business niche, About for all topics, and the Warrior forum for the Internet marketing niche! There's always authority sites, no matter what topic you are writing about. So go use that wonderful tool called Google to find these sites if you are writing about a totally new 'alien' topic.


Find some cool ideas from niche blogs and run with them. Respected authors and Internet gurus often post some informative content on their blogs. I'm not asking you to plagiarize their content, not at all! But find some ideas you can spin article topics out of.

Yahoo Answers

This is an absolutely great tool for finding out your target market's problems. Just imagine, people are asking questions to their problems here! They actually took the time to type out a question in this site because they want a solution fast. Take a look at what kind of burning questions are being asked and write articles on them. If you go through Yahoo Answers for just 15 minutes, I'd bet you can come up with half a dozen article ideas right there.

And of course the article directories themselves. How could we forget them? These directories are a goldmine for quality articles. Don't copy the topics, but perhaps find some ways to create your own article topics just by browsing through the categories.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Paid Links Are Out, Article Marketing Is In

How will you promote your website in 2008? Will you be buying links in 2008? Are you aware of the benefits of article marketing? As the title of this article suggests, writing articles as a way of promoting a website is suddenly back in fashion.

As recently as the beginning of last year, webmasters were able to basically buy their way to the top of the search engine rankings but Google have now put a stop to this via their war on paid links campaign. People are now running scared of even exchanging web links and so article marketing yet again has come back into the limelight. This is one form of web promotion that not only works but is here to say.

If you would like to see your website obtain higher rankings for its keywords and ultimately gain more traffic, then I would seriously advise you to commence writing articles.

You can write about any subject however content that is related to your website would be preferable. The article should be at least two hundred and fifty words in length, in truth the majority of article directories would rather them have between four and five hundred words. The article needs to be your own work; unique and fresh content is very much sought after at the moment.

You can then submit the article to one or more of the main article directories/websites. My favourite is EzineArticles, others include goarticles, searchwarp, articledashboard and ideamarketers.

Submitting two or three articles will not have too much impact however submitting three hundred will.

I wish you all the best with your web promotion in 2008, happy writing.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:
Stuttering information
Manual article submission service
Debt specialist

Article Marketing Online

Article marketing is an inexpensive venture and can dramatically increase your pool of leads. It can even help you increase your bottom line by adding new streams of income. Article marketing is the absolute advertising technique if you are promoting affiliate products. I bet you think that I am going to list all of the standard reasons, right? Article marketing is one of the best ways to pre-sell a product because it allows you to gain enough credibility with your reader that they are more apt to click on your resource box link to find out more.

Article marketing is one of the best traffic generating strategies and it's easily picked up by the search engines if you chose the right topic, keywords and of course the correct site to submit. I'm am just starting out after read a lots on the internet. and it seems that is the best. I would like to generating some qualified traffic to my site. Article marketing is one of the new, Hot ways to generate traffic, because you are meeting the needs of search engines and the needs of your human website visitors as well. You can distribute articles to submission websites like, and they will be published all over the Internet, with your contact information. Article marketing is by far the most misunderstood form of online marketing there is. It is many different things to many different people.

Article marketing is a tool whose time has come: You can write free articles about your area of expertise. Those articles are distributed across the internet, generating exposure and positive publicity about your business as they are used as free content on various websites. Article marketing is one of the best ways to build free traffic, build your link popularity, build your contact list .

Article marketing is the best content-based marketing solution in the internet today. That is why; every webmasters would like to excel in this technique to get ahead of the pack. Article marketing is a great way to promote your affiliate product or affiliate program. By writing an article that delivers value and offers a subtle mention of your affiliate product, you're well on your way to getting the proper exposure for your promotion. Article marketing is the process of writing articles and submitting them to other web sites to promote your web sites and article pages. This is often referred to as syndication.

Article marketing is a critical part of any successful internet business plan. It is an amazingly effective way to get traffic-building backlinks and a reputation as a reliable source of knowledge.

by William Roberts

I am the owner of several Blogs and websites. I live in South Georgia. I am also just getting started at writing articles.
2008 all rights reserved

How To Submit Articles Online

I submit 3 articles a day to 25 directories each. It would not be possible if I had to do it manually. However, using article submission software, I can submit each article in about 15 minutes. I use Article Submitter, but there are many article submission software programs available. You can find them by doing a search.

Most of these programs come with 100 or more article directories programmed into the system. That makes it very easy to do the submissions. In most cases, just click on the directories that you would like to submit to.

The first time you use your article submission program, you will need to register with each article directory. When registering, use your email address as your user name. By doing this, you know that you will be the only user with that name. In addition, use the same password with each directory. It makes future submissions much easier. The initial sign up procedure takes some time but in the long run, you will save tons of time.

If I tried to submit my articles manually, it would take an hour or more for each article. So, I save about 45 minutes for each article I submit. And on occasion, I will submit an article to 50 of the largest sites; this would take a couple of hours. So you can see the time savings is substantial. This leaves more time available to write additional articles.

Using article submission software can make you significantly more productive if you submit articles with any frequency. In fact, it can make the difference between success and failure in the article marketing area. If you are submitting articles to generate traffic or income, you would do well to look into getting one of the article software submission programs.

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Internet Marketing Training Program - How to Choose the Right Program

Are you one of those who aspire to earn money online on a consistent basis? Internet marketing provides huge opportunities to earn income online and many people have been eager to jump on this money-making bandwagon. However, not many people realize that to be successful in making money online requires proper learning and business planning. Many aspiring internet marketers have been taken in by the countless online promotions and advertisements that promise quick money in the quickest time possible. However, they also fail to realize that they are quickly losing their money in purchasing and investing in many over-hype products that sorely under-deliver. With so many over-hyped and under-performing products online, how then do you choose the right internet marketing training program and start making that first elusive dollar online?

Here are some quick tips which you can use to help you choose an internet marketing training program that delivers. The key thing here is to do a proper research.

1) Read up reviews online and see what people are saying. Look for balanced reviews and comments. Bear in mind that some reviews are written in such a way that blatantly promotes certain products. It is always good to read multiple reviews to have an informed and balanced perspective.

2) Check out internet marketing forums. These are one of the best places to read candid comments about the online purchases people have made. Forum members usually have bought and used certain products, and thus are in a good position to tell you how good or lousy these are.

3) If a website promises overnight riches, chances are, it will under-deliver and you will be sorely disappointed if you choose to purchase the product.

4) Look for a membership program that provides you with well-grounded instructions and continuing support for your online marketing efforts. It is important to know that having the proper knowledge, in addition to the desire to succeed, is crucial to making money online successfully. If a program offers one-on-one coaching and support, that will be a true gem. Many programs on the market promise that you will make money online, but never provide the help and support when you need it most.

5) Tools and resources are critical to an internet marketer's arsenal. Examine what the product has to offer. For example, a website builder, website hosting, keyword research and analytic tools, all provided in an integrated portal, will be extremely useful in building up an online marketing campaign. A well-supported members-only forum, if it is part of the package, will be a truly valuable resource to share ideas and obtain advice from members.

Forget about websites that promise you fast money with minimal effort. Invest your time and effort in an internet marketing training program that delivers, by following the above tips. If you get your online marketing basics right, you will be well on your way to lifetime financial success. Imagine what this could do to your financial security and independence.

Wealthy Affiliate is my recommended online resource to speed up your learning curve in internet marketing. Visit my website at and learn how with Wealthy Affiliate, you can earn your first dollar online. Thousands are already earning money online with Wealthy Affiliate. Why wait? Get inspired by Wealthy Affiliate and start earning online now.

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - The Dilemma Between Long And Short Articles

I am sure that if you have been using article marketing for some time you would have come across long articles and also short articles. You may be considering which of the two to use.

This is my primary method of traffic generation and I have experimented with both methods. What I have traditionally found is that long articles take up so much space that the reader actually does not see my resource box. In the end he does not end up clicking through to my website and subscribing to my newsletter. So in the end it is very ineffective to build a list.

You may be wondering what to do if you were to have a long 1000 word article. I suggest that in this case you break it up into three parts of approximately 300 words each. Say for example your title is How To Write A Killer Resource Box you would include Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 at the end of the title for each article.

In some cases there may be a use for very long articles. Usually this type will have a lot of expert information condensed. So if you would like to brand your name on the internet you can write one of these and submit them to popular magazines that publish reader's articles for maximum exposure.

However, if you are thinking of building a successful internet business you need to seriously look at building your list and getting loyal customers who buy over and over from you as this is the best way of building a stable business.

I suggest that you focus on 250 to 350 word articles to build your responsive list.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Internet Marketing Training Program - How to Choose the Right Program

Are you one of those who aspire to earn money online on a consistent basis? Internet marketing provides huge opportunities to earn income online and many people have been eager to jump on this money-making bandwagon. However, not many people realize that to be successful in making money online requires proper learning and business planning. Many aspiring internet marketers have been taken in by the countless online promotions and advertisements that promise quick money in the quickest time possible. However, they also fail to realize that they are quickly losing their money in purchasing and investing in many over-hype products that sorely under-deliver. With so many over-hyped and under-performing products online, how then do you choose the right internet marketing training program and start making that first elusive dollar online?

Here are some quick tips which you can use to help you choose an internet marketing training program that delivers. The key thing here is to do a proper research.

1) Read up reviews online and see what people are saying. Look for balanced reviews and comments. Bear in mind that some reviews are written in such a way that blatantly promotes certain products. It is always good to read multiple reviews to have an informed and balanced perspective.

2) Check out internet marketing forums. These are one of the best places to read candid comments about the online purchases people have made. Forum members usually have bought and used certain products, and thus are in a good position to tell you how good or lousy these are.

3) If a website promises overnight riches, chances are, it will under-deliver and you will be sorely disappointed if you choose to purchase the product.

4) Look for a membership program that provides you with well-grounded instructions and continuing support for your online marketing efforts. It is important to know that having the proper knowledge, in addition to the desire to succeed, is crucial to making money online successfully. If a program offers one-on-one coaching and support, that will be a true gem. Many programs on the market promise that you will make money online, but never provide the help and support when you need it most.

5) Tools and resources are critical to an internet marketer's arsenal. Examine what the product has to offer. For example, a website builder, website hosting, keyword research and analytic tools, all provided in an integrated portal, will be extremely useful in building up an online marketing campaign. A well-supported members-only forum, if it is part of the package, will be a truly valuable resource to share ideas and obtain advice from members.

Forget about websites that promise you fast money with minimal effort. Invest your time and effort in an internet marketing training program that delivers, by following the above tips. If you get your online marketing basics right, you will be well on your way to lifetime financial success. Imagine what this could do to your financial security and independence.

Wealthy Affiliate is my recommended online resource to speed up your learning curve in internet marketing. Visit my website at and learn how with Wealthy Affiliate, you can earn your first dollar online. Thousands are already earning money online with Wealthy Affiliate. Why wait? Get inspired by Wealthy Affiliate and start earning online now.

Article Marketing - How Can Your Really Become Successful With Article Marketing?

First of all, we must define success in article marketing. If you do not know what you are trying to achieve, then how will you know if you have made it or not?

Before we can even talk about how to define success in article marketing, we must think about what are the possible goals with article marketing.

There are two general ways to make money with article marketing: direct traffic, and building long term inbound links to help you gain high search engine rankings for long term traffic.

In the first case, direct traffic, you will be writing a larger number of articles (100-200 per month if you are fulltime online) and submitting them to a small number of high-traffic article directories.

In the second case, you will be writing a smaller number of articles (perhaps 10 per month) and submitting them to up to about 200+ article directories online. This will create high numbers of backlinks to your web site, which will help increase your search engine rankings, so you can develop long-term sources of income.

Which to choose? I think you should have some mix of both of course you have to decide how much of each you want, as any time spent on one takes time away from the other.

One of the biggest keys to success with article marketing is quantifying your goals online and with article marketing, then going out and doing them. That means if you commit to 200 articles written and submitted this month, if you get behind you simply have to work extra to catch up.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Templates - How To Write Dozens Of Articles Every Single Week Guaranteed!

Writing articles will tremendously increase your traffic, sales, profits and subscribers. The formula is simple. The more articles you write, the more exposure and the more money you will make in the long run.

Many people claim that article marketing doesn't work. Although this method of advertising is slowest than ppc, that doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that it's useless.

You need to understand how it works first like anything in life. One of the best way to increase your article volume on the Internet is to use templates.

How does this work?

There are several article templates that you can use to write faster than you ever imagined. Let's review some of them.

1. The problem - solution

Just state a problem in your introduction. Then, in the second paragraph, show to your reader that he also have this problem like hundreds of others, but you need to make him feel that it can become worst if he doesn't act fast

2. The tips template

This may be the easiest of all. All you need to do is writing a short introduction and then tell your readers that you are going to give him the 7 best tips on the subject.

3. The story

If you are an expert in your subject and you actually have stories to share, just write them. Stories are the most powerful way of communication you can come with, so be sure to use them in your overall writing strategy.

4. The deadly mistakes

This works like crazy. Everyone is afraid of doing mistakes and when you write in your headline: "The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Most People Will Never Know About Fly Fishing", this make people think... "What I am doing wrong?".

Use any of these templates to write your articles in less than 20 minutes and watch your traffic and sales explode.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Article Marketing For Your Business - How To Use Article Writing and Marketing To Attract Clients

Marketing for your business with articles will get you highly responsive and targeted leads. There is no cost involved, so you just invest your time and the pay-off can happen very quickly. Here are 7 ways to write articles that will increase your business, both online and offline.

  • Write short articles, from two hundred fifty to three hundred fifty words in length, that discuss what your product or service can do for the reader.
  • Teach or share a point in your article so that your readers will learn something that will help them in the future.
  • Present the information in your article in a clear and concise way so that it is easy to understand.
  • Leave the reader wanting more. This means that you will end the article before you have given a final conclusion to the problem or situation you are discussing.
  • Have a clear call to action in your resource box. Tell your readers exactly what you want them to do after they have read your article.
  • Spend time on keyword research so that you can maximize the benefits of each article you write. Choose two or three keywords or keyword phrases to focus on so that you can attract people who are searching for your product or service.
  • Write as many articles as you can. Every article you write will work like a robot for you every minute of every day to bring you leads, prospects, and clients for your business for years to come.

Follow these 7 tips and you will have visitors to your website or blog and your business will build very quickly. The more articles you write, the more you will know how to focus on the exact people you are trying to attract into your business.

And now I invite you to download two free writing templates to make the article writing process fast and easy by visiting to write short articles that will bring you more business now.

Article Marketing - Click Throughs VS Target Traffic - Thin or Think Articles

It appears that a very large percentage of the article authors who write on the top online article submission sites are more interested in click-through traffic. This is why they write articles and why they post on article marketing sites, as that is its original purpose of such sites.

Indeed, someone writing better articles can perhaps gain the perception of expert and then get more targeted traffic. There of course is that issue of targeted traffic VS traffic. Still I find that debate interesting because if you have an article with 75,000 views and one with 300, then you will as a percentage get more sales on your website from the one with 75K article views, simple percentages and click through rates, sure the click-through rate maybe less than 1/2 or 1/3 but with that degree of difference - who cares.

You have the traffic and a percentage of those will become buyers you see? Thus if I write a "trite" article about the "10 Most Popular Hair Style for 2007" which I did and if it gets 75,000 article views which it did, I still come out ahead no matter how you slice it.

So, you can see the incentive of thinly written, trite content does pull on one's reality if their goal is solely to get traffic. My goals are not traffic anymore and I do not often write silly articles like that, as it was more of an experiment for me, the subject simply does not interest me, and I could care less "What Paris Hilton Eats for Breakfast in the LA Jail," but you can bet someone who writes that article today, will rock with traffic in the future. Think on this, I did and that title is now taken.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Article Marketing - You Don't Have to Write to Reap the Benefits

Providing quality content to your readers is golden and article marketing has been a proven marketing method many times over.

Writing informative articles is not the only way that article marketing will help your business:

1. Free Content

As for me I blog a lot, run several sites and coming up with posts seems impossible some days.

That's when I start to research articles that closely match my sites niche and use them as blog posts.

Email the author of the article and let them know you used their content including a link directly to their article.

2. Newsletters

Use articles to send out in newsletters.

Again I sometimes come up short with ideas for newsletters or would rather delegate the writing to someone else.

Keep your readers engaged by sending out regular newsletters with quality information and articles.

3. Start Your Own Article Directory

There are several ways that you can start your own article directory and one kickback is to make money from advertisements.

If you like your site more personalized you can hire a web designer to create one for you if you don't know how to already.

Search for free software or customizable templates that are actual article directory that you can create.

You can do what I do because I'm big on blogging so I made a mini directory as a part of one of my marketing blogs: Urban Writ

4. Ad Copy

An attention getting article can be used in web or print advertising. Post the article as a teaser and let readers know that they can find 'more information like this' at your website.

5. E-Zines

Search for articles that contain valuable content that your readers can appreciate. Instead of contacting the author to offer a guest spot use a series of their articles over a period of time.

Hidden Perks

Other benefits of using pre-written articles is the use of key phrases. A well written article may rank high for search engines and bring your web site to front page.

Sending the authors some traffic for work they have already done may get you some return traffic from their site.

Readers have the opportunity to deviate from your site by clicking the links in the resource box of the article. Keep in mind the time saved writing can be used to build your business instead.

Check out some of the latest information on blog marketing and Web 2.0 for your business at the Blogs That Make Money Website!

Best Article Marketing - 4 Incredible Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you want to attract more people to your website, you need to figure out some effective ways on how you can offer them with what they really need - information. The best marketing tool that can help you achieve your goal is article marketing. Through this, you will be able to impart your knowledge to your target market to build rapport and trusting business relationship.

Here are the 4 incredible methods to energize your article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. To make your articles highly targeted, useful, and focused, you need to keep your potential readers in mind when writing your content. Consider their needs, their demands, their language, and the solution they require to resolve their pressing issues.

2. Choose your topics. The best way to ensure that you will benefit from your article marketing campaign is to write topics that are closely relevant to your products. Simply put, writing articles about clothes when you are selling food supplements will not drive interested parties on your website.

3. Use powerful resource box. In this section, you can make your call to action to move your readers to either visit your site or join your email marketing list. Whatever is your objective in publishing your articles, make sure that your resource box is compelling enough to maximize your chances of realizing your marketing goals. Don't forget to include your name, your photo, your expertise, and the problems you solve to make it more enticing.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Post your articles to all possible avenues that can give them exposure online. Submit to article submission sites, directories, and social bookmarking sites. You can also post them on blogs, forums, and even on your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Internet Network Marketing - The 3 Most Critical Yet Least Followed Strategies To Instant Success!

The concept of MLM (Multi-level Marketing) or Network Marketing has been prevalent for several years now and there are many examples of top network marketing companies like Amway, Avon, Tupperware, Herbal Life, Oasis Wellness, Vemma, DHS Club, Melaleuca, Oriflame, Quixtar, Vision for Life etc. to name a few, who have successfully adopted this as the business model for promoting their products and services across the world.

Multitude of enthusiastic & self motivated individuals from all walks of life keep joining the bandwagon of mlm programs & business opportunities every single day, but owing to the lack of knowledge of the right network marketing strategies, they fail. Being successful at Internet Network Marketing was & still is a distant dream for almost 98% of those involved in the mlm business. This is essentially because the people who joined these mlm companies are often part-timers, students, house wives etc, who have little or no marketing background. In most instances they follow their sponsors & up lines, who in keeping with the traditional Network marketing style, taught them to sell, sell, sell and sell to anybody and everybody.

This in itself was the strategy that kills their business, even before it starts. People go about chasing everyone, their family, relatives, friends, strangers at the grocery, cold calling indefinite lists with virtually little or no results. This dampens the initial enthusiasm and soon they are so discouraged that they decide to wind up.

Essentially their failure comes from their inability to generate sufficient leads to recruit a strong down line organisation, ultimately resulting in discouragement & failure. To be truly successful, you need to understand the three very simple principles of marketing, which when understood and followed, can enable anyone to succeed in any business opportunity that he /she may decide to promote.

The first very simple principle to understand and follow is that you must know your market or target audience In other words, you must know who are the people who need your product/service/business opportunity. Remember it would do no good even if you have the world's best product, that doesn't have a market or people who need it. Most Companies hire Product Managers who actually research the market to find the needs of people and the cost that they would happily pay to own it, before designing or launching a new product or service.

The next important principle is to know where these target audiences would look out or search for to be able to reach to the product vendors or service providers. For this, just imagine yourself to be in your customer's shoes and think of where you would look out to search for this product.

Once you have identified the channels or media where people would search for you, you need to follow the third principle of positioning yourself in these channels adequately and relevantly, so that customers look upon you as the best, to be able to provide a solution to their needs. This will enable your target customers to find you and ask for the product rather than you chasing them.

This is true of all businesses, including the Network Marketing Business. Instead of you calling & chasing people who are the least interested in your business, you must know, where the people who require this service would look out for. Go there and be found at every possible channel that they look for. Build your presence in these channels and see the customers or leads following you and demanding your product/ service.

Although the above principles may seem very simple and obvious, these are most often ignored leading to the failure of the business model.

Rashmi Mehta is a marketing & copy writing specialist with over 17 years of hands on experience. Currently involved full time in to Internet Affiliate Marketing, she is writing a new ebook on how & where to 'market' your business to be fabulously successful on the internet.

Whether you are an absolute beginner or a seasoned professional, make your home based business succeed like never before by getting some of the best tips, tools & trainings on

Internet Network Marketing, MLM list building & Success Tools by subscribing to the FREE Internet Home Business Tips Newsletter at

Article Marketing - 4 Big Steps to Advance With Article Marketing

Most webmasters are looking for ways on how they can promote their websites without spending too much but still get the kind of traffic that will bring them huge profit. Article marketing is considered one of the most effective ways in promoting your products and driving organic traffic to your website without shelling out your precious dimes. As such, it is one of the most used marketing strategies by webmasters these days.

If you are currently using this technique but still want to improve the number you are getting in terms of profit and traffic, these 4 big steps will help you advance in article marketing:

1. Write more articles. The quantity of your articles plays a major role in the success of your article marketing campaign. Simply because, each submission grants you one quality back link to your website. Thus, the number of your articles dictates the number of your backlinks.

2. Post your articles to paid submission sites. If you are willing to spend money on this technique, you can do so by joining paid submission sites. These sites allow you to put HTML codes on the body of your articles. In addition, they post your articles quicker because they put them on high priority.

3. Get article submission software. Submitting your articles manually can take a lot of time. If you want to focus on writing articles, I strongly suggest that you get article submission software that will electronically distribute your articles to over 200 submission sites in just few clicks.

4. Permit other online users and webmasters to use your articles. Provided they post your website link on their site. This can lead to massive distribution of your articles that can result to even great exposure for you and your products.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Targeted Article Marketing - Latest 4 Exciting Methods to Amplify Your Article Marketing

A lot of webmasters are constantly looking for ways on how they can amplify their article marketing strategies. Why? They would like to advance in this technique as this is proven to be the best free marketing tool in the internet today. It cannot only drive quality traffic to your website but it can also help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche so online users will trust you and eventually consider doing business with you.

Here are the latest 4 exciting methods to amplify your article marketing:

1. Your articles must be credible. Online users will gauge your expertise and your professionalism based on the quality of your content. If they found that your information are baseless and contain inaccuracies, you will lose their trust and business in an instant. Thus, strive to make your content truthful and back up your claims with reputable resources like studies, researches, and statistics.

2. Proofread. This is especially important if you are one of those marketers who are hiring ghostwriters. Make sure that all your articles are well-written, flow well, and free from any error that can be taken against your credibility and professionalism.

3. Make each word work for you. If your articles contain words that are not in any way helping you get your message across, they are considered filler. Strike them out to make your content brief and concise.

4. Write topics that are related to your products. If you are selling laptops and you are writing about mobile phones, you might be able to drive traffic to your website but will it be targeted? Chances are, you will have online visitors that are not interested on what you offer and cannot help you augment your revenue. That is why it is very recommended that you stick with topics that are relevant to your offerings to drive interested parties to your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Productive Article Marketing - 9 Steps to Get Started With Article Marketing

Article marketing may seem difficult at first; however once you get started, there will be nothing stopping you in your marketing. First of all, narrow down the topics you can write about on your site by listing the main topics of the site then think of the main information a person will be seeking through the site, and accordingly create articles providing this information.

Framing the article well also helps in its marketing. Use an introductory sentence with the main points, then the article and as a conclusion, summarize everything again for better results. Article marketing is more successful with links placed on the web page, at the end of the article. This way, you will get more visitors to your website. You could also offer free incentives like a free e-book at the foot of the article to generate more visitors to your website.

There are many search engines on the internet; use them to find out about article directories as a part of article marketing. Then the submission of your article in the many search engine directories will greatly help you in your article marketing.

When writing articles, remove your limits and write as much as possible about the topic in mind. This provides more keywords in the articles, and a better possibility of people visiting your site. however in a bid of marketing your article, there is no point in wavering from your topic. Stick to the focus of the topic to generate more links to your site.

And most important, edit your articles and polish them well so that you provide links to your site and not to other sites because of the wrong keywords and ideas. Using all these steps will help you in your article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to generating massive traffic Triple Your Traffic Fast'

Download it free here: Triple Your Traffic Fast

Download a free article marketing guide here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

Article Submission Software Secret Article Marketing Weapon

Article submission software is not new to experienced article marketers. If you have just started to use articles to market your product, or business, then the whole concept of article marketing using article submission software could be fresh to you. Every successful internet marketer and webmaster has their private arsenal of marketing tools. Without them, there is a limit to what they can achieve within the 24 hours everyday. Businesses crawl at snail pace without these tools. As an article marketer, article submission software is their secret weapon.

But what if you are a new webmaster and author and want to try your hands on article marketing to get a rough feel about the workings of this traffic building technique first? By all means, try it! You can learn some tips here on how to submit articles if you intend to do so manually without the help of an article submission software.

If you are signing up the first time for all the article directories, remember to stick with the same username and password for all the sites for easy reference and recollection. The trick here is to use a auto form filler such as RoboForm or a browser with a built-in auto-fill feature such as Mozilla FireFox. Save your personal details in the profile and the tools will auto-populate the registration forms at the article directories. Roboform has a full featured free-trial version that allows you to save the login details for up to a certain number of sites.

Use a multi-tab browser that allows you to group numerous tabs and comes with easy tab group management. Open all the article directories, maybe in groups of 20 30 at a time and bookmark each group. Load each group to sign up for all of them. The next time you need to submit, simply call them up again. However, there is a limitation here as different article directories run on different login interfaces. So if you are using free auto form fillers or browsers auto-fill function, there is a limit to the number of sets of login details you can save.

Article directories have varying requirements on your article such as its word count and format. Some come with built-in HTML editor, while others only accept articles in text format. The neatest way is to use notepad instead of Microsoft word for article content because it takes all the formatting out of the article.

Even with these tips, it can be extremely painful to submit an article one by one to each article directory. Many hours of time that could be spent writing more articles and making more sales are wasted. Moreover, article submission software nowadays would only set you back by approximately $100 150. A few sales can easily recoup this small investment and you are well on your way to profit from this powerful tool.

Learn more tips about article marketing at my blog and review some of the most powerful article submission software used by many successful authors.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Discover more about article marketing and read reviews of top article submission software such as Article Post Robot, Instant Article Submitter etc and find out how these tools can drive instant and continuous traffic to your website at

Internet Marketing Articles - Learn Process Used By Experienced Marketers, Never Before Shared Free

The truth is the market for people looking for ways to make money online continues to grow at a rapid pace every day, as does the competition. As a person starts to gain some experience of the techniques used to market online, they soon start to hear about and try Internet article marketing. The reason this is so predictable, is because this continues to be one of the most effective ways to market your product or service on the Internet. I think there can be more benefits to article marketing then I read in the hundreds of article that I have read to date.

One of the main points of Internet article marketing that I think is over looked is what you learn by going through the process of writing articles. If you think about it, if you are taking the time to do the research to learn about a topic, you are probably learning something new about it as well. Already, you have benefited from the process of writing articles in a way that is seldom talked about. If you just write one article, then this benefit seems minimal, but there is a way that you can really compound this benefit.

Everything you do on the Internet you should be looking for ways to compound our efforts, or your benefits. One of the best ways to do this when writing articles for marketing on the Internet is to write as many articles on a single topic as possible. You are already thinking about it, you have done some research about it, so you take advantage of your current focus, and instead of writing one article, you write 5 or 10 or more. It turns out that this can still have even more benefit than this.

If you use this process several times, you can compound this effect even further. As explained above, the key to maximizing your efforts is to do the research, and then write several articles based on what you have learned so you get the greatest benefit from your. Now, Let say you go through this process again to get some fresh information on the same topic, so you can write 5 more articles. Now you have learned more than the average person on the topic and you are almost an expert.

If you were to do this 3, 4 or even 5 times, you would have 25 articles, written very quickly, and not only that, but you have also moved yourself in to the category of expert on the topic. And, you have enough written material to easily create an information product. You could either use this to sell and make money, or you could use it as a giveaway gaining the viral effect of having it being downloaded and distributed for free all over the world as the word of its information and value spread.

Now you see how simple it is to compound your efforts while developing content for Internet article marketing. In the article, you have learned the secrets used by experience Internet marketers for years. The difference between get tens and hundreds of viewers for your efforts and thousand and tens of thousands is learning to compound your efforts and results.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.